Geoarchaeology Short Course: How Understanding Geomorphology and Soils Improves Archaeology

Geoarchaeology Short Course: How Understanding Geomorphology and Soils Improves Archaeology

Researchers at a training course out in the shrub brush of the desert with mountains in distance.

Geoarchaeology applies methods used in geosciences to archaeological questions. Geoarchaeology helps us understand: the source and transport history of artifacts, the age and spatial distribution of archaeological sites, factors that influence site preservation, and climate and environmental conditions that would have influenced human activities through time.

This short course is designed for archaeologists who want to better understand how the geologic and geomorphic context of an archaeological site can inform our interpretations and sampling methodology, as well as our understanding of the broader regional cultural landscape.

Co-Instructors Teresa Wriston and Kathleen Rodrigues
will introduce fundamental concepts and methods, with topical contributing lectures/methodology/field trips led by Ken Adams, Cedar Briem, Tom Bullard, Nathan Chellman, Shannon Hibbard, Jennifer Kielhofer, and Spencer Staley.

Purchase tickets and view the agenda through Eventbrite

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