Research Areas of Interest and Expertise
- Life in extreme environments
- endolithic (inside rock) microorganisms in the Antarctic dry valleys, the Atacama Desert, and Death Valley
- mineral formations in microbial environments
- biological rock weathering, iron isotopic fractionation, and survival and adaptation in endolithic communities
- new approaches to planetary life detection; microbiology of compost tea making and its use as an alternative to fungicide in agriculture and viticulture.
Selected Current Research Projects
- D-Amino acids in endolithic communities
- Life in the Atacama Desert
- Mars life detection
- Endolithic microbial communities in Death Valley
- Compost tea as alternative to fungicides
Degree | Year | Institution | Area |
Postdoc | 2000 | Jet Propulsion Laboratory | Astrobiology |
Ph.D. | 1997 | Florida State University | Microbiology |
M.S. | 1986 | Nanjing University | Phycology |
B.S. | 1983 | Nanjing University | Botany |
Professional Appointments
Year | Institution |
2004 – present. | Assistant Research Professor, Desert Research Institute, Las Vegas, NV |
2000 – 2003 | Staff Scientist, Jet Propulsion Laboratory, Pasadena, CA |
1997 – 1998 | Assistant Professor, Dept of Biology, Florida A&M University, Tallahassee, FL |
Awards and Honors
Year | Achievement |
2007 | Group Achievement Award, NASA Headquarters |
1996 | Antarctic Service Medal, National Science Foundation and US Navy |
1996 | Best Student Paper, American Society for Plant Physiology, Orlando, FL. |
Academic Affiliations
- Astrobiology at University of Nevada, Las Vegas, Spring Semester, 2005;
- Spaceward Bound, astrobiology for teachers (Atacama 2006; Mojave 2007, 2008, 2009).
Current Students
- Dr. Gaosen Zhang, postdoc
- Faegheh Moazeni, Ph.D. student
Selected Publications
Sun H, V Saccomanno, B Hedlund, CP McKay. Terrestrial life recognizes D-glucose, not L-glucose: preliminary evidence and implications for Martian life detection. Astrobiology in review.
Bahcheli DM, H Sun, R Leon, S Hess, J Nadeau. 2008.
Fluorescence microscopy as a tool for in situ life detection. Astrobiology 8:859-874.
Dong H, JA Rech, H Jiang, H Sun, BJ Buck. 2007.
Endolithic cyanobacteria in soil gypsum: occurrences in Atacama (Chile), Mojave (USA), and Al-Jafr Basin (Jordan) Deserts. J Geophys Res – Biogeosci, 112, G02030,doi:02010.01029/02006JG000385.
Georgiou CD, I Papapostolou, H Sun, CP McKay. 2007.
Superoxide radical assays and applications in Mars-like Atacama soils. J Geophys Res – Biogeosci, 113, G04S13, doi10.1029/2006JG000390.
Scott JH, DM Obrien, D Emerson, H Sun, GD McDonald, A Salgado, ML Fogel, 2006.
An examination of the carbon isotope effects associated with amino acid biosynthesis. Astrobiology, 6(6):867-880.
Friedmann EI, H Sun, 2005.
Communities adjust their temperature optima by shifting producer-to-consumer ratio, shown in lichens as models: I. hypothesis. Microb Ecol 49:523-527.
Sun H, EI Friedmann. 2005.
Communities adjust their temperature optima by shifting producer-to-consumer ratio, shown in lichens as models: II. verification. Microb Ecol 49:528-535.
Sun H, PT DePriest, A Gargas, AY Rossmann, EI Friedmann, 2004.
Pestalotiopsis maculans is a dominant parasymbiontic fungus in North American lichens. Symbiosis 33:215-226.
Yang, H., and H.J. Sun. 2004:
Crystal structure of a new phosphate compound, Mg2KNa(PO4)2•14H2O. Journal of Solid State Chemistry 177:2991-2997.
Beard, B., C. Johnson, J.L. Skulan, K.H. Nealson, L. Cox, and H. Sun. 2001:
Application of Fe isotopes to tracing the geochemical and biological cycling of Fe. Chem Geol 195(1-4):87-117.
Ching, W.K., A.J. Colussi, H. Sun, K.H. Nealson, and M.R. Hoffmann. 2001:
E. coli disinfection by electrohydraulic dischanges. Environ Sci Technol 35:4139-4144.
Beard, B., C. Johnson, L. Cox, H. Sun, K. Nealson, and C. Carmen. 1999:
Iron isotope biosignature. Science 285:1889-1892.
Sun H, E Friedmann. 1999.
Growth on geological time scales in the Antarctic cryptoendolithic microbial community. Geomicrobiol J 16:193-202.
Book Chapters
Sun, H, CP McKay, J Nienow. Antarctic Cryptoendolithic Microbial Ecosystem. In: Astrobiological Analogues: Life in Antarctic Deserts and other Cold Dry Environments. P Doran, B Lyons, D McKnight (eds). Cambridge University Press, Astrobiology Series. In press
antarctic, extreme environments, desert, microbial