Affiliate Research Professor
Professional Interests
Atmospheric chemistry and its application to urban, regional and global scale air quality problems are Dr. Stockwell’s primary research interests. He has developed several widely used regional atmospheric chemistry models including the Regional Acid Deposition Model, version 2, (RADM2) for the US Environmental Protection Agency and the Mesoscale Meteorological Model, version 5, with Chemistry (MM5-CHEM) that is being used by the National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration (NOAA) for air quality forecasting. He has performed experimental and theoretical studies of aerosol formation and his research on sulfur dioxide oxidation is now the basis for studies of secondary sulfate aerosol formation and for the development of particulate matter control strategies. His research interests also include the atmospheric chemistry of biologically emitted volatile organic compounds, the application of sensitivity and uncertainty analysis to air quality models, the effects of turbulence on chemistry, the modeling of nitrate aerosol formation and field measurements of trace species and solar radiation flux. The application of science to public policy is another strong interest. Dr. Stockwell served as the Chief Scientist for Air Quality in the Office of Weather and Air Quality within the Office of Atmospheric Research of NOAA. At NOAA he worked on science policy issues associated with the development of a nationwide program of air quality forecasting. Dr. Stockwell’s principal appointment is associate professor, Department of Chemistry at Howard University. He is also on the faculty of Howard University’s Program of Atmospheric Science and its NOAA Center for Atmospheric Science.
Research Areas
- Photochemistry and Chemical Kinetics
- Mechanism Development for Air Quality Models
- Analytical Chemistry of Trace Atmospheric Species
- Biological Emissions, Forest Ecosystems and Atmosphere Interactions
- Climate Change and Its Effects on Local, Regional and Global Air Pollution
- Atmospheric Chemistry Model Development with Applications
Degree |
Institution |
Area |
Postdoctoral |
National Center for Atmospheric Research |
Advanced Study Program Postdoctoral Fellow |
Ph.D. |
Ohio State University |
Physical Chemistry |
M.S. |
Ohio State University |
Physical Chemistry |
B.S. |
Bowling Green State University |
Chemistry |
Professional Activities
Howard University
Department of Chemistry, Room 120
525 College Street, NW
Washington, DC 20059
Samburova, V.,
McDaniel, M. R.,
Campbell, D. E.,
Wolf, M.,
Stockwell, W. R.,
Khlystov, A. Y. (2019).
Dominant Volatile Organic Compounds (VOCs) measured at four Cannabis growing facilities: Pilot study results,
Journal of the Air & Waste Management Association, 69 (11), 1267-1276,
Stewart, D. R.,
Saunders, E.,
Perea, r.,
Fitzgerals, R.,
Campbell, D. E.,
Stockwell, W. R. (2018).
Projected Changes in Particulate Matter Concentrations in the South Coast Air Basin due to Basin-Wide Reductions in Nitrogen Oxides, Volatile Organic Compounds, and Ammonia Emissions,
J. Air & Waste Manage. Assoc., 2 (69), 192-208
Stewart, D.,
Saunders, E.,
Perea, R. A.,
Fitzgerald, R.,
Campbell, D. E.,
Stockwell, W. R. (2017).
Linking Air Quality and Human Health Effects Models: An Application to the Los Angeles Air Basin,
Environ. Health Insights, 11, 1-13, DOI: 1.1177/117863217737551
Stockwell, W. R.,
Fitzgerald, R.,
Campbell, D. E. (2017).
Air Quality Modeling of the Relationship Between Simulated PM2.5 in Response to Varying Reductions of Ammonia Emissions over the South Coast Air Basin. Coordinating Research Council, A-109
Fujita, E. M.,
Campbell, D. E.,
Stockwell, W. R.,
Saunders, E.,
Fitzgerald, R.,
Perea, R. (2016).
Projected ozone trends and changes in the ozone-precursor relationship in the South Coast Air Basin in response to varying reductions of precursor emissions,
Journal of the Air & Waste Management Association, 66 (2), 201-214,
10.1080/10962247.2015.1106991 ://WOS:000371093100009
Goliff, W. S.,
Luria, M.,
Blake, D. R.,
Zielinska, B. K.,
Hallar, A. G.,
Valente, R. J.,
Stockwell, W. R. (2015).
Nighttime air quality under desert conditions,
Atmos. Environ., 114, 102-111,
Fujita, E. M.,
Campbell, D. E.,
Stockwell, W. R.,
Lawson, D. R. (2013).
Past and present ozone trends in California’s South Coast Air Basin: Reconciliation of ambient measurements with past and projected emission inventories,
J. Air Waste Manage. Assoc.,, 63 (1), 54-69
Hallar, A. G.,
McCubbin, I. B.,
Hallar, B.,
Levine, R.,
Stockwell, W. R.,
Lopez, J.,
Wright, J. (2010).
Science in the Mountains: A Unique Research Experience to Enhance Diversity in the Geosciences,
J GeoScience Educ, 58 (2), 213-220
Weinroth, E.,
Stockwell, W. R.,
Koracin, D. R.,
Kahyaoglu-Koracin, J.,
Luria, M.,
McCord, T. E.,
Podnar, D.,
Gertler, A. W. (2008).
A hybrid model for ozone forecasting,
Atmos. Environ., 42, 7002-7012
Fuentes, J. D.,
Wang, D.,
Bowling, D. R.,
Potosnak, M.,
Monson, R. K.,
Goliff, W. S.,
Stockwell, W. R. (2007).
Biogenic hydrocarbon chemistry within and above a mixed deciduous forest,
J. Atmos. Chem., 56 (2), 165-185
Kim, D.,
Stockwell, W. R. (2007).
An online coupled meteorological and air quality modeling study of the effect of complex terrain on the regional transport and transformation of air pollutants over the Western United States,
Atmos. Environ., 41 (11), 2319-2334
Kim, D.,
Loughner, C. P.,
Wetzel, M. A.,
Goliff, W. S.,
Stockwell, W. R. (2007).
A Comparison of Photolysis Rate Parameters Estimated from Measured and Simulated Actinic Flux for Wintertime Conditions at Storm Peak Laboratory, Colorado,
J. Atmos. Chem., 57 (1), 59-71
Zielinska, B. K.,
Sagebiel, J. C.,
Stockwell, W. R.,
McDonald, J. D.,
Seagrave, J. C.,
Wissen, P.,
Wirtz, K. (2006).
Investigation of atmospheric transformation of diesel emissions in the European Photoreactor (EUPHORE)Chapter : Investigation of atmospheric transformation of diesel emissions in the European Photoreactor (EUPHORE). In
Barnes, I.,
Rudzinski , K. J. (Eds.),
Environmental Simulation Chambers: Application to Atmospheric Chemical Processes: Springer, Netherlands
El-Zanan, H. S.,
Goliff, W. S.,
Fuentes, J. D.,
Stockwell, W. R. (2006).
Comparison Hydroxyl Radical Concentrations from Rural and Urban Atmosphere,
Eos Trans AGU, 87 (52)
Goliff, W. S.,
Stockwell, W. R.,
Papiez, M.,
Potosnak, M. (2006).
An Aerosol Scheme Which Includes Sesquiterpenes for the Regional Atmospheric Chemistry Mechanism, Version 2,
Eos Trans AGU, 87 (52)
Stockwell, W. R.,
Goliff, W. S. (2004).
Measurement of Actinic Flux and the Calculation of Photolysis Rate Parameters for the Central California Ozone Study,
Atmos Environ, 38 (30), 5169-5177
Fujita, E. M.,
Campbell, D. E.,
Zielinska, B. K.,
Sagebiel, J. C.,
Bowen, J. L.,
Goliff, W. S.,
Stockwell, W. R.,
Lawson, D. R. (2003).
Diurnal and Weekday Variations in the Source Contributions of Ozone Precursors in California’s South Coast Air Basin,
J. Air & Waste Manage. Assoc., 53, 844-863
Fujita, E. M.,
Stockwell, W. R.,
Campbell, D. E.,
Keislar, R. E. (2003).
Evolution of the Magnitude and Spatial Extent of the Weekend Ozone Effect in California’s South Coast Air Basin from 1981 to 2000,
J. Air & Waste Manage. Assoc., 53, 802-815
Kuhns, H. D.,
Bohdan, V.,
Chow, J. C.,
Etyemezian, V. R.,
Green, M. C.,
Herlocker, D.,
Kohl, S. D.,
McGown, M.,
Ramsdell, J.,
Stockwell, W. R.,
Toole, M.,
Watson, J. G. (2003).
The Treasure Valley secondary aerosol study I: measurements and equilibrium modeling of inorganic secondary aerosols and precursors for southwestern Idaho,
Atmos. Environ., 37, 511-524
Stockwell, W. R.,
Kuhns, H. D.,
Etyemezian, V. R.,
Green, M. C.,
Chow, J. C.,
Watson, J. G. (2003).
The Treasure Valley secondary aerosol study II: modeling of the formation of inorganic secondary aerosols and precursors for southwestern Idaho,
Atmos. Environ., 37 (4), 525-534
Kuhns, H. D.,
Bohdan, V.,
Chow, C.,
Etyemezian, V. R.,
Green, M. C.,
Herlocker, D.,
Kohl, S. D.,
McGown, M.,
Ramsdell, J.,
Stockwell, W. R.,
Toole, M.,
Watson, J. G. (2002).
The Treasure Valley Secondary Aerosol Study I: Measurements and Equilibrium Modeling of Inorganic Secondary Aerosols and Precursors in Southwestern Idaho,
Atmos. Environ., 37 (4), 511-524
Stockwell, W. R.,
Goliff, W. S. (2002).
Comment on “Simulation of a reacting pollutant puff using an adaptive grid algorithm” by R. K. Srivastava et al.”,
J. Geophys. Res., 107 (D22)
Stockwell, W. R.,
Artz, R. S.,
Meagher, J. F.,
Petersen, R.,
Schere, K. L.,
Grell, G. A.,
Peckham, S. E.,
Stein, A. F.,
Pierce, R. V.,
O’Sullivan, J. M.,
Whung, P. (2002).
The Scientific Basis of NOAA’s Air Quality Forecasting Program,
EM, 20-27
Gross, A.,
Mikkelsen, K. V.,
Stockwell, W. R. (2001).
A Phase-Space Method for Arbitrary Bi-Molecular Gas-Phase Reactions: Theoretical Description,
Int. J. Quantum Chem., 84, 479-492
Gross, A.,
Mikkelsen, K. V.,
Stockwell, W. R. (2001).
A Phase-Space Method for Arbitrary Bi-Molecular Gas-Phase Reactions: Application to the CH3CHO + HO and CH3OOH + HO reactions. Int,
J. Quantum Chem., 94, 493-512
Gross, A.,
Stockwell, W. R.,
Sorensen, J. H. (2001).
A comparative study of two photo-oxidant dispersion models and their applicability for regional air quality forecasting,
Air Pollution Modeling and Its Application, XIV , 317-326
Stockwell, W. R.,
Geiger, H.,
Becker, K. H. (2001).
Estimation of incremental reactivities for multiple day scenarios: An application to ethane and dimethyoxymethane,
Atmos. Environ., 35, 929-939
Poppe, D.,
Aumont, B.,
Ervens, B.,
Geiger, H.,
Herrmann, H.,
Roth, E. P.,
Seidl, W.,
Stockwell, W. R.,
Vogel, B.,
Wagner, S.,
Weise, D. (2001).
Scenarios for Modeling Multiphase Tropospheric Chemistry,
J. Atmos. Chem., 40, 77-86
Sumner, A. L.,
Shepson, P. B.,
Couch, T. L.,
Thornberry, T.,
Carroll, M. A.,
Sillman, S.,
Pippin, M.,
Bertman, S.,
Tan, D.,
Faloona, I.,
Brune, W.,
Young, V.,
Cooper, O.,
Moody, J.,
Stockwell, W. R. (2001).
A Study of Formaldehyde Chemistry above a Forest Canopy,
J. Geophys. Res., 106 , 24387-24405
Tan, D.,
Faloona, I.,
Simpas, J. B.,
Brune, W.,
Shepson, P. B.,
Couch, T. L.,
Sumner, A. L.,
Carroll, M. A.,
Thornberry, T.,
Apel, E.,
Riemer, D.,
Stockwell, W. R. (2001).
HOx Budgets in a deciduous Forest: Results from the PROPHET Summer 1998 Campaign,
J. Geophys. Res., 106, 24407-24427
Thornberry, T.,
Carroll, M. A.,
Keeler, G. J.,
Sillman, S.,
Bertman, S. B.,
Pippin, M. R.,
Ostling, K.,
Grossenbacker, J. W.,
Shepson, P. B.,
Cooper, O. R.,
Moody, J. L.,
Stockwell, W. R. (2001).
Observations of Reactive Oxidized Nitrogen and Speciation of NOy during the PROPHET Summer 1998 Intensive,
J. Geophys. Res., 106, 24359-24386
Grell, G. A.,
Emeis, S.,
Stockwell, W. R.,
Schoenemeyer, T.,
Forkel, R.,
Michalakes, J.,
Knoche, R.,
Seidl, W. (2000).
Application of a multiscale, coupled MM5/chemistry model to the complex terrain of the VOTALP valley campaign,
Atmos. Environ., 34, 1435-1453
Fuentes, J. D.,
Lerdau, M.,
Atkinson, R.,
Baldocchi, D.,
Bottenheim, J. W.,
Ciccioli, P.,
Lamb, B.,
Geron, C.,
Gu, L.,
Guenther, A.,
Sharkey, T. D.,
Stockwell, W. R. (2000).
Biogenic Hydrocarbons in the Atmospheric Boundary Layer: A Review,
Bulletin, Amer. Meteorol. Soc., 81, 1537-1575
Klemm, O.,
Stockwell, W. R.,
Schlager, H.,
Krautstrunk, M. (2000).
NOx or VOC Limitation in East German Ozone Plumes,
J. of Atmos. Sci., 35, 1-18
Steinbrecher, R.,
Klauer, M.,
Hauff, K.,
Stockwell, W. R.,
Jaeschke, W.,
Dietrich, T.,
Herbert, F. (2000).
Biogenic and anthropogenic fluxes of non-methane hydrocarbons over an urban-impacted forest, Frankfurter Stadtwald, Germany,
Atmos. Environ., 34, 3779-3788
Kuhns, H. D.,
Chow, J. C.,
Watson, J. G.,
Crow, D.,
Green, M. C.,
Etyemezian, V. R.,
Stockwell, W. R. (2000).
Secondary aerosol formation in the Treasure Valley: Study design and monitoring plan. Desert Research Institute: Las Vegas, NV
Kuhns, H. D.,
Etyemezian, V. R.,
Stockwell, W. R.,
Kohl, S. D.,
Green, M.,
Watson, J. G.,
Chow, J. C. (2000).
Treasure Valley secondary aerosol study – final report. Desert Research Institute: Las Vegas, NV
Stockwell, W. R.,
Watson, J. G.,
Robinson, N. F.,
Steiner, W.,
Sylte, W. (2000).
The ammonium nitrate particle equivalent of NOx emissions for wintertime conditions in Central California’s San Joaquin Valley,
Atmospheric Environment, 34 (27), 4711-4717
Junkermann, W.,
Stockwell, W. R. (1999).
On the Budget of Photooxidants in the Marine Boundary Layer of the Tropical South Atlantic,
Geophys. Res., 104, 8039-8046
Seefeld, S.,
Stockwell, W. R. (1999).
First-Order Sensitivity Analysis of Models with Time Dependent Parameters: An Application to PAN and Ozone,
Atmos. Environ., 33, 2883-3086
Bottenheim, J. W.,
Guenther, A.,
Shepson, P. B.,
Steinbrecher, R.,
Stockwell, W. R. (1998).
Section Biogenic Hydrocarbons in the Atmospheric Boundary Layer Preface,
J. Geophys. Res., 103, 25463-25465
Klemm, O.,
Stockwell, W. R.,
Schlager, H.,
Ziereis, H. (1998).
Nitrogen Oxides from Aircraft in the Northeast Atlantic Flight Corridor,
J. Geophys Res., 103, 31217-31229
Kuhn, M.,
Builtjes, P. J.,
Poppe, D.,
Simpson, D.,
Stockwell, W. R.,
Andersson-Skold, Y.,
Baart, A.,
Das, M.,
Fiedler, F.,
Hov, O.,
Kirchner, F.,
Makar, P. A.,
Milford, J. B.,
Roemer, M. G.,
Ruhnke, R.,
Strand, A.,
Vogel, B.,
Vogel, H. (1998).
Intercomparison of the Gas-Phase Chemistry in Several Chemistry and Transport Models,
Atmos. Environ., 32, 693-709
Villenave, E. R.,
Lesclaux, S.,
Seefeld, R.,
Stockwell, W. R. (1998).
Kinetics and Atmospheric Implications of Peroxy Radical Cross Reactions Involving CH3C(O)O2 Radical,
J. Geophys. Res., 103, 25273-25285
Conference Proceedings
Stockwell, W. R. (2017).
The Atmospheric Chemistry and Health Effects of Particulate Matter in the Los Angeles Air Basin, Invited talk. Analytical/Physical Seminar, Department of Chemistry, The Ohio State University: Columbus, OH, September 11, 2017
Fujita, E. M.,
Campbell, D. E.,
Stockwell, W. R. (2012).
Update of Ambient Versus Emission Inventory Reconciliation for California’s South Coast Air Basin and Implications for Past and Future Ozone Trends. Presentation at 105th Air & Waste Management Association Annual Conference: San Antonio, TX, June 19, 2012
Stockwell, W. R.,
Dana, G. L.,
Goliff, W. S.,
Carroll, R. W.,
Kim, D.,
Freeman, D. L.,
Shumyatsky, I. (2003).
Modeling the effect of mountainous terrain on stratospheric/tropospheric exchange, atmospheric chemistry, deposition, and water quality.: Arlington, VA