AWE+ 2024 Wildfire Recovery and Resilience: Working Across Silos to Drive Solutions

AWE+ 2024 Wildfire Recovery and Resilience: Working Across Silos to Drive Solutions

AWE+ A DRI Global Initiative: Adaptable World Environment

AWE+ an Adaptable World Environment
August 21-22, 2024 – Las Vegas, NV

For over six decades, DRI has tirelessly tackled scientific challenges related to global climate. DRI is unwavering in its commitment to continue this intensive research. But fortifying communities against future devastation requires more than science. It demands the collective resolve of communities: agency staff, elected officials, policymakers, first responders, researchers and scientists, industry leaders, environmentalists and residents working together on measures to advance resilience and adaptability. This is where AWE+ comes into play. 

In our inaugural event, AWE+ will focus on human adaptation to wildfires and their often-devastating impacts. AWE+ envisions a world where communities cultivate resilient measures amid the escalating intensity of wildfire events across the globe – not only to address the sheer destruction but also the cascading effects of pollutants and smoke that degrade air quality, contaminate water supplies and result in post-fire debris flows and flooding. All pose acute threats and increasing societal costs that mandate an urgent acceleration towards resilient, fire-adapted transformation. Through AWE+, DRI will be a catalyst for honest conversations that grapple with tough questions and break out of past paradigms.

Visit our website for details, featured speakers, and agenda overview.

Event Details: