Climate Ecosystem Fire Applications (CEFA)

Program Description

The Climate, Ecosystem and Fire Applications (CEFA) program provides products and information related to climate, weather, fire and natural resources nationwide and internationally. Collaborating with numerous federal, state and international wildland fire and land management agencies, CEFA provides data, information and decision-support tools for planning and policy.


The primary functions of CEFA are:

  • Perform studies and applied research to improve the understanding of relationships between climate, weather, fire and ecosystems.
  • Develop decision-support tools for fire applications incorporating climate and weather information.
  • Serve as a liaison between the fire, natural resource and scientific research communities by providing product training, education, science delivery, and eliciting user feedback.
  • Provide experimental fire weather, fire danger, fire behavior and smoke dispersion/transport forecasting products for operations and research.
  • Perform societal interactions studies emphasizing partnerships and the role of climate in planning and policy.
  • Provide climate and weather information directly for fire and ecosystem decision-making and strategic planning.

The Climate, Ecosystem and Fire Application program was formed on October 1, 1998, through an assistance agreement between the Bureau of Land Management Nevada State Office and DRI.

CEFA resides within the Division of Atmospheric Sciences of DRI, and is integrated with the Western Regional Climate Center.

CEFA utilizes modern computing laboratories for data analysis and scientific visualization supporting the applications products that are routinely produced for wildland fire management agencies.


Tim Brown, Ph.D.
Program Director 


Desert Research Institute
2215 Raggio Parkway
Reno, NV 89512


Atmospheric Sciences