Professional Interests
Growing up on a cattle ranch in northeastern Wyoming, Dr. Beatrice Gordon has a lifelong passion for water that has fueled her professional and personal development.
As a postdoctoral research scientist at the DRI, Dr. Gordon’s applied and interdisciplinary research program focuses on climate adaptation to changes in snow. Spanning hydrology, land use, economics, and social science, her research often uses a diverse mix of tools including big data, computational models, and social science methodologies.
B.A. | English; History | Stanford University |
M.S. | Water Resources | University of Wyoming |
Ph.D. | Hydrologic Sciences | University of Nevada-Reno |
Publications Prior to DRI
Gordon, B. L., Crow, W. T., Konings, A. G., Dralle, D. N., & Harpold, A. A. (2022). Can We Use the Water Budget to Infer Upland Catchment Behavior? The Role of Data Set Error Estimation and Interbasin Groundwater Flow. Water Resources Research, 58(9),e2021WR030966.
Gordon, B. L., Brooks, P. D., Krogh, S. A., Boisrame, G. F., Carroll, R. W., McNamara, J. P., & Harpold, A. A. (2022). Why does snowmelt-driven streamflow response to warming vary? A data-driven review and predictive framework.Environmental Research Letters.
Krogh, S. A., Scaff, L., Sterle, G., Kirchner, J., Gordon, B., Harpold, A. (2021). Diel streamflow cycles suggest more sensitive snowmelt-driven streamflow to climate change than land surface modeling.Hydrology and Earth System Sciences Discussions, 1-41.
Claes, N., Paige, G. B., Gordon, B. L., Parsekian, A. D., Miller, S. N. (2021).Hydrologic modeling of reach scale fluxes from flood irrigated fields. Journal of Hydrology, 598, 126254.
Gordon, B.L., Paige, G.B., Miller, S.N., Claes, N., Parsekian, A.D. (2020). Field scale quantification indicates potential for variability in return flows from flood irrigation in the high-altitude western US. Agricultural water management, 232, 106062.
Gordon, B. L., Kowal, V., Khadka, A., Chaplin-Kramer, R., Roath, R., & Bryant, B. P. (2019).Existing accessible modeling tools offer limited support to evaluation of impact investment in rangeland ecosystem services. Frontiers in Sustainable Food Systems, 3, 77.
Gordon, B. L., Quesnel, K. J., Abs, R., & Ajami, N. K. (2018). A case-study based framework for assessing the multi-sector performance of green infrastructure. Journal of environmental management, 223, 371-384.
Reports and Research Briefs for Policy Makers
Conrad, C., Gordon, B.L., Moran, T.A., Blomquist, W., Martinez, J., Szeptykci, L., (2018) Californias new landscape for groundwater governance. Stanford University Wood’s Institute for the Enviornment.
Szeptycki, L., Pilz, D., O’Connor, R., & Gordon, B. (2018).Environmental Water Transactions in the Colorado River Basin: A Closer Look.
Personal Website
mountain hydrology, agricultural water management, sociohydrology