Assistant Research Professor, Cloud Microphysics
Ph.D., Atmospheric Science, University of Nevada, Reno, NV. class of 2016, GPA: 4.00
Research Interests
Aerosol-cloud interactions, cloud physics and microphysics, remote sensing, cloud feedback, cloud-resolving, and large-eddy simulations, regional and global environmentalmodeling, weather dynamics, North American monsoon, mountain meteorology, seasonal/decadal reforecast
Assistant Research Professor, Desert Research Institute, Reno, NV, Sep. 2022-present
– Environmental and weather model improvements in cloud microphysics and dynamics, especially in ice clouds where model deficiencies have been identified.
Research Scientist, University of Washington, Seattle, WA, Sep. 2020-Sep. 2022
-Studied the efficacy of marine low cloud brightening by developing and performing large eddy simulation (LES-SAM) experiments under different environmental regimes and for a range of background aerosol properties.
Postdoctoral Research Fellow,George Mason University, Fairfax, VA, Aug. 2016-Aug. 2020
– Designed and implemented the sensitivity of marine boundary layer cloud feedback in response to global warming in ageneral circulationmodel (CESM)
Graduate Research Assistant,Desert Research Institute,Reno, NV,Aug.2012-Aug. 2016
– Designed a unique method for mass- and area-dimension relationships for ice cloud particles
Cloud Physics, Environment and Earth Modeling, Aerosol-Cloud Interaction, Cloud Microphysics, Large-Eddy Simulations, Ocean-Atmosphere Interaction
Tierney, J.,
King, J.,
Osman, M.,
Abell, J.,
Burls, N.,
Erfani, E.,
Cooper, V., &
Feng, R. (2025).
Pliocene Warmth and Patterns of Climate Change Inferred From Paleoclimate Data Assimilation.
AGU Advances, 6, e2024AV001356.
Erfani, E.,
Wood, R.,
Blossey, P.,
Doherty, S.,
Eastman, R. (2024).
Building a comprehensive library of observed Lagrangian trajectories for testing modeled cloud evolution, aerosol-cloud interactions, and marine cloud brightening,
EGUsphere, 1-52,
Mehdizadeh, G.,
Erfani, E.,
McDonough, F.,
Hosseinpour, F. E. (2024).
Quantifying the Influence of Cloud Seeding on Ice Particle Growth and Snowfall Through Idealized Microphysical Modeling,
Atmosphere, 15 (12),
Erfani, E.,
Blossey, P.,
Wood, R.,
Mohrmann, J.,
Doherty, S.,
Wyant, M.,
O, K. (2022).
Simulating aerosol lifecycle impacts on the subtropical stratocumulus-to-cumulus transition using large-eddy simulations,
Journal of Geophysical Research: Atmospheres, 127, e2022JD037258,
Khalid, A.,
Miesse, T.,
Erfani, E.,
Thomas, S.,
Ferreira, C.,
Pegion, K.,
Burls, N.,
Manganello, J. (2021).
Evaluating storm surge predictability on subseasonal timescales for flood forecasting applications: A case study for Hurricane Isabel and Katrina,
Weather and Climate Extremes, 34, 100378,
Erfani, E.,
Mitchell, D. (2021).
Progress in understanding North American Monsoon Using a Climate Model,
Academia Letters, 2, AL463,
Lawson, R.,
Woods, S.,
Jensen, E.,
Erfani, E.,
Gurganus, C.,
Gallagher, M.,
Connolly, P.,
Whiteway, J.,
Baran, A.,
May, P.,
Heymsfield, A.,
Schmitt, C.,
McFarquhar, G.,
Um, J.,
Protat, A.,
Bailey, M.,
Lance, S.,
Muehlbauer, A.,
Stith, J.,
Korolev, A.,
Toon, O.,
Krämer, M. (2019).
A Review of Ice Particle Shapes in Cirrus formed In Situ and in Anvils,
Journal of Geophysical Research: Atmospheres, 124 (17-18), 10049-10090,
Mitchell, D. L.,
Garnier, A.,
Pelon, J.,
Erfani, E. (2018).
CALIPSO (IIR-CALIOP) retrievals of cirrus cloud ice particle concentrations,
Atmos. Chem. Phys. Discuss.,
Mitchell, D. L.,
Garnier, A.,
Pelon, J.,
Erfani, E. (2018).
CALIPSO (IIR-CALIOP) retrievals of cirrus cloud ice-particle concentrations,
Atmos. Chem. Phys., 18, 17325-17354,
Eidhammer, T.,
Morrison, H.,
Mitchell, D. L.,
Gettelman, A.,
Erfani, E. (2017).
Improvements in Global Climate Model Microphysics Using a Consistent Representation of Ice Particle Properties,
J. Climate, 30 (2), 609-629,
Erfani, E.,
Mitchell, D. L. (2017).
Growth of ice particle mass and projected area during riming,
Atmos. Chem. Phys., 17 (2), 1241-1257,
Erfani, E.,
Mitchell, D. L. (2016).
Developing and Bounding Ice Particle Mass- and Area-Dimension Expressions for Use in Atmospheric Models and Remote Sensing,
Atmos. Chem. Phys., 16, 4379-4400,
Mitchell, D. L.,
Garnier, A.,
Avery, M.,
Erfani, E. (2016).
CALIPSO Observations of the Dependence of Homo- and Heterogeneous Ice Nucleation in Cirrus Clouds on Latitude, Season and Surface Condition,
Atmos. Chem. Phys. Discuss.,
Erfani, E. (2016).
A partial mechanistic understanding of North American Monsoon and microphysical properties of ice particles. University of Nevada-Reno: Ph.D. Dissertation, 229 pp,
Erfani, E.,
Mitchell, D. L. (2015).
Developing and bounding ice particle mass- and area-dimension expressions for use in atmospheric models and remote sensing,
Atmos. Chem. Phys. Discuss., 15, 2828517-28573,
Erfani, E.,
Mitchell, D. L. (2014).
A Partial Mechanistic Understanding of the North American Monsoon,
J. Geophys. Res., 119, 13,096–13,115,
Conference Proceedings
Erfani, E.,
Mitchell, D. L., &
Mejia, J. F. (2025).
Quantifying Cirrus Cloud Radiative Effects in Numerical Models by Incorporating Satellite Observations. American Meteorological Society (AMS) Annual Meeting: New Orleans, LA, January 12, 2025-January 16, 2025.
Wood, R., Doherty, S., Lee, O., Blossey, P., Medrado, J., Chun, J., Erfani, E., McMichael, L., Shin, D., Hirasawa, H., & Rasch, P. (2025). Field Studies to Test Marine Cloud Brightening Efficacy. American Meteorological Society (AMS) Annual Meeting: New Orleans, LA, January 12, 2025-January 16, 2025
Wood, R., Eastman, R., & Erfani, E. (2025). Amplification of the liquid water path diurnal cycle in stratocumulus with increased cloud droplet concentration. CloudSat/CALIPSO Science Team Meeting: Fort Collins, CO, February 19, 2025-February 21, 2025
Mitchell, D. L., Garnier, A., Woods, S., & Erfani, E. (2025). Physical insights of the ice number concentration retrieval process based on combined CALIPSO lidar and IIR observations. CloudSat/CALIPSO Science Team Meeting: Fort Collins, CO, February 19, 2025-February 21, 2025
Erfani, E.,
Mitchell, D. L.,
Mejia, J. F. (2024).
Improving Simulations of Cirrus Cloud Thinning by Utilizing Satellite Retrievals. American Meteorological Society (AMS) Annual Meeting: Baltimore, MD, January 28, 2024-February 1, 2024,
Martin, M.,
Mehdizadeh, G.,
Barjeste Vaezi, R.,
Erfani, E.,
Hosseinpour, F. E. (2024).
Predictive Modeling in Environmental Science with Machine Learning Algorithms. American Meteorological Society (AMS) Annual Meeting: Baltimore, MD, January 28, 2024-February 1, 2024,
Mehdizadeh, G.,
Hosseinpour, F. E.,
Martin, M.,
Barjeste Vaezi, R.,
Erfani, E.,
McDonough, F. (2024).
Cloud Seeding Effects on Snowfall: Insights from Microphysical Model and Satellite Remote Sensing. American Meteorological Society (AMS) Annual Meeting: Baltimore, MD, January 28, 2024-February 1, 2024,
Erfani, E.,
Wood, R.,
Blossey, P.,
Doherty, S.,
Eastman, R.,
McMichael, L. (2024).
Building a comprehensive library of cloud-resolving simulations to study marine cloud brightening across a spectrum of environmental conditions. American Meteorological Society (AMS) Annual Meeting: Baltimore, MD, January 28, 2024-February 1, 2024,
Erfani, E.,
Mitchell, D. L.,
Mejia, J. F.,
Kumar, N. (2024).
Employing Satellite Retrievals of Cirrus Clouds for a Realistic Modeling of Cirrus Cloud Thinning. Gordon Research Conference on Climate Engineering: Lucca, Italy, February 18, 2024-February 23, 2024,
Erfani, E., Mitchell, D. L. (2024). Thinning Cirrus Clouds. To Save The World, Episode 595: virtual, March 25, 2024
Dmitruk, G., Erfani, E., Mitchell, D. L. (2024). Modeling the application of possible natural Southern Hemisphere cirrus cloud thinning in the Arctic winter. Gordon Research Conference on Climate Engineering, Renaissance Tuscany Il Ciocco: Lucca, Italy, February 18, 2024-February 23, 2024
Mitchell, D. L., Erfani, E. (2024). Clearing Logjams in CCT Research and Exploring CCT’s Potential for Cooling the Arctic. Gordon Research Conference on Climate Engineering, Renaissance Tuscany Il Ciocco: Lucca, Italy, February 18, 2024-February 23, 2024
Wood, R., Doherty, S., Erfani, E., Chun, J., McMichael, L., Blossey, P., Sun, H., Rasch, P., Hirasawa, H., Eastman, R. (2024). Constraining marine cloud brightening: observations, models, and field studies. International Conference on Clouds and Precipitation (ICCP): Jeju, South Korea, July 14, 2024-July 19, 2024
Sun, H., Blossey, P., Wood, R., Erfani, E., Doherty, S. (2024). Response of aerosol-cloud interactions to global warming. Micro2Macro: Origins of Climate Change Uncertainty Workshop: Laramie, WY, October 27, 2024-October 30, 2024
Erfani, E.,
Wood, R.,
Blossey, P.,
Doherty, S.,
Eastman, R.,
McMichael, L. (2024).
Simulating Low Cloud Evolution by Building a Comprehensive Library of Observed Lagrangian Trajectories. Micro2Macro: Origins of Climate Change Uncertainty Workshop: Laramie, WY, October 27, 2024-October 30, 2024,
Sun, H., Blossey, P., Wood, R., Erfani, E., Doherty, S. (2024). Using Large Eddy Simulations to Study How Climate Change Influences Aerosol-Cloud Interactions in Marine Boundary Layer. American Geophysical Union (AGU) Fall Meeting: Washington, D.C., December 9, 2024-December 13, 2024
Mehdizadeh, G., Hosseinpour, F. E., Erfani, E., McDonough, F. (2024). Impacts of Atmospheric Conditions on Cloud Seeding: A Numerical Approach. American Geophysical Union (AGU) Fall Meeting: Washington, D.C., December 9, 2024-December 13, 2024
Wood, R., Erfani, E., Chun, J., Doherty, S., Blossey, P., McMichael, L. (2023). How Are Cloud-Scale Modeling and Satellite Observations Informing Marine Cloud Brightening?. American Meteorological Society (AMS) Annual Meeting: Denver, CO, January 8, 2023-January 12, 2023
Diamond, m., Ackerman, A., Baró Pérez, A., Bender, F., Ekman, A., Erfani, E., Fridlind, A., Feingold, G., Howes, C., Kazil, J., Saide, P., Wood, R., Yamaguchi, T., Zhang, J., Zhou, X., Zuidema, P. (2023). SE Atlantic Sc-Cu Transition with Aerosol-Radiation-Rain interactions (SEA STARR): An LES Intercomparison of Entrainment- and Precipitation-Driven Low Cloud Transitions in the Presence of Smoke. American Meteorological Society (AMS) Annual Meeting: Denver, CO, January 8, 2023-January 12, 2023
Diamond, m., Ackerman, A., Baró Pérez, A., Fridlind, A., Erfani, E., co-author, s. (2023). Drizzle drives model differences in the Southeastern Atlantic Stratocumulus Transitions with Aerosol-Rain-Radiation interactions (SEA STARR) LES intercomparison project. Cloud Feedback Model Intercomparison Project (CFMIP) conference: Paris, France, July 9, 2023-July 13, 2023
Erfani, E.,
Mitchell, D. L. (2023).
Constraining a Radiative Transfer Model with Satellite Observations: Implications for Cirrus Clouds Thinning. Gordon Research Conference (GRC) on Radiation and Climate: Lewiston, ME, July 23, 2023-July 28, 2023,
Mitchell, D. L., Erfani, E. (2023). Food for thought on cirrus cloud thinning (CCT). 13th GeoMIP workshop/GeoMIP Modeling Research Consortium (GMRC): Exeter, UK, July 5, 2023-July 6, 2023
Mitchell, D. L., Erfani, E. (2023). Can cirrus clouds cool the polar regions during winter? Results from satellite remote sensing and radiation transfer modeling. International Union for Geophysics and Geodesy (IUGG)/International Association for Meteorology and Atmospheric Sciences (IAMAS), session on: Berlin, Germany, July 14, 2023
Erfani, E., Burls, N., Cash, B. (2023). Strongly forced North Atlantic decadal variability within anomaly initialized CESM2 decadal reforecast experiments. Atlantic Variability and Tropical Basin Interactions at Interannual to Multi-Decadal Time Scales: Trieste, Italy, August 1, 2023-August 11, 2023
Linder, E.,
Chong, D.,
Knapp, S.,
Erfani, E.,
Burls, N. (2023).
Evaluating the effect of low-cloud feedback strength on the transient response of Pacific sea surface temperature patterns under CO2 Warming. Aspiring Scientists Summer Internship Program (ASSIP) Annual Conference: Manassas, VA, August 10, 2023-August 10, 2023,
Mehdizadeh, G.,
Hosseinpour, F. E.,
McDonough, F.,
Erfani, E. (2023).
Studying the Mechanistic Impacts of Cloud Seeding on Snowfall with Insights from a Cloud Microphysical Model. Graduate poster symposium: Reno, NV,
Erfani, E.,
Wood, R.,
Blossey, P.,
Doherty, S.,
Eastman, R.,
McMichael, L. (2023).
Exploring Marine Cloud Brightening Potential Using Extensive Large Eddy Simulations Under a Spectrum of Environmental Conditions. Earth’s Radiation Budget (ERB) Science Meeting: Boulder, CO, USA, November 6, 2023,
Erfani, E.,
Mitchell, D. L.,
Mejia, J. F.,
Kumar, N. (2023).
Cirrus Cloud Thinning (CCT). Earth’s Radiation Budget (ERB) Science Meeting: Boulder, CO, USA, November 6, 2023,
Chun, J., Wood, R., Blossey, P., Erfani, E., McMichael, L., Doherty, S. (2023). Cloud-resolving simulations of low marine clouds and their response to aerosol perturbations. Earth’s Radiation Budget (ERB) Science Meeting: Boulder, CO, November 6, 2023-November 8, 2023
Tierney, J., Burls, N., King, J., Osman, M., Erfani, E., Knapp, S., Feng, R., Haywood, A. (2023). Patterns of Pacific sea-surface temperatures during the Pliocene. American Geophysical Union (AGU) Fall Meeting: San Francisco, CA, 11-15 Dec. 2023
Erfani, E.,
Blossey, P.,
Wood, R.,
Doherty, S. (2022).
Sensitivity of low marine clouds to aerosol perturbations. Aerosols, Clouds, Precipitation and Climate (ACPC) Workshop: Online, 9-13 May 2022,
Erfani, E.,
Burls, N.,
Cash, B. (2022).
Strongly forced North Atlantic decadal variability within anomaly initialized CESM2 decadal reforecast experiments. Ocean Science Meeting (OSM): Online, 24 Feb. to 4 Mar. 2022,
Erfani, E.,
Wood, R.,
Blossey, P.,
Doherty, S.,
Eastman, R. (2022).
Using a phase space of environmental variables to drive an ensemble of cloud-resolving simulations of low marine clouds. American Geophysical Union (AGU) Fall Meeting: Chicago, IL, 12-16 Dec. 2022,
Wood, R., Chun, J., Erfani, E., co-author, s. (2022). Brightening Marine Clouds to Cool Earth: A Review of the Science and an Agenda for Research. Gordon Research Conference on Climate Engineering: Newry, ME, 26 Jun. to 1 Jul. 2022
Erfani, E.,
Blossey, P.,
Wood, R.,
Wyant, M.,
Mohrmann, J.,
Doherty, S. (2021).
Progress in Understanding the Low Marine Cloud-Aerosol Interactions during CSET using LES, A24F-08. American Geophysical Union (AGU) Fall Meeting: New Orleans, LA, 13-17 Dec. 2021,
Wood, R., Chun, J., Blossey, P., Erfani, E., Wyant, M., Doherty, S., Mohrmann, J. (2021). Large eddy simulations to explore processes controlling the responses of marine low clouds to aerosol injection. American Geophysical Union (AGU) Fall Meeting: New Orleans, LA, 13-17 Dec. 2021
Wyant, m.,
Erfani, E.,
Blossey, P.,
Wood, R.,
Chun, J. (2021).
Marine Cloud Response to Surface Aerosol Perturbations in Large-Eddy Simulations. American Meteorological Society (AMS) Annual Meeting: Virtual, 10-15 Jan. 2021,
Erfani, E.,
Blossey, P.,
Wyant, M.,
Wood, R. (2020).
Low Marine Cloud Responses to Systematic Aerosol Perturbations Across a Range of Ambient Conditions. American Geophysical Union (AGU) Fall Meeting: Online, 1-17 Dec. 2020,
Erfani, E. (2020). Progress in Understanding Ice Particles Properties using Observations and Models. invited talk at University of Washington: Seattle, WA, 30 Oct., 2020
Erfani, E. & Burls, N. (2019). The Role of Surface Shortwave Flux Correction in Reducing Climatological Temperature Biases. American Geophysical Union (AGU) Fall Meeting: Francisco, CA, 9-13 Dec. 2019
Burls, N., Erfani, E. (2019). How the strength of the low cloud cover feedback can impact centennial to millennial processes in the climate system. American Geophysical Union (AGU) Fall Meeting: San Francisco, CA, 9-13 Dec. 2019
Mitchell, D. L., Mejia, J. F., Garnier, A., Erfani, E. (2018). On the feasibility of cirrus cloud thinning (CCT): A surprising coincidence. 98th AMS Annual Meeting, 21st Conference on Planned and Inadvertent Weather Modification, joint session with Aerosol-Cloud-Climate Interactions on Climate Engineering and Inadvertent Weather Modification: Austin, TX, January 7, 2018-January 11, 2018
Mitchell, D. L., Garnier, A., Avery, M., Erfani, E. (2017). The latitude and seasonal dependence of cirrus cloud occurrence frequency and formation mechanism, and their potential impact on jet steam dynamics. A-Train Symposium: Pasadena, CA, April 19, 2017-April 21, 2017
Erfani, E., Burls, N. (2017). The Strength of Cloud Feedbacks and Tropical Climate: A CESM Sensitivity Study. Gordon Research Conference on Radiation and Climate: Lewiston, ME, 16-21 Jul. 2017
Mitchell, D. L., Garnier, A., Avery, M., Erfani, E. (2016). Insights on the Feasibility, Modeling and Field Testing of Cirrus Cloud Thinning from Satellite Remote Sensing [invited talk]. Sixth GeoMIP Meeting: Norwegian Meteorological Institute, Oslo, Norway, June 21, 2016-June 22, 2016
Mitchell, D. L., Garnier, A., Avery, M., Erfani, E. (2016). The Dependence of Cirrus Cloud Formation Mechanism on Latitude, Season and Surface Type. International Conference on Clouds and Precipitation: Manchester, UK, July 25, 2016-July 29, 2016
Mitchell, D. L., Garnier, A., Avery, M., Erfani, E. (2016). The Dependence of Homo- and Heterogeneously Formed Cirrus Clouds on Latitude, Season and Surface-Type Based on a New CALIPSO Remote Sensing Method [invited talk]. AGU Fall Meeting: San Francisco, CA, December 12, 2016-December 16, 2016
Mitchell, D. L., Garnier, A., Mejia, J. F., Avery, M. A., Erfani, E. (2016). Insights on the Feasibility, Modeling and Field Testing of Cirrus Cloud Thinning from Satellite Remote Sensing. Poster, AGU Fall Meeting: San Francisco, CA, December 12, 2016-December 16, 2016
Erfani, E., Mitchell, D. L., Eidhammer, T., Morrison, H., Gettelman, A. (2016). Improving the microphysical characteristics in CAM. Annual CESM Workshop: Breckenridge, CO, 20-23 Jun. 2016
Erfani, E., Mitchell, D. L. (2015). Evolution of Snow-sized Spectra by the Growth Processes of Vapor Deposition, Aggregation and Riming, Paper. 95th AMS Annual Meeting: Phoenix, AZ, January 5, 2015
Erfani, E., Mitchell, D. L. (2015). Progress in representing microphysical processes in a mixed-phase snow growth model. International Union of Geophysics and Geodesy (IUGG), 26th IUGG General Assembly: Prague, Czech Republic, June 22, 2015-July 2, 2015
Erfani, E., Mitchell, D. L., Avery, M. (2015). A partial mechanistic understanding of the North American monsoon. International Union of Geophysics and Geodesy (IUGG), 26th IUGG General Assembly: Prague, Czech Republic, June 22, 2015-July 2, 2015
Erfani, E., Mitchell, D. L., Avery, M. (2015). The role of coastal mid-latitude air-sea interactions in exporting tropical energy to N. America during summer. International Union of Geophysics and Geodesy (IUGG), 26th IUGG General Assembly: Prague, Czech Republic, June 22, 2015-July 2, 2015
Mitchell, D. L., Erfani, E., Ivanova, D., Avery, M. (2015). Observational and Modeling Evidence for both Local- and Large-scale NAM Mechanisms. Invited talk. 3rd Annual Regional Climate and Meteorology Meeting for Northwest Mexico and the Southwest U.S.: Centro de Ciencias de la Atmósfera, UNAM, Mexico City, June 4, 2015
Mitchell, D. L., Garnier, A., Avery, M., Erfani, E. (2015). Satellite remote sensing of the dependence of homogeneous ice nucleation on latitude and season. 2015 AGU Fall Meeting: San Francisco, CA, December 14, 2015
Erfani, E., Mitchell, D. L. (2014). Mechanisms for the onset and evolution of North American monsoon, Proceedings, Climate Prediction S&T Digest (February 2014), pp. 13-15. 38th NOAA Climate Diagnostics and Prediction Workshop Special Issue, Climate Prediction S & T Digest, NWS Science & Technology Infusion Climate Bulletin Supplement: College Park, MD, October 21, 2013
Mitchell, D. L., Erfani, E. (2014). Parameterizing Ice Particle Mass and Area in Ice Clouds: Towards a Self-consistent Treatment of Ice Microphysics and Radiation. Atmospheric Model Working Group, NCAR: Boulder, CO, February 10, 2014
Mitchell, D. L., Erfani, E., Mishra, S. (2014). Developing and bounding ice particle mass- and area-dimensional expressions for use in atmospheric models and remote sensing. ASR Annual Meeting: Potomac, MD, March 10, 2014
Erfani, E., Mitchell, D. L. (2014). Improving a Snow Growth Model with Application to Radar Quantitative Precipitation Estimates. AMS Conference on Cloud Physics: Boston, MA, July 6, 2014
Mitchell, D. L., Erfani, E. (2014). Ice particle mass- and area-dimensional expressions for cirrus clouds: A proposed strategy. ASR Annual Meeting: Potomac, MD, March 10, 2014
Erfani, E., Mitchell, D. L., Ivanova, D. (2013). A Mechanism for the Impact of Gulf of California Sea Surface Temperature on North American Monsoon. Poster presentation, Atmospheric System Research (ASR) 2013 Science Team Meeting: Potomac, MD, March 18, 2013
Erfani, E., Mitchell, D. L., Ivanova, D. (2013). North American Monsoon: Progress Toward a Mechanistic Understanding. Poster presentation, 18th Annual CESM Workshop: Breckenridge, CO, June 17, 2013
Erfani, E., Mitchell, D. L., Ivanova, D. (2013). Mechanisms Governing the Onset, Extent and Strength of the North American Monsoon. Poster presentation, 14th Annual WRF Workshop: Boulder, CO, June 24, 2013
Erfani, E., Mitchell, D. L., Ivanova, D. (2013). Toward a Mechanistic Understanding of the Onset and Extent of the North American Monsoon. Poster presentation, Gordon Research Conference and Gordon Research Seminar on Radiation and Climat: New London, NH, July 6, 2013
Erfani, E., Mitchell, D. L. (2013). Mechanisms for the onset and evolution of North American monsoon. 38th NOAA Climate Diagnostics and Prediction Workshop Special Issue, Climate Prediction S & T Digest, NWS Science & Technology Infusion Climate Bulletin Suppleme: College Park, MD, October 21, 2013
Erfani, E., Mitchell, D. L. (2013). Air-sea interaction in the Gulf of California and its effect on the North American Monsoon. Oral presentation, Atmospheric System Research (ASR) 2013 Fall Meeting: Rockville, MD, November 4, 2013
Erfani, E., Mitchell, D. L., Ivanova, D., Lavin, M. (2013). Partial validation of the onset mechanism for the North American monsoon. Poster presentation, AGU Fall Meeting: San Francisco, CA, December 9, 2013
Mitchell, D. L., Erfani, E., Mishra, S. (2013). Convergence on ice particle mass- and area-dimensional expressions for ice clouds. Poster presentation, AGU Fall Meeting: San Francisco, CA, December 9, 2013
Erfani, E., Mitchell, D. L., Ivanova, D. C., Lavin, M. (2012). Dependence of the North American monsoon on Pacific Ocean eastern boundary currents. Paper presented: AGU 2012 Fall Meeting: San Francisco, CA, December 3, 2012