Dave Rhode Profile Photo
Dr. Dave Rhode
Research Professor Archaeology, Emeritus

Professional Interests

Dr. Rhode is a prehistorian, archaeobotanist, and paleoecologist with 40years experience throughout western North America. His main focus of research concerns prehistoric human adaptations and paleoenvironmental change in arid environments. Towards this end, he has analyzed packrat middens and pollen from various paleoenvironmental locales, examined plant remains from various archaeological sites throughout western North America, and studied starch granules and pollenfrom archaeological sites and artifacts. In addition to his paleoenvironmental research, Dr. Rhode has directed severallarge archaeological programs for the US Department of Defense and Department of Energy. Since 2001, he has also developed a research program in the Tibetan Plateau of western China with colleagues Jeff Brantingham (UCLA), David Madsen (U Texas), John Olsen (U Arizona) and Charles Perreault (ASU).

Area of Research Interest and Expertise

  • Anthropology and Archaeology Research
  • Ethnobiology
  • Paleocology and Paleoclimatology
  • Paleoenvironmental Research

Recent Research Projects


Degree Year Institution Area
Ph.D. 1987 University of Washington Anthropology
D.C. 1982 University of Washington Anthropology
B.S. 1978 University of California, Davis Anthropology / Botany
Wriston, T. A., Adams, K. D., Rhode, D. E., Estes, M. (2023). LCAI Meadow Valley Wash: Our current understanding of its alluvial and wetland history and its effect on archaeological site distribution, Lincoln County, Nevada, II, 167 pp., Report No. 8111 NV04-19-2230 (Volume II of II). Report on file at BLM Ely, NV District Office.

Rhode, D. E., Richey, A. R. (2020). Plant macrofossils from Alta Toquima and starch remains from Alta Toquima and Gatecliff Shelter, In Alpine Archaeology of Alta Toquima and the Mt. Jefferson Tablelands (Nevada): The Archaeology of Monitor Valley, Contribution 4, 353-372., American Museum of Natural History: New York, NY, Anthropological Papers 104.

Rhode, D. E., Louderback, L. A., Brügger, S. (2020). Holocene subalpine forest-parkland dynamics in Big Cottonwood Canyon, Wasatch Mountains, Utah, USA, The Holocene, 10.1177/0959683620972761

Brügger, S., Rhode, D. E. (2020). Impact of Pleistocene-Holocene climate shifts on vegetation and fire dynamics and its implications for Prearchaic humans in the central Great Basin, USA, Journal of Quaternary Science, 35 (8), 987-993.

Rhode, D. E. (2020). Historic Properties Data Recovery at Five Archaeological Sites Along the Fiber Optic Line from the Tolicha Peak Facility (TPECR) to the North End of Range 74B on the Nevada Test and Training Range, Nye County, Nevada, With contributions by Jeffrey R. Wedding, Susan R. Edwards, Thomas F. Bullard, Cheryl M. Collins, David Page, Richard E. Hughes, and Sachiko Sakai. DRI Technical Report No. 113, DRI Project No. 1470TR

Rhode, D. E., King, M. L., Rowe, S. J., Drollinger, H. D. (2020). Cultural Resource Management Plan for the Nevada National Security Site, Nye County, Nevada, National Nuclear Security Administration Report DOE/NV/003590-XX.

Graf, K. E., Gore, A. K., Melton, J. A., Marks, T., DiPietro, L., Goebel, T., Waters, M. R., Rhode, D. E. (2020). Recent Excavations at Owl Ridge, Interior Alaska: Site Stratigraphy, Chronology, and Site Formation and Implications for Late Pleistocene Archaeology and Peopling of Eastern Beringia, Geoarchaeology, 35 (1), 3-26.

X. Wang, Firouzkouhi, H., Claassen, M., Bingham, B., Gronstal, S. B., Kohl, S. D., Rhode, D. E., Son, Y., Chow, J. C., Watson, J. G., Kumar, N. (2020). Virus Transport and Mitigation in Offices and Classrooms. Desert Research Institute: Reno, NV, Prepared for Nevada Governor’s Office of Economic Development.

X. Wang, Firouzkouhi, H., Claassen, M., Bingham, B., Gronstal, S. B., Kohl, S. D., Rhode, D. E., Son, Y., Moosmüller, H., Chow, J. C., Watson, J. G., Kumar, N. (2020). Virus Transport and Mitigation in Public Transit Buses. Desert Research Institute: Reno, NV, Prepared for Nevada Governor’s Office of Economic Development.

Brugger, S., Rhode, D. E. (2020). Impact of Pleistocene–Holocene climate shifts on vegetation and fire dynamics and its implications for Prearchaic humans in the central Great Basin, USA, Journal of Quaternary Science, 35 (8), 987-993, https://doi.org/10.1002/jqs.3248

Oviatt, C. G., Pigati, J. S., Madsen, D. B., Rhode, D. E., Bright, J. (2018). Juke Box Trench: A Valuable Archive of Late Pleistocene and Holocene Stratigraphy in the Bonneville Basin, Utah, Utah Geological Survey Miscellaneous Publication 18-1. Utah Geological Survey: Salt Lake City, UT

Rhode, D. E., Wriston, T. A. (2018). A Class III Cultural Resource Inventory of a Proposed Hillside Target Area in Range 77, Nevada Test and Training Range, Nye County, Nevada, Submitted to Nellis AFB and US Army Corps of Engineers for Project W9128F-17-2-0037.

Ren, L., Dong, G. H., Li, H. M., Rhode, D. E., Flad, R. K., Li, G. Q., Yang, Y., Wang, Z. X., Cai, L. H., Ren, X. Y., Zhang, D. J., Chen, F. H. (2017). Dating Human Settlement in the East-Central Tibetan Plateau During the Late Holocene, Radiocarbon, 14 pp. 10.1017/RDC.2017.117

Madsen, D. B., Perreault, C., Rhode, D. E., Sun, Y., Yi, M., Brunson, K., Brantingham, P. J. (2017). Early Foraging Settlement of the Tibetan Plateau Highlands, Archaeological Research in Asia, 11, 15-26, 10.1016/j.ara.2017.04.003

Perreault, C., Boulanger, M., Hudson, A., Rhode, D. E., Madsen, D. B., Olsen, J., Steffen, M., Quade, J., Glascock, M., Brantingham, P. (2016). Characterization of Obsidian from the Tibetan plateau by XRF and NAA., Journal of Archaeological Science Reports, 5, 392-399

Fowler, C. S., Rhode, D. E., Quinlan, A., Garey-Sage, D., Crum, S. J. (2016). The Great BasinChapter : . In , Handbook of North American Indians, Volume I: Summary. Smithsonian Institution Press: Washington, DC

Rhode, D. E. (2016). Wood Charcoal from Archaeological Sites in the Qinghai Lake Basin, Western China: Implications for Human Resource Use and Anthropogenic Environmental Change, Journal of Ethnobiology, 36 (3), 571-594, 10.2993/0278-0771-36.3.571

Rhode, D. E. (2016). Quaternary Vegetation Changes in the Bonneville BasinChapter : . In Oviatt, C. G., Shroder, J. (Eds.), Lake Bonneville: A Scientific Update, Developments in Earth Surface Processes, Vol. 20, 420-441. Elsevier: Amsterdam, The Netherlands

Rhode, D. E. (2016). A Biogeographic Perspective on Early Human Colonization of the Tibetan Plateau, Archaeological Research in Asia, 5, 33-43

Rhode, D. E. (2016). Natural Setting of the Northern TierChapter : . In Hildebrandt, W. R., McGuire, K., King, J., Ruby, A., Young, D. C. (Eds.), Prehistory of Nevada’s Northern Tier: Archaeological Investigations along the Ruby Pipeline, American Museum of Natural History Anthropological Papers No. 101, 36-70. American Museum of Natural History: New York, NY

Rhode, D. E., Adams, K. D. (2016). Landscapes in transition: A paleoenvironmental Context for Lincoln County, Nevada, 152, Report no, 8111 CRR NV 040-16-2140

Hildebrandt, W., McGuire, K. R., King, J., Ruby, A., Young, D. C., Rhode, D. E., Rosenthal, J., Barker, P., Colligan, K., Bloomer, W., Garner, A., Stevens, N. E., Ugan, A., Carpenter, K., Brink, L., Waechter, S. A., Hughes, R. E., Origer, T. M., Street, S., Pierce, W. N. (2016). Prehistory of Nevada’s Northern Tier: Archaeological investigations along the Ruby Pipeline, Anthropological Papers of the American Museum of Natural History, 101, 1-405, 10.5531/sp.anth.0101

Louderback, L. A., Rhode, D. E., Madsen, D. B., Metcalf, M. (2015). Rapid Vegetation Shifts in the Uinta Mountains (Utah and Wyoming, USA) during the Late Pleistocene and Holocene, Palaeogeography, Palaeoclimatology, Palaeoecology, 438, 327-343

Rhode, D. E., Louderback, L. A. (2015). Bonneville Basin Environments During the Pleistocene-Holocene Transition. In The Paleoarchaic Occupation of the Old River Bed Delta, University of Utah Anthropological Papers, 128, 22-29: Salt Lake City, UT

Rhode, D. E., Rhode, A. A. (2015). Energetic Return Rates from Limber Pine Seeds, Journal of California and Great Basin Anthropology, 35 (2), 291-304

Hou, G. L., Lai, Z. P., Cao, G., Chongyi, E., Sun, Y. J., Rhode, D. E., Feathers, J. (2015). The Earliest Prehistoric Pottery in the Qinghai-Tibetan Plateau and Its Archaeological Implications, Quaternary Geochronology, 30 (Pt. B), 431-437

Graf, K. E., Krasinski, K. E., DiPietro, L. M., Gore, A. K., Smith, H. L., Culleton, B. J., Kennett, D. J., Rhode, D. E. (2015). Dry Creek Revisited: New Excavations, Radiocarbon Dates, and Site Formation Inform on the Peopling of Eastern Beringia, American Antiquity, 80, 671-694

Rhode, D. E., Louderback, L. A. (2015). Bonneville Basin Environments During the Pleistocene-Holocene TransitionChapter : . In Madsen, D. B., Schmitt, D. N., Page, D. J. (Eds.), The Paleoarchaic Occupation of the Old River Bed Delta, University of Utah Anthropological Papers No. 128, 22-29. University of Utah: Salt Lake City, UT

Rhode, D. E., Page, D. J., Schmitt, D. N. (2015). A Class III Cultural Resource Inventory of the White Sage Training Area, U.S. Army Dugway Proving Ground, Tooele County, Utah, Project No. U-12-DA-1058m. Report on File, Division of Environmental Programs, Dugway Proving Ground, Utah

Page, D. J., Schmitt, D. N., Rhode, D. E. (2015). A Class III Cultural Resource Inventory of the Baker Strong Point Parcel in Support of Testing and Training, U.S. Army Dugway Proving Ground, Tooele County, Utah, Project No. U-09-DA-0697m. Report on File, Division of Environmental Programs, Dugway Proving Ground, Utah

Rhode, D. E., Brantingham, P., Perrault, C., Madsen, D. B. (2014). Mind the Gaps: Testing for hiatuses in regional radiocarbon records., Journal of Archaeological Science, 52, 567-577

Madsen, D. B., Oviatt, C., Yan, Z., Brantingham, P., Elston, R., Chen, F., Bettinger, R., Rhode, D. E. (2014). The early appearance of Shuidonggou core-and-blade technology in north China: Implications for the spread of anatomically modern humans in northeast Asia?, Quaternary International, 347, 21-28

Madsen, D. B., Lai, Z. P., Sun, Y. J., Rhode, D. E., Liu, X. J., Brantingham, P. J. (2014). Late Quaternary Qaidam Lake Histories and Implications for an MIS 3 “Greatest Lakes” Period in Northwest China, Journal of Paleolimnology, 51, 161-177

Rhode, D. E. (2014). Naming the Desert BighornChapter : . In Parezo, N., Janetski, J. C. (Eds.), Archaeology in the Great Basin and Southwest: Papers in Honor of Don D. Fowler. University of Utah Press: Salt Lake City, UT

Rhode, D. E. (2014). Desert Research Institute Cultural Resources Inventory Report: Hydrologic Monitoring Wells in Gote Flat, Sand Springs Range, Churchill County, Nevada. Fallon Naval Air Station: Fallon, NV, Fallon Naval Air Station Cultural Resources Technical Report #130

Rhode, D. E. (2014). Modern ClimateChapter : . In Hildebrandt, W., McGuire, K., King, J., Ruby, A., Young, D. C. (Eds.), Cultural Resources Investigations for the Ruby Pipeline Project in Nevada, volume II: Prehistory of Nevada’s Northern Tier: Results of the Data Recovery Program. Far Western Anthropological Research Group: Davis, CA, For U.S. Bureau of Land Management.

Rhode, D. E. (2014). VegetationChapter : . In Hildebrandt, W., McGuire, K., King, J., Ruby, A., Young, D. C. (Eds.), Cultural Resources Investigations for the Ruby Pipeline Project in Nevada, volume II: Prehistory of Nevada’s Northern Tier: Results of the Data Recovery Program. Far Western Anthropological Research Group: Davis, CA, For U.S. Bureau of Land Management.

Rhode, D. E. (2014). Economic Plants and AnimalsChapter : . In Hildebrandt, W., McGuire, K., King, J., Ruby, A., Young, D. C. (Eds.), Cultural Resources Investigations for the Ruby Pipeline Project in Nevada, volume II: Prehistory of Nevada’s Northern Tier: Results of the Data Recovery Program. Far Western Anthropological Research Group: Davis, CA, For U.S. Bureau of Land Management.

Rhode, D. E. (2014). Paleoenvironments of the Northern TierChapter : . In Hildebrandt, W., McGuire, K., King, J., Ruby, A., Young, D. C. (Eds.), Cultural Resources Investigations for the Ruby Pipeline Project in Nevada, volume II: Prehistory of Nevada’s Northern Tier: Results of the Data Recovery Program. Far Western Anthropological Research Group: Davis, CA, For U.S. Bureau of Land Management.

Rhode, D. E. (2014). Starch-Grain StudyChapter : . In Hildebrandt, W., McGuire, K., King, J., Ruby, A., Young, D. C. (Eds.), Cultural Resources Investigations for the Ruby Pipeline Project in Nevada, volume II: Prehistory of Nevada’s Northern Tier: Results of the Data Recovery Program. Far Western Anthropological Research Group: Davis, CA, For U.S. Bureau of Land Management.

Goebel, T., Smith, H. L., DiPietro, L., Waters, M. R., Hockett, B., Graf, K. E., Gal, R., Slobodin, S. B., Speakman, R. J., Driese, S. G., Rhode, D. E. (2013). Serpentine Hot Springs, Alaska: Results of Excavations and Implications for the Age and Significance of Northern Fluted Points, Journal of Archaeological Science, 40, 4222-4233

Brantingham, P. J., Xing, G., Madsen, D. B., Rhode, D. E., Perreault, C., van der Woerd, J., Olsen, J. W. (2013). Late Occupation of the High-Elevation Northern Tibetan Plateau Based on Cosmogenic, Luminescence, and Radiocarbon Ages, Geoarchaeology, 28, 413-431

Rhode, D. E. (2013). 15,000 Years of Past Environments Along the Ruby Pipeline Route, Northern Utah, Volume 3: Paleoenvironmental Studies. Alpine Archaeological Consultants, Inc.: Montrose, CO

Rhode, D. E. (2013). Three Graveyards: Clover Valley, Spring Valley, and Bullionville, Lincoln County, Nevada. Desert Research Institute: Reno, NV, Submitted to Bureau of Land Management, Caliente, NV. BLM Report #8111-NVL0100-NV04-13-2040

Louderback, L. A., Rhode, D. E., Madsen, D. B., Metcalf, M. D. (2013). Palynological and Packrat Midden Investigations along the Ruby Pipeline Corridor in Wyoming, Submitted to Metcalf Archaeological Consultants, Eagle, CO.

Rhode, D. E. (2012). Introduction, Chapter 1Chapter : . In Rhode, D. E. (Ed.), Meetings at the Margins: Prehistoric Cultural Interactions in the Intermountain West, 1-22. University of Utah Press: Salt Lake City, UT

Rhode, D. E. (2012). Black Rock-High Rock Spring and Climate Change Study, Cultural Resources Inventory Report, BLM Report No. CR2-3181(P). Winnemucca, NV.

Page, D. J., Schmitt, D. N., Rhode, D. E., Sapula, A. (2012). A Class III Cultural Resource Inventory in Support of Phase 3 of the PD-Tess Range Modernization Project, U.S. Army Dugway Proving Ground, Tooele County, Utah, (Utah Project No. U-10-DA-0549m). Copies available from Cultural Resource Management Office, U.S. Army Dugway Proving Ground, Dugway, Utah

Goebel, T., Hockett, B., Adams, K. D., Rhode, D. E., Graf, K. (2011). Climate, environment, and humans in North America’s Great Basin during the Younger Dryas, 12,900-11,600 calendar years ago, Quaternary International, 242, 479-501

Benson, L. V., Lund, S. P., Smoot, J. P., Rhode, D. E., Spencer, R. J., Verosub, K. L., Louderback, L. A., Johnson, C. A., Rye, R. O., Negrini, R. M. (2011). The Rise and Fall of Lake Bonneville Between 45 and 10.5 ka, Quaternary International, 235 (1-2), 57-69

Yi, M. J., Gao, X., Zhang, X. L., Sun, Y. J., Brantingham, P. J., Madsen, D. B., Rhode, D. E. (2011). A Preliminary Report on Investigations in 2009 of Some Prehistoric Sites in the Tibetan Plateau Marginal Region, Acta Anthropologica Sinica, 30, 124-136

Rhode, D. E. (2011). Constraints on Long-Distance Movement of Plant Foods in the Great BasinChapter 11: . In Hughes, R. E. (Ed.), Perspectives on Prehistoric Trade and Exchange in California and the Great Basin, 221-241. University of Utah Press: Salt Lake City, UT

Fowler, C. S., Rhode, D. E. (2011). Great Basin PlantsChapter : . In Smith, B. D. (Ed.), The Subsistence Economies of Indigenous North American Societies, 233-270. Smithsonian Institution Scholarly Press: Washington, DC

Rhode, D. E., Page, D. J., Schmitt, D. N. (2011). Archaeological Data Recovery at Site 42TO567 in the Wig Mountain Training Area, U.S. Army Dugway Proving Ground, Tooele County, Utah, Submitted to Environmental Directorate, U.S. Army Dugway Proving Ground, Dugway, UT.

Rhode, D. E. (2011). Integrated Cultural Resources Management Plan for US Army Yuma Proving Ground, Yuma AZ, Submitted to Environmental Directorate, U.S. Army Yuma Proving Ground.

Rhode, D. E., Ma, H., Madsen, D. B., Brantingham, P. J., Forman, S. L., Olsen, J. W. (2010). Paleoenvironmental and Archaeological Investigations at Qinghai Lake, Western China: Geomorphic and Chronometric Evidence of Lake Level History, Quaternary International, 218, 29-44

Brantingham, P. J., Rhode, D. E., Madsen, D. B. (2010). Archaeology Augments Tibet’s Genetic History, Science, 329, 1467, September 17, 2010, [Letter]

Rhode, D. E., Madsen, D. B., Louderback, L. A., Metcalf, M. D. (2010). Packrats, Pollen, and Pine II: Summary of Research Along the Kanda and El Paso-Rockies Express Pipelines, Submitted to Metcalf Archaeological Consultants, Eagle, CO.

Rhode, D. E. (2009). Dietary Plant Use by Middle Holocene Foragers in the Bonneville Basin, Western North America, Before Farming 2008/3

Rhode, D. E., Ma, H., Madsen, D. B., Forman, B., Olsen, J. W. (2009). Paleoenvironmental and Archaeological Investigations at Qinghai Lake, Western China: Geomorphic and Chronometric Evidence of Lake Level History, Quaternary International, doi:10.1016/j.quaint.2009.03.004

Louderback, L. A., Rhode, D. E. (2009). 15,000 Years of Vegetation Change in the Bonneville Basin: The Blue Lake Pollen Record, Quaternary Science Reviews, 28, 308-326

Rhode, D. E., Madsen, D. B., Louderback, L. A., Metcalf, M. D. (2009). Packrats, Pollen, and Pine Along the El Paso-Rockies Express Pipeline, Submitted to Metcalf Archaeological Consultants, Eagle, CO.

Adams, K. D., Goebel, T., Graf, K., Smith, G., Camp, A. J., Briggs, R., Rhode, D. E. (2008). Late Pleistocene and early Holocene lake-level fluctuations in the Lahontan basin, Nevada: Implications for the distribution of archaeological sites, Geoarchaeology, 23 (5), 608-643

Madsen, D. B., Ma, H., Rhode, D. E., Brantingham, P. J., Forman, S. L. (2008). Age Constraints on the Late Quaternary Evolution of Qinghai Lake, Tibetan Plateau, Quaternary Research, 69 (2), 316-325

Rhode, D. E. (2008). Dietary Plant Use by Middle Holocene Foragers in the Bonneville Basin, Western North America, Before Farming, 2008 (3), 10.3828/bfarm.2008.3.2

Rhode, D. E. (2008). Development of Paleoenvironmental Research MethodsChapter : . In Fowler, C. S., Fowler, D. D. (Eds.), The Great Basin: People and Place in Ancient Times. SAR Press: Santa Fe, NM

Rhode, D. E. (2008). Analysis of Flotation and Charred-Material SamplesChapter : . In Ahlstrom, R. V. (Ed.), Persistent Place, Archaeological Investigations at the Larder and Scorpion Knoll Sites, Clark County Wetlands Park, Nevada, HRA Papers in Archaeology, 317-325. HRA, Inc.: Las Vegas, NV, Appendix D.

Rhode, D. E. (2008). Human Remains from Camels Back Cave (42To392), Dugway Proving Ground, Tooele County, Utah: Description and Assessment of Cultural Affiliation, Submitted to U.S. Army Dugway Proving Grounds, UT.

Rhode, D. E., Page, D. J., Schmitt, D. N. (2008). Plan of Mitigative Data Recovery for the One-Eyed Rabbit Site (42To567) in the Wig Mountain Training Area U.S. Army Dugway Proving Ground, Tooele County, Utah, Project No. U-07-DA-1447m. Copies available from Cultural Resource Management Office, U.S. Army Dugway Proving Ground, Dugway, Utah

Brantingham, P. J., Gao, X., Olsen, J. W., Ma, H., Rhode, D. E., Zhang, H., Madsen, D. B. (2007). A short chronology for the peopling of the Tibetan Plateau Madsen, D. B., Chen, F. H., Gao , X. (Eds.) . Elsevier: Amsterdam

Brantingham, P. J., Gao, X., Olsen, J. W., Ma, H., Rhode, D. E., Zhang, H., Madsen, D. B. (2007). Late Quaternary Climate Change and Human Adaptation in Arid China, Developments in Quaternary: A short chronology for the peopling of the Tibetan PlateauChapter : Late Quaternary Climate Change and Human Adaptation in Arid China, Developments in Quaternary: A short chronology for the peopling of the Tibetan Plateau. In Madsen, D. B., Chen, F. H., Gao , X. (Eds.), Developments in Quaternary Science, 9, 129-150. Elsevier: Amsterdam

Rhode, D. E., Goebel, T., Graf, K., Hockett, B. (2007). The Paleoindian occupations at Bonneville Estates Rockshelter, Danger Cave, and Smith Creek Cave (Eastern Great Basin, USA): Interpreting their radiocarbon chronologies.Chapter : The Paleoindian occupations at Bonneville Estates Rockshelter, Danger Cave, and Smith Creek Cave (Eastern Great Basin, USA): Interpreting their radiocarbon chronologies.. In Kornfeld, M., Vasilev, S., Motti, L. (Eds.), On Shelter’s Ledge: Histories, Theories and Methods of Rockshelter Research, 147-161 . Archaeopress: Oxford, UK

Rhode, D. E., Zhang, H., Madsen, D. B., Gao, X., Brantingham, P. J., Ma, H., Olsen, J. W. (2007). Epipaleolithic/Early Neolithic Settlements at Qinghai Lake, Western China, Journal of Archaeological Science, 34 (4), 600-612

Rhode, D. E., Madsen, D. B., Brantingham, P. J., Dargye, T. (2007). Yaks, Yak Dung, and Prehistoric Human Habitation of the Tibetan PlateauChapter 12: . In Madsen, D. B., Chen, F. H., Gao, X. (Eds.), Late Quaternary Climate Change and Human Adaptation in Arid China, 205-224. Elsevier: Amsterdam, The Netherlands, Developments in Quaternary Science Vol. 9, 10.1016/S1571-0866(07)09013-6

Goebel, T., Graf, K. E., Hockett, B. S., Rhode, D. E. (2007). The Paleoindian Occupations at Bonneville Estates Rockshelter, Danger Cave, and Smith Creek Cave (Eastern Great Basin, U.S.A.): Interpreting Their Radiocarbon ChronologiesChapter : . In Kornfeld, M., Vasil’ev, S., Motti, L. (Eds.), On Shelter’s Ledge: Histories, Theories and Methods of Rockshelter Research, 147-161. Archaeopress: Oxford, UK, BAR International Series 2007

Rhode, D. E., Louderback, L. A. (2007). Dietary Plant Use in the Bonneville Basin during the Terminal Pleistocene-Early Holocene TransitionChapter : . In Graf, K. E., Schmitt, D. N. (Eds.), Paleoindian or Paleoarchaic? Great Basin Human Ecology at the Pleistocene-Holocene Transition, 231-247. University of Utah Press: Salt Lake City, UT

Brantingham, P. J., Gao, X., Olsen, J. W., Ma, H., Rhode, D. E., Zhang, H., Madsen, D. B. (2007). A Short Chronology for the Peopling of the Tibetan PlateauChapter : . In Madsen, D. B., Chen, F. H., Gao, X. (Eds.), Late Quaternary Climate Change and Human Adaptation in Arid China, 129-150. Elsevier: Amsterdam, The Netherlands, Developments in Quaternary Science Vol. 9

Rhode, D. E. (2007). Class I Archaeological Site Records Search of the Proposed Mina Rail Route, Yucca Mountain Project, Nevada, Submitted to the Office of Civilian Radioactive Waste Management, U.S. Department of Energy, Yucca Mountain Project, Las Vegas, NV.

Rhode, D. E. (2007). Class I Archaeological Site Records Search For the Proposed Caliente Rail Route, Yucca Mountain Project, Nevada, Submitted to the Office of Civilian Radioactive Waste Management, U.S. Department of Energy, Yucca Mountain Project, Las Vegas, NV.

Madsen, D. B., Ma, H., Brantingham, P. J., Gao, X., Rhode, D. E., Zhang, H., Olsen, J. W. (2006). The Late Upper Paleolithic Occupation of the Northern Tibetan Plateau Margin, Journal of Archaeological Science, 33, 1433-1444

Rhode, D. E., Madsen, D. B., Jones, K. T. (2006). Antiquity of Early Holocene Small-Seed Consumption and Processing at Danger Cave, Antiquity, 80 (308), 328-339

Fowler, C. S., Rhode, D. E. (2006). Great Basin PlantsChapter : . In Ubelaker, D. (Ed.), Handbook of North America Indians, Volume 3: Environment, Origins, and Population, 331-350. Smithsonian Institution Press: Washington, DC

Hunt, J., Rhode, D. E., Schmitt, D. N., Madsen, D. B. (2005). Hearth Morphology, Distribution, and Content, and DistributionChapter : Hearth Morphology, Distribution, and Content, and Distribution. In Schmitt , D. N., Madsen, D. B. (Eds.), Camels Back Cave. University of Utah Anthropological Papers 125: Salt Lake City

Rhode, D. E., Goebel, T., Graf, K. E., Hockett, B. S., Jones, K. T., Madsen, D. B., Oviatt, C. G., Schmitt, D. N. (2005). Latest Pleistocene-early Holocene human occupation and paleoenvironmental change in the Bonneville Basin, Utah-NevadaChapter : Latest Pleistocene-early Holocene human occupation and paleoenvironmental change in the Bonneville Basin, Utah-Nevada. In Pederson, J., Dehler , C. M. (Eds.), Interior Western United States: Geological Society of America Field Guide, 6, 211-230

Rhode, D. E., Goebel, T., Graf, K. E., Hockett, B. S., Jones, K. T., Madsen, D. B., Oviatt, C. G., Schmitt, D. N. (2005). Latest Pleistocene-Early Holocene Human Occupation and Paleoenvironmental Change in the Bonneville Basin, Utah-NevadaChapter : . In Pederson, J., Dehler, C. M. (Eds.), Interior Western United States: Geological Society of America Field Guide 6, 211-230. Geological Society of America: Denver, CO

Hunt, J. M., Rhode, D. E., Schmitt, D. N., Madsen, D. B. (2005). Hearth Morphology, Distribution, and Content, and DistributionChapter : . In Schmitt, D. N., Madsen, D. B. (Eds.), Camels Back Cave. University of Utah Press: Salt Lake City, UT, University of Utah Anthropological Papers 125

Schmitt, D. N., Page, D. J., Rhode, D. E., Craven, S. (2005). Heritage Research Final Report, Gryphon Gold, USA, Mining and Exploration Project, Borealis Mine Area, Submitted to U.S. Forest Service for Gryphon Gold, USA.

Varley, K., Rhode, D. E. (2004). , In The Blue Tanks Site, A Middle Archaic Occupation in Fortymile Wash near Yucca Mountain, Nye County, Nevada
Rhode, D. E., Madsen, D. B., Brantingham, P. J., Goebel, T. (2004). Human Occupation in the Beringian “Mammoth-Steppe”: Starved for Fuel, or Dung-Burner’s Paradise?, Current Research in the Pleistocene, 20, 68-70

Varley, K., Rhode, D. E. (2004). The Blue Tanks Site, a Middle Archaic Occupation in Fortymile Wash near Yucca Mountain, Nye County, Nevada, Topics in Yucca Mountain Archaeology No. 5, Desert Research Institute: Las Vegas, NV

Rhode, D. E. (2003). Coprolites from Hidden Cave, Revisited: Evidence for occupation history, diet, and gender, Journal of Archaeological Science, 30 (7), 909-922

Rhode, D. E. (2003). Human Occupation in the Beringian “Mammoth Steppe”: Starved for Fuel, or Dung-Burner’s Paradise?, Current Research in the Pleistocene, 20, 68-70

Rhode, D. E. (2003). Speculation on the timing and nature of Late Pleistocene hunter-gatherer colonization of the Tibetan Plateau, Chinese Science Bulletin Olsen, W., Xing, G., Madsen, D. B., Rhode , D. E. (Eds.) , 48 (14), 1510-1516

Rhode, D. E. (2003). Coprolites from Hidden Cave, Revisited: Evidence for Occupation History, Diet, and Gender, Journal of Archaeological Science, 30 (7), 909-922

Brantingham, P. J., Ma, H., Olsen, J. W., Gao, X., Madsen, D. B., Rhode, D. E. (2003). Speculation on the Timing and Nature of Late Pleistocene Hunter-Gatherer Colonization of the Tibetan Plateau, Chinese Science Bulletin, 48 (14), 1510-1516

Goebel, W. F., Graf, K. E., Hockett, B. S., Rhode, D. E. (2003). Late Pleistocene Humans at Bonneville Estates Rockshelter, Eastern Nevada, Current Research in the Pleistocene, 20, 20-23

Rhode, D. E. (2002). , In Native Plants of Southern Nevada: An Ethnobotany, University of Utah Press: Salt Lake City, UT

Wigand, P. E., Rhode, D. E. (2002). Great Basin Vegetation History and Aquatic Systems: The Last 150,000 YearsChapter : Great Basin Vegetation History and Aquatic Systems: The Last 150,000 Years. In Hershler, R., Currey, D., Madsen , D. B. (Eds.), Great Basin Aquatic Systems History. Smithsonian Institution Press

Rhode, D. E. (2002). Early Holocene Juniper Woodland and Chaparral Taxa in the Central Baja California Peninsula, Mexico, Quaternary Research, 57 (1), 102-108

Rhode, D. E. (2002). Native Plants of Southern Nevada: An Ethnobotany, University of Utah Press: Salt Lake City, UT

Wigand, P. E., Rhode, D. E. (2002). Great Basin Vegetation History and Aquatic Systems: The Last 150,000 YearsChapter : . In Hershler, R., Madsen, D. B., Currey, D. (Eds.), Great Basin Aquatic Systems History, 309-368. Smithsonian Institution Press: Washington, DC, Smithsonian Contributions to the Earth Sciences 33

Rhode, D. E. (2001). Packrat Middens as a Tool for Reconstructing Historic EcosystemsChapter : Packrat Middens as a Tool for Reconstructing Historic Ecosystems. In Egan, D., Howell, E. (Eds.), Historical Ecology Handbook: A Restorationist’s Guide to Reference Ecosystems, 257-293. Island Press: Covelo, CA

Madsen, D. B., Rhode, D. E., Grayson, D. K., Broughton, J. M., Livingston, S. D., Hunt, J., Quade, J., Schmitt, D. N., Shaver, M. W. (2001). Late Quaternary Environmental Change in the Bonneville Basin, Western USA, Palaeoecology, Palaeogeography, Palaeoclimatology, 167 (3-4), 243-271, 10.1016/S0031-0182(00)00240-6

Rhode, D. E. (2001). Macrobotanical RemainsChapter : . In Kelly, R. L. (Ed.), Prehistory of the Carson Desert and Stillwater Mountains: Environment, Mobility and Subsistence in a Great Basin Wetland, 254-262. University of Utah Press: Salt Lake City, UT

Rhode, D. E. (2001). Seed and Fruit Remains from Camels Back CaveChapter : . In Schmitt, D. N., Madsen, D. B. (Eds.), The Archaeology of Camels Back Cave. Utah Geological Survey: Salt Lake City, UT, Prepared for the Environmental Directorate, Dugway Proving Ground, UT.

Rhode, D. E. (2001). A Yucca Mountain Ethnobotany: Plants Useful to Native Peoples of the Southern Great Basin and Northern Mojave Desert, Topics in Yucca Mountain Archaeology No. 3. Desert Research Institute: Reno, NV, Prepared for the U.S. Department of Energy, Yucca Mountain Site Characterization Office, Las Vegas, NV.

Rhode, D. E. (2001). Woodrat Midden Evidence of Holocene Paleoenvironmental Change at Marine Corps Air Ground Combat Center (MCAGCC), Twentynine Palms, San Bernardino County, California, Prepared for the Marine Air Ground Task Force Training Command, Natural Resources and Environmental Affairs Division, MCAGCC, Twentynine Palms, CA.

Hunt, J., Rhode, D. E., Madsen, D. B. (2000). Chapter 5 – Homestead Cave Flora and Non-Vertebrate FaunaChapter : . In , Late Quaternary Paleoecology in the Bonneville Basin, 47-58. Utah Geological Survey: Salt Lake City, UT, Utah Geological Survey Bulletin 130

Rhode, D. E., Madsen, D. B. (2000). Chapter 11 – Middle and Late Wisconsin Vegetation History in the Bonneville BasinChapter : Chapter 11 – Middle and Late Wisconsin Vegetation History in the Bonneville Basin. In , Late Quaternary Paleoecology in the Bonneville Basin, 137-148. Utah Geological Survey Bulletin 130: Salt Lake City, UT

Rhode, D. E., Madsen, D. B. (2000). Chapter 12 – Holocene Vegetation History in the Bonneville BasinChapter : Chapter 12 – Holocene Vegetation History in the Bonneville Basin. In , Late Quaternary Paleoecology in the Bonneville Basin, 149-164. Utah Geological Survey Bulletin 130: Salt Lake City, UT

Rhode, D. E. (2000). Middle and Late Wisconsin Vegetation History in the Bonneville Basin, Chapter 11Chapter : . In Madsen, D. B. (Ed.), Late Quaternary Paleoecology in the Bonneville Basin, 137-148. Utah Geological Survey Monograph Series: Salt Lake City, UT, UGS Bulletin 130

Rhode, D. E. (2000). Holocene Vegetation History in the Bonneville Basin, Chapter 12Chapter : . In Madsen, D. B. (Ed.), Late Quaternary Paleoecology in the Bonneville Basin, 149-164. Utah Geological Survey Monograph Series: Salt Lake City, UT, UGS Bulletin 130

Rhode, D. E. (1999). The Role of Paleoecology in the Development of Great Basin Archaeology, and Vice VersaChapter : . In Beck, C. (Ed.), Models for the Millennium: Great Basin Anthropology Today, 29-52. University of Utah Press: Salt Lake City, UT

Buck, P., Hartwell, W. T., Haynes, G., Rhode, D. E. (1999). Archaeological Investigations at Two Early Holocene Sites Near Yucca Mountain, Nevada, Topics in Yucca Mountain Archaeology No. 2. Desert Research Institute: Las Vegas, NV, Prepared for the U.S. Department of Energy, Yucca Mountain Site Characterization Office, Las Vegas, NV.

Rhode, D. E., Madsen, D. B. (1998). Pine Nut Use in the Early Holocene and Beyond: The Danger Cave Archaeobotanical Record, Journal of Archaeological Science, 25 (12), 1199-1210

Feathers, J. K., Rhode, D. E. (1998). Luminescence Dating of Protohistoric Pottery from the Great Basin, Geoarchaeology: An International Journal, 13 (3), 287-308

Rhode, D. E. (1998). 50,000 Years of Vegetation Change in the Northeastern Great Basin: an Analysis of Packrat Middens Located on Federal Lands Administered by the Bureau of Land Management, Elko District, Prepared for the U.S. Bureau of Land Management, Elko District, NV.

Rhode, D. E., Rager, H. (1997). GIS and Obsidian Hydration-Based Chronologies of Regional Surface Archaeology: An Example from Yucca Mountain, Nevada, USAChapter : . In North, M., Johnson, I. (Eds.), Archaeological Applications of GIS. Sydney University: Sydney, Australia, Sydney University Archaeological Methods Series Volume 5

Hartwell, W. T., Haynes, G. M., Rhode, D. E. (1996). Early Obsidian Use and Depletion at Yucca Mountain, Southern Nevada: Evidence from Obsidian Hydration Studies, Current Research in the Pleistocene, 13, 57-59

Rhode, D. E., Buck, P., Dufort, M. (1996). Ethnographic and Ethnohistoric Overview of Nellis Air Force Base and Range Complex, Nevada, Prepared for Nellis Air Force Base, Las Vegas, NV.

Rhode, D. E., Lancaster, N. (1996). Past Environments of Edwards Air Force Base, California: Geological and Paleoecological Evidence, Prepared for Edwards Air Force Base, CA.

Rhode, D. E., Madsen, D. B. (1995). Late Wisconsin/Early Holocene Vegetation Change in the Bonneville Basin, Quaternary Research, 44, 246-256

Rhode, D. E. (1995). Estimating Agricultural Carrying Capacity in the Zuni Region, West-Central New Mexico: A Water Allocation ModelChapter : . In Toll, H. W. (Ed.), Soil, Water, Biology, and Belief in Prehistoric and Traditional Southwestern Agriculture, 85-100. New Mexico Archaeological Council: Albuquerque, NM, New Mexico Archaeological Council Agriculture Special Publication 2

Johnson, W. G., Rhode, D. E. (1995). Indian Springs Archaeological Research Design and Work Plan, Prepared for Edwards Air Force Base, CA.

Madsen, D. B., Rhode, D. E. (1994). Across the West: Human Population Movement and the Expansion of the Numa, University of Utah Press: Salt Lake City, UT

Sutton, M. Q., Rhode, D. E. (1994). Background to the Numic ProblemChapter : . In , Across the West: Human Population Movement and the Expansion of the Numa, 6-15. University of Utah Press: Salt Lake City, UT

Rhode, D. E. (1994). Direct Dating of Brown Ware Ceramics Using Thermoluminescence and Its Relation to the Numic SpreadChapter : . In , Across the West: Human Population Movement and the Expansion of the Numa, 124-132. University of Utah Press: Salt Lake City, UT

Rhode, D. E., Madsen, D. B. (1994). Where Are We?Chapter : . In , Across the West: Human Population Movement and the Expansion of the Numa, 213-222. University of Utah Press: Salt Lake City, UT

Rhode, D. E. (1993). Cultural Resources Management Plan, Naval Petroleum Reserve #1, Elk Hills, California, Prepared for the U.S. Department of Energy, NPR-1, Tupman, CA.

Rhode, D. E. (1990). Transportation Costs of Great Basin Resources: An Assessment of the Jones-Madsen Model, Current Anthropology, 31, 413-419

Madsen, D. B., Rhode, D. E. (1990). Early Holocene Pinyon (Pinus monophylla) in the Northeastern Great Basin, Quaternary Research, 33, 94-101

Chatters, J. C., Rhode, D. E., Hoover, K. (1990). Tualdad Altu (45Ki59): A Prehistoric Riverine Village in Southern Puget Sound, Archaeology in Washington, 2, 32-46

Rhode, D. E. (1990). Settlement Patterning and Residential Stability at Walker Lake, Nevada: The View From AboveChapter : . In Janetsky, J., Madsen, D. B. (Eds.), Wetlands Adaptations in the Great Basin, 107-120. Brigham Young University: Provo, UT, Museum of Peoples and Cultures Occasional Papers 1

Rhode, D. E. (1989). Agriculture and Water Use Before the Twentieth Century on the Zuni Reservation, West Central New Mexico, Submitted to the U.S. Justice Department on behalf of the Zuni Tribe.

Rhode, D. E. (1988). Two Nineteenth Century Records of Great Basin Subsistence Practices, Journal of California and Great Basin Anthropology, 10 (2), 156-162

Rhode, D. E. (1988). Measurement of Archaeological Diversity and the Sample Size Effect, American Antiquity, 53 (4), 708-716

Rhode, D. E. (1987). Paleobotanical Analysis of Perishable Artifacts from 45OK355Chapter : . In Chatters, J. C., Zweifel, M. K. (Eds.), The Cemetery at Sntl’exwenewixwtn, Central Washington Archaeological Survey, Archaeological Report No. 87-1. Central Washington University: Ellensburg, WA

Rhode, D. E. (1986). Archaeobotanical Investigations in the Wells Reservoir Archaeological Project, Eastern WashingtonChapter : . In Chatters, J. C. (Ed.), The Wells Reservoir Archaeological Project, Washington, Volume 1: Summary of Findings, Central Washington Archaeological Survey, Archaeological Report No. 86-6, 285-300. Central Washington University: Ellensburg, WA

Schalk, R., Rhode, D. E. (1985). Archaeological Investigations on the Shoreline of Port Madison Indian Reservation, Kitsap County, Washington. University of Washington, Office of Public Archaeology: Seattle, WA

Rhode, D. E. (1985). Floral Analysis ResultsChapter : . In Chatters, J. C. (Ed.), Dimensions of Site Structure: the Archaeological Record from Two Sites in Okanogan County, Washington, Central Washington Archaeological Survey, Archaeological Report No. 85-1. Central Washington University: Ellensburg, WA

Rhode, D. E., Thomas, D. H. (1983). Flotation Analysis of Selected HearthsChapter : . In , The Archaeology of Monitor Valley, Central Nevada, Volume 2: Gatecliff Shelter, 151-157. American Museum of Natural History: New York, NY, American Museum of Natural History Anthropological Papers 59, Part 1

Rhode, D. E. (1980). Environmental ContextChapter : . In McGuire, K., Garfinkel, A. (Eds.), Archaeological Investigations in the Southern Sierra Nevada: the Bear Mountain Segment of the Pacific Crest Trail, 4-16. Cultural Resources Publications, Bureau of Land Management: Bakersfield, CA

Rhode, D. E. (1980). Charred Plant MacrofossilsChapter : . In McGuire, K., Garfinkel, A. (Eds.), Archaeological Investigations in the Southern Sierra Nevada: the Bear Mountain Segment of the Pacific Crest Trail, 301. Cultural Resources Publications, Bureau of Land Management: Bakersfield, CA

Rhode, D. E. (1980). Environmental Background and EthnobotanyChapter : . In Garfinkel, A., McGuire, K., Schiffman, R. (Eds.), Archaeological Investigations in the Southern Sierra Nevada: the Lamont Meadow and Morris Peak Segments of the Pacific Crest Trail, 16-37. Cultural Resources Publications, Bureau of Land Management: Bakersfield, CA

Rhode, D. E. (1980). Plant MacrofossilsChapter : . In Garfinkel, A., McGuire, K., Schiffman, R. (Eds.), Archaeological Investigations in the Southern Sierra Nevada: the Lamont Meadow and Morris Peak Segments of the Pacific Crest Trail, 317-325. Cultural Resources Publications, Bureau of Land Management: Bakersfield, CA

Conference Proceedings
Wriston, T. A., Adams, K. D., Rhode, D. E., Estes, M. (2023). Landforms matter: A geoarchaeological approach to Meadow Valley Wash archaeology. The 38th Great Basin Anthropological Conference: Bend, OR, October 18, 2023-October 21, 2023

Wriston, T. A., Adams, K. D., Rhode, D. E., Estes, M. (2023). The Aerial Perspective: Using sUAS-mounted sensors to analyze known archaeological sites in Lincoln County, Nevada. The 38th Great Basin Anthropological Conference: Bend, OR, October 18, 2023-October 21, 2023

Madsen, D. B., Brantingham, J., Sun, Y., Rhode, D. E., Mingjie, Y., Perreault, C. (2017). Reconstructing the Initial Human Occupation of the Northern Tibetan Plateau. European Geosciences Union General Assembly: Vienna, Austria, April 23, 2017-April 28, 2017

Rhode, D. E. (2017). The Promontory Caves Plant Macrofossil Record. Society for American Archaeology 82nd Annual Meeting; Symposium, Implications of the Promontory, Dismal River, and Franktown Archaeological Records for Apachean Prehistory: Vancouver, BC, Canada, April 1, 2017

Rhode, D. E., Louderback, L. A. (2017). Holocene Vegetation Change in the Northern Wasatch Range, Utah: The Silver Lake Pollen Record. PACLIM Conference: Pacific Grove, CA, March 5, 2017-March 8, 2017

Rhode, D. E. (2016). Late Paleolithic to Neolithic Transition in the Northeast Tibetan Plateau: Recent Findings. 7th Worldwide Congress of the Society for East Asian Archaeology: Cambridge/Boston, MA

Rhode, D. E. (2016). Three Decades Eating Madsen’s Dust: A Survivor’s Tale. Great Basin Anthropological Conference: Reno, NV, October 8, 2016

Rhode, D. E. (2015). Annually-Resolved Cellulose-Based Isotope-Proxy Postglacial-Holocene Climate Records from Ancient Middens in the Bonneville Basin, Western North America. 19th INQUA Congress: Nagoya, Japan

Rhode, D. E. (2015). Plant Resources in Great Basin High Altitude Foraging. Society for American Archaeology Annual Meeting: San Francisco, CA

Rhode, D. E. (2015). Ancient Plant Use in Paleo-Wendover [keynote lecture]. Nevada Archaeological Association: Wendover, NV

Rhode, D. E. (2015). Estimating Long-Term Annual Climate Variability Using Sagebrush Wood from Archaeological Sites in the Great Basin [poster presentation]. Great Basin Consortium Conference: Boise, ID

Yatavelli, R.L.N., Chakrabarty, R. K., Gyawali, M., Knue, J. D., Engling, G., Moosmüller, H., Rhode, D. E., Chen, L.-W.A., Wang, X., Chow, J. C., Watson, J. G. (2014). Emissions from Burning Incense and Dung: Two Unregulated Sources of Brown Carbon in Asia. 33nd Annual Conference of the American Association for Aerosol Research: Orlando, FL, October 20, 2014

Rhode, D. E. (2014). High-Resolution Climate Variability from Oxygen Isotopes in Sagebrush Wood from Bonneville Basin Archaeological Sites. Great Basin Anthropological Conference: Boise, ID

Worthey, K., Louderback, L. A., Rhode, D. E. (2014). Chenopodium spp. Use at North Creek Shelter, Utah. Great Basin Anthropological Conference: Boise, ID

Rhode, D. E., Louderback, L. A., Camp, A. J., Grant, J. S., Sapula, A. (2014). Re-assessing Paleoarchaic Plant Use at Bonneville Estates Rockshelter. Society for American Archaeology Annual Meeting: Austin, TX

Scharf, E., Rhode, D. E. (2014). Packing for the Trip: Plant Remains from High Elevation Sites in the Great Basin. Society for American Archaeology Annual Meeting: Austin, TX

Rhode, D. E., Brantingham, P. J. (2013). Mind the Gaps: Testing Possible Hiatuses in Radiocarbon Dating Sequences. Society for American Archaeology Annual Meeting: Honolulu, HI

Wells, S. G., Lancaster, N., Rhode, D. E. (2013). Dale F. Ritter’s Influence on Quaternary Sciences at the Desert Research Institute: A Vision of New Scientific Opportunities and Collaboration. Geological Society of America Annual Meeting: Denver, CO

Rhode, D. E., Rhode, A., McLane, A. (2013). Western Fluted Points and Clovis Blades: An Intriguing Assemblage from Western Nevada. Paleoamerican Odyssey: Santa Fe, NM

Rhode, D. E. (2012). The Promontory Caves Plant Macrofossil Record. Great Basin Anthropological Conference: South Lake Tahoe, CA, October 2012.

Louderback, L. A., Rhode, D. E., Madsen, D. B., Metcalf, M. D. (2012). 12,000 Years of Climate and Vegetation Change in the Northern Uinta Mountains, Utah and Wyoming, USA. AMQUA Meeting: Duluth, MN, June 2012.

Madsen, D. B., Liu, X. J., Rhode, D. E., Lai, Z. P. (2012). The Qinghai Lake Shoreline History and the Question of High MIS 3 Lakes in Northwestern China. AMQUA Meeting: Duluth, MN, June 2012.

Rhode, D. E. (2012). Archaeological Wood Charcoal in Qinghai Lake Basin, Western China: Implications for Environmental Change, Human Settlement Patterns, and Anthropogenic Development of Tibetan Pastures. Society for American Archaeology Annual Meeting: Memphis, TN, April 2012.

Lawson, M. J., Hamilton-Brehm, S. D., Rhode, D. E., Moser, D. P. (2012). Isolation and Characterization of Microorganisms from 3,000 to 8,000 year-old Human Coprolites, REU Program Poster Session, UNLV: Las Vegas, NV, August 6, 2012

Rhode, D. E. (2011). Charcoal Records of Holocene Vegetation Change and Relationship to Human Occupation in the Qinghai Lake Basin, China. Lanzhou University: Lanzhou, China, July 2011.

Rhode, D. E., Schmitt, D. N., Page, D. J., Feathers, J., Quist, R. (2011). Starch Grains, Luminescence Dates, and Bunny Bones from FCR Features at 42To567, Dugway Proving Ground, Utah. Society for American Archaeology Annual Meeting: Sacramento, CA, April 2011.

Rhode, D. E. (2011). How Did Small-Scale Societies Respond to Environmental Change in the Bonneville Basin, Western North America?. “Past Climate, Landscapes, and Civilization” Chapman Conference: Santa Fe, NM, March 2011.

Rhode, D. E., Schmitt, D. N., Page, D. J., Quist, R., Feathers, J. (2011). Starch Grains, Bunny Bones, and Luminescence Dates from FCR Features at the One-Eyed Rabbit Site, Dugway Proving Ground, Utah. 76th Annual Meeting of the Society for American Archaeology: Sacramento, CA

Rhode, D. E., Madsen, D. B., Brantingham, P. J., Perrault, C. (2010). Early Human Occupation on the Northeast Tibetan Plateau. American Geophysical Union Annual Meeting: San Francisco, CA, December, 2010.

Rhode, D. E. (2010). Food Values and Return Rates for Limber Pine (Pinus flexilis). Great Basin Anthropological Conference: Layton, UT, October 2010.

Rhode, D. E. (2010). Ancient People of the Desert West: Change and Adaptation in the Bonneville Basin. Time Travelers XVII Lecture Series, Royal Alberta Museum: Edmonton, Alberta, Canada, Invited lecture, October 2010.

Rhode, D. E. (2010). Early Peopling of the Northeast Tibetan Plateau. University of Alberta, Department of Anthropology: Edmonton, Alberta, Canada, October 2010.

Rhode, D. E. (2010). Environmental Change and Human Occupation during the Pleistocene-Holocene Transition in the Great Basin. American Quaternary Association Biennial Meeting: Laramie, WY, Invited plenary presentation, August 2010.

Rhode, D. E. (2010). Early Peopling of the Northeast Tibetan Plateau. White Mountain Research Station Lecture Series: Bishop, CA, April 2010.

Rhode, D. E. (2010). Early Holocene Subsistence Change in the Bonneville Basin. Society for American Archaeology Annual Meeting: St. Louis, MO, April 2010.

Rhode, D. E. (2010). Paleoenvironmental Lessons for Sustainable Land Use at Lake Qinghai, Western China. Southern Methodist University Center for the Environment Inaugural Lecture: Dallas, TX, March 2010.

Madsen, D. B., Rhode, D. E., Louderback, L. A., Metcalf, M. (2009). Packrats, Pollen, and Pine II: The Flat Tops Pollen Records and Implications for Regional Millennial-Scale Climate Cycles. Rocky Mountains Anthropological Conference: Gunnison, CO

Rhode, D. E., Louderback, L. A., Madsen, D. B., Metcalf, M. (2009). Packrats, Pollen, and Pine I: Midden Evidence for Vegetation History in Northwest Colorado. Rocky Mountains Anthropological Conference: Gunnison, CO

Rhode, D. E. (2009). Environmental Change and Human Adaptations in the Bonneville Basin, ca. 12,000-8,000 Years Ago. US DOE Nevada Test Site Community Environmental Monitoring Program Annual Meeting: Ely, NV, Invited lecture.

Rhode, D. E., Louderback, L. A. (2009). Holocene Vegetation History in Northwest Colorado and Southwest Wyoming: Preliminary Results from Packrat Middens and Pollen Cores. PACLIM Conference: Asilomar, CA

Rhode, D. E. (2009). Paleolithic Hunters on the Northeast Tibetan Plateau. Anthropological Lecture Series, University of Washington, Department of Anthropology: Seattle, WA

Rhode, D. E., Ma, H., Madsen, D. B., Brantingham, P. J., Forman, S. L., Olsen, J. W., Lai, Z. (2008). Paleoenvironmental Implications of Shoreline Chronology of Qinghai Lake, Northeast Qinghai-Tibet Plateau. American Geophysical Union Fall Meeting: San Francisco, CA

Rhode, D. E. (2008). Late Pleistocene-Holocene Vegetation Change in the Great Basin: Tools for the Paleo-Forester. Society of American Foresters Annual Meeting: Reno, NV

Rhode, D. E. (2008). Beyond the Fringe: Archaeological Perspectives on Interactions between Great Basin Peoples and their Neighbors. Symposium organized for the Great Basin Anthropological Conference: Portland, OR

Graf, K. E., Goebel, T., Hockett, B. S., Rhode, D. E. (2008). What Were They Doing During the Pleistocene-Holocene Transition at Bonneville Estates Rockshelter?. Great Basin Anthropological Conference: Portland, OR

Louderback, L. A., Hockett, B. S., Rhode, D. E., Graf, K. E., Goebel, T. (2008). Climate Change and Human Adaptation in the Bonneville Basin: The Blue Lake Pollen Record and Archaeology of Bonneville Estates Rockshelter, Society for American Archaeology Annual Meeting: Vancouver, British Columbia

Rhode, D. E. (2008). Middle Holocene Plant Use in the Bonneville Basin. Society for American Archaeology Annual Meeting: Vancouver, British Columbia

Louderback, L. A., Madsen, D. B., Metcalf, M., Reed, A. D., Rhode, D. E. (2007). Paleoenvironmental Research on the Piceance Basin Lateral and REX Pipeline Project: A Preliminary Report. Rocky Mountain Anthropological Conference: Jackson Hole, WY

Rhode, D. E. (2007). Late Prehistoric Subsistence Change at High Elevations in the White Mountains, Eastern California: the Archaeobotanical Record. Society for American Archaeology Annual Meeting: Austin, TX

Louderback, L. A., Rhode, D. E. (2007). Holocene Vegetation Change and Human Plant Use in the Northwest Bonneville Basin, Nevada/Utah. Society for American Archaeology Annual Meeting: Austin, TX

Rhode, D. E. (2006). Prehistoric Dietary Plant Use in the Lead Mine Hills: The Record from Hearths and Other Features at Bonneville Estates Rockshelter. Great Basin Anthropological Conference: Las Vegas, NV

Craven, S. L., Rhode, D. E. (2006). Palynological Analysis of Sediments from the Bonneville Estates Rockshelter, Elko County, Nevada. Great Basin Anthropological Conference: Las Vegas, NV

Louderback, L. A., Rhode, D. E. (2006). Latest Pleistocene-Holocene Vegetation Change at Blue Lake, Western Bonneville Basin, Utah, Great Basin Anthropological Conference: Las Vegas, NV

Goebel, T., Hockett, B. S., Graf, K. E., Rhode, D. E. (2006). More on the Putative “Pre-Clovis” Human Occupation at Bonneville Estates Rockshelter. Great Basin Anthropological Conference: Las Vegas, NV

Goebel, T., Hockett, B. S., Graf, K. E., Rhode, D. E. (2006). An Update on the Paleoindian Archaeology of Bonneville Estates Rockshelter, Eastern Nevada. Great Basin Anthropological Conference: Las Vegas, NV

Louderback, L. A., Rhode, D. E. (2006). Latest Pleistocene-Holocene Vegetation Change at Blue Lake, Western Bonneville Basin, Utah, American Quaternary Association (AMQUA) Conference: Bozeman, MT

Louderback, L. A., Rhode, D. E., Benson, L. V., Mensing, S. (2006). Latest Pleistocene-Holocene Vegetation Change at Blue Lake, Western Bonneville Basin, Utah, PACLIM Conference: Asilomar, CA

Rhode, D. E. (2005). Paleoenvironments and People in the Bonneville Basin. Geological Society of America Annual Meeting: Salt Lake City, UT

Rhode, D. E., Ma, H., Zhang, X., Brantingham, P. J., Madsen, D. B. (2005). Latest Pleistocene/Holocene Environments and Loess Deposition at Heima He, Southern Qinghai Lake, Western China. PAGES 2nd Open Science Meeting: Beijing, China

Madsen, D. B., Ma, H., Brantingham, P. J., Rhode, D. E., Gao, X., Olsen, J. W., Zhang, H. (2005). Early human adaptation to the Tibetan Plateau. PAGES 2nd Open Science Meeting: Beijing, China

Brantingham, P. J., Gao, X., Ma, H., Olsen, J. W., Rhode, D. E., Madsen, D. B. (2005). Late Pleistocene and Early Holocene Hunter-Gatherer Occupation of the High-Elevation Northern Tibetan Plateau. PAGES 2nd Open Science Meeting: Beijing, China

Rhode, D. E., Louderback, L. A. (2005). Into the Archaic: Dietary Plant Use in the Pre-Archaic (Paleoarchaic?) in the Bonneville Basin. Society for American Archaeology Annual Meeting: Salt Lake City, UT

Goebel, T., Graf, K. E., Hockett, B. S., Rhode, D. E. (2004). Bonneville Estates Rockshelter and the Younger Dryas in the Eastern Great Basin. 57th Annual Meeting of the Northwest Anthropological Conference: Eugene, OR

Rhode, D. E. (2004). Was Danger Cave a Center of Paleoarchaic Small Seed Use in the Great Basin?. 69th Society for American Archaeology Meetings: Montreal, Quebec, Canada

Brantingham, P. J., Ma, H., Madsen, D. B., Gao, X., Rhode, D. E., Olsen, J. W. (2003). The Biogeography of Late Pleistocene Hominid Populations in Central and East Asia. 16th INQUA (International Union for Quaternary Research) Congress: Reno, NV

Rhode, D. E., Madsen, D. B., Brantingham, P. J. (2003). Preliminary Assessment of the Utility of Dung as Fuel During the Initial Occupation of Beringia, Based on Analogues from the Tibetan Plateau. 16th INQUA (International Union for Quaternary Research) Congress: Reno, NV

Madsen, D. B., Chen, F. H., Brantingham, P. J., Rhode, D. E., Oviatt, C. G., Bettinger, R. L., Elston, R. G., Ma, H. (2003). Climate Change and Human Adaptation along the Northeastern Margin of the Tibetan Plateau. 16th INQUA (International Union for Quaternary Research) Congress: Reno, NV

Rhode, D. E., Madsen, D. B., Jones, K. T., Goebel, T. (2003). Early Holocene Archaeoalogy at Danger Cave, Utah, USA. 16th INQUA (International Union for Quaternary Research) Congress: Reno, NV

Rhode, D. E. (2003). Ethnobiology and Sustainability: Archaeological Perspectives on the Prehistoric Occupation of the Tibetan Plateau, Western China. 20th Annual Meeting, Society of Ethnobiology: Seattle, WA, Invited plenary presentation.

Rhode, D. E., Jones, K. T., Madsen, D. B., Goebel, T. (2002). Danger Cave and the Early Holocene in the Eastern Great Basin. 28th Great Basin Anthropological Conference: Elko, NV

Graf, K. E., Goebel, T., Hockett, B. S., Rhode, D. E. (2002). Bonneville Estates Rockshelter: Stratigraphy and Radiocarbon Chronology. 28th Great Basin Anthropological Conference: Elko, NV

Graf, K. E., Goebel, T., Hockett, B. S., Rhode, D. E. (2002). Recent Archaeological Investigations at Bonneville Estates Rockshelter, Eastern Great Basin. 67th Annual Meeting of the Society for American Archaeology: Denver, CO

Rhode, D. E. (2000). Late Quaternary Climate Change and Biotic Response in the Bonneville Basin and Vicinity, USA. 16th American Quaternary Association: Fayetteville, AR

Rhode, D. E. (2000). Paleoenvironments and the Peopling of the Great Basin. Sundance Archaeological Program Workshop: Reno, NV

Rhode, D. E. (1999). Packrat Middens as a Tool for Reconstructing Historic Ecosystems. Society for Ecological Restoration 11th Annual International Conference: San Francisco, CA

Rhode, D. E. (1999). Late Quaternary Climate Change and Biotic Response in the Bonneville Basin and Vicinity, USA. INQUA XV International Congress: Durban, South Africa

Rhode, D. E. (1998). How Does Surface Temperature and Humidity Interact to Affect Obsidian Hydration Rates in Arid Environments?. Society for American Archaeology Annual Meetings: Seattle, WA

Rhode, D. E. (1998). Hidden Cave Coprolites, Revisited: Paleodiet and Gender. 26th Great Basin Anthropological Conference: Bend, OR

Rhode, D. E. (1998). Terminal Wisconsin Vegetation in the Central Baja California Peninsula: A Record of California Juniper and Chaparral Taxa. 15th American Quaternary Association Biennial Meetings: Puerto Vallarta, Mexico

Rhode, D. E. (1997). Dating Surface Archaeological Assemblages in Arid Environments Using Obsidian Hydration: Effects of Temperature and Humidity Variation on Hydration Rates. Geological Society of America Annual Meeting: Salt Lake City, UT

Rhode, D. E., Wigand, P. E. (1997). Vegetation and Aquatic System History in the Great Basin. Great Basin Aquatic System History Conference: Salt Lake City, UT

Rhode, D. E. (1996). The Role of Paleoecology in the Development of Great Basin Archaeology, and Vice Versa. 25th Great Basin Anthropological Conference: Lake Tahoe, NV

Rhode, D. E. (1996). GIS in the Service of Obsidian Hydration Dating. 13th International Congress of Prehistoric and Protohistoric Sciences: Forli, Italy

Rhode, D. E., Madsen, D. B. (1996). Early Holocene Pine Nut Use in the North American Great Basin. Society for American Archaeology: New Orleans, LA

Rhode, D. E. (1996). Archaeobotany of an Open Residential Site in Stillwater Marsh, Western Nevada. Society for Ethnobiology: Santa Barbara, CA

Rhode, D. E. (1995). Small-Scale Thermal Variation and Its Long Term Effects on Obsidian Hydration. Society for American Archaeology: Minneapolis, MN

Rhode, D. E., Hooper, L. M. (1995). Harvest and Yield Studies of Some Ethnographic Food Plants in the Yucca Mountain Area. Society for American Archaeology: Minneapolis, MN

Madsen, D. B., Rhode, D. E., Grayson, D. K., Livingston, S. D., Broughton, J. M., Quade, J. (1995). Faunal and Vegetational Records from the Bonneville Basin, Utah-Nevada, and their Relationship to Lake Level Changes, 14,000-7,000 BP. PAGES, PEP-1 (Americas) Transect Science Meeting: Albuquerque, NM

Rhode, D. E. (1994). Investigating Fossil Woodrat Middens in the Bonneville Basin. 24th Great Basin Anthropological Conference: Elko, NV

Rhode, D. E., Hooper, L. M. (1994). Harvest and Yield Studies of Some Ethnographic Food Plants in the Yucca Mountain Area. Great Basin Anthropological Conference: Elko, NV

Rhode, D. E. (1994). Obsidian Studies at Yucca Mountain, Nevada: Sourcing and Regional Chronology Development. Society for American Archaeology: Anaheim, CA

Rhode, D. E. (1992). Obsidian Sourcing Studies at Yucca Mountain, Nevada. Kelso Conference: Yucca Valley, CA

Rhode, D. E. (1992). The World According to a Hydrating Obsidian Flake: Steps Toward Chronological Control of An Archaeological Landscape. 23rd Great Basin Anthropological Conference: Boise, ID

Rhode, D. E. (1992). Estimating Agricultural Carrying Capacity in the Zuni Region, West Central New Mexico: Field Systems in Regional Context. New Mexico Archaeological Council Agriculture Symposium: Santa Fe, NM

Rhode, D. E. (1992). Direct Dating of Brownware Ceramics in the Great Basin. Numic Roundtable: Lake Tahoe, CA

Rhode, D. E. (1992). Constraints on Agricultural Productivity at Zuni, West-Central New Mexico. Southwest Symposium: Tucson, AZ

Pippin, L. C., Rhode, D. E. (1991). Archaeological Program for the Yucca Mountain Site, 1444-1448. High Level Radioactive Waste Management: Proceedings of the Second Annual International Conference: La Grange, IL/New York, NY

Rhode, D. E., Johnson, W. G. (1991). DOE Cultural Resources Compliance – Nevada: Implementing Sections 106 and 110. DOE Cultural Resources Management Conference: Charleston, SC

Rhode, D. E., Pippin, L. C. (1991). Archaeological Program for the Yucca Mountain Site. High Level Radioactive Waste Management Conference: Las Vegas, NV

Rhode, D. E. (1991). Paleoenvironmental Reconstructions from Plant Remains at Danger Cave and Vicinity, Western Bonneville Basin: A Progress Report. Society for American Archaeology: New Orleans, LA

Rhode, D. E. (1990). The Measurement and Functional Distribution of Use Intensity on Expedient Stone Tools. 21st Great Basin Anthropological Conference: Reno, NV

Rhode, D. E. (1990). Introduction: Aspects of the Cultural Environment of the Southern Great Basin. Society for American Archaeology: Las Vegas, NV

Rhode, D. E., Holmes, B. E. (1989). Recent Anthropological Research Conducted by the Zuni Tribe. Society for Applied Anthropology: Santa Fe, NM

Rhode, D. E. (1988). Lovelock Culture at Walker Lake? The View from Above. Great Basin Anthropological Conference: Park City, UT

Rhode, D. E. (1988). Archaeobotanical Remains from Danger Cave. Great Basin Anthropological Conference: Park City, UT

Rhode, D. E. (1988). Agricultural Intensification and Population Dynamics in the Zuni Region, West Central New Mexico. Society for American Archaeology: Phoenix, AZ

Rhode, D. E. (1987). Sunflower, Sumpweed, and the Eastern Agricultural Complex. Society for American Archaeology: Toronto, Ontario, Canada

Rhode, D. E. (1986). Land Use Variability in the Uplands of the Walker River Drainage. Great Basin Anthropological Conference: Las Vegas, NV

Rhode, D. E. (1984). Variation in Prehistoric Upland Land Use as a Function of Proximity to Lacustrine Resources in the Walker Watershed, Western Nevada. Society for American Archaeology: Portland, OR

Rhode, D. E. (1982). Plant Remains from the Black River Sites, Puget Lowlands. Northwest Anthropological Society: Vancouver, British Columbia, Canada

Rhode, D. E. (1981). Backbearing from the Historical Record in Paleoenvironmental Reconstruction: An Example from the Puget Lowlands. Northwest Anthropological Society: Portland, OR