Alexandra Lutz Profile Photo
Dr. Alexandra Lutz
Associate Research Professor, Hydrogeology

Professional Interests

My objective is to conduct research on groundwater sustainability as related to climate changes in West Africa and Nevada. Groundwater is being developed to meet domestic and agricultural needs in both locations, though the long-term sustainable yield is not known. To continue answering questions about sustainable yield, I anticipate continuing and expanding study sites in Mali and Ghana. Closer to home, I would like to examine how climate change will affect groundwater resources in Nevada. With a rapidly-growing population and limited water resources, Nevada faces issues similar to those in West Africa.

Research Areas

  • Groundwater
  • Sustainability
  • Recharge
  • Water Quality


Degree Institution Area
Ph.D. University of Nevada, Reno Hydrogeology
M.S. University of Nevada, Reno Civil Engineering
M.A. University of Nevada, Reno German Literature
B.A. University of Vermont Economics and German Literature


water resources, global development, climate


Lutz, A. D., Nazoumou, Y., Hassane, A., Moumouni Ali, D., Guero, A., Rybarski, S. C., Kreamer, D. (2024). Developing Sustainable Groundwater for Agriculture: Approach for a Numerical Groundwater Flow Model in Data-Scarce Sia Kouanza, Niger, Water, 16, 2511, https://doi.org/10.3390/w16172511

Rosales, B. H., Lutz, A. D. (2023). Assessing the Feasibility of Rooftop Rainwater Harvesting for Food Production in Northwestern Arizona on the Hualapai Indian Reservation, Sustainability, Special Issue Water Security and Resilience, 15 (4), 2891, February 6, 2023

Samburova, V., Schneider, E., Rüger, C. P., Inouye, S., Sion, B., Axelrod, K., Bahdanovich, P., Friederici, L., Raeofy, Y., Berli, M., Lutz, A. D., Zimmermann, R., Moosmüller, H. (2023). Modifications of Soil Hydroscopic and Chemical Properties Caused by Four Recent California, USA Megafires, Fire, 6 (5), 186, 10.3390/fire6050186

Hershey, R. L., Lutz, A. D., Rybarski, S. C., Heyvaert, A. C., Cooper, C. A. (2023). Leviathan Mine Remedial Investigation Report, Suggested Re-Analysis Ideas for Groundwater Data, August 2023

McKenna, S., Hoekman, S.K., Lutz, A. D., Gentilcore, D. M. (2022). Lithium Opportunities and Challenges in Nevada, Desert Research Institute: Reno, NV, DRI Publication Number 41290

Pearson, C., Lutz, A. D., Huntington, J. L. (2020). Improving Evaporation Monitoring at Lake Hodges, California: FY2020 Summary

Bai, X., Lutz, A. D., Carroll, R. W., Keteles, K., Dahlin, K., Murphy, M., Nguyen, D. (2018). Occurrence, distribution, and seasonality of emerging contaminants in urban watersheds, Chemosphere, 200, 133-142, 10.1016/j.chemosphere.2018.02.106

Craig, L., Thomas, J. M., Lutz, A. D., Decker, D. L. (2017). Determining the optimum locations for pumping low-fluoride groundwater to distribute to communities in a fluoridic area in the Upper East Region, Ghana, Chemical Geology, 476, 481-492, December 1, 2017, https://doi.org/10.1016/j.chemgeo.2017.12.001

McDonough, F., Mejia, J. F., Shourd, K. N., Carroll, R. W., Lutz, A. D., Dean, J., Juchtzer, J. W., Huggins, A. W., Kaplan, M. L., DeLuna, R., Trembath, C. (2017). Weather Modification Feasibility Study – Laramie Range Siting and Design, Level III Study, April 30, 2017, Project report prepared for the Wyoming Water Development Office, Cheyenne, WY.

Bai, X., Lutz, A. D., Carroll, R. W. (2017). Occurrence of contaminants of emerging concern in the Denver-Metro Area: Review of USEPA Monitoring Data, DRI Institute Project Assignment.

Tang, G., Carroll, R. W., Lutz, A. D. (2016). Regulation of precipitation-associated vegetation dynamics on catchment water balance in a semiarid and arid mountainous watershed., Ecohydrology, 9 (7), 1248-1262, 10.1002/eco.1723

Lutz, A. D., Crews, J. B., Pearson, C., Apambire, W. B. (2016). Final Report to Water4, July 6, 2016

Sada, D. W., Lutz, A. D. (2016). Environmental Characteristics of Great Basin and Mojave Desert Springs, Unpublished report to U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service. The Great Basin Landscape Conservation Cooperative

Holt, S. E., Lutz, A. D., Saga, B., Berger, D. L., Thomas, J. M., Apambire, W. B. (2015). Developing an approach for a three-dimensional hydrogeologic framework to find water in Northern Ghana, Open Journal of Modern Hydrology, 5, 105-120, https://dx.doi.org/10.4236/ojmh.2015.54010

Fisher, M. B., Shields, K. F., Chan, T. U., Christenson, E., Cronk, R. D., Leker, H., Samani, D., Apoya, P., Lutz, A. D., Bartram, J. (2015). Understanding handpump sustainability: Determinants of rural water source functionality in the Greater Afram Plains region of Ghana., Water Resources Research, 51 (10), 8431-8449, 10.1002/2014WR016770

Craig, L., Lutz, A. D., Berry, K. A., Yang, W. (2015). Recommendations for fluoride limits in drinking water based on estimated daily fluoride intake in the Upper East Region, Ghana, Science of the Total Environment, 532, 127-137, 10.1016/j.scitotenv.2015.05.126

Lutz, A. D., Minyila, S., Saga, B., Diarra, S., Apambire, W. B., Thomas, J. M. (2015). Fluctuation of Groundwater Levels and Recharge Patterns in Northern Ghana, Climate, 3, 1-15, 10.3390/cli3010001

Abatzoglou, J. T., Hegewisch, K., Carroll, R. W., Lutz, A. D., Leising, J. F., Rajagopal, S., Brooks, K., Thomas, J. M. (2014). Impacts of a Changing Climate on Water Resources in the Eastern Great Basin. DRI, DRI Report No. 41266

Leising, J. F., Lutz, A. D. (2014). The Range Fraction: An Applied Method to Characterize Regional Groundwater Responses, Environmental Monitoring Assessment

Lutz, A. D., Thomas, J. M., Diarra, S. (2013). Chemistry of Hand-Pump Waters in Ghana, Mali, and Niger, West Africa: Potential Health Effects, Procedia Earth and Planetary Science, 7, 541-545

Jabbarov, K., Eshchanov, R., Matniyazova, G., Lutz, A. D., Shanafield, M., Lamers, J. (2013). Canal Lining to Increase Water Use Efficiency and Remediate Groundwater Levels in Khorezm, Uzbekistan, Central Asia, International Journal of Agriculture: Research and Review, 3 (4), 742-750

Lutz, A. D., Diarra, S., Thomas, J. M., Ayamsegna, J. (2013). Drinking Water from Hand-Pumps in Mali, Niger, and Ghana, West Africa: Review of Health Effects, Journal of Water Resource and Protection, 5 (8A)

Abatzoglou, J. T., Diehl, H., Leising, J. F., Lutz, A. D., Redmond, K. T., Thomas, J. M. (2012). Evaluation of Climate Change Effects on Water Resources in Eastern Nevada: Prepared by Desert Research Institute, Reno, NV for Southern Nevada Water Authority, DRI Publication Number: 41255

Lutz, A. D., Thomas, J. M., Keita, M. (2011). Effects of population growth and climate variability on sustainable groundwater in Mali, West Africa, Sustainability, 3, 1, 21-34, 10.3390/su3010021

Lutz, A. D. (2011). Climate Change and Sustainable Development of Water: Sub-Saharan AfricaChapter : . In Blanco, J., Kheramand, H. (Eds.), Climate Change, Socioeconomic Effects. Intech: Croatia

Thomas, J. M., Redmond, K. T., Lutz, A. D., Abatzoglou, J. T., Stone, M. C., McCurdy, G. D., Earman, S. B., Leising, J., Donovan, D. (2011). Preliminary Evaluation of Climate Change Effects on Water Resources in Eastern Nevada, DRI Report No. 41252

Lutz, A. D., Thomas, J. M., Panorska, A. K. (2010). Environmental controls on stable isotope precipitation values over Mali and Niger, West Africa, Environmental Earth Sciences, 10.1007/s12665-010-0655-7

Lutz, A. D., Thomas, J. M., Pohll, G. M., Keita, M., McKay, W. A. (2009). Sustainability of ground water in Mali, West Africa, Environmental Geology, 58, 1441-1450, 10.1007/s00254-008-1646-9

Heyvaert, A. C., Chandra, S., Fritsen, C. H., Hershey, R. L., Moser, D. P., Stone, M. C., Bruckner, J., Lutz, A. D., Memmot, J., Umek, J., Thomas, J. M. (2009). Contemporary Limnology of Walker Lake, NevadaChapter Contemporary Limnology of Walker Lake, Nevada. In , Restoration of a Desert Lake in an Agriculturally Dominated Watershed: The Walker Lake Basin

Stone, M. C., Heyvaert, A. C., Chandler, C., Fritsen, C. H., Hershey, R. L., Moser, D. P., Bruckner, J., Lutz, A. D., Memmott, J. C., Acharya, K. (2009). Ecological model for Walker Lake, Nevada. In Restoration of a Desert Lake in an agriculturally dominated watershed: The Walker Lake Basin

Heyvaert, A. C., Chandra, S., Fritsen, C. H., Hershey, R. L., Moser, D. P., Stone, M. C., Bruckner, J., Lutz, A. D., Memmott, J. C., Umek, J. W., Thomas, J. M. (2009). Contemporary Limnology of Walker Lake, Nevada. Final Report submitted to the Walker Basin Project. In: Restoration of a Desert Lake in an Agriculturally Dominated Watershed: The Walker Lake Basin. (Eds) M.W. Collopy and J.M. Thomas.

Susfalk, R. B., Sada, D. W., Martin, C., Young, M. H., Gates, T., Rosamond, C. L., Mihevc, T. M., Arrowood, T., Shanafield, M., Epstein, B., Lutz, A. D., Woodrow, J., Miller, G., Smith, D. (2008). Evaluation of Linear Anionic Polyacrylamide (LA-PAM) Application to Water Delivery Canals for Seepage Reduction

Lutz, A. D., Thomas, J. M., Pohll, G. M., McKay, W. A. (2007). Groundwater resource sustainability in the Nabogo Basin of Ghana, West Africa, Journal of African Earth Sciences, 49, 61-70, 10.10116/j.jafrearsci.2007.06.004

Lutz, A. D., Thomas, J. M. (2005). West Africa Water Initiative: Water Chemistry Field Method Manual, Release 1.1, DRI Report No. 41222

Young, M. H., Grey, K., Lutz, A. D. (2004). West Africa Water Initiative: Users Manual WAWI Database Manager Version 1.2, DRI Report No. 41221

McDonald, C., Lutz, A. D. (2000). Staff Report on Recommendation to Remove Pine Creek from the 303(d) List. California Regional Water Quality Control Board, Lahontan Region

Conference Proceedings
Greene, S. J., Daniel, A. T., Lutz, A. D., & Saftner, D. M. (2025). Water Resource Plans for Rural Nevada Counties. NWRA 2025 Conference: Reno, NV

Samburova, V., Schneider, E., Rüger, C., Inouye, S., Sion, B., Axelrod, K., Bahdanovich, P., Friederici, L., Raeofy, Y., Berli, M., Lutz, A. D., Zimmermann, R., & Moosmüller, H. (2024). Soil Chemistry and Hydrophobicity Caused by Four 2021-22 Western U.S. Megafires. General Assembly of the European Geosciences Union (EGU 2024): Vienna, Austria, April 14, 2024-April 19, 2024

Groover, K., Lutz, A. D. (2024). Factors controlling the growth of agricultural shoreline wetlands at the Salton Sea, California. Desert Symposium: Zzyzx, California, April 11, 2024-April 15, 2024

Groover, K., Lutz, A. D. (2023). Wetland Dynamics at the Southern Shore of the Salton Sea, Session D2. Environmental, Hydrological, and Engineering Geology . GSA 2023 Cordilleran Section Meeting: Reno NV, May 17, 2023

Ramsey, B. A., Collins, M. J., Lutz, A. D., McCarthy, M. I. (2017). The Use of Traditional Knowledge in Increasing Community Resilience and Food Security. Second Annual Conference on Native American Nutrition: Prior Lake, Minnesota, September 17, 2017-September 20, 2017

Carroll, R. W., Huntington, J. L., Lutz, A. D., Snyder, K., Niswonger, R. (2015). Vegetation and hydrologic response to climate in the Great Basin. (Invited) American Geophysical Union: San Francisco, CA, December 14, 2015-December 18, 2015

Lutz, A. D., Holt, S. E., Saga, B., Apambire, W. B. (2015). Groundwater resources and well-drilling challenges How can we increase drilling success rates?. The 2015 University of Oklahoma International WaTER Conference: NCED Conference Center and Hotel, Norman, OK, September 21, 2015-September 23, 2015

Beers, T., Weaver, S., Nejmeh, B., Lutz, A. D. (2014). A Remote Pump Monitoring System. AWRA 2014 Summer Specialty Conference INTEGRATED WATER RESOURCES MANAGEMENT: FROM THEORY TO APPLICATION: Reno, NV, June 30, 2014-July 2, 2014

Holt, S. E., Lutz, A. D., Berger, D., Saga, B., Boi-Addo, K., Apambire, W. B., Thomas, J. M. (2014). Developing a Three-dimensional hydrogeologic Framework for Water Management in Northern Ghana, West Africa. AWRA 2014 Summer Specialty Conference INTEGRATED WATER RESOURCES MANAGEMENT:: Reno, NV, June 30, 2014-July 2, 2014

Lutz, A. D., Thomas, J. M., Diarra, S. (2013). Chemistry of Hand-Pump Waters in Ghana, Mali, and Niger, West Africa: Potential Health Effects. The Fourteenth International Symposium on Water-Rock Interaction: Avignon, France, June 9, 2013-June 14, 2013

Eshchanov, R., Nurmetov, J., Lutz, A. D., Shanafield, M., Hoyjaz, J., Lamers, J. (2013). Preventing Water Loss through Agricultural Canals in an Arid Region: A Case Study from Khorezm, Uzbekistan. Ninth International Conference on Environmental, Cultural, Economic & Social Sustainability: Hiroshima, Japan, January 23, 2013-January 25, 2013

Lutz, A. D., Apambire, W. B., Thomas, J. M. (2013). Estimating water storage in Northern Ghana. University of Oklahoma International WaTER Conference: Norman, OK, September 23, 2013-September 25, 2013

Apambire, W. B., Thomas, J. M., Lutz, A. D. (2013). The Desert Research Institute’s WASH Capacity Building Efforts over the last 20 years in West Africa. University of Oklahoma International WaTER Conference: Norman, OK, September 23, 2013-September 25, 2013

Lutz, A. D., Thomas, J. M., Abatzoglou, J. T., Diehl, H. (2011). Analysis of Observational Data: Hydroclimate Trends at Sites in Eastern Nevad. American Water Resources Association, Annual Water Resources Conference: Albuquerque, New Mexico, November 7, 2011-November 10, 2011

Thomas, J. M., Lutz, A. D. (2010). Engaging students in water resources issues in developing countries. American Geophysical Union Fall Meeting, San Francisco, CA, December 13, 2010-December 17, 2010

Heyvaert, A. C., Lutz, A. D., Memmott, J. C., Thomas, J. M., Stone, M. C. (2009). Development and application of a limnological database and ecological model for Walker Lake in western Nevada, USA.. International Symposium on Terminus Lakes: Reno, Nevada

Lutz, A. D., Thomas, J. M., Keita, M. (2009). Ground Water Level Monitoring in Mali and Ghana, West Africa. Groundwater Summit: Tucson, AZ

Lutz, A. D., Thomas, J. M., Keita, M., McKay, W. A. (2009). Ground Water Level Monitoring in Mali and Ghana, West Africa – Ground Water Management Under Climate Change: Implications for Developing Countries. National Ground Water Association, Ground Water Summit: Tucson, New Mexico, April 22, 2009-April 22, 2009

Lutz, A. D., Thomas, J. M., Pohll, G. M., Keita, M., Apambire, W. B., McKay, W. A. (2007). Ground Water Resource Sustainability in the Bani Area of Mali: Albuquerque, New Mexico

Lutz, A. D., Thomas, J. M., Apambire, W. B., Keita, M., McKay, W. A. (2007). Groundwater Resource Sustainability in Mali. National Ground Water Association Groundwater Summit: Albuquerque, New Mexico, April 29, 2007-May 3, 2007

Ayamsegna, J. A., Apambire, W. B., Thomas, J. M., Lutz, A. D. (2005). Groundwater quality assessment, treatment, and monitoring in the Greater Afram Plains and northern region of Ghana. Groundwater Summit: San Antonio, Texas

Lutz, A. D., Thomas, J. M., Apambire, W. B., Ayamsegna, J. A., McKay, W. A. (2005). Groundwater resource sustainability in the Nabogo Basin of Northern Ghana: San Antonio, Texas

Lutz, A. D., Thomas, J. M., Apambire, W. B., Ayamsegna, J., McKay, W. A. (2005). Groundwater resource sustainability in a small watershed in northern Ghana. National Groundwater Association: San Antonio, TX