Hydrologic Sciences
Hydrologic Sciences

The Division of Hydrologic Sciences (DHS) is one of three scientific research divisions within DRI. Since its inception in 1960, DHS faculty have built a solid reputation for delivering high-quality research, development, and education services in the interdisciplinary fields of hydrologic sciences and engineering. As a nonprofit, DRI’s DHS faculty have earned a reputation for providing high-impact scientific and engineering products to our customers and stakeholders, and the public. DHS faculty are engaged in environmental issues throughout the world.
The mission of DHS is to contribute to society’s fundamental knowledge and understanding of hydrologic systems and to serve as a leader in the long-term sustainability of water resources. In addition to serving as experts in water resources, DHS faculty are renowned for their ability to contribute and deliver cutting-edge solutions in fields associated with earth sciences.
We achieve our mission through an integrated team of multidisciplinary research faculty along with an outstanding team of administrative support staff, graduate research assistants, technicians, and computer and information processing specialists who assist the researchers with their projects. The division has approximately 100 ongoing research projects with an annual budget of $13 million derived from research sponsors.
Our Research Areas
Watershed Hydrology
Post-fire Hydrology
Snow & Global-scale hydrology
Ecological Engineering
Remote Sensing
Regional Groundwater Hydrology and Hydraulics
Vadose Zone Hydrology
Surface and Subsurface Flow, and Contaminant Transport

Our Faculty and Staff
Meet the people doing Hydrologic Sciences research and innovation at DRI.
Our Laboratories
Our Programs
Our Research Partners
Department of Energy
Department of Defense
National Aeronautics & Space Administration
National Science Foundation
State Sponsors
Nevada Division of Environmental Protection
Nevada Division of State Lands
Local Government
City of Reno
Clark County
Nevada Tahoe Conservation District
Truckee Meadows Water Authority
Southern Nevada Water Authority
Private Sponsors
Clean Air Task Force
WorldVision, Inc.
Sean A. McKenna, Ph.D.
Executive Director, DHS
Desert Research Institute
2215 Raggio Parkway, Reno, NV 89512