Cultural Resource Management

About Cultural Resource Management at DRI

scientists out in the desert look for artifactsSince 1969, Desert Research Institute (DRI) anthropologists and archaeologists have worked to understand how culture and environmental conditions impact people’s decisions. DRI anthropologists study modern peoples while archaeologists study the materials left by past peoples. Beginning in 2016, DRI added architectural history to our services.

By partnering with private industry, government agencies, tribal organizations, universities, other non-profit groups, and private donors, we achieve a better understanding of both the present and past during the environmental review and compliance process.

Short Courses:

Archaeology in Action

Dr. Teresa Wriston standing in Coal Valley

Investigating Ancient Coal Valley - Part One: Introduction

Dr. Ken Adams at his desk

Investigating Ancient Coal Valley - Part Two: Before the Field

Dr. Ken Adams in Coal Valley

Investigating Ancient Coal Valley - Part Three: Dating Shorelines

wide view of Coal Valley

Investigating Ancient Coal Valley - Part Four: Results are in

Dr. Teresa Wriston in Coal Valley

Investigating Ancient Coal Valley - Part Five: Archaeology

Two researchers in the desert looking at the rocks on a hillside.

DRILL Pieces of the Puzzle

Two researchers at night with head lamps collecting soil samples.

DRILL It Takes Grit

Laboratories and Facilities

Additional Information

The DRI Archaeology team’s key supervisory and management personnel have more than a century of experience providing cultural resource services. We have designed, carried out, and reported on scores of cultural resources reviews, inventory surveys, data recovery programs, management plans, and educational outreach products. CRM services offered by DRI include:

Archaeological Services

  • Class I Archival Research
  • Class II or III Inventory or Survey
  • Site Testing and National Register Evaluation
  • Data Recovery/Site Excavation
  • Artifact analysis/curation
  • 3D artifact scanning/photogrammetry/modeling
  • Mitigation
  • GIS/Mapping
  • Spatial Analysis
  • Student Training and Public Outreach

Geoarchaeological Services

  • Geomorphological/Soils Characterization
  • Stratigraphic Mapping, Analysis, and Description
  • Predictive Modeling/Archaeological Sensitivity Modeling
  • Coring and Augering

Archaeobotanical Services

  • Plant macrofossil (seed, charcoal) identification
  • Sediment Sample Flotation
  • Coprolite Analysis
  • Packrat Midden Extraction and Analysis
  • Lake/Marsh/Bog/Fen/Meadow Coring

Architectural History Services

  • Architectural Surveys
  • National Register of Historic Places Assessments and Nominations
  • HABS/HAER/HALS Documentation
  • Archival Research

Unmanned Aerial System (UAS, UAV, a.k.a. drone)

  • UAS Photography
  • UAS Photogrammetry
  • UAS Mapping
  • UAS Videography
  • UAS Remote Sensing
  • UAS 3-D landscape models
  • UAS Digital Elevation Models
  • UAS Themral Imaging/Mapping

Specialized Equipment

DRI’s Cultural Resource Management labs and facilities are equipped with the following:

  • Scanning Electron Microscope with EDS capabilities
  • Stereomicroscopes
  • Optical transmission microscopes with polarizing and differential interference capabilities
  • Portable X-Ray Fluorescence handheld spectrometer
  • Raman spectrometer
  • Nextengine 3D Scanner
  • Flote-Tech Flotation Tank
  • Centrifuges
  • Ultrasonic Bath
  • Bartington Magnetometer
  • Muffle Furnace
  • Drying ovens
  • Trimble GeoXH GPS units
  • Trimble Geo7x GPS unit
  • Trimble R2 units
  • Total Station
  • Sieves
  • Hand Auger and Extensions
  • Soil Probe
  • Livingston Coring Rig
  • Russian D-Shaped Peat Corer
  • Giddings Coring Rig
  • Tree Increment Borers
  • DJI Matrice 600 Pro
  • DJI Phantom 4 Pro UAS
  • DJI Phantom IV UAS
  • FLIR Vue Pro R thermal camera
  • MAPIR Survey 3W cameras (OCN and RGN, NDVI)


Other DRI Capabilities

In addition to the services offered by DRI’s Cultural Resource Management team, other capabilities of DRI’s various laboratories that may be of interest to archaeologists include:

  • Soil/Sediment particle size analysis
  • Soil pH
  • Organic matter Content
  • XRD
  • Soil Nutrient Analyzer
  • Remote Sensing
  • Ground-based LiDar (Leica Geosystems Scan Station II)
  • Ground Penetrating Radar (GPR)
  • Optically Stimulated Luminescence (OSL)/Thermally Stimulated Luminescence (TSL)
  • Isotope analyses (ICP-MS; ICP-OES)
  • Dendrochronology

Key Archaeology and Anthropology Personnel

Richard Arnold (Hourly Professional, American Indian Consultation Program Coordinator)

Nicole Brannan, M.A. (assistant Research Scientist Archiectural Historian)

Paul Buck, Ph.D. (Associate Research Professor, Archaeology)

Cheryl Collins, M.A. (Assistant Research Scientist GIS, Archaeology)

Sue C. Edwards, M.A. (Associate Research Scientist, Archaeology)

Ted T. Hartwell, M.A. (Associate Research Scientist, Archaeology, Public Outreach)

Greg Haynes, Ph.D. (Assistant Research Scientist, Archaeology) 

Maureen L. King, M.A. (Associate Research Scientist, Archaeology)

JD Lancaster, M.A. (Assistant Research Scientist, Archaeology)

Tatianna M. Menocal, M.A. (Assistant Research Scientist Archaeology)

Laura O’Neill, M.A. (Associate Research Scientist Anthropology/Archaeology) Laura.O’

Dave J. Page, M.A. (Assistant Research Scientist, Archaeology)

Dave E. Rhode, Ph.D. (Research Professor, Archaeology, Archaeobotany)

Megan Stueve, M.A. (Assistant Research Scientist, Archaeology) 

Kristin Vandermolen, Ph.D. (Postdoctoral Fellow, Anthropology)

Jeff R. Wedding (Assistant Research Scientist, Archaeology)

Teresa Wriston, Ph.D. (Assistant Research Professor Archaeology, Geoarchaeology)

Collaborative Partners

Ken D. Adams, Ph.D. (Research Professor, Geology)

Tom F. Bullard, Ph.D. (Hourly Associate Research Professor, Geology)

Mary Cablk, Ph.D. (Associate Research Professor, Canine Detection and Human Remains Recovery)

Meghan Collins, M.A. (Associate Research Scientist, Environmental Science, Public Education)

Amanda Keen Zebert, Ph.D. (Associate Research Professor Geology; Director of E.L. Cord Luminescence Laboratory)





Archaeology Faculty and Staff Publications

Adams KD, T Goebel, K Graf, GM Smith, AJ Camp, RW Briggs, and D Rhode (2008). Late Pleistocene and Early Holocene Lake-Level Fluctuations in the Lahontan Basin, Nevada: Implications for the Distribution of Archaeological Sites. Geoarchaeology 23(5):608-643.

Benson LV, SP Lund, JP Smoot, D Rhode, RJ Spencer, KL Verosub, LA Louderback, CA Johnson, RO Rye, RM Negrini (2011). The Rise and Fall of Lake Bonneville Between 45 and 10.5 ka. Quaternary International 235(1-2):57-69.

Brantingham PJ, G Xing, DB Madsen, D Rhode, C Perreault, J van der Woerd, and JW Olsen (2013). Late Occupation of the High-Elevation Northern Tibetan Plateau Based on Cosmogenic, Luminescence, and Radiocarbon Ages. Geoarchaeology 28: 413–431.

Brantingham PJ, D Rhode, and DB Madsen (2010). Archaeology Augments Tibet’s Genetic History. Letter, Science 329, September 17 2010, p. 1467.

Brantingham PJ, X Gao, JW Olsen, H Ma, D Rhode, H Zhang, and DB Madsen (2007). A short chronology for the peopling of the Tibetan Plateau. Pp. 129-150 in Late Quaternary Climate Change and Human Adaptation in Arid China, edited by DB Madsen, F-H Chen, and X Gao. Developments in Quaternary Science volume 9, Elsevier, Amsterdam.

Brantingham PJ, H Ma, JW Olsen, X Gao, DB Madsen, and D Rhode (2003). Speculation on the timing and nature of Late Pleistocene hunter-gatherer colonization of the Tibetan Plateau. Chinese Science Bulletin 48(14):1510-1516.

Chatters JC, D Rhode, and K Hoover (1990). Tualdad Altu (45Ki59): a Prehistoric Riverine Village in Southern Puget Sound. Archaeology in Washington 2:32-46.

DuBarton, A.E. and S.C. Edwards (1993). Frontiers as World Systems: A Railroad Construction Camp in Southern Nevada. Nevada Archaeologist, Vol. 11:18-31.

Duke, D., T. Carpenter, and D. Page (2007). New Obsidian Hydration Findings Demonstrate the Use of Split-Stem Projectile Points by Great Basin Paleoindians. Current Research in the Pleistocene. Vol. 24.

Edwards, S.C. and C.M. Beck (2003). Project Tugboat: Hawaii’s Contribution to the Plowshare Program,” Hawaii International Conference on Social Sciences ’03 Conference Proceedings, Honolulu, HI.

Edwards, S.C. and A. DuBarton (2002). “The Hot Creek Project, Volunteer Programs and Museum Collections: Combining Public Education and Archaeological Research in Nevada”, Nevada Archaeologist 2001, Vol. 19:36-43.

Feathers JK, and D Rhode (1998). Luminescence Dating of Protohistoric Pottery from the Great Basin. Geoarchaeology: An International Journal 13(3):287-308.

Fowler CS, D Rhode, A Quinlan, D Garey-Sage, and SJ Crum (in press). The Great Basin. Handbook of North American Indians, volume 1: Summary. Smithsonian Institution Press, Washington, DC.

Fowler CS, and D Rhode (2011) Great Basin Plants. In The Subsistence Economies of Indigenous North American Societies, edited by BD Smith, pp. 233-270. Smithsonian Institution Scholarly Press, Washington DC.

Fowler CS, and D Rhode (2006). Great Basin Plants. Pp. 331-350 in Handbook of North America Indians, volume 3: Environment, Origins, and Population, edited by D Ubelaker. Smithsonian Institution, Washington DC.

Goebel T, HL Smith, L DiPietro, MR Waters, B Hockett, KE Graf, R Gal, SB Slobodin, RJ Speakman, SG Driese, and D Rhode (2013). Serpentine Hot Springs, Alaska: Results of Excavations and Implications for the Age and Significance of Northern Fluted Points. Journal of Archaeological Science 40:4222-4233.

Goebel T, B Hockett, KD Adams, D Rhode, and K Graf (2011). Climate, Environment, and Humans in North America’s Great Basin During the Younger Dryas, 12,900-11,600 Calendar Years Ago. Quaternary International 242:479-501.

Goebel T, KE Graf, BS Hockett, and D Rhode (2007). The Paleoindian occupations at Bonneville Estates Rockshelter, Danger Cave, and Smith Creek Cave (Eastern Great Basin, U.S.A.: Interpreting their radiocarbon chronologies. Pp. 147-161 in On Shelter’s Ledge: Histories, Theories and Methods of Rockshelter Research, edited by M Kornfeld, S Vasil’ev, and L Motti. BAR International Series 2007, Archaeopress, Oxford UK.

Goebel WF, KE Graf, BS Hockett, and D Rhode (2003). Late Pleistocene Humans at Bonneville Estates Rockshelter, Eastern Nevada. Current Research in the Pleistocene 20:20-23.

Graf KE, KE Krasinski, LM DiPietro, AK Gore, HL Smith, BJ Culleton, DJ Kennett, and D Rhode (2015). Dry Creek Revisited: New Excavations, Radiocarbon Dates, and Site Formation Inform on the Peopling of Eastern Beringia. American Antiquity 80:671-694.

Hamilton-Brehm, Scott, Lidia Hristova, Susan Edwards, Jeffrey Wedding, Meradeth Snow, Brittany Kruger, and Duane P Moser (2018). Ancient Human Mitochondrial DNA and Radiocarbon Analysis of Archived Quids from the Mule Spring Rockshelter, Nevada, USA. PLOS ONE: PONE-D-17-39822R1.

Hartwell, W. T. (2013). Community Management of Natural Hazards, Ed. Bobrowsky, P. T., In Encyclopedia of Natural Hazards, Encyclopedia of Earth Sciences Series, 112-117, doi: 10.1007/978-1-4020-4399-4_72 Springer Netherlands: Dordrecht, The Netherlands.

Hartwell, W.T.,Shafer, D. S. (2011). The Community Environmental Monitoring Program: A Case Study of Public Education and Involvement in Radiological Monitoring, Health Physics, 101, (5), 606-617.

Hartwell, W.T.,Shafer, D. S. (2011). Public Involvement as an Element in Designing Environmental Monitoring Programs, Ed. Ekundayo, E. O., In Environmental Monitoring, 169-184.

Hartwell, W.T.,C.R. Barrett, and S.C. Edwards, 2005. “Retracing the Past: the Austin and Reese River Transportation Company Toll Road”, Nevada Archaeologist 2002-2003, Vol. 20 and 21:23-34.

Hartwell, W. T. (2007). The Sky on the Ground: Celestial Objects and Events in Archaeology and Popular Culture, In Comet/Asteroid Impacts and Human Society, 71-87, Springer: New York.

Hartwell, W.T.,Barrett, C. R., Edwards, S. C. (2005). Retracing the Past: the Austin and Reese River Transportation Company Toll Road, Nevada Archaeologist 2002-2003, 20, 21, 23-34.

Hartwell, W. T. (2004). President’s Column, Plains Anthropologist, 49, (189), 4-6.

Hartwell, W.T.,Varley, K. (2004). A Fluted Projectile Point Base from Yucca Mountain, Southern Nevada, Current Research in the Pleistocene, 20, 30-31.

Hartwell, W. T. (2003). President’s Column, Plains Anthropologist, 49, (190).

Hartwell, W.T.,Valentine, D. (2002). Reading the Stones: The Archaeology of Yucca Mountain, Topics in Yucca Mountain Archaeology, Reading the stones: The archaeology of Yucca Mountain, 4, 1-78.

Hartwell, W.T.,Haynes, G. M., Rhode, D. E. (1996). Early Obsidian Use and Depletion at Yucca Mountain, Southern Nevada: Evidence from Obsidian Hydration Studies, Current Research in the Pleistocene, 13, 57-59.

Hartwell WT, GM Haynes, and D Rhode (1996). Early Obsidian Use and Depletion at Yucca Mountain, Southern Nevada: Evidence from Obsidian Hydration Studies. Current Research in the Pleistocene 13:57-59.

Haynes, Gary, Simon Makuvaza, and Teresa Wriston (2011). The Bumbusi Petroglyphs and Paintings in Hwange National Park, Zimbabwe: Preliminary Results of Recording and Excavations in Rockshelters. Zimbabwean Prehistory: Journal of the Prehistory Society of Zimbabwe 29: 12-25.

Hou GL, ZP Lai, G Cao, CY E, YJ Sun, D Rhode, and J Feathers (2015). The earliest prehistoric pottery in the Qinghai-Tibetan Plateau and its archaeological implications. Quaternary Geochronology 30 (pt B):431-437.

Hunt JM, D Rhode, DN Schmitt, and DB Madsen (2005). Hearth Morphology, Distribution, and Content. In Camels Back Cave, by DN Schmitt and DB Madsen. University of Utah Anthropological Papers 125. Salt Lake City.

Hunt J, D Rhode, and DB Madsen (2000). Homestead Cave Flora and non-Vertebrate Fauna. Pp. 47-58 in Late Quaternary Paleoecology in the Bonneville Basin, by DB Madsen. Utah Geological Survey Bulletin 130, Salt Lake City.

Johnson, W.G., N.G. Goldenberg, and S.C. Edwards (1997). The Japanese Village at the Nevada Test Site – A Relic of Nuclear War. CRM Vol. 20, No. 14, pp. 21-22. U.S. Department of the Interior, National Park Service, Cultural Resources, Washington D.C.

Jones, R.C. and S.C. Edwards (1994). A Clovis Point on the Nevada Test Site. Nevada Archaeologist, Vol. 12.

Louderback LA, D Rhode, DB Madsen, and M Metcalf (2015). Rapid Vegetation Shifts in the Uinta Mountains (Utah and Wyoming, USA) during the Late Pleistocene and Holocene. Palaeogeography, Palaeoclimatology, Palaeoecology 438:327-343.

Louderback LA, D Rhode, DB Madsen, and M Metcalf (2016). Uinta Mountains and Lakes: Sensitive Indicators of Climate Change. Mountain Views: Chronicles of the Consortium for Integrated Climate Research in Western Mountains, Vol. 10 (1).

Louderback LA, and D Rhode (2009). 15,000 Years of Vegetation Change in the Bonneville Basin: The Blue Lake Pollen Record. Quaternary Science Reviews 28:308-326.

Madsen DB, C Perreault, D Rhode, Y Sun, M Yi, K Brunson, and PJ Brantingham (2017). Early Foraging Settlement of the Tibetan Plateau Highlands. Archaeological Research in Asia 11:15-26.

Madsen DB, CG Oviatt, Z Yan, PJ Brantingham, RG Elston, F Chen, RL Bettinger, and D Rhode (2014). The early appearance of Shuidonggou core-and-blade technology in north China: Implications for the spread of anatomically modern humans in northeast Asia? Quaternary International 347:21-28.

Madsen DB, ZP Lai, YJ Sun, D Rhode, XJ Liu, PJ Brantingham (2014). Late Quaternary Qaidam Lake Histories and Implications for an MIS 3 “Greatest Lakes” Period in Northwest China. Journal of Paleolimnology 51:161-177.

Madsen DB, H Ma, D Rhode, PJ Brantingham, and SL Forman (2008). Age Constraints on the Late Quaternary Evolution of Qinghai Lake, Tibetan Plateau. Quaternary Research 69(2):316-325.

Madsen DB, H Ma, PJ Brantingham, X Gao, D Rhode, H Zhang, and JW Olsen (2006). The Late Upper Paleolithic Occupation of the Northern Tibetan Plateau Margin. Journal of Archaeological Science 33:1433-1444.

Madsen DB, D Rhode, DK Grayson, JM Broughton, SD Livingston, J Hunt, J Quade, DN Schmitt, and MW Shaver III (2001). Late Quaternary Environmental Change in the Bonneville Basin, Western USA. Palaeoecology, Palaeogeography, Palaeoclimatology 167 (3/4): 243-271.

Madsen, D. B., D. N. Schmitt, and D. Page (editors) (2015). The Paleoarchaic Occupation of the Old River Bed Delta. University of Utah Anthropological Papers No. 128. University of Utah Press.

Madsen, D. B., D. N. Schmitt, and D. Page (2015). Chapter 1: Introduction and Research Perspectives. In Madsen, D. B., D. N. Schmitt, and D. Page (Eds.), The Paleoarchaic Occupation of the Old River Bed Delta. University of Utah Anthropological Papers No. 128. University of Utah Press.

Madsen, D. B., D. N. Schmitt, and D. Page (2015). Chapter 7: Integration and Synthesis. In Madsen, D. B., D. N. Schmitt, and D. Page (Eds.), The Paleoarchaic Occupation of the Old River Bed Delta. University of Utah Anthropological Papers No. 128. University of Utah Press.

Madsen, D. B., C. G. Oviatt, D. C. Young, and D. Page (2015). Chapter 3: Old River Bed Delta Geomorphology and Chronology. In Madsen, D. B., D. N. Schmitt, and D. Page (Eds.), The Paleoarchaic Occupation of the Old River Bed Delta. University of Utah Anthropological Papers No. 128. University of Utah Press.

Madsen DB, and D Rhode (1994). Across the West: Human Population Movement and the Expansion of the Numa. University of Utah Press, Salt Lake City.

Madsen DB, and D Rhode (1994). Introduction. In Across the West (see above), pp. 3-5.

Madsen DB, and D Rhode (1990). Early Holocene Pinyon (Pinus monophylla) in the Northeastern Great Basin. Quaternary Research 33:94-101.

Oviatt CG, JS Pigati, DB Madsen, D Rhode, and J Bright (2018). Juke Box Trench: A Valuable Archive of Late Pleistocene and Holocene Stratigraphy in the Bonneville Basin, Utah. Utah Geological Survey Miscellaneous Publication 18-1. Salt Lake City.

Page, D. and D. G. Duke (2015). Chapter 6: Toolstone Sourcing, Lithic Resource Use, and Paleoarchaic Mobility in the Western Bonneville Basin. In Madsen, D. B., D. N. Schmitt, and D. Page (Eds.), The Paleoarchaic Occupation of the Old River Bed Delta. University of Utah Anthropological Papers No. 128. University of Utah Press.

Page, D. (2015a). Supplemental Digital Material Chapter 6, Source Assignment Tables. In Madsen, D. B., D. N. Schmitt, and D. Page (Eds.), The Paleoarchaic Occupation of the Old River Bed Delta. University of Utah Anthropological Papers No. 128. University of Utah Press.

Page, D. (2015b). Supplemental Digital Material Chapter 6, Results of XRF and pXRF Analysis. In Madsen, D. B., D. N. Schmitt, and D. Page (Eds.), The Paleoarchaic Occupation of the Old River Bed Delta. University of Utah Anthropological Papers No. 128. University of Utah Press.

Page, D. (2010) Lincoln Highway through the Great American Desert. Electronic document,

Page, D. (2008) Fine-Grained Volcanic Toolstone Sources and Early Use in the Bonneville Basin of Western Utah and Eastern Nevada. Master’s Thesis, Department of Anthropology, University of Nevada, Reno.

Perreault C, MT Boulanger, AM Hudson, D Rhode, DB Madsen, JW Olsen, ML Steffen, J Quade, MD Glascock, and PJ Brantingham (2016). Characterization of Obsidian from the Tibetan Plateau by XRF and NAA. Journal of Archaeological Science Reports 5:392-399.

Pippin LC, and D Rhode (1991). Archaeological Program for the Yucca Mountain Site. High Level Radioactive Waste Management: Proceedings of the Second Annual International Conference, pp. 1444-1448. American Nuclear Society and American Society of Civil Engineers, La Grange, Illinois and New York, New York.

Ren L, GH Dong, HM Li, D Rhode, RK Flad, GQ Li, Y Yang, ZX Wang, LH Cai, XY Ren, DJ Zhang, and FH Chen (2017). Dating Human Settlement in the East-Central Tibetan Plateau during the Late Holocene. Radiocarbon, online November 2017, DOI:10.1017/RDC.2017.117.

Rhode, D (2016). Wood Charcoal from Archaeological Sites in the Qinghai Lake Basin, Western China: Implications for Human Resource Use and Anthropogenic Environmental Change. Journal of Ethnobiology 36(3):569-592.

Rhode, D (2016). Quaternary Vegetation Changes in the Bonneville Basin. In Lake Bonneville: A Scientific Update, edited by CG Oviatt and J Shroder, pp. 420-441. Developments in Earth Surface Processes, Vol. 20. Elsevier, Amsterdam.

Rhode, D (2016). Chapter 2: Natural Setting of the Northern Tier. Pp. 36-70 in Prehistory of Nevada’s Northern Tier: Archaeological Investigations along the Ruby Pipeline, by WR Hildebrandt, K McGuire, J King, A Ruby, and DC Young. American Museum of Natural History Anthropological Papers No. 101. American Museum of Natural History, New York.

Rhode, D (2016). A Biogeographic Perspective on Early Human Colonization of the Tibetan Plateau. Archaeological Research in Asia 5:33-43.

Rhode, D, and AA Rhode (2015). Energetic Return Rates from Limber Pine Seeds. Journal of California and Great Basin Anthropology 35(2):291-304.

Rhode, D, and LA Louderback (2015). Bonneville Basin Environments During the Pleistocene-Holocene Transition. In The Paleoarchaic Occupation of the Old River Bed Delta, edited by David B. Madsen, Dave N. Schmitt, and David Page, pp. 22-29. University of Utah Anthropological Papers No. 128. Salt Lake City, Utah.

Rhode, D, PJ Brantingham, C Perrault, and DB Madsen (2014). Mind the Gaps: Testing for hiatuses in regional radiocarbon records. Journal of Archaeological Science 52:567-577.

Rhode, D (2014). Naming the Desert Bighorn. In Archaeology in the Great Basin and Southwest: Papers in Honor of Don D. Fowler, edited by Nancy Parezo and Joel C. Janetski. University of Utah Press, Salt Lake City.

Rhode, D (2012). Introduction. Chapter 1 in Meetings at the Margins: Prehistoric Cultural Interactions in the Intermountain West, edited by D Rhode, pp. 1-22. University of Utah Press, Salt Lake City.

Rhode, D, editor (2012). Meetings at the Margins: Prehistoric Cultural Interactions in the Intermountain West. University of Utah Press, Salt Lake City.

Rhode, D (2011). Constraints on Long-Distance Movement of Plant Foods in the Great Basin. Chapter 11 in Perspectives on Prehistoric Trade and Exchange in California and the Great Basin, edited by RE Hughes, pp. 221-241. University of Utah Press, Salt Lake City.

Rhode, D, H Ma, DB Madsen, PJ Brantingham, SL Forman, and JW Olsen (2010). Paleoenvironmental and Archaeological Investigations at Qinghai Lake, Western China: Geomorphic and Chronometric Evidence of Lake Level History. Quaternary International 218:29-44.

Rhode, D (2008). Dietary plant use by middle Holocene foragers in the Bonneville Basin, western North America. Before Farming [online version] 2008/3 article 2.

Rhode, D (2008). Development of Paleoenvironmental Research Methods. In The Great Basin: People and Place in Ancient Times, edited by CS Fowler and DD Fowler. SAR Press, Santa Fe.

Rhode, D, and LA Louderback (2007). Dietary Plant Use in the Bonneville Basin during the Terminal Pleistocene-Early Holocene Transition. Pp. 231-247 in Paleoindian or Paleoarchaic? Great Basin Human Ecology at the Pleistocene-Holocene Transition, edited by KE Graf and DN Schmitt. University of Utah Press, Salt Lake City.

Rhode, D, H Zhang, DB Madsen, X Gao, PJ Brantingham, H Ma, and JW Olsen (2007). Epipaleolithic/Early Neolithic Settlements at Qinghai Lake, western China. Journal of Archaeological Science 34(4):600-612.

Rhode, D, DB Madsen, PJ Brantingham, and T Dargye (2007). Yak, yak dung, and prehistoric human habitation of the Tibetan Plateau. Pp. 205-224 in Late Quaternary Climate Change and Human Adaptation in Arid China, edited by DB Madsen, F-H Chen, and X Gao. Developments in Quaternary Science Vol. 9, Elsevier, Amsterdam.

Rhode, D, DB Madsen, and KT Jones (2006). Antiquity of Early Holocene Small-Seed Consumption and Processing at Danger Cave. Antiquity 80 (308):328-339.

Rhode, D, T Goebel, KE Graf, BS Hockett, KT Jones, DB Madsen, CG Oviatt, and DN Schmitt (2005). Latest Pleistocene-early Holocene human occupation and paleoenvironmental change in the Bonneville Basin, Utah-Nevada. By Pp. 211-230 in Interior Western United States: Geological Society of America Field Guide 6, edited by J Pederson and CM Dehler. Geological Society of America, Denver.

Rhode, D, DB Madsen, PJ Brantingham, and T Goebel (2004). Human occupation in the Beringian “mammoth-steppe:” starved for fuel, or dung-burner’s paradise? Current Research in the Pleistocene 20:68-70.

Rhode, D (2003). Coprolites from Hidden Cave, Revisited: Evidence for occupation history, diet, and gender. Journal of Archaeological Science 30(7): 909-922.

Rhode, D (2002). Native Plants of Southern Nevada: An Ethnobotany. University of Utah Press, Salt Lake City.

Rhode, D (2002). Early Holocene juniper woodland and chaparral taxa in the central Baja California Peninsula, Mexico. Quaternary Research 57(1):102-108.

Rhode, D (2001). Macrobotanical Remains. In Prehistory of the Carson Desert and Stillwater Mountains: Environment, Mobility and Subsistence in a Great Basin Wetland, by RL Kelly, pp. 254-262. University of Utah Press, Salt Lake City.

Rhode, D (2001). Packrat Middens as a Tool for Reconstructing Historic Ecosystems. Pp. 257-293 in Historical Ecology Handbook: A restorationist’s guide to reference ecosystems, edited by D Egan and E Howell. Island Press, Covelo, CA.

Rhode, D, KD Adams, and RG Elston (2000). Geoarchaeology and Holocene landscape history of the Carson Desert, western Nevada. Pp. 45-74 in Great Basin and Sierra Nevada, edited by DR Lageson, SG Peters and MM Lahren. Geological Society of America Field Guide 2. Boulder, CO.

Rhode, D (2000). Middle and Late Wisconsin Vegetation History in the Bonneville Basin. Pp. 137-148 in Late Quaternary Paleoecology in the Bonneville Basin, by DB Madsen. Utah Geological Survey Bulletin 130, Salt Lake City.

Rhode, D (2000). Holocene Vegetation History in the Bonneville Basin. Pp. 149-164 in Late Quaternary Paleoecology in the Bonneville Basin, by DB Madsen. Utah Geological Survey Bulletin 130, Salt Lake City.

Rhode, D (1999). The Role of Paleoecology in the Development of Great Basin Archaeology, and Vice Versa. Pp. 29-52 in Models for the Millennium: Great Basin Anthropology Today, edited by C Beck. University of Utah Press, Salt Lake City.

Rhode, D, and DB Madsen (1998). Pine Nut Use in the Early Holocene and Beyond: the Danger Cave Archaeobotanical Record. Journal of Archaeological Science 25(12):1199-1210.

Rhode, D, and H. Rager (1997). GIS and Obsidian Hydration-Based Chronologies of Regional Surface Archaeology: An Example from Yucca Mountain, Nevada, USA. In Archaeological Applications of GIS, edited by M North and I Johnson. Sydney University Archaeological Methods Series Vol. 5. Sydney, Australia.

Rhode, D (1995). Estimating Agricultural Carrying Capacity in the Zuni Region, West-central New Mexico: A Water Allocation Model. Pp. 85-100 in Soil, Water, Biology, and Belief in Prehistoric and Traditional Southwestern Agriculture, edited by HW Toll. New Mexico Archaeological Council Agriculture Special Publication 2, Albuquerque.

Rhode, D, and DB Madsen (1995). Late Wisconsin/Early Holocene Vegetation Change in the Bonneville Basin. Quaternary Research 44:246-256.

Rhode, D (1994). Direct Dating of Brown Ware Ceramics Using Thermoluminescence and Its Relation to the Numic Spread. In Across the West (see above), pp. 124-132.

Rhode, D, and DB Madsen (1994). Where Are We? In Across the West (see above), pp. 213-222.

Rhode, D (1990). Transportation Costs of Great Basin Resources: An Assessment of the Jones-Madsen Model. Current Anthropology 31:413-419.

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Teresa Wriston, Ph.D.

Dave Rhode, Ph.D.

Dave Page, M.A.

Desert Research Institute
2215 Raggio Parkway
Reno, NV 89512


Laura O’Neill, M.A.

Susan Edwards, M.A.

Tatianna Menocal, M.A.

JD Lancaster, M.A.

Cheryl Collins, M.A.

Megan Stueve, M.A.

Gregory Haynes, Ph.D.

Nicole Brannan, M.A.

Desert Research Institute
755 East Flamingo Road
Las Vegas, NV 89119


Earth & Ecosystem Sciences