Associate Research Scientist, Climatology
Professional Interests
Mr. McCurdy’s interest is in the ongoing installation, assembly, programming, operation and maintenance of a variety of data systems, in environments such as UNIX, DOS, WINDOWS, using Basic, Pascal, Fortran, Assembly, C, PERL, C-Shell, and Python. His interests include weather and climate information sources such as RAWS, NWS, SNOTEL, AGRIMET, NVDOE, McIDAS, and ALERT. He is experienced with DROT (DOMSAT Receive Only Terminal), which receives weather platform messages transmitted via GOES satellite and other data telemetry methods. His climate center efforts include converting the distribution of data to internet transmission, including system configuration and installation of LDM-IDD software to receive climate information. He constructed the climate center’s WWW home page, and converted the new RAWS data ingestor to the ASCADS data system to provide data transmission error correction and retrieval of all RAWS climate data. Mr. McCurdy is also responsible for the collection and analysis of Sierra Nevada weather station data, the changeover of Difax data from satellite feed to internet feeds, and then establishing processes to print the desired forecast maps and to provide network access to satellite imagery. Mr. McCurdy is also working on a climate center inventory of data repositories. He assisted in the development of a climate center metadata database and an integrated climate monitoring system.
Mr. McCurdy’s background includes deployment and installation of weather observing and research instrumentation. Past projects have included design and development of atmospheric radiation and energy balance monitoring platforms. His expertise includes operation and maintenance of long-term Bowen-ratio ET (evapotranspiration) stations and meteorological/climatological monitoring networks. His experience includes use of Campbell Scientific dataloggers with temperature sensors (thermistor and thermocouple), humidity sensors, wind sensors, pressure sensors (atmospheric and hydrologic), precipitation measuring devices (tipping, weighing and pressure displacement), soil moisture sensors (blocks and TDR), linearity sensors for flow or displacement, O2 and CO2 sensors, a variety of atmospheric radiation sensors (longwave and shortwave, silicon or thermopile based), and gamma radiation sensors (pressurized ion chambers). Applications have been primarily agricultural or environmental, but have also included test chambers and space applications.
Research Website
Degree |
Institution |
Area |
M.S. |
Utah State University, UT |
Soil Science/Biometeorology |
B.S. |
Brigham Young University, UT |
Physics |
A.D. |
Ricks College, ID |
Arts and Sciences |
Miller, J. J.,
Nikolich, G.,
Chapman, A.,
Goreham, J.,
McCurdy, G. D. (2024).
Tonopah Test Range Air Monitoring: CY2021 Meteorological, Radiological, and Wind Transported Particulate Observations, DRI 41302; DOE/LM/0000432-02
Brown, T. J.,
Reinbold, H. J.,
McCurdy, G. D. (2023).
RAWS QC and gap fill description for Version 1, Project report. December 2023.
Brown, T. J.,
Podnar, D.,
McCurdy, G. D.,
Hosseinpour, F. E.,
Callahan, J. S. (2023).
National FCAMMS 2, 7 pp., USFS Annual Performance Report, March 2023.
Chapman, J. B.,
Nikolich, G.,
Goreham, J.,
McCurdy, G. D.,
Miller, J. J.,
Chapman, A. (2021).
Tonopah Test Range Air Monitoring: CY2019 Meteorological, Radiological, and Wind Transported Particulate Observations, paginated by section, DRI# 45296: DOE/NV/0003590-60
Mizell, S. A.,
Nikolich, G.,
Goreham, J.,
McCurdy, G. D.,
Miller, J. J. (2021).
Project 57 Air Monitoring Report: January 1 through December 31, 2019, paginated by section, DRI 45297; DOE/NV/0003590-64
Mizell, S. A.,
Nikolich, G.,
Goreham, J.,
McCurdy, G. D.,
Chapman, A.,
Miller, J. J. (2021).
Project 57 Air Monitoring Report: January 1 through September 30, 2020, with a Review of the Period of Record Radionuclide Analyses, Paginated by section, DRI Report #45298; DOE/NV/0003590-70
Chapman, J. B.,
Nikolich, G.,
Chapman, A.,
Goreham, J.,
McCurdy, G. D.,
Miller, J. J. (2021).
Tonopah Test Range Air Monitoring: CY2020 Meteorological, Radiological, and Wind Transported Particulate Observations, Paginated by section, DRI Report # 41285
Heintz, K. M.,
Lyles, B. F.,
McCurdy, G. D. (2021).
Letter Report: FY2021 Timber Mountain Environmental Monitoring Station Decommission (DOE/NV/0003590-61)
Mizell, S. A.,
Nikolich, G.,
Healey, J. M.,
Shadel, C. A.,
Goreham, J.,
McCurdy, G. D.,
Miller, J. J. (2020).
Project 57 Air Monitoring Report: January 1 through December 31, 2018, DOE/NV/0003590-49; DRI 45291
Heintz, K. M.,
McCurdy, G. D.,
Mizell, S. A.,
Chapman, A.,
Miller, J. J. (2020).
Monitoring Potential Transport of Radioactive Contaminants in Shallow Ephemeral Channels: FY2019, DRI 45292; DOE 00003590-50
Brown, T. J.,
McCurdy, G. D. (2020).
RAWS Data Archive. Final Performance Report, 6 pp., August 2020
Brown, T. J.,
Podnar, D.,
McCurdy, G. D. (2020).
National FCAMMS. Final Performance Report, 6 pp., August 2020.
Brown, T. J.,
Podnar, D.,
McCurdy, G. D. (2020).
National FCAMMS. Annual Performance Report, 3 pp., April 2020.
Brown, T. J.,
McCurdy, G. D. (2020).
RAWS Data Archive. Annual Performance Report, 3 pp., April 2020.
Nikolich, G.,
Heintz, K. M.,
Mizell, S. A.,
McCurdy, G. D.,
Chapman, A.,
Miller, J. J.,
Stillman, S. (2020).
NNSS Soils Monitoring: Plutonium Valley (CAU 366) FY2019, paginated by section, DRI 45293; DOE/NV/0003590-52
Lyles, B. F.,
Pearson, C.,
McCurdy, G. D.,
Huntington, J. L. (2019).
NICE Net Precipitation Summary Report: 2017: Reno, 41276
Mizell, S. A.,
McCurdy, G. D.,
Heintz, K. M.,
Miller, J. J. (2019).
Monitoring Potential Transport of Radioactive Contaminants in Shallow Ephemeral Channels: FY2018, DRI 45287;DOE/NV/0003590-32
Nikolich, G.,
Mizell, S. A.,
McCurdy, G. D.,
Campbell, S. A.,
Miller, J. J. (2019).
NNSS Soils Monitoring: Plutonium Valley (CAU 366) FY2018, DOE/NV/0003590-37; DRI 45288
Chapman, J. B.,
Nikolich, G.,
Goreham, J.,
McCurdy, G. D.,
Miller, J. J.,
Chapman, A. (2019).
Tonopah Test Range Air Monitoring: CY2018 Meteorological, Radiological, and Wind Transported Particulate Observations
Mizell, S. A.,
Campbell, S. A.,
McCurdy, G. D.,
Miller, J. J. (2018).
Monitoring Potential Transport of Radioactive Contaminants in Shallow Ephemeral Channels: FY2018, DOE/NV/0003590-10; DRI 45281
Nikolich, G.,
Mizell, S. A.,
McCurdy, G. D.,
Campbell, S. A.,
Miller, J. J. (2018).
NNSS Soils Monitoring: Plutonium Valley (CAU 366) FY2017, DOE/NV/0003590-16; 45283
McEvoy, D. J.,
McCurdy, G. D. (2018).
Washoe County Rain Gauge Network: Historical Analysis and Comparison to PRISM. Final Report for Western Regional Water Commission., pp. 27, June 11, 2018
Chapman, J. B.,
Nikolich, G.,
Shadel, C. A.,
McCurdy, G. D.,
Etyemezian, V. R.,
Miller, J. J.,
Mizell, S. A. (2018).
Tonopah Test Range Air Monitoring CY2017 Meteorological, Radiological, and Wind Transported Particulate Observations, DOE/NV/0003590-25; DRI 45284
Mizell, S. A.,
Nikolich, G.,
Healey, J. M.,
Shadel, C. A.,
McCurdy, G. D.,
Miller, J. J. (2018).
Project 57 Air Monitoring Report: January 1 through December 31, 2017, DOE 0003590-29; DRI 45286
Brown, T. J.,
Podnar, D.,
McCurdy, G. D. (2018).
National FCAMMS. Annual Performance Report, 5 pp., April 2018.
Brown, T. J.,
McCurdy, G. D. (2018).
RAWS Data Archive. Annual Performance Report, 3 pp., April 2018.
Mizell, S. A.,
Miller, J. J.,
McCurdy, G. D.,
Campbell, S. A. (2017).
Monitoring Potential Transport of Radioactive Contaminants in Shallow Ephemeral Channels: FY2013 and FY2014 (revised), DRI 45276; DOE 0000939-42
Chapman, J. B.,
Nikolich, G.,
Shadel, C. A.,
McCurdy, G. D.,
Etyemezian, V. R.,
Miller, J. J.,
Mizell, S. A. (2017).
Tonopah Test Range Air Monitoring: CY2016 Meteorological, Radiological, and Wind Transported Particulate Observations, DRI 45279; DOE DOE/NV/0003590-05
Mizell, S. A.,
Nikolich, G.,
Shadel, C. A.,
McCurdy, G. D.,
Miller, J. J. (2017).
Project 57 Air Monitoring Report: January 1 through December 31, 2015, DRI 45272; DOE/NV/0000939-38
Mizell, S. A.,
Nikolich, G.,
Shadel, C. A.,
McCurdy, G. D.,
Miller, J. J. (2017).
Project 57 Air Monitoring Report: January 1 through December 31, 2016, 109 pp.. Desert Research Institute: Las Vegas, NV, DRI Publication No. 45280; DOE/NV/0003590-06
Mizell, S. A.,
Miller, J. J.,
McCurdy, G. D.,
Campbell, S. A. (2017).
Monitoring Potential Transport of Radioactive Contaminants in Shallow Ephemeral Channels: FY2015 and FY2016, DRI 45277; DOE/NV/0003590-02
Nikolich, G.,
Mizell, S. A.,
McCurdy, G. D.,
Campbell, S. A.,
Miller, J. J. (2017).
NNSS Soils Monitoring: Plutonium Valley (CAU 366) FY2015, DRI 45273; DOE/NV/0000939-39
Nikolich, G.,
Mizell, S. A.,
McCurdy, G. D.,
Campbell, S. A.,
Miller, J. J. (2017).
NNSS Soils Monitoring: Plutonium Valley (CAU 366) FY2016, DRI 45278; DOE/NV/0003590-03
Brown, T. J.,
McCurdy, G. D. (2017).
RAWS Data Archive. Annual Performance Report, Submitted, 3 pp., April 2017.
Mizell, S. A.,
Nikolich, G.,
McCurdy, G. D.,
Shadel, C. A.,
Miller, J. J. (2016).
Project 57 Air Monitoring Report: October 1, 2013, through December 31, 2014. DRI, DRI Report 45264; DOE 000939-27
Miller, J. J.,
Nikolich, G.,
Mizell, S. A.,
McCurdy, G. D.,
Campbell, S. A. (2016).
NNSS Soils Monitoring: Plutonium Valley (CAU 366) FY2013 and FY2014, DOE/NV/0000939-36; DRI 45270
Nikolich, G.,
Shadel, C. A.,
Chapman, J. B.,
McCurdy, G. D.,
Etyemezian, V. R.,
Miller, J. J.,
Mizell, S. A. (2016).
Tonopah Test Range Air Monitoring: CY2015 Meteorological, Radiological, and Airborne Particulate Observations, DOE/NV/0000939-37; DRI 45271
Strachan, S.,
Kelsey, E. P.,
Brown, R. F.,
Dascalu, S.,
Harris, F.,
Kent, G.,
Lyles, B. F.,
McCurdy, G. D.,
Slater, D.,
Smith, K. (2016).
Filling the Data Gaps in Mountain Climate Observatories Through Advanced Technology, Refined Instrument Siting, and a Focus on Gradients,
Mountain Research and Development, 36 (4), 518-527, 10.1659/MRD-JOURNAL-D-16-00028.1
Mizell, S. A.,
Nikolich, G.,
Shadel, C. A.,
McCurdy, G. D.,
Miller, J. J. (2016).
Project 57 Air Monitoring Report: January 1 through December 31, 2015. DRI, DRI 45272; DOE/NV/0000939-38
Brown, T. J.,
McCurdy, G. D. (2016).
RAWS Data Archive. Annual Performance Report, 3 pp, February 2016
Brown, T. J.,
McCurdy, G. D. (2016).
RAWS Data Archive. Final Performance Report, 3 pp., April 2016
Simeral, D. B.,
McCurdy, G. D.,
Redmond, K. T.,
Fearon, M. G.,
Sisson, E. L. (2016).
Final Report & Recommendations for the Pacific Island Climate Monitoring Network, National Park Service, 1-78. Western Regional Climate Center
Brown, T. J.,
Simeral, D. B.,
McEvoy, D. J.,
Morton, C. G.,
Redmond, K. T.,
McCurdy, G. D. (2016).
An Assessment of Climate Monitoring for Land Management Applications in the Great Basin, 1-58, Great Basin Landscape Conservation Cooperative: Reno, NV, CESU Project L13AC00262
Engelbrecht, J. P.,
Kavouras, I. G.,
Shafer, D. S.,
Campbell, D. E.,
Campbell, S. A.,
McCurdy, G. D.,
Kohl, S. D.,
Nikolich, G.,
Sheetz, L. H.,
Gertler, A. W. (2015).
Chemical Variability of PM10 and PM2.5 in Southwestern Rural Nevada, USA,
Water Air Soil Pollut., 226:217, 1-13,
Nikolich, G.,
Shadel, C. A.,
Chapman, J. B.,
Mizell, S. A.,
McCurdy, G. D.,
Etyemezian, V. R.,
Miller, J. J. (2015).
Tonopah Test Range Air Monitoring: CY2014 Meteorological, Radiological, and Airborne Particulate Observations, DOE/NV/0000939-26, DRI 45263
DRI Publication 45263; DOE/NV/0000939-26
Lyles, B. F.,
McCurdy, G. D.,
Healey, J. M.,
Campbell, S. A. (2015).
2014 Annual Report Timber Mountain Environmental Monitoring Station, DOE/NV/0000939-LTR2015-24
Brown, T. J.,
McCurdy, G. D. (2015).
RAWS Data Archive. Annual Performance Report, April 2015, 3 pp.
Mizell, S. A.,
Etyemezian, V. R.,
McCurdy, G. D.,
Nikolich, G.,
Shadel, C. A.,
Miller, J. J. (2014).
Radiological and Environmental Monitoring at the Clean Slates I and III Sites, Tonopah Test Range, Nevada, with Emphasis on the Implications for Off-site Transport, 45257
Mizell, S. A.,
Nikolich, G.,
Shadel, C. A.,
McCurdy, G. D.,
Etyemezian, V. R.,
Miller, J. J. (2014).
Tonopah Test Range Air Monitoring : CY2013 Meteorological, Radiological, and Airborne Particulate Observations, 45258
Miller, J. J.,
Mizell, S. A.,
McCurdy, G. D. (2014).
Project 57 Air Monitoring Annual Report – Fiscal Year 2013 (October 1, 2012 to September 30, 2013), 45256
Lyles, B. F.,
McCurdy, G. D.,
Russell, C. E.,
Healey, J. M. (2014).
2013 Annual Report: Timber Mountain Precipitation Monitoring Station, DOE/NV/0000939-LTR2014-16
Miller, J. J.,
Mizell, S. A.,
Nikolich, G.,
McCurdy, G. D.,
Campbell, S. A. (2013).
NNSS soils monitoring: Plutonium Valley (CAU 366) FY2012
Miller, J. J.,
Mizell, S. A.,
McCurdy, G. D.,
Campbell, S. A. (2013).
Monitoring Potential Transport of Radioactive Contaminants in Shallow Ephemeral Channels: FY2012
Miller, J. J.,
Nikolich, G.,
Mizell, S. A.,
McCurdy, G. D.,
Shadel, C. A. (2013).
Tonopah Test Range Air Monitoring: CY2012 Meteorological, Radiological, and Airborne Particulate Observations
Miller, J. J.,
Mizell, S. A.,
McCurdy, G. D. (2013).
Project 57 Air Monitoring
Thomas, J. M.,
Redmond, K. T.,
Lutz, A. D.,
Abatzoglou, J. T.,
Stone, M. C.,
McCurdy, G. D.,
Earman, S. B.,
Leising, J.,
Donovan, D. (2011).
Preliminary Evaluation of Climate Change Effects on Water Resources in Eastern Nevada, DRI Report No. 41252
Engelbrecht, J. P.,
Kavouras, I. G.,
Shafer, D. S.,
Campbell, D. E.,
Campbell, S. A.,
McCurdy, G. D.,
Kohl, S. D.,
Nikolich, G.,
Sheetz, L. H.,
Gertler, A. W. (2011).
Twelve Months of Air Quality Monitoring at Ash Meadows National Wildlife Refuge, Southwestern Rural Nevada, and U.S.A., Final report submitted to Nevada Site Office, National Nuclear Security Administration, U.S. Department of Energy, Las Vegas, NV. August, 2011.
Redmond, K. T.,
Simeral, D. B.,
McCurdy, G. D. (2009).
An Enhanced California Climate Monitoring System. California Energy Commission, Public Interest Energy Research Program
McCurdy, G. D.,
Albright, W. H. (2004).
Estimates of Potential Evapotranspiration at Selected Sites in Eastern Nevada from Meteorological Station Data, DRI Report No. 41198
Malek, E.,
Bingham, G.,
Or, D.,
McCurdy, G. D. (1997).
Annual mesoscale study of water balance in a Great Basin heterogeneous desert valley,
Journal of Hydrology, 191 (1-4), 223-244. Elsevier
Conference Proceedings
Simeral, D. B.,
Wasser, M.,
McCurdy, G. D. (2024).
Long-term climate monitoring in complex terrain of the tropical Pacific Islands: challenges, lessons learned, and observations from the field after a decade of in-situ monitoring in U.S. national parks in the Pacific Island region. 2024 Association of American Geographers Annual Meeting: Honolulu, Hawaii, April 16, 2024-April 19, 2024
Brown, T. J.,
Reinbold, H. J.,
McCurdy, G. D. (2023).
QC’ing and making a complete Remote Automatic Weather Station dataset. American Association of State Climatologists Annual Meeting: Nashville, TN, June 21, 2023-June 23, 2023
Brown, T. J.,
Reinbold, H. J.,
McCurdy, G. D. (2023).
Using ERA5-land in the RAWS QC and estimation process. American Meteorological Society 14th Symposium on Forest and Fire Meteorology: Minneapolis, MN, May 2, 2023-May 4, 2023
VanderMolen, K.A.,
Dragoni, D.,
Son, Y.,
McCurdy, G. D.,
Grainey, E.,
Lacy, P.,
Stevenson, R.,
Collins, M.,
Wall, T. U. (2022).
Expanding Wildfire Smoke Monitoring and Messaging into Rural Nevada, Rocky Mountain Regional Wildfire Smoke Symposium: [virtual], November 14, 2022
Brown, T. J.,
Larkin, N. K.,
Fearon, M. G.,
Podnar, D.,
McCurdy, G. D.,
Dubowy, J.,
Solomon, R. C.,
Lahm, P. (2020).
Current operational products for smoke management (Parts 1 & 2). IAWF 3rd International Smoke Symposium: [virtual], April 23, 2020
Brown, T. J.,
Fearon, M. G.,
McCurdy, G. D. (2016).
Assessing the Quality of Wind Observations Using a Regional Scale Model. American Meteorological Society Annual Meeting. American Meteorological Society Annual Meeting: New Orleans, LA, January 12, 2016
Huntington, J. L.,
McEvoy, D. J.,
McCurdy, G. D.,
Lyles, B. F. (2016).
NICE Net and Reference Evapotranspiration in Nevada. Western States Water Council Irrigation Management Information Systems Workshop: San Diego, CA, August 25, 2016
Carroll, R. W.,
Bearup, L. A.,
Versteeg, R.,
McCurdy, G. D.,
Potter, B.,
Maxwell, R. M.,
Williams, K. H. (2016).
Building observational networks for hydrologic characterization of the snow-dominated SFA East River watershed study site.. Department of Energy, Environmental Systems Science Principal Investigator Meeting: Bolger Center, Potomac, MD, April 26, 2016-April 27, 2016
Miller, J. J.,
Mizell, S. A.,
McCurdy, G. D.,
Nikolich, G.,
Etyemezian, V. R.,
Chapman, J. B. (2015).
Fate and Transport of Contaminants at Soils Sites – 15512. Waste Management ’15: Phoenix, AZ, March 15, 2015
Huntington, J. L.,
Dunkerly, C. W.,
McCurdy, G. D.,
Wolff, A. J.,
Lyles, B. F.,
Allen, R. (2013).
Highlights from the Nevada Integrated Climate and Evapotranspiration Network – NICE Net
Tappen, J. J.,
Hartwell, W. T.,
Shafer, D. S.,
McCurdy, G. D. (2006).
Stakeholder Involvement in Radiological Monitoring and Risk Assessment: the Community Environmental Monitoring Program. Society for Risk Analysis: Baltimore, Maryland
Tappen, J. J.,
Hartwell, W. T.,
Shafer, D. S.,
McCurdy, G. D. (2006).
The citizen scientist in the desert: the Community Environmental Monitoring Program: Alice Springs, Northern Territory, Australia
Grubisic, V.,
Redmond, K. T.,
McCurdy, G. D.,
Simeral, D. B. (2005).
A dense surface network for atmospheric observations in a mountain valley: Deployment and observations in the Sierra Rotors Project. AMS 13th Symposium on Meteorological Observations and Instrumentation: Savannah, Georgia