Brittany Kruger Profile Photo
Dr. Brittany Kruger
Assistant Research Professor, Geology


Isotope Geochemistry, Astrobiology, Carbon Cycling, Ecosystem Science, Water Resources, Limnolgy


Heintz, K. M., Saftner, D. M., Boisramé, G., Sasaki, M., Kruger, B. R. (2024). Monitoring Groundwater Levels in Oasis Valley, NV, and Evaluating Potential Drawdown During the North Bullfrog Aquifer Test, Publication No. 41305. Division of Hydrologic Sciences, Desert Research Institute

Kruger, B. R., Sackett, J. (2024). Abiotic and biotic factors influencing small-scale corn production along a shade spectrum in arid urban agriculture settings, Plos one, 19 (4), e0301633. Public Library of Science San Francisco, CA USA

Feyhl-Buska, J., Wu, F., Smith, I., LaRowe, D., Robador, A., Kruger, B. R., Osburn, M., Amend, J. (2024). Calorimetric measurement of energy and nutrient stimulation of microorganisms from the continental deep subsurface, Frontiers in Microbiology, 15, 1455594. Frontiers

Kruger, B. R., Hausner, M. B., Chellman, N. J., Weaver, M. R., Samburova, V., Khlystov, A. Y. (2023). Dissolved black carbon as a potential driver of surface water heating dynamics in wildfire-impacted regions: A case study from Pyramid Lake, NV, USA, Science of the Total Environment, 888, 164141, 10.1016/j.scitotenv.2023.164141

Trutschel, L. R., Kruger, B. R., Sackett, J. D., Chadwick, G. L., Rowe, A. R. (2023). Determining resident microbial community members and their correlations with geochemistry in a serpentinizing spring, Frontiers in Microbiology, 14, 1182497

Kruger, B. R., Werne, J. P., Minor, E. (2022). Sediment organic matter compositional changes in a tropical rift lake as a function of water depth and distance from shore, Organic Geochemistry, 175, 104527

Trutschel, L. R., Chadwick, G. L., Kruger, B. R., Blank, J. G., Brazelton, W. J., Dart, E. R., Rowe, A. R. (2022). Investigation of microbial metabolisms in an extremely high pH marine-like terrestrial serpentinizing system: Ney Springs, Science of the Total Environemnt, 836, 155492

Spoon, J., Kruger, B. R., Arnold, R. W., Barcalow, K., Tribal, R. C. (2021). Tribal Revegetation Project: Final Project Report, 92-Acre Area, Area 5 Radioactive Waste Management Complex, Nevada National Security Site, Nevada, paginated by section, DOE/NV/0003590-62

Bandala, E. R., Kruger, B. R., Cesarino, I., Leao, A., Wijesiri, B., Goonetilleke, A. (2021). Impacts of COVID-19 pandemic on the wastewater 1 pathway into surface water: A review, Science of the Total Environment

Casar, C., Kruger, B. R., Osburn, M. (2021). Rock-hosted subsurface biofilms: mineral selectivity drives hotspots for intraterrestrial life, Frontiers in microbiology, 12, 702

Casar, C., Momper, L., Kruger, B. R., Osburn, M. (2021). Iron-Fueled Life in the Continental Subsurface: Deep Mine Microbial Observatory, South Dakota, USA, Applied and Environmental Microbiology, 87 (20)

Becraft, E., Lau Vetter, M., Bezuidt, O., Brown, J., Labonte, J., Kauneckaite-Griguole, K., Salkauskaite, R., Alzbutas, G., Sackett, J., Kruger, B. R., Kadnikov, V., van Heerden, E., Moser, D. P., Ravin, N., Onstott, T., Stepanauskas, R. (2021). Evolutionary stasis of a deep subsurface microbial lineage, The ISME Journal, 15 (10), 2830-2842

Kruger, B. R., Spoon, J. (2020). Tribal Revegetation Project FY2019 Annual Report: 92-Acre Area, Area 5 Radioactive Waste Management Complex, Nevada National Security Site, Nevada, DOE/NV/0003590-48

Miller, J. J., Etyemezian, V. R., Adams, K. D., Berli, M., Kruger, B. R., Stillman, S., Cablk, M. E., Heintz, K. M., Nikolich, G., Moser, D. P. (2020). Lakebed Health and Feasibility of Use Study, including Inundation Frequency Analysis of Rogers and Rosamond Dry Lakes, Edwards Air Force Base, California, Paginated by section, DRI Publication #41279

Mullin, S. W., Wanger, G., Kruger, B. R., Sackett, J. D., Hamilton-Brehm, S. D., Bhartia, R., Amend, J. P., Moser, D. P., Orphan, V. J. (2020). Patterns of in situ Mineral Colonization by Microorganisms in a~ 60° C Deep Continental Subsurface Aquifer, Frontiers in Microbiology, 11, 2573

Rowe, A. R., Abuyen, K., Lam, B. R., Kruger, B. R., Casar, C. P., Osburn, M. R., El-Naggar, M. Y., Amend, J. P. (2020). Electrochemical evidence for in situ microbial activity at the Deep Mine Microbial Observatory (DeMMO), South Dakota, USA, Geobiology, https://doi.org/10.1111/gbi.12420

Casar, C. P., Kruger, B. R., Flynn, T. M., Masterson, A. L., Momper, L., Osburn, M. R. (2020). Mineral-hosted biofilm communities in the continental deep subsurface, Deep Mine Microbial Observatory, SD, USA, Geobiology, 18 (4), https://doi.org/10.1111/gbi.12391

Sackett, J. D., Kruger, B. R., Becraft, E. D., Jarett, J. K., Stepanauskas, R., Woyke, T., Moser, D. P. (2019). Four Draft Single-Cell Genome Sequences of Novel, Nearly Identical Kiritimatiellaeota Strains Isolated from the Continental Deep Subsurface, Microbiology Resource Announcements, 8 (11), Article No. e01249-18, 10.1128/MRA.01249-18

Sackett, J. D., Kruger, B. R., Becraft, E. D., Jarett, J. K., Stepanauskas, R., Woyke, T., Moser, D. P. (2019). Four draft single-cell genomes of novel, nearly identical Kiritimatiellaeota from the continental deep subsurface, Microbiol. Res. Announc., 8 (11), Article No. e01249-18. 10.1128/MRA.01249-18

Osburn, M. R., Kruger, B. R., Masterson, A., Casar, C., Amend, J. (2019). Establishment of the Deep Mine Microbial Observatory (DeMMO), South Dakota, USA, a geochemically stable portal into the deep subsurface., Frontiers in Earth Science, 7, 196

Sackett, J. D., Huerta, D. C., Kruger, B. R., Hamilton-Brehm, S. D., Moser, D. P. (2018). A comparative study of prokaryotic diversity and physicochemical characteristics of Devils Hole and the Ash Meadows Fish Conservation Facility, a constructed analog, PLoS One, 13 (3), e0194404

Moser, D. P., Kruger, B. R., Thomas, N. J., Sackett, J. D. (2018). Analog study to constrain potential microbial degradation of diesel range organics from Amchitka site drilling mud pits, 41 pp.. Desert Research Institute: Las Vegas, NV, For U.S. Department of Energy, Office of Legacy Management. Under Cooperative Agreement DE-LM0000432. DRI Publication No. 41237.

Hamilton-Brehm, S. D., Hristova, L. T., Edwards, S. C., Wedding, J. R., Snow, M., Kruger, B. R., Moser, D. P. (2018). Ancient human mitochondrial DNA and radiocarbon analysis of archived quids from the Mule Spring Rockshelter, Nevada, USA,, PLoS One, 13 (3), Article ID: e0194223

Katsev, S., Verburg, P., Lliros, M., Minor, E. C., Kruger, B. R. (2017). Tropical Meromictic Lakes: Specifics of Meromixis and Case Studies in Lakes Tanganyika, Malawi, and MatanoChapter 10: . In , Ecology of Meromictic Lakes, 277-325. Springer

Kruger, B. R., Werne, J. P., Branstrator, D. K., Hrabik, T. R., Chikaraishi, Y., Ohkouchi, N., Minor, E. C. (2015). Organic matter transfer in Lake Superior’s food web: Insights from bulk and molecular stable isotope and radiocarbon analyses, Limnology and Oceanography, 61 (1), 149-164

Kruger, B. R., Dalzell, B. J., Minor, E. C. (2011). Effect of organic matter source and salinity on dissolved organic matter isolation via ultrafiltration and solid phase extraction, Aquatic Sciences, 73, 405-417

Conference Proceedings
Osburn, M., Stevenson, B., Mohanty, A., Kuiper, E., Momper, L., Casar, C., & Kruger, B. R. (2025). Living in the subsurface: local adaptations that define a global biome. Goldschmidt: Prague, Czech Republic, July 6, 2025-July 11, 2025

Hausner, M. B., Kruger, B. R., Chellman, N. J., Arienzo, M. M., Ryder, J. (2024). Dissolved black and brown carbon can lead to increased temperatures in surface waters. American Geophysical Union Fall Meeting: Washington, D.C., December 9, 2024-December 13, 2024

Kruger, B. R., Hausner, M. B., Chellman, N. J., Samburova, V., Weaver, M. R., & Khlystov, A. Y. (2024). Impact of wildfire-sourced dissolved black carbon on surface water heating dynamics. Ecological Society of America


Lukasik, H., Minatre, K. L., DePauw, A., Kruger, B. R., Wright, M., Ortega, L., Arienzo, M. M. (2023). The Occurrence and Distribution of Microplastics in the Truckee River. AGU Fall Meeting: San Francisco, CA

Kruger, B. R., Spoon, J., Arnold, R. (2022). Tribal Revegetation of a Low-level Radioactive Waste Disposal Site, Waste Management 2022 Conference Proceedings: Phoenix, AZ

Sapers, H., Amend, J. P., Kruger, B. R., Osburn, M., & Orphan, V. (2021). DEEP SUBSURFACE MICROBIAL COMMUNITY STRUCTURE RESPONSE TO FLUID RESIDENCE TIME AND PHYSICAL SUBSTRATE COMPOSITION. Human Frontier Science Program Awardees Meeting, HFSP2021-ALU-1325

Casar, C., Momper, L., Kruger, B. R., & Osburn, M. (2020). Taxonomic and Functional Diversity in the Continental Deep Subsurface: Do different methods change our view?. Gordon Research Conference

Kruger, B. R., Sackett, J. D., Moser, D. P., & Blank, J. (2019). Constraining the age of microbial organic carbon within lave tube caves to inform life detection targets. Astrobiology Science Conference – Abscicon 2019: Seattle, WA, June 25, 2019

Casar, C., Osburn, M., Flynn, T. M., Masterson, A., & Kruger, B. R. (2019). Mineral-hosted biofilm communities in a deep subsurface Mars-analog system: The Deep Mine Microbial Observatory (DeMMO), SD, USA. Astrobiology Science Conference


Moser, D. P., Sackett, J. D., Kruger, B. R., Hamilton-Brehm, S. D., Huerta, D. C. (2018). Thinking big by looking small: The Death Valley Regional Flow System as a regional-scale deep biosphere observatory. Devils Hole Workshop: Beatty, NV, May 2, 2018-May 4, 2018, Oral presentation.

Sackett, J. D., Huerta, D. C., Kruger, B. R., Hamilton-Brehm, S. D., Moser, D. P. (2018). A comparative study of prokaryotic diversity and physicochemical characteristics of Devils Hole and the Ash Meadows Fish Conservation Facility, a constructed analog, Devils Hole Workshop: Beatty, NV, May 2, 2018-May 4, 2018

Moser, D. P., Sackett, J. D., Kruger, B. R., Hamilton-Brehm, S. D. (2018). Deep biosphere windows into the Death Valley Regional Flow System, 57th Meeting of the Arizona/Nevada Branch, American Society for Microbiology: Las Vegas, NV, April 21, 2018, Oral presentation.

Moser, D. P., Sackett, J. D., Huerta, D. C., Kruger, B. R., Hamilton-Brehm, S. D. (2018). Comparative study of microbial biogeochemistry of Devils Hole and Ash Meadows Fish Conservation Facility. Lee Simons: Advocate for Desert Fishes Symposium. 50th Annual Meeting, Desert Fishes Council: Furnace Creek, CA, November 14, 2018, Oral presentation.

Becraft, E. D., Lau, M. C., El-Kebir, M., Brown, J. M., Kruger, B. R., Sackett, J. D., Moser, D. P., Ravin, N., Onstott, T., Stepanauskas, R. (2018). Bacterial relics from the Pangaea Super-continent?. 17th International Symposium on Microbial Ecology (ISME): Leipzig, Germany, August 12, 2018

Sackett, J. D., Kruger, B. R., Becraft, E. D., Stepanauskas, R., Moser, D. P. (2018). Kiritimatiellaeota in the deep biosphere: Insights from single-cell genomics, 17th International Symposium on Microbial Ecology (ISME): Leipzig, Germany, August 12, 2018

Kruger, B. R., Moser, D. P., Northup, D. E., Osburn, M. R., Hathaway, J. J., Spilde, M., Blank, J., Papp, K. (2018). An assessment of microbial mat and microbially influenced mineral age, carbon bigeochemistry, lipid profiles, and eukaryotic and prokaryotic community structure in lava caves to inform life detection targets. American Geophysical Union Fall Meeting: Washington, DC, December 14, 2018

Rowe, A., Abuyen, K., Lam, B., Casar, C., Kruger, B. R., Osburn, M., El-Naggar, M., & Amend, J. P. (2018). Electrochemical cultivation at the Sanford Underground Research Facility (SURF), a deep subsurface environment. International Society of Microbial Electrochemical Technologies (ISMET)

Kruger, B. R., Moser, D. P., Hershey, R. L. (2017). Constraining the age of water in Southern Nevada aquifers: Investigating microbial controls on radiocarbon signatures of dissolved organic carbon.: Beatty, NV

Moser, D. P., Sackett, J. D., Kruger, B. R. (2017). The Death Valley Regional Flow System: a fault-controlled oasis for deep life beneath the Mojave Desert: DOE Joint Genome Institute, Walnut Creek, CA

Sackett, J. D., Hamilton-Brehm, S. D., Kruger, B. R., Mullin, S., Wanger, G., Orphan, V., Moser, D. P. (2017). Planktonic vs. attached deep subsurface microbial communities of the Death Valley Regional Flow System, with special reference to microbial dark matter lineages: Beatty, NV

Sackett, J. D., Huerta, D. C., Kruger, B. R., , H., Moser, D. P. (2017). Comparative analysis of the microbiology and aqueous geochemistry of Devils Hole and the Ash Meadows Fish Conservation Facility.: Beatty, NV

Kruger, B. R., Moser, D. P., Hershey, R. L. (2017). Constraining the age of water in Southern Nevada aquifers: Investigating microbial controls on radiocarbon signatures of dissolved organic carbon. Devils Hole Workshop: Beatty, NV, May 2017.

Moser, D. P., Hamilton-Brehm, S. D., Huerta, D. C., Kruger, B. R., Sackett, J. D. (2017). Deep biosphere Windows of the Death Valley Regional Flow System. Devils Hole Workshop: Beatty, NV, May 2017

Sackett, J. D., Huerta, D. C., Kruger, B. R., Hamilton-Brehm, S. D., Moser, D. P. (2017). Comparative analysis of the microbiology and aqueous geochemistry of Devils Hole and the Ash Meadows Fish Conservation Facility. Devils Hole Workshop: Beatty, NV, May 2017

Sackett, J. D., Hamilton-Brehm, S. D., Kruger, B. R., Mullin, S. W., Wanger, G. P., Orphan, V. J., Moser, D. P. (2017). Planktonic vs. attached deep subsurface microbial communities of the Death Valley Regional Flow System, with special reference to microbial dark matter lineages, Devils Hole Workshop: Beatty, NV, May 2017.

Moser, D. P., Sackett, J. D., Kruger, B. R. (2017). The Death Valley Regional Flow System: A fault-controlled oasis for deep life beneath the Mojave Desert. NeLLi 2017: New Lineages of Life to New Functions. DOE Joint Genome Institute: Walnut Creek, CA, April 2017

Moser, D. P., Willever, K. L., Fisher, J. C., Sackett, J. D., Kruger, B. R., Bruckner, J., Hershey, R. L., Fritsen, C. H., Memmott, J. C., Bloomquist, D. (2016). Linkages between limnology, biogeochemistry, and microbial communities of a threatened terminal lake ecosystem: Walker Lake, Nevada, USA, Terminus Lakes Workshop. University of Nevada Reno: Reno, NV, August 2016.

Kruger, B. R., Werne, J. P., Branstator, D. K., Hrabik, T. R., Chikaraishi, Y., Ohkouchi, N., Hershey, R. L., Moser, D. P., Minor, E. C. (2016). Applying natural abundance radiocarbon analysis to understand ecosystem dynamics in surface and groundwater: Insights and precautions. American Society for Limnology and Oceanography (ASLO) Annual Meeting: Salt Lake City, UT, April 2016

Sackett, J. D., Huerta, D. C., Hamilton-Brehm, S. D., Kruger, B. R., Moser, D. P. (2016). Microbiological diversity of Devils Hole and the Ash Meadows Fish Conservation Facility, a manmade analog, Nevada-NASA 2016 Statewide Meeting for NASA EPSCoR/NASA Space Grant: Reno, NV, April 2016.

Huerta, D. C., Sackett, J. D., Hamilton-Brehm, S. D., Kruger, B. R., Moser, D. P. (2016). Comparative microbial analysis of an endangered fish habitat, Devils Hole, and a manmade replica, ASM Microbe 2016: Boston, MA, June 2016.

Moser, D. P., Amend, J., Hamilton-Brehm, S. D., Kruger, B. R., Momper, L., Mullin, S., Orphan, V., Sackett, J. D., Wanger, G. (2015). Fault-controlled deep ecosystems of the Death Valley Extensional Zone. AbSciCon: Chicago, IL, June 18, 2015

Wanger, G., Mullin, S., Kruger, B. R., Hamilton-Brehm, S. D., Sackett, J. D., Momper, L., Moser, D. P., Orphan, V., Bhartia, R., Amend, J. (2015). Microscopic and spectroscopic analysis of microbes colonizing mineral coupons incubated at ~750 m depth within a fractured rock aquifer near Death Valley, CA, USA. AbSciCon: Chicago, IL, June 18, 2015

Hamilton-Brehm, S. D., Stewart, L. E., Sackett, J. D., Kruger, B. R., Wanger, G., Fisher, J., Moser, D. P. (2015). Thermophilic microbial populations of the Lower Carbonate Aquifer of the Death Valley Regional Flow System, May 7, 2015

Sackett, J. D., Eisen, J., Hamilton-Brehm, S. D., Hedlund, B. P., Kruger, B. R., Onstott, T. C., Stepanauskas, R., Woyke, T., Moser, D. P. (2015). Microbial dark matter hotspots and their role in deciphering the deep genealogy of life. SURF Science Meeting, South Dakota School of Mines and Technology: Rapid City, SD, May 15, 2015

Kruger, B. R., Moser, D. P., Hershey, R. L. (2015). Constraining the age of water in Southern Nevada aquifers: Investigating microbial controls on radiocarbon signatures of dissolved organic carbon. Devils Hole Workshop: Ash Meadows National Wildlife Refuge, NV, May 7, 2015

Moser, D. P., Amend, J., Bhartia, R., Eisen, J., El-Naggar, M., Hamilton-Brehm, S. D., Huerta, D. C., Jangir, Y., Kruger, B. R., Momper, L., Onstott, T. C., Sackett, J. D., Stepanauskas, R., Waddle, A., Wanger, G., Woyke, T. (2015). The Natural and Manmade Windows into the Deep Biosphere from around the Death Valley Regional Flow System. Devils Hole Workshop: Ash Meadows National Wildlife Refuge, NV, May 7, 2015

Sackett, J. D., Kruger, B. R., Hamilton-Brehm, S. D., Fisher, J., Bruckner, J., Reihle, J. L., Edmiston, P., Wheatley, A. E., Jacovides, C., Eisen, J., Onstott, T. C., Hedlund, B. P., Woyke, T., Stepanauskas, R., Moser, D. P. (2015). Searching for microbial dark matter in the Death Valley Regional Flow System. Devils Hole Workshop: Ash Meadows National Wildlife Refuge, NV, May 7, 2015

Moser, D. P., Hamilton-Brehm, S. D., Zhang, G., Fisher, J., Kruger, B. R., Thomas, J., Wheatley, A. E., Stewart, L., Onstott, T. C. (2014). Natural and manmade windows into deep microbial communities of the Death Valley Regional Flow System, USA. Ninth International Symposium on Subsurface Microbiology: Pacific Grove, CA, October 7, 2014

Kruger, B. R., Hausner, M. B., Chellman, N. J., Samburova, V., Weaver, M. R., & Khlystov, A. Y. Impact of wildfire-sourced dissolved black carbon on surface water heating dynamics. Ecological Society of America

Heintz, K. M., Saftner, D. M., Boisramé, G., Sasaki, M., Kruger, B. R. (2024). Supplemental Dataset: Monitoring Groundwater Levels in Oasis Valley, NV, and Evaluating Potential Drawdown During the North Bullfrog Aquifer Test. Dryad