Jeff Wedding Profile Photo
Jeff Wedding
Assistant Research Scientist, Archaeology

Haynes, G. & Wedding, J. R. (2024). A Section 110 Evaluation of the Huron King Test Chamber, Area 3, Nevada National Security Site, Nye County, Nevada , 1-65. Desert Research Institute: Las Vegas

Collins, C. M., Reno, R. L., Lancaster, J., Wedding, J. R., Edwards, S. C. (2022). An Architectural Survey of the Area 1 Subdock, Nevada National Security Site, Nye County, Nevada

Lancaster, J., Wedding, J. R., Reno, R. L. (2021). Boundary and Landscape Documentation for the Area 1 Subdock Historic District, Nevada National Security Site, Nye County, Nevada, LR121420-1

Lancaster, J., Wedding, J. R., King, M. L. (2020). A Historic Context and Mitigation Documentation for a Portion of the U12n Tunnel Ventilation and Containment Systems, Area 12, Nevada National Security Site, Nye County, Nevada

Lancaster, J., Wedding, J. R., Edwards, S. C., Menocal, T. M. (2020). A Cultural Resources Inventory for the Proposed Expansion of the U1a Modernization Project, Area 1, Nevada National Security Site, Nye County, Nevada, SR020520-1

Reno, R. L., Edwards, S. C., Collins, C. M., Wedding, J. R., Drollinger, H. D. (2019). An Architectural Survey of the Test Cell C Historic District, Area 25, Nevada National Security Site, Nye County, Nevada

Reno, R. L., Edwards, S. C., Wedding, J. R., King, M. L., Collins, C. M., Drollinger, H. D. (2019). A Revised Architectural Survey of the Nuclear Engine Maintenance Assembly and Disassembly Facility, Area 25, Nevada National Security Site, Nye County, Nevada

Edwards, S. C., Wedding, J. R. (2019). A Section 110 Evaluation of the Project 57 Rad-Safe Area Personnel Decontamination Building, Nye County, Nevada

Hamilton-Brehm, S. D., Hristova, L. T., Edwards, S. C., Wedding, J. R., Snow, M., Kruger, B. R., Moser, D. P. (2018). Ancient human mitochondrial DNA and radiocarbon analysis of archived quids from the Mule Spring Rockshelter, Nevada, USA,, PLoS One, 13 (3), Article ID: e0194223

Conference Proceedings
Hamilton-Brehm, S. D., Hristova, L. T., Edwards, S. C., Wedding, J. R., Moser, D. P. (2016). Ancient human mtDNA sequence and radiocarbon analysis of quids from the Mule Springs Rockshelter, Southwestern Nevada. Society of American Archeology (SAA) Meeting: Orlando, FL, May 2016