An Adaptable World Environment

August 21-22, 2024 – Las Vegas, NV

Wildfire Recovery and Resilience: Working Across Silos to Drive Solutions

For over six decades, DRI has tirelessly tackled scientific challenges related to global climate. DRI is unwavering in its commitment to continue this intensive research. But fortifying communities against future devastation requires more than science. It demands the collective resolve of communities: agency staff, elected officials, policymakers, first responders, researchers and scientists, industry leaders, environmentalists and residents working together on measures to advance resilience and adaptability. This is where AWE+ comes into play.

AWE+ A DRI Global Initiative: Adaptable World Environment

Sponsorship Opportunities

AWE+2024 will focus on the devastating impacts of wildfires and envision a world where communities can prepare for and adapt to wildfire and its effects. The escalating intensity of wildfire events including post-fire debris flows, flooding, smoke, and other consequences, pose acute human threats and societal costs. The program is a call to action for the urgent need to accelerate the transformation toward resiliency.

We invite sponsors to partner with us in providing a 360-degree view of the challenges facing communities, including the barriers that are hindering adaptive measures, and offering opportunities and solutions for delegates to learn from one another and accelerate resiliency and adaptation efforts in their own communities.

Our sponsors will share their insights and resources with our speakers and delegates in an experience that transcends the traditional conference structure by harnessing the potential of collective energy to drive changes in policies, practices, technologies and behaviors.

Your participation will support the difficult but necessary work of breaking out of old paradigms and helping communities achieve real resiliency in the aftermath of wildfires.

Contact us today!

AWE+ Scalable Impact

We at the Desert Research Institute Foundation strongly believe in the engagement of the full community to amplify the impacts of the DRI scientists. An amplification our planet is crying out for in our evolving world.


Contact Info

Yin Nawaday

Sponsorship Benefits

  • Forum registrations
  • Sponsor dinners
  • Panel facilitator / Intro
  • Speaker
  • Table host
  • Delegate list
  • Website positioning
  • App positioning
  • Program ad
  • Logo projections
  • Logo loop on monitors
  • Meal / Reception Sponsors
  • Cohort Leaders
  • Podcast
  • Social media
  • Bistro table / standing banner positioning

Sponsorship Levels

Thanks to our valued partners and sponsors for supporting AWE+ 2024:

AWE+ Sponsor Logos

AWE+ is synonymous with SYNERGY

AWE+ will harness the potential of collective energy to drive changes in policies, practices, technologies, and behaviors.

It is an immersive experience where DRI will assemble and convene a carefully curated cross-section of people committed to breaking out of existing paradigms, engaging in candid conversations, and collaborating in new ways.

This diverse delegation will share ideas and knowledge, and take decisive actions aimed at building communities better prepared for the inevitable effects of global climate events.

View of the DRI Reno Campus with the landscape in the background.
Paved road that leads into the mountains in the distance.

AWE+ Transcends

Wednesday evening through Friday at noon, we will transcend the traditional conference structure by empowering delegates, through DRI guidance, to take leading roles in envisioning user-inspired, climate- adapted communities.

Keynotes, speakers, and panelists will provoke and shape discussions around challenging questions and controversial issues that often hinder the “right” decisions. DRI will connect delegates through interactive structures and collaborative cohorts where they will actively and collectively consider the challenges and contribute to real, life-changing solutions.