Associate Research Professor, Ecohydrology
Dr. Albano’s work is focused on applied research questions to help decipher the relative roles of climate and natural resource management on water availability and ecological conditions in the southwestern US. More specifically, her current research interests and expertise include studying the influence of atmospheric rivers as drivers of hydrologic and ecological variability in the western US, quantifying sensitivities of meadow and riparian vegetation to climate variability in the Sierra Nevada and Great Basin, characterizing the effects of flow alterations in aquatic and terrestrial ecosystems, and landscape-scale conservation and climate adaptation planning. She uses field observations, remote sensing, gridded atmospheric reanalysis and climatic datasets, and statistical modeling techniques to understand spatial patterns and potential drivers of hydrological and ecological responses, often at ecoregional to west-wide scales.
Christine holds a PhD in Hydrologic Sciences from University of Nevada, Reno, an MS in Ecology from Colorado State University, and a BS in Biology (Minors: Chemistry and Environmental Studies) from Westminster College. Prior to earning her PhD in 2019, Christine worked as a field ecologist with the U.S. Geological Survey’s National Water Quality Assessment Program, was the program manager for a boots on the ground conservation science and land stewardship program focused on a nearly 1-million acre public lands ranch near the Grand Canyon’s North Rim, and led several applied research projects with the Southwest Climate Adaptation Science Center and Conservation Science Partners.
PhD Dissertation Title: Atmospheric Rivers and Climate Stresses: Retrospective and Prospective Assessments of the Impacts of Storm Variability, Climate Changes, and Extremes in the Western US
MS Thesis Title: Structural and Functional Responses of Aquatic Macroinvertebrate Communities to Streamflow Diversion in Rocky Mountain Streams
Hydrologic and ecological impacts of atmospheric rivers in the western US, climate change, groundwater dependent ecosystems, ecohydroclimatology, conservation and climate adaptation planning
Gordon, B.,
Boisramé, G.,
Carroll, R. W.,
Ajami, N. K.,
Leonard, B.,
Albano, C. M.,
Mizukami, N.,
Andrade, M. A.,
Koebele, E. A.,
Taylor, M.,
Harpold, A. A. (2024).
The Essential Role of Local Context in Shaping Risk and Risk Reduction Strategies for Snowmelt-Dependent Irrigated Agriculture,
Earth’s Future. AGU, June 11, 2024,
Rohde, M.,
Stella, J.,
Singer, M.,
Caylor, K.,
Roberts, D.,
Albano, C. M. (2024).
Establishing ecological thresholds and targets for groundwater management,
Nature Water, 2 (4), 312-323,
Rohde, M.,
Albano, C. M.,
Huggins, X.,
Klausmeyer, K.,
Morton, C. G.,
Sharman, A.,
Zaveri, E.,
Saito, L.,
Freed, Z.,
Howard, J.,
Job, N.,
Richter, H.,
Toderich, K.,
Rodella, A.,
Gleeson, T.,
Huntington, J. L.,
Chandanpurkar, H.,
Purdy, A.,
Famiglietti, J.,
Singer, M.,
Roberts, D.,
Caylor, K.,
Stella, J. (2024).
Groundwater-dependent ecosystem map exposes global dryland protection needs,
Albano, C. M.,
McCarthy, M. I.,
McAfee, S. A.,
Wein, A. M.,
Dettinger, M. D. (2024).
Incorporating Climate Data into Emergency Planning and Exercises – A Primer for Emergency Management Practitioners and Data Developers. Desert Research Institute, 41303
LeRoy, C.,
Claeson, S.,
Garthwaite, I.,
Thompson, M.,
Thompson, L.,
Kamakawiwo’ole, B.,
Froedin-Morgensen, A.,
McConathy, V.,
Ramstack Hobbs, J.,
Stancheva, R.,
Albano, C. M.,
Finn, D. (2023).
Canopy development influences early successional stream ecosystem function but not biotic assemblages,
Aquatic Sciences, 85 (3), 77,
Albano, C. M.,
Minor, B. A.,
Smith, G. T.,
Morton, C. G.,
Huntington, J. L. (2023).
Baseline Assessment of Groundwater Dependent Vegetation in relation to Climate and Groundwater Levels in select Hydrographic Basins of Nevada: Oasis Valley, 41293. DRI Technical Report
Albano, C. M.,
Abatzoglou, J. T.,
McEvoy, D. J.,
Huntington, J. L.,
Morton, C. G.,
Dettinger, M. D.,
Ott, T. (2022).
A multi-dataset assessment of climatic drivers and uncertainties of recent trends in evaporative demand across the continental US,
Journal of Hydrometeorology, 10.1175/JHM-D-21-0163.1
Garreaud, R.,
Ralph, M.,
Wilson, A.,
Eiras-Barca, J.,
Steen-Larsen, H.,
Rutz, J.,
Albano, C. M.,
Tillinina, N.,
Warner, M.,
Viale, M.,
Rondenelli, R.,
McPhee, J.,
Valenzuela, R.,
Gorodetskaya, I. (2022).
Running a Scientific Conference During Pandemic Times,
Bulletin of the American Meteorological Society, 103 (7), E1650-E1657
Albano, C. M.,
McCarthy, M. I.,
Dettinger, M. D.,
McAfee, S. (2021).
Techniques for constructing climate scenarios for stress test applications,
Climatic Change, 164 (3), 33,
Albano, C. M.,
Minor, B. A.,
Huntington, J. L.,
Morton, C. G. (2021).
Baseline Assessment of Groundwater Dependent Vegetation in Relation to Climate and Groundwater Levels in Select Hydrographic Basins of Nevada. Desert Research Institute: Reno, NV, Desert Research Institute Technical Report 41283.
Albano, C. M.,
Dettinger, M. D.,
Harpold, A. A. (2020).
Patterns and Drivers of Atmospheric River Precipitation and Hydrologic Impacts in the western United States,
Journal of Hydrometeorology, 21 (1), 143-159, 10.1175/JHM-D-19-0119.1
Albano, C. M.,
Minor, B. A.,
Freed, Z.,
Huntington, J. L. (2020).
Status and Trends of Groundwater Dependent Vegetation in Relation to Climate and Shallow Groundwater in the Harney Basin, Oregon. Desert Research Institute: Reno, NV, DRI Technical Report 41280.
Albano, C. M.,
McGwire, K. C.,
Hausner, M. B.,
McEvoy, D. J.,
Morton, C. G.,
Huntington, J. L. (2020).
Drought Sensitivity and Trends in Riparian Vegetation Vigor in Nevada, USA (1985-2018),
Remote Sensing, 12, 1362,
Sterle, K. M.,
Singletary, L.,
Lee, G.,
Rollins, K.,
Pohll, G. M.,
McCarthy, M. I.,
Rajagopal, S.,
Albano, C. M.,
Boyer, W.,
Huntington, J. L.,
Dettinger, M. D.,
Niswonger, R.,
Morway, E.,
Kitlasten, W.,
Gardner, M.,
Coors, S.,
Jose, L. (2020).
Water Sustainability and Climate in the Truckee-Carson River System, Western United States: 10 Key Takeaways from the Water for the Seasons Collaborative Research Program. University of Nevada, Reno Cooperative Extension, SP-20-02
Albano, C. M.,
McGwire, K. C.,
Hausner, M. B.,
McEvoy, D. J.,
Morton, C. G.,
Huntington, J. L. (2020).
Drought Sensitivity and Trends in Riparian Vegetation Vigor in Nevada, USA (1985-2018),
Remote Sensing, 12, 1362,
Dickson, B.,
Albano, C. M.,
Anantharaman, R.,
Beier, P.,
Fargione, J.,
Graves, T.,
Gray, M.,
Hall, K.,
Lawler, J.,
Leonard, P.,
Littlefield, C.,
McClure, M.,
Novembre, J.,
Schloss, C.,
Schumaker, N.,
Shah, V.,
Theobald, D. (2019).
Circuit-theory applications to connectivity science and conservation,
Conservation Biology, 33 (2), 239-249, John Wiley & Sons, Ltd (10.1111),
Albano, C. M.,
McClure, M.,
Gross, S.,
Kitlasten, W.,
Soulard, C.,
Morton, C. G.,
Huntington, J. L. (2019).
Spatial patterns of meadow sensitivities to interannual climate variability in the Sierra Nevada,
Ecohydrology, 0 (ja), e2128, John Wiley & Sons, Ltd,
Albano, C. M.,
Sterle, K.,
Dettinger, M. D.,
Singletary, L. (2019).
Four Climate Scenarios Developed to Explore Adaptation Strategies for the Truckee-Carson River System, 7. University of Nevada, Reno Cooperative Extension, Fact Sheet 19-09
Fleishman, E.,
Albano, C. M.,
Bradley, B.,
Creech, T.,
Curtis, C.,
Dickson, B.,
Epps, C.,
Hegeman, E.,
Hoglander, C.,
Leu, M.,
Shaw, N.,
Schwartz, M.,
VanCuren, A.,
Zachmann, L. (2019).
Natural resource condition assessments for six parks in the Mojave Desert Network, 330. National Park Service: Fort Collins, CO, Natural Resource Report NPS/MOJN/NRR – 2019/1959
Albano, C. M.,
Stevens, L. (2018).
Wildlife: Invertebrates Stortz, S. D.,
Aslan, C. E.,
Sisk, T. D.,
Chaudhry, T. A.,
Rundall, J. M.,
Palumbo, J.,
Zachmann, L.,
Dickson, B. (Eds.) ,
Natural resource condition assessment: Greater Grand Canyon landscape assessment. National Park Service: Fort Collins, CO, Natural Resource Report NPS/GRCA/NRR-2018/1645
Dickson, B.,
Albano, C. M.,
McRae, B.,
Anderson, J.,
Theobald, D.,
Zachmann, L.,
Sisk, T.,
Dombeck, M. (2017).
Informing Strategic Efforts to Expand and Connect Protected Areas Using a Model of Ecological Flow, with Application to the Western United States,
Conservation Letters, 10 (5),
Albano, C. M.,
Dettinger, M.,
Soulard, C. (2017).
Influence of atmospheric rivers on vegetation productivity and fire patterns in the southwestern US,
Journal of Geophysical Research: Biogeosciences, 1-16,
Albano, C. M.,
Dettinger, M. D.,
McCarthy, M. I.,
Welborn, T. L.,
Cox, D. A. (2016).
Application of an extreme winter storm scenario to identify vulnerabilities, mitigation options, and science needs in the Sierra Nevada mountains,
USA: Natural Hazards, 80, 879-900, doi:10.1007/s11069-015-2003-4
Soulard, C.,
Albano, C. M.,
Villarreal, M.,
Walker, J. (2016).
Continuous 1985-2012 Landsat monitoring to assess fire effects on meadows in Yosemite National Park, California,
Remote Sensing, 8 (5),
Theobald, D.,
Harrison-Atlas, D.,
Monahan, W.,
Albano, C. M. (2015).
Ecologically-relevant maps of landforms and physiographic diversity for climate adaptation planning,
PLoS ONE, 10 (12),
Albano, C. M. (2015).
Identification of geophysically diverse locations that may facilitate species’ persistence and adaptation to climate change in the southwestern United States,
Landscape Ecology, 30 (6),
Lawler, J.,
Ackerly, D.,
Albano, C. M.,
Anderson, M.,
Dobrowski, S.,
Gill, J.,
Heller, N.,
Pressey, R.,
Sanderson, E.,
Weiss, S. (2015).
The theory behind, and the challenges of, conserving nature’s stage in a time of rapid change,
Conservation Biology, 29 (3),
Anderson, M.,
Comer, P.,
Beier, P.,
Lawler, J.,
Schloss, C.,
Buttrick, S.,
Albano, C. M.,
Faith, D. (2015).
Case studies of conservation plans that incorporate geodiversity,
Conservation Biology, 29 (3),
Mac Nally, R.,
Albano, C. M.,
Fleishman, E. (2014).
A scrutiny of the evidence for pressure-induced state shifts in estuarine and nearshore ecosystems,
Austral Ecology, 39 (8),
Bernstein, E.,
Albano, C. M.,
Sisk, T.,
Crews, T.,
Rosenstock, S. (2014).
Establishing cool-season grasses on a degraded arid rangeland of the Colorado Plateau,
Restoration Ecology, 22 (1),
Dickson, B.,
Zachmann, L.,
Albano, C. M. (2014).
Systematic identification of potential conservation priority areas on roadless Bureau of Land Management lands in the western United States,
BIOLOGICAL CONSERVATION, 178, 117-127. Elsevier Ltd,
Albano, C. M.,
Dettinger, M. D.,
McCarthy, M. I.,
Schaller, K. D.,
Welborn, T. L.,
Cox, D. A. (2014).
ARkStorm@Tahoe: Stakeholder perspectives on vulnerabilities and preparedness for an extreme storm event in the greater Lake Tahoe, Reno and Carson City region. University of Nevada Cooperative Extension, Special Publication-14-16
Albano, C. M.,
Angelo, C.,
Strauch, R.,
Thurman, L. (2013).
Potential effects of warming climate on visitor use in three Alaskan national parks,
Park Science, 30 (1)
Baker, D.,
Bledsoe, B.,
Albano, C. M.,
Poff, N. (2011).
Downstream effects of diversion dams on sediment and hydraulic conditions of Rocky Mountain streams,
River Research and Applications, 27 (3),
Brasher, A. M.,
Albano, C. M.,
Close, R. N.,
Freeman, M. L.,
Lauver, C. L.,
Monroe, S. A.,
Snyder, A. E.,
Thomas, L. P. (2011).
Aquatic macroinvertebrate monitoring protocol for National Parks in the Southern Colorado Plateau Network. National Park Service, Natural Resource Technical Report NPS/SCPN/NRR-2011/460
Brasher, A. M.,
Albano, C. M.,
Close, R. N.,
Cannon, Q. H.,
Miller, M. P. (2010).
Macroinvertebrate communities and habitat characteristics in the northern and southern Colorado Plateau networks: pilot protocol implementation. National Park Service, Natural Resources Technical Report NPS/NCPN/NRTR-2010/320
Conference Proceedings
Heggli, A. E.,
McEvoy, D. J.,
Zukiewicz, L.,
Carroll, R. W.,
Albano, C. M. (2024).
Developing a cooperative snow temperature survey. Western Snow Conference: Corvallis, Oregon, April 22, 2024-April 25, 2024
Shearer, E.,
Wells, E.,
Siddiqui, S.,
AghaKouchak, A.,
Albano, C. M.,
Giovando, J.,
Floyd, I.,
Talbot, C. (2024).
Atmospheric Rivers as a Component of Multi-hazards and their Influence on Western US Water Management. European Geosciences Union: Vienna, Austria, March 7, 2024-March 7, 2024
Heggli, A. E.,
McEvoy, D. J.,
Carroll, R. W.,
Albano, C. M.,
Zukiewicz, L. (2024).
A New Approach to Measuring Snowpack Temperature. , International Snow Science Workshop 2024: Tromsø, Norway, September 23, 2024-September 29, 2024
Webb, M. J.,
Albano, C. M.,
Bozkurt, D.,
Garreaud, R.,
Yu, G.,
Wilson, A. (2024).
Drivers of Enhanced Flooding Risk During Atmospheric Rivers in the Western U.S. and Central Chile. American Geophysical Union: Washington DC, December 9, 2024-December 13, 2024
Rasouli, K.,
McEvoy, D. J.,
Albano, C. M.,
Ammatelli, J.,
Ott, T.,
Heggli, A. E.,
Hausner, M. B. (2024).
Assessing Snow-Soil Relationships and Their Impact on Soil Strength Across Diverse Snow Climates. American Geophysical Union: Washington DC, December 9, 2024-December 13, 2024
Albano, C. M.,
Loheide, S.,
Saito, L.,
Badik, K.,
Byer, S.,
Provencher, L. (2024).
Quantifying Environmental Water Requirements for Groundwater Dependent Ecosystems in Nevada: Generalized Modeling. Nevada Water Resources Association: Las Vegas, NV, January 29, 2024-February 2, 2024
Albano, C. M. (2024).
Balancing Water Supplies and Flood Risks in the Truckee River Basin under Future Climate. Floodplain Management Association: Henderson, NV, September 3, 2024-September 6, 2024
Albano, C. M.,
Shearer, E.,
Forbis, J. (2024).
Characterizing watershed responses to winter precipitation: analyses to support the Forecast Informed Reservoir Operations (FIRO) Screening Process. Floodplain Management Association: Henderson, NV, September 3, 2024-September 6, 2024
Albano, C. M.,
Shearer, E.,
Forbis, J. (2024).
Characterizing watershed responses to winter storm events: analyses to support Forecast Informed Reservoir Operations (FIRO) Planning and Assessments. CW3E FIRO Workshop: La Jolla, CA, August 5, 2024-August 8, 2024
Albano, C. M.,
McCarthy, M. I.,
Webb, M. J.,
Jensen, E.,
McAfee, S.,
Swain, D. (2023).
ARkStorm 2.0 Impacts: Engaging diverse communities to improve resilience to extreme storms in Nevada and California. American Geophysical Union: San Francisco, CA, December 11, 2023-December 17, 2023
Albano, C. M.,
Abatzoglou, J. T.,
McEvoy, D. J.,
Huntington, J. L.,
Morton, C. G.,
Ott, T.,
Dettinger, M. D. (2023).
Trends of Increasing Evaporative Demand Across the Continental US Over the Past 40 Years. American Geophysical Union: San Francisco, CA
Swain, D.,
Abatzoglou, J. T.,
Albano, C. M.,
Brunner, M.,
Diffenbaugh, N.,
Prein, A.,
Singh, D.,
Touma, D. (2023).
Hydroclimate Volatility on a Warming Earth. American Geophysical Union: San Francisco, CA
Webb, M. J.,
Albano, C. M.,
Fennema, S.,
Imgarten, M. (2023).
ARkStorm 2.0 in the Truckee Watershed: Assessing Regional Flooding Impact and Vulnerability After an Atmospheric River Megastorm. American Geophysical Union: San Francisco, CA
McEvoy, D. J.,
Hobbins, M.,
Huntington, J. L.,
Andrade, A. J.,
Albano, C. M. (2023).
Understanding the increasingly important role of evaporative demand as a driver of extreme drought and wildfire danger in the 21st century. American Geophysical Union: San Francisco, CA
Comini de Andrade, B. C.,
Huntington, J. L.,
Pearson, C.,
Morton, C. G.,
Albano, C. M. (2023).
A novel application and intercomparison of the Complementary Relationship for operational global evapotranspiration monitoring. American Geophysical Union: San Francisco, CA
Webb, M. J.,
Albano, C. M.,
Harpold, A. (2023).
Determining sensitivity and thresholds of antecedent soil moisture amplifying flood response from atmospheric rivers. CUAHSI Biennial Conference: Tahoe City, CA
Albano, C. M.,
Soulard, C.,
Walker, J.,
Waller, E.,
Minor, B. A. (2022).
Quantifying the role of atmospheric rivers as drivers of wintertime flood extents in the Central Valley of California. International Atmospheric Rivers Conference (IARC): Santiago, Chile, October 11, 2022-October 14, 2022
Gordon, B.,
Harpold, A.,
Ajami, N.,
Albano, C. M.,
Boisramé, G.,
Carroll, R. W.,
Leonard, B. (2022).
Headwater Reservoir Management Must Consider Hydrological Supply and Agricultural Demand In a Future With Less Snowpack, American Geophysical Union: Chicago, IL, December 12, 2022-December 16, 2022
Rohde, M.,
Albano, C. M.,
Huggins, X.,
Saito, L.,
Sharman, A.,
Klausmeyer, K.,
Freed, Z.,
Howard, J.,
Morton, C. G.,
Huntington, J.,
Rodella, A.,
Zaveri, E.,
Gleason, T. (2022).
Mapping groundwater dependent ecosystems globally to build resilient communities, combat climate change, and mitigate biodiversity loss, American Geophysical Union: Chicago, IL, December 12, 2022-December 16, 2022
Rohde, M. M.,
Albano, C. M.,
Huggins, X.,
Saito, L.,
Sharman, A.,
Klausmeyer, K.,
Howard, J. K.,
Freed, Z.,
Richter, H.,
Morton, C. G.,
Huntington, J. L. (2022).
Mapping groundwater dependent ecosystems globally to build resilient communities, combat climate change, and mitigate biodiversity loss, AGU Fall Meeting
Hatchett, B. J.,
McGuire, L.,
Youberg, A.,
Hoch, O.,
Oakley, N.,
McEvoy, D. J.,
Albano, C. M.,
Lancasater, J. (2021).
The role of drought in the persistence of post-fire hydrologic hazards. AGU Annual Meeting: New Orleans, LA, December 15, 2021-December 15, 2021
Albano, C. M.,
Imgarten, M.,
Dettinger, M. D. (2021).
Preliminary Assessment of Wintertime Streamflow Ensemble Forecast Skill in the Truckee River basin to Identify Challenges and Opportunities for Forecast-informed Reservoir Operations (FIRO). Nevada Water Resources Association: Las Vegas, NV, January 19, 2021-January 28, 2021
Albano, C. M.,
Saito, L.,
Loheide, S. (2021).
Quantifying environmental water requirements for groundwater dependent ecosystems. Nevada Water Resources Association: Las Vegas, NV, January 19, 2021-January 28, 2021
Albano, C. M.,
McGwire, K. C.,
Hausner, M. B.,
McEvoy, D. J.,
Morton, C. G.,
Minor, B. A.,
Huntington, J. L. (2020).
Using satellite remote sensing and climate data to assess status and trends of groundwater dependent ecosystem vegetation in Nevada. Nevada Water Resources Association: Las Vegas, NV, February 11, 2020-February 13, 2020
Saito, L.,
Byer, S.,
Badik, K.,
Provencher, L.,
Albano, C. M. (2020).
Water Needs for Groundwater Dependent Ecosystems in Nevada. Nevada Water Resources Association: Las Vegas, NV, February 11, 2020-February 13, 2020
Hatchett, B. J.,
McEvoy, D. J.,
Albano, C. M. (2020).
The Western Regional Climate Center Snow Drought Tracker and other web-based tools for monitoring Sierra Nevada hydroclimate. Sierra Nevada Alliance Biennial Conference, September 10, 2020-September 11, 2020
Albano, C. M.,
Imgarten, M.,
Dettinger, M. D. (2020).
Assessment of streamflow forecast skill for the Truckee River basin. American Geophysical Union, December 1, 2020-December 17, 2020
Albano, C. M.,
Imgarten, M.,
Dettinger, M. D. (2020).
Assessment of wintertime streamflow forecast skill in an atmospheric river-influenced river basin on the lee side of the Sierra Nevada. International Atmospheric Rivers Conference Virtual Symposium, October 5, 2020-October 9, 2020
Albano, C. M.,
Daudert, B.,
Hausner, M. B.,
McEvoy, D. J.,
McGwire, K. C.,
Minor, B. A.,
Morton, C. G.,
Pearson, C.,
Huntington, J. L. (2020).
Assessing the Effects of Climate and Management on Meadow and Riparian Vegetation Using the Landsat Archive and Cloud Computing – Tools and Applications. Society for Ecological Restoration – California Chapter, September 1, 2020-September 24, 2020
Albano, C. M.,
Dettinger, M. D.,
McCarthy, M. I.,
McAfee, S. A. (2019).
Techniques for specifying climate extreme stress test scenarios: a case study in the Truckee and Carson River basins. Nevada Water Resources Association Annual Meeting: Reno, NV
Albano, C. M.,
Hausner, M. B.,
McEvoy, D. J.,
McGwire, K. C.,
Huntington, J. L. (2019).
Assessing multi-decadal changes in riparian areas across Nevada using the Landsat archive. Geological Society of America Annual Meeting: Phoenix, AZ, September 22, 2019-September 25, 2019, 179-11
Hausner, M. B.,
Albano, C. M.,
Pearson, C.,
Huntington, J. L. (2019).
Assessing changes in mountain meadow condition using the Landsat archive. Geological Society of America Annual Meeting: Phoenix, AZ, September 22, 2019-September 25, 2019, 17-12
Huntington, J. L.,
McGwire, K. C.,
Pearson, C.,
Hausner, M. B.,
Albano, C. M.,
Minor, B. A.,
McEvoy, D. J.,
Morton, C. G. (2019).
Assessing the role of climate and resource management on groundwater dependent ecosystem changes in arid environments with the Landsat archive and cloud computing. American Fisheries Society/The Wildlife Society Joint Meeting: Reno, NV, September 30, 2019-October 3, 2019, 8014-3
Hausner, M. B.,
Albano, C. M.,
Huntington, J. L.,
Pearson, C. (2019).
Using the Landsat Archive to Understand and Assess Changes in Mountain Meadow Vegetation. AGU Fall Meeting: San Francisco, CA, December 9, 2019-December 13, 2019, Presentation No. EP51E-2173
Albano, C. M.,
Hausner, M. B.,
Huntington, J. L.,
McEvoy, D. J.,
McGwire, K. C. (2019).
Using the Landsat Archive to Assess Multi-Decadal Changes in Riparian Vegetation in Western U.S. Drylands. AGU Fall Meeting: San Francisco, CA, December 9, 2019-December 13, 2019, Presentation No. H43A-08
Dettinger, M. D.,
Cox, D.,
McCarthy, M. I.,
Albano, C. M. (2019).
ARkStorm Retrospective — Making Sense of the Extreme Events of Winter 2017 in California By Comparisons to a Well-Explored Extreme-Storms Scenario. American Meteorological Society: Phoenix, AZ, January 6, 2019-January 10, 2019
Albano, C. M.,
Dettinger, M.,
Harpold, A. (2018).
Spatial and temporal variability of atmospheric river hydrologic impacts across the Western U.S.. American Geophysical Union Fall Meeting: Washington DC
McCarthy, M. I.,
Bocinsky, R. K.,
Albano, C. M.,
Dettinger, M. (2018).
Native Waters on Arid Lands: enhancing climate resilience on tribal lands. American Geophysical Union Fall Meeting: Washington DC
Albano, C. M.,
Dettinger, M.,
McCarthy, M. I. (2018).
Using climate extremes scenarios for climate adaptation planning: rationale and methods for scenario specification and design. Nevada Water Resources Association Fall Water Event: Reno, NV
McClure, M.,
Albano, C. M.,
Gross, S.,
Kitlasten, W.,
Morton, C. G.,
Huntington, J. L. (2018).
Assessing climate vulnerabilities of Sierra Nevada meadows. Sierra Nevada Meadows Partnership Annual Meeting: Tahoe City, CA
Albano, C. M.,
Dettinger, M.,
Harpold, A. (2018).
Influences of atmospheric rivers on terrestrial water storage and fluxes in the Western US. 2nd International Atmospheric Rivers Conference: La Jolla, CA
Albano, C. M.,
Soulard, C. (2016).
Understanding climate sensitivities of Sierra Nevada meadows as a foundation for prioritizing adaptation actions. Natural Areas Conference: Davis, CA
Albano, C. M.,
Dettinger, M.,
Soulard, C. (2016).
Linking Atmospheric River Landfalls to Vegetation Responses in the Southwestern United States. 1st International Atmospheric Rivers Conference: La Jolla, CA
Albano, C. M.,
Dettinger, M. D.,
McCarthy, M. M.,
Cox, D. A.,
Brown, T. J. (2014).
ARkStorm@Tahoe: Addressing social and ecological resiliency to extreme winter storm events in the Sierra Nevadas. Ecological Society of America Annual Meeting: Sacramento, CA, August 10, 2014
Gross, S.,
McClure, M.,
Albano, C. M.,
Estes, B. (2019).
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