Incheol Kim Profile Photo
Dr. Incheol Kim
Postdoctoral Researcher, Snow Hydrology/Soil Science


In process

Incheol Kim, Sinan Rasiya Koya, Tirthankar Roy, Jongwan Eun Seasonal influences of precipitation and river stage on groundwater levels in Midwestern catchments with spring flooding, ASCE, Journal of Hydrologic Engineering (under review)

Incheol Kim, Jongwan Eun, Chung Song Biopolymer treatment for enhancing levee erosion resistance resulted from overtopping water, Target journal: Computer and Geotechnics (under review by authors)

Incheol Kim, Jongwan Eun Column measurement system for water infiltration characteristics within the soil-air-water-ice matrix of sand, Target journal: Cold Regions Science and Technology (under review by authors)

Incheol Kim, Seungho Kang, Junhwan Lee change in sand soil stiffness due to freezing and thawing, Target journal: ASCE, Journal of Geotechnical and Geoenvironmental Engineering (under review by authors)


Annushka Aliev,Sinan Rasiya Koya,Incheol Kim, Jongwan Eun, Elbert Traylor, Tirthankar Roy (2023) Application of neural networks for hydrologic process understanding at a midwestern watershed,Hydrology, 10(2), 27


Incheol Kim, Garam Kim, Junhwan Lee (2022) Centrifuge investigation of groundwater-induced footing settlement considering rising and falling GWL phases, ASCE, Journal of Geotechnical and Geoenvironmental Engineering, 148(11), 04022104-1-12

Incheol Kim, Junhwan Lee (2022) Enhanced data utilization approach to improve the prediction performance of groundwater level using semi-analytical and data process models, ASCE, Journal of Hydrologic Engineering, 27(10), 04022021-1-17.

Seongcheol Hong, Garam Kim, Incheol Kim, Jiyeong Lee, Junhwan Lee (2022) Characterizing optimum casing configuration for laterally loaded micropiles with inclined condition, KSCE Journal of Civil Engineering, 26(9), 3776-3788.

Incheol Kim, Junhwan Lee (2022) Performance of ANN prediction for groundwater level with regional-specific influence components Groundwater, 60(3), DOI: 10.1111/gwat.13156.

Jeongheum Kim, Changyong Kim, Garam Kim, Incheol Kim, Qaisar Abbas, Junhwan Lee (2022) Probabilistic tunnel collapse risk evaluation model using analytical hierarchy process (AHP) and Delphi survey technique, Tunnelling and Underground Space Technology, 120, 104262.


Incheol Kim, Donghun Lee, Yejin Kim, Tae Sup Yun, Junhwan Lee (2021) Effects of pore water volume on K0 for sand subject to freezing and thawing, ASCE, Journal of Geotechnical and Geoenvironmental Engineering, 147(3), 04020173-1-11.

Incheol Kim, Jaehwan Lee, Junghwan Kim, Hyoungkyu Lee, Junhwan Lee (2021) Analysis of groundwater level prediction performance with influencing factors by artificial neural network, Journal of the Korean Geotechnical Society, 37(5), 19-31. (in Korean)

Garam Kim, Incheol Kim, Tae Sup Yun, Junhwan Lee (2021) Effects of freezing and thawing on retaining wall with changes in groundwater level, Geomechanics and Engineering, 24(6), 531-543.

Hyunwoo Jin, Incheol Kim, Jongwan Eun, Byung Hyun Ryu, Jangguen Lee (2021) Assessment of the correlation between segregation potential and hydraulic conductivity with fines fraction, Journal of the Korean Geotechnical Society, 37(12), 47-56. (in Korean)

Seongcheol Hong, Garam Kim, Incheol Kim, Qaisar Abbas, Junhwan Lee, (2021) Experimental and Numerical Studies on Load Carrying Capacities of Encased Micropiles with Perforated Configuration Under Axial and Lateral Loadings, ASCE, International Journal of Geomechanics, 21(6), 04021083-1-12.

Qaisar Abbas, Garam Kim, Incheol Kim, Doohyun Kyung, Junhwan Lee (2021) Lateral load behavior of inclined micropiles installed in soil and rock layers, ASCE, International Journal of Geomechanics, 21(6). 04021078-1-13.

Qaisar Abbas, Wonseok Choi, Garam Kim, Incheol Kim, Junhwan Lee (2021) Characterizing uplift load capacity of micropiles embedded in soil and rock considering inclined installation conditions, Computers and Geotechnics, 132, 103995-1-12.


Wonseok Choi, Garam Kim, Incheol Kim, Doohyun Kyung, Junhwan Lee (2020) Compressive load carrying behavior of inclined micropiles installed in soil and rock layers, ASCE, International Journal of Geomechanics, 20(9), 04020147-1-13.


Incheol Kim, Junhwan Lee (2019) Proposed correlation model for groundwater level prediction based on river stage considering changes in hydrological and geological conditions, ASCE, Journal of Hydrologic Engineering, 24(10), 04019042-1-14.

Byungkwon Byun, Incheol Kim, Garam Kim, Jongwan Eun, Junhwan Lee (2019) Stability of bioreactor landfills with leachate injection configuration and landfill material condition, Computers and Geotechnics, 108, 234-243.

Donggyu Park, Incheol Kim, Garam Kim, Junhwan Lee (2019) Effect of groundwater fluctuation on load carrying performance of shallow foundation, Geomechanics and Engineering, 18(6), 575-584.

Jiyeong Lee, Ochang Kwon, Incheol Kim, Garam Kim, Junhwan Lee (2019) Cyclic pullout behavior of helical anchors for offshore floating structures under inclined loading condition, Applied Ocean Research, 92, 1-10.

Ochang Kwon, Jiyeong Lee, Garam Kim, Incheol Kim, Junhwan Lee (2019) Investigation of pullout load capacity for helical anchors subjected to inclined loading conditions using coupled Eulerian-Lagrangian analyses, Computers and Geotechnics, 111, 66-75.

Yanghoon Roh, Garam Kim, Incheol Kim, Junhwan Lee (2019) Effects of rock-support and inclined-layer conditions on load carrying behavior of piled rafts Geomechanics and Engineering, 18(4), 363-371.

Yanghoon Roh, Garam Kim, Incheol Kim, Jinoh Kim, Sangseom Jeong, Junhwan Lee (2019) Lessons learned from field monitoring of instrumented piled-raft bearing in rock layer, ASCE, Journal of Geotechnical and Geoenvironmental Engineering, 145(8), 05019005-1-12.

Yanghoon Roh, Incheol Kim, Garam Kim, Junhwan Lee (2019) Comparative analysis of axial load capacity for piled-raft foundation with changes in groundwater level, KSCE Journal of Civil Engineering, 23(10), 4250-4258.


Incheol Kim, Junhwan Lee (2018) Prediction model for spatial and temporal variation of groundwater level based on river stage, ASCE, Journal of Hydrologic Engineering, 23(6), 06018002-1-8.

Incheol Kim, Junhwan Lee, (2018) Influencing factor analysis on groundwater level fluctuation near river, Ecology and Resilient Infrastructure, 5(2), 72-81. (in Korean)

Incheol Kim, Junhwan Lee, (2018) The effect of seasonal input on predicting groundwater level using artificial neural network, Ecology and Resilient Infrastructure, 5(3), 25-133. (in Korean)

Dongho Kim, Garam Kim, Incheol Kim, Junhwan Lee (2018) Assessment of load sharing behavior for micropiled rafts installed with inclined condition, Engineering Structures, 172, 780-788.


Donggyu Park, Incheol Kim, Garam Kim, Junhwan Lee (2017) Groundwater effect factors for the load-carrying behavior of footings from hydraulic chamber load tests, ASTM, Geotechnical Testing Journal, 40(3), 440-451.

Doohyun Kyung, Garam Kim, Incheol Kim, Junhwan Lee (2017) Evaluation method for uplift load-carrying capacity of inclined group micropiles in dense sand, Journal of the Korean Geotechnical Society, 33(1), 67-77. (in Korean)


Incheol Kim, Donggyu Park, Doohyun Kyung, Garam Kim, Sunbin Kim, Junhwan Lee (2016) Comparative influences of precipitation and river stage on groundwater levels in near-river areas, Sustainability, 8(1), 1-16.

Doohyun Kyung, Daehong Kim, Garam Kim, Incheol Kim, Junhwan Lee (2016) Improved performance of connected foundations for resilient energy transmission infrastructure in soft soils, Sustainability, 8(30), 1-15.

Garam Kim, Doohyun Kyung, Donggyu Park, Incheol Kim, Junhwan Lee (2016) CPT-based p-y analysis for piles embedded in clays under cyclic loading conditions, KSCE Journal of Civil Engineering, 20(5), 1759-1768.

Junhwan Lee, Dongyeol Lee, Donggyu Park, Doohyun Kyung, Garam Kim, Incheol Kim (2016) Effect of freezing and thawing on K0 geostatic stress state for granular materials, Granular Matter, 18, 1-13.



Incheol Kim, Jongwan Eun (2024) Ground subsidence due to groundwater level fluctuation UKC2024, August 20-24, San Francisco, CA, USA.

Ali Behdad, Incheol Kim, Jongwon Eun (2024) Estimation of Soil Frozen Characteristic Curves Considering Water Retention Characteristics GeoenvironMeet 2024, Portland, Oregon, USA.


Tirthankar Roy, Sinan Rasiya Koya, Sudan Pokharel, Nishant Kumar, Shivendra Srivastava, Kanak Kanti Kar, Incheol Kim (2023) Convergent research towards building flood resilience in Nebraska Nebraska Water Conference, 3-4 October, Omaha, USA

Incheol Kim (2023) Centrifuge Investigation of Groundwater-Induced Footing Settlement in Sand Considering Rising and Falling GWL Phases Geo-Congress 2023, NA-KGS, UCLA, California, USA

Incheol Kim, Jiyeong Lee, Qaisar Abbas, Jonghyeog Yoon, Donggun Nam, Jongwan Eun, Junhwan Lee (2023) Regional-specific influence consideration for groundwater level prediction using machine learning-based approach 9th International Congress on Environmental Geotechnics, Chania, Greece.


Incheol Kim (2022) Time delay consideration for groundwater level prediction using a data-based approach International Conference on Green Chemistry and Environmental Engineering, Seville, Spain. (abstract)

Incheol Kim, Jongwan Eun (2022) Interconnectivity analysis for early spring flood with groundwater level in Midwestern catchments UKC2022, Washington D.C., USA.

Incheol Kim, Garam Kim, Qaisar Abbas, Junhwan Lee (2022) Freezing and thawing effect on the coefficient of lateral earth pressure at rest (K0) with various saturation 20ICSMGE, Sydney, Australia. (selected Dedicated Virtual TC Session)


Incheol Kim, Sinan Rasiya Koya, Jongwan Eun, Tirthankar Roy (2021) Seasonal effects of precipitation and river stage on groundwater level in the Midwestern United States AGU 21: Science is Society, New Orleans, USA. (abstract)

Annushka Aliev, Sinan Rasiya Koya, Incheol Kim, Tirthankar Roy, (2021) Towards better hydrologic process understanding at Shell Creek Watershed, AGU 21: Science is Society, New Orleans, USA. (abstract)

Garam Kim, Incheol Kim, Jiyoung Lee, Qaisar Abbas, Junhwan Lee (2021) Normalized p-y analysis method for laterally loaded piles in sand based on CPT results, 6th International Conference on Geotechnical and Geophysical Site Characterisation, Hungary, Budapest, 13. Piles, 156.


Inchoel Kim, Garam Kim, Qaisar Abbas, Jiyeong Lee, Donghun Lee, Donggun Nam, Soonyoung Kwon, Junhwan Lee (2020) Load-settlement simulation of footing considering non-linear soil properties and groundwater level, 55th Japanese Geotech. Eng. Society Research Presentation, 21-8-3-06, Japan. (in Japanese)

Incheol Kim, Garam Kim, Qaisar Abbas, Jiyeong Lee, Donghun Lee, Donggun Nam, Soonyoung Kwon, Junhwan Lee (2020) Influence Factor Analysis on Groundwater Level in Urban Area Seoul and Kyoto, KGS Fall National Conference 2020, 298-299, Korea. (in Korean)


Incheol Kim, Garam Kim, Seongcheol Hong, Jiyeong Lee, Donghun Lee and Junhwan Lee (2019) The effect of freezing and thawing condition on the coefficient of lateral earth pressure K0, 54th Japanese Geotechnical Engineering Society Research Presentation, G-09, 0391, Japan. (in Japanese)

Incheol Kim, Garam Kim, Donghun Lee, Jiyeong Lee, Junhwan Lee (2019) The Coefficient of Lateral Earth Pressure at Rest Affected by Freezing and Thawing Condition, KGS Fall National Conference 2019, 173-174, Korea. (in Korean)

Garam Kim, Incheol Kim, Jiyeong Lee, Donghun Lee, Junhwan Lee (2019) Lateral displacement analysis for pile in clays using CPT-based p-y curve, the 16th ARC on Soil Mechanics and Geotechnical Engineering, ARC2, 019, Taipei, Taiwan.

Jiyeong Lee, Garam Kim, Incheol Kim, Seongcheol Hong, Donghun Lee, Junhwan Lee (2019) Pullout Behavior of Helical Anchor in Inclined Loading Conditions Using CEL Method, KGS Spring National Conference 2019, Korea. (in Korean)


Incheol Kim, Junhwan Lee, Garam Kim, Sungcheol Hong, Jiyeong Lee (2018) The coefficient of lateral earth pressure K0 subjected to freezing and thawing for granular soils, Micro to Macro Mathematical Modelling in Soil Mechanics, Trends in Mathematics, Italy. doi.org/10.1007/978-3-319-99474-1_21

Incheol Kim, Garam Kim, Jinoh Kim, and Junhwan Lee (2018) Semi-analytical groundwater level model for engineering design, 53rd Japanese Geotechnical Engineering Society Research Presentation, D-04, 0465, Japan. (in Japanese)

Incheol Kim, Garam Kim, Jinoh Kim, Wonseok Choi, Junhwan Lee (2018) Practical estimating method of groundwater level variation for urban foundation structures near the fluvial area, New Approaches to Groundwater Vulnerability, Poland. (abstract)

Garam Kim, Incheol Kim, Kyungwon Ham, Eunju Jung, Junhwan Lee (2018) Analysis for lateral behavior of drilled pier in sands by centrifuge test, KGS Fall National Conference 2018, 25-26, Korea. (in Korean)

Hojeong Seo, Jeong Hoyeong, Incheol Kim, Junhawn Lee, Heonggwan Kim (2018) Evaluation of stability change for shallow foundation under climate change, CODE2018, W2607-3, 342-343, Korea.


Incheol Kim, Byungkwon Byun, Yanghoon Roh, Ohchang Kwon, Junhwan Lee (2017) Quantitative Analysis of Influence Factors on Groundwater Level Based on Statistical Methods, KGS Spring National Conference 2017, Korea. (in Korean)

Incheol Kim, Donggyu Park, Doohyun Kyung, Garam Kim, Junhwan Lee (2017) Estimating groundwater level based on observed precipitation data, The 6th International Young Geotechnical Engineers Conference – iYGEC6, 118-119, Seoul.

Incheol Kim, Jinoh Kim, Nalae Kim, Garam Kim, Junhwan Lee, (2017) Analysis of influence factors on groundwater level and proposing prediction method, 52nd Japanese Geotechnical Engineering Society Research Presentation, B-02, 0108. (in Japanese)

Doohyun Kyung, Donggyu, Park, Garam Kim, Incheol Kim, Junhwan Lee (2017) Experimental investigation of connected foundation for transmission tower structure using field model load tests in soft clayey soils, 19ICSMGE, 3011-3014, Korea.

Hojeung Seo, Hoyoung Jeong, Incheol Kim, Junhwan Lee, Hyoungkwan Kim (2017) Reliability-based cost assessment for climate change adaptation of a shallow foundation, Korean Society of Civil Engineer Conference, 123-124, Korea. (in Korean)

Jinoh Kim, Garam Kim, Incheol Kim, Ohchang Kwon, Junhwan Lee (2017) Proposal of CPT-based seismic design method for offshore wind-turbine monopiles considering dynamic characteristic, Korean Society of Civil Engineer Conference, 23-24, Korea. (in Korean)

Yanghoon Roh, Garam Kim, Incheol Kim, Wonseok Choi, Junhwan Lee (2017) Analysis of Load-Carrying Behavior of Piled-raft Foundations Considering Varying Groundwater level, Korean Society of Civil Engineer Conference, 25-26, Korea. (in Korean)


Doohyun Kyung, Donggyu Park, Garam Kim, Incheol Kim, Junhwan Lee (2016) Analysis of Compressive Behavior for Inclined Single Micropile in Sand, Korean Society of Civil Engineer Conference, 69-70, Korea. (in Korean)

Garam Kim, Jinoh Kim, Incheol Kim, Yanghoon Roh, Junhwan Lee (2016) Estimation of lateral behavior for a steel pipe pile embedded in clays using CPT results, Korean Society of Civil Engineer Conference, 91-92, Korea. (in Korean)

Garam Kim, Jinoh Kim, Incheol Kim, Dongho Kim, Byungkwon Byun, Yanghoon Roh, Ohchang Kwon, Junhwan Lee (2016) Estimation of lateral displacements for offshore monopiles in clays based on CPT results, The 2016 World Congress on Advances in Civil, Environmental, and Materials Research (ACEM16), Korea.

Junhwan Lee, Garam Kim, Incheol Kim, Dongho Kim, Byungkwon Byun (2016) Effect of inter-particle strength on K0 correlation for granular materials Geotechnical and geophysical site characterization 5 – Lehane, Acosta-Martinez & Kelly (Eds), 1003-1007, Australia.


Donggyu Park, Doohyun Kyung, Daesung Park, Incheol Kim, Junhwan Lee (2015) Analysis of load sharing behavior for piled rafts using normalized load response model, The 15th Asian Regional Conference on Soil Mechanics and Geotechnical Engineering, 331, Japan.

Doohyun Kyung, Donggyu Park, Garam Kim, Incheol Kim, Junhwan Lee (2015) The Analysis of Lateral Behavior According to Installation Angle of Single Micropile in Dense Sand, KGS Spring National Conference 2015, 731-734, Korea. (in Korean)

Junhawn Lee, Donggyu Park, Doohyun Kyung, Deasung Park, Incheol Kim (2015) Characterization of in-situ effective stress profiles in clays based on piezo-cone penetration test (CPTU) results, Frontiers in Offshore Geotechnics, 1079-1083, Norway.


Doohyun Kyung, Donggyu Park, Daesung Park, Incheol Kim, Junhwan Lee (2014) Analysis of uplift behaviors for group micropiles using laboratory test, Korean Society of Civil Engineer Conference, 1111-1112, Korea. (in Korean)


Climate change, geohazards, groundwater level fluctuation, ground subsidence, effect of freezing and thawing, soil strength and stiffness, remote sensing, modeling, laboratory tests


Kim, I., Kang, S., Ko, Y., & Lee, J. (2025). Characterizing Effects of Changes in Soil Phase on Elastic Wave Velocities for Sand with Different Moisture Contents . American Society of Civil Engineers. 10.1061/JGGEFK/GTENG-13305

Conference Proceedings
Ammatelli, J., Kim, I., Chellman, N. J., Carroll, R. W., Boisrame, G., Heggli, A. E., Hausner, M. B., & Meyer, J. (2024). Towards Enhanced Understanding of Snow-Soil Energy Exchanges and Their Effect on Snow Processes: An Integrated Numerical Modeling Approach. AGU24 Fall Meeting: Washington, D.C., December 9, 2024-December 13, 2024

Kim, I., Ammatelli, J., Chellman, N. J., Boisramé, G., Carroll, R. W., Hausner, M. B. (2024). Modeling thermal-hydro-mechanical processes in snow-soil interaction during shoulder seasons. American Geophysical Union: Washington DC, December 9, 2024-December 14, 2024

Behdad, A., Feng, Y., Eun, J., Kim, I. (2024). Comparative evaluation of frozen hydraulic conductivity for sandy soil using numerical and experimental methods. American Geophysical Union: Washington DC, December 9, 2024-December 14, 2024

Kim, I., Hausner, M. B., O’Shea, K., Caldwell, T. G. (2024). Integrating Remote Sensing with GRACE and InSAR Technologies for Climate-Driven Geohazard Monitoring and Assessment. Scientists and Engineers Early Career Development Workshop 2024: San Francisco, California, August 20, 2024-August 21, 2024

Kim, I. (2024). Development of Adaptive Technology for Climate Change-Related Geohazard Assessment and Mitigation. US-Korea Conference 2024: San Francisco, California, August 21, 2024-August 24, 2024

Kim, I. (2024). Prediction of groundwater level using AI and ground subsidence analysis. K-Water Forum, US-Korea Conference 2024: San Francisco, California, August 23, 2024-August 23, 2024