Hauss Reinbold Profile Photo
Hauss Reinbold
Hourly Assistant Research Scientist

Professional Interests

Mr. Reinbold’s research interests include mesoscale meteorology, wildland fire and weather relationships, predictive modeling of climate and meteorological impacts in the western United States, visualization techniques, GIS, data analysis, and applications research. His thesis work was verification of a climate model as compared to remote automated weather stations.

Research Areas

  • Analysis of Climate and Wildfire relationships on a local climate
  • ecosystem database management
  • climate forecasts for use in planning suppression of wildland fire
  • lightning strike analysis pertaining to fire starts
  • scientific visualization
  • dissemination of research products via the web.

Research Website


Degree Institution Area
M.S. University of Nevada, Reno Atmospheric Science
B.S. Walla Walla College, College Place, ID Physics

Personal Interests and Involvement

  • Extreme weather
  • Mountain Meteorology
Brown, T. J., Reinbold, H. J., McCurdy, G. D. (2023). RAWS QC and gap fill description for Version 1, Project report. December 2023.

Brown, T. J., Reinbold, H. J., Fearon, M. G. (2023). Weather Data Analysis, 8 pp., USFS Annual Performance Report, March 2023.

Mills, G., Salkin, O., Fearon, M. G., Harris, S., Brown, T. J., & Reinbold, H. J. (2022). . Journal of Southern Hemisphere Earth Systems Science, 72(2), 139-163. https://doi.org/10.1071/ES22011
Brown, T. J., Reinbold, H. J. (2020). Continuous RAWS. Final Performance Report, 4 pp., August 2020.

Brown, T. J., Reinbold, H. J. (2020). Continuous RAWS. Annual Performance Report, 2 pp., April 2020.

Mills, G., Brown, T. J., Podnar, D., Reinbold, H. J., Harris, S. (2018). Victorian Gridded Fire Weather Climatology Data Set Rainfall Verification and Configuration Test Project, 37 pp., Final Report to the Victorian Department of Environment, Land, Water and Planning, August 2018.

Brown, T. J., Reinbold, H. J. (2018). Grand Canyon Smoke. Annual Performance Report, 5 pp., April 2018.

Brown, T. J., Reinbold, H. J. (2018). RMACC Forecast Products. Final Performance Report, 3 pp., March 2018.

Brown, T. J., Reinbold, H. J. (2017). Grand Canyon Smoke. Annual Performance Report, Submitted, 3 pp., April 2017.

Brown, T. J., Reinbold, H. J. (2017). RMACC Forecast Products. Annual Performance Report, Submitted, 3 pp., April 2017.

Brown, T. J., Mills, G., Harris, S., Podnar, D., Reinbold, H. J., Fearon, M. G. (2016). A bias corrected WRF mesoscale fire weather dataset for Victoria, Australia 1972-2012, Journal of Southern Hemisphere Earth Systems Science, 66 (3), 281-313

Brown, T. J., Mills, G., Harris, S., Podnar, D., Reinbold, H. J., Fearon, M. G. (2016). Fire Weather Climatology Dataset for Victoria – Supplemental Report for Dataset Version 2, 25 pp., Supplemental Report to the Victoria Department of Environment, Water, Land and Planning, June 2016.

Brown, T. J., Mills, G., Harris, S., Podnar, D., Reinbold, H. J., Fearon, M. G. (2015). Fire Weather Climatolology Dataset for Victoria. Final Project Report to the Victoria Department of Environment, Land and Water Planning: August 2015, 134 pp.

Reinbold, H. J., Roads, J. O., Brown, T. J. (2005). Evaluation of ECPC’s fire danger forecasts with RAWS observations, Int’l J Wildland Fire, 14, 19-36

Conference Proceedings
Brown, T. J., Reinbold, H. J., McCurdy, G. D. (2023). QC’ing and making a complete Remote Automatic Weather Station dataset. American Association of State Climatologists Annual Meeting: Nashville, TN, June 21, 2023-June 23, 2023

Brown, T. J., Reinbold, H. J., McCurdy, G. D. (2023). Using ERA5-land in the RAWS QC and estimation process. American Meteorological Society 14th Symposium on Forest and Fire Meteorology: Minneapolis, MN, May 2, 2023-May 4, 2023

Brown, T. J., Fearon, M. G., Reinbold, H. J., Podnar, D. (2023). Creating a 43-Year High Spatial and Temporal Resolution WRF Reanalysis for California and Nevada. American Meteorological Society 14th Symposium on Forest and Fire Meteorology: Minneapolis, MN, May 2, 2023-May 4, 2023

Brown, T. J., Mills, G., Harris, S., Podnar, D., Reinbold, H. J., Fearon, M. G. (2016). Utilizing hi-resolution gridded fire climate and danger data for risk assessment. Wildland Fire Canada 2016: Building Resilience: Kelowna, BC, Canada, October 24, 2016-October 28, 2016

Brown, T. J., Mills, G., Harris, S., Podnar, D., Reinbold, H. J., Fearon, M. G. (2016). Hi-resolution fire weather and climatology from dynamical downscaling. Invited seminar.. Invited Seminar, San Jose State University: San Jose, CA, September 27, 2016

Harris, S., Mills, G., Brown, T. J., Podnar, D., Fearon, M. G., Reinbold, H. J. (2015). Victoria fire weather climatology dataset. Proceedings of the Research Forum at the Bushfire and Natural Hazards CRC & AFAC conference: Adelaide, Australia, September 1, 2015

Brown, T. J., Mills, G., Harris, S., Podnar, D., Fearon, M. G., Reinbold, H. J. (2015). Hi-resolution fire weather and climatology from dynamical downscaling. ICBFR: Alhero, Italy, May 28, 2015

Brown, T. J., Mills, G., Harris, S., Podnar, D., Fearon, M. G., Reinbold, H. J. (2015). Hi-resolution fire weather and climatology from dynamical downscaling. American Meteorological Society 11th Fire and Forest Meteorology Symposium: Minneapolis, MN, May 6, 2015

Brown, T. J., Mills, G., Harris, S., Podnar, D., Fearon, M. G., Reinbold, H. J. (2015). Hi-resolution fire weather and climatology from dynamical downscaling. Seminar presentation School of Earth Atmosphere and Environment, Faculty of Science, Monash University: Clayton, Victoria, March 27, 2015

Brown, T. J., Mills, G., Harris, S., Podnar, D., Fearon, M. G., Reinbold, H. J. (2015). Finally, A 40-year mesoscale gridded fire climatology for Victoria. Project briefing for the Victoria Department of Environment and Primary Industries, April 7, 2015

Brown, T. J., Mills, G., Harris, H., Podnar, D., Reinbold, H. J., Fearon, M. G. (2014). A hi-resolution 40-year gridded fire weather/danger climatology for Victoria, Australia. VII International Conference on Forest Fire Research: Coimbra, Portugal, November 17, 2014

Mills, G., Brown, T. J., Harris, S., Podnar, D., Reinbold, H. J. (2014). Modelling the mesoscale fire weather climatology of Victoria. Australian Meteorological and Oceanographic Society National Conference: Hobart, Tasmania, Australia, February 12, 2014

Brown, T. J., Mills, G., Harris, S., Podnar, D., Fearon, M. G., Reinbold, H. J. (2014). Fire weather climatology of Victoria. Invited talk. Project briefing for the Victoria Department of Environment and Primary Industries: Melbourne, VIC, March 24, 2014

Brown, T. J., Mills, G., Harris, S., Podnar, D., Fearon, M. G., Reinbold, H. J. (2014). Fire weather climatology of Victoria. Invited talk. Project briefing for the Victoria Country Fire Authority: Melbourne, VIC, March 25, 2014

Mills, G., Brown, T. J., Harris, S., Podnar, D., Reinbold, H. J. (2013). A 40-year mesoscale gridded fire weather climatology for Victoria. Proceedings 20th International Congress on Modelling and Simulation: Adelaide, Australia, December 1, 2013