Jennifer Kielhofer Profile Photo
Dr. Jennifer Kielhofer
Assistant Research Professor, Environmental Sciences


Year Degree Institution Major
2020 Ph.D. University of Arizona Geosciences
2013 M.A. University of Arizona Archaeology
2011 B.A. University of Nevada Reno Archaeology


paleoclimate, biomarkers, stratigraphy, Alaska, geoarchaeology




Kielhofer, J., Fox, M. L. (2024). Biomarkers Gilbert, A. S., Goldberg, P., Mandel, R. D., Aldeias, V. (Eds.) Chapter : Biomarkers. In Gilbert, A. S., Goldberg, P., Mandel, R. D., Aldeias, V. (Eds.), Encyclopedia of Geoarchaeology, Encyclopedia of Earth Sciences Series, 1-7, https://doi.org/10.1007/978-3-030-44600-0_214-1

Houseman, S. M., Korotkin, M., Kielhofer, J., Page, D. J., Lu, K., Sion, B. (2024). Technical Report: TRTC Sherman Exposure Site Environmental Analysis., 61. Report prepared for U.S. Army Yuma Proving Ground under contract W9115121D0004

Staley, S. E., Baish, C. J., Kielhofer, J., Korotkin, M., Sabol, D. E., Harsha, G. L., Sion, B. (2024). TECHNICAL REPORT: Evaluating three U.S. military installations as analogs for upper mid- to high-latitude environments across Europe using climate, terrain, landforms, and soil characteristics. Report prepared for U.S. Army Corps of Engineers Engineer Research and Development Center Cold Regions Research and Engineering Laboratory under contract W913E520C0021.

Kielhofer, J., Baish, C. J., Patton, N., Korotkin, M., Sabol, D. E., Borkowski, J. E., Houseman, S. M., Lu, K., Sion, B. (2024). Technical Report: Developing new technical capabilities to predict near-surface soil properties for cold-region soils in thaw-weakening environments, 74 pp.. Report prepared for U.S. Army Corps of Engineers, Engineer Research and Development Center, Cold Regions Research and Engineering Laboratory under contract W913E520C0021.

Kielhofer, J., Staley, S. E., Sabol, D. E., Sion, B. (2024). Synoptic Report: A synopsis of achievements towards the enhancement of military planning and operations in cold regions and dust-affected environments., 27 pp.. Report prepared for U.S. Army Corps of Engineers, Engineer Research and Development Center, Cold Regions Research and Engineering Laboratory under contract W913E520C0021.

Hartshorn, E. J., Harsha, G. L., Korotkin, M., Kielhofer, J., Soldano, V. A., Feldman, A. D., Houseman, S. M., Lu, K., Sabol, D. E., Adams, K. D., Sion, B. (2024). Technical Report: Evaluating spatial variability of dust emissions and testing techniques to examine how spatial scale influences emissivity., 89 pp.. Report prepared for U.S. Army Corps of Engineers, Engineer Research and Development Center, Cold Regions Research and Engineering Laboratory under contract W913E520C0021.

Sion, B., Baish, C. J., Kielhofer, J., Sabol, D. E., Frankenstein, S., Vennik, K. (2024). Towards improved predictive mapping of cross-country vehicle mobility potential using geomorphic indicators: an example from formerly glaciated terrain in northeastern Europe McDonald, E. V., Sion, B. D., Henderson, S. (Eds.) Chapter : . In McDonald, E. V., Sion, B. D., Henderson, S. (Eds.), Military Geosciences: Past Lessons and Modern Challenges. Geological Society of America Special Paper, submitted and awaiting publication.

Kielhofer, J., Tierney, J. E., Reuther, J. D., Potter, B. A., Holmes, C. E., Lanoe, F. B., Esdale, J. A., Wooller, M. J., Bigelow, N. H. (2023). BrGDGT temperature reconstruction from interior Alaska: Assessing 14,000 years of deglacial to Holocene temperature variability and potential effects on early human settlement, Quaternary Science Reviews, 303, 107979. Elsevier, https://doi.org/10.1016/j.quascirev.2023.107979

Kielhofer, J., Patton, N. R., Sion, B. (2023). Technical Report: YPG Cold Regions Test Center blast area analysis, pp. 1-31. Report prepared for U.S. Army Yuma Proving Ground under contract W9115121D0004

Hartshorn, E. J., Bacon, S. N., Harsha, G. L., Kielhofer, J., Patton, N. R., Page, D. J., Sion, B. (2023). Technical Report: YTC Kofa Muggins Dust Course Analysis/Life Use/Relocation Study, 61. Report prepared for U.S. Army Yuma Proving Ground under contract W9115121D0004

Langston, A., MacCabe, S. R., Kielhofer, J., Minor, T. B., Page, D. J., Sion, B. (2023). Technical Report: Geological Terrain and Soils Database and Visualization Tool, 16. Report prepared for U.S. Army Yuma Proving Ground under contract W9115121D0004

Patton, N. R., Baish, C. J., Kielhofer, J., Sion, B., McDonald, E. V. (2022). Preliminary evaluation of Fort Greely as a US analog for high-latitude environments using soil-landform characteristics, pp. 1-20. Report prepared for U.S. Army Corps of Engineers, Engineer Research and Development Center, and Cold Regions Research and Engineering Laboratory under contract W913E520C0021

Kielhofer, J., Sabol, D. E., Baish, C. J., McDonald, E. V. (2022). Literature review of cold region soils: Current knowledge of frozen soil formation, techniques for remote detection and prediction, and soil-landform relationships in a subarctic analog environment, pp. 1-50. Report prepared for U.S. Army Corps of Engineers, Engineer Research and Development Center, and Cold Regions Research and Engineering Laboratory under contract W913E520C0021

Kielhofer, J., Fox, M. L., Ye, W., Yang, L. (2021). Human–environment interactions at Yangguanzhai, a Middle Neolithic site in the Wei River Valley, northern China: A comprehensive soil-stratigraphic analysis, Geoarchaeology, 36 (6), 943-963

Kielhofer, J., Miller, C., Reuther, J., Holmes, C., Potter, B., Lanoe, F., Esdale, J., Crass, B. (2020). The micromorphology of loess-paleosol sequences in central Alaska: A new perspective on soil formation and landscape evolution since the Late Glacial period (c. 16,000 cal yr BP to present), Geoarchaeology, 35 (5), 701-728, https://doi.org/10.1002/gea21807

Lanoe, F., Reuther, J., Holloway, C., Holmes, C., Kielhofer, J. (2018). The Keystone Dune Site, a Bolling-Allerod hunting camp in eastern Beringia, PaleoAmerica, 4 (2), 151-161

Reuther, J., Potter, B., Mulliken, K., Kielhofer, J. (2018). Geoarchaeology – Delta River Overlook and Hurricane Bluff sites. Archaeological Investigations at Delta River Overlook, Central Alaska: Archaeology GIS Laboratory Report #7, pp. 72-141

Rasmussen, C., Lybrand, R., Orem, C., Kielhofer, J., Holleran, M. (2017). Soils of the Western Range and irrigated land resource regionsChapter : . In , The Soils of the USA, pp. 115-130

Reuther, J., Potter, B., Holmes, C., Feathers, J., Lanoe, F., Kielhofer, J. (2016). The Rosa-Keystone Dunes Field: The geoarchaeology and paleoecology of a late Quaternary stabilized dune field in eastern Beringia, The Holocene, 26 (12), 1939-1953

Smith, G., Carey, P., Middleton, E., Kielhofer, J. (2012). Cascade points in the northern Great Basin: A radiocarbon-dated foliate point assemblage from Warner Valley, Oregon, North American Archaeologist, 33 (1), 13-34

Smith, G., Kielhofer, J. (2011). Through the High Rock and beyond: Placing the Last Supper Cave and Parman Paleoindian lithic assemblages into a regional context, Journal of Archaeological Sciences, 38 (12), 3568-3576

Conference Proceedings
Kielhofer, J., Patton, N., Baish, C. J., Thomas, E., Sion, B. (2024). A multi-proxy paleoclimate record from a peat soil of interior Alaska: insight on mechanisms of Holocene peatland formation and landscape development. European Geosciences Union General Assembly: Vienna, Austria, April 14, 2024-April 19, 2024, EGU24-767

Kielhofer, J., Tierney, J., Reuther, J., Potter, B., Holmes, C. (2023). Adding to the paleoenvironmental framework for early settlement of interior Alaska: New perspectives on local changes in vegetation and hydrology from plant wax n-alkanes. Society for American Archaeology 88th Annual Meeting: Portland, Oregon, March 29, 2023-April 2, 2023

Henry, E., Kielhofer, J., Kitteringham, L. (2023). Mixing and moving earth: The geoarchaeology of a newly rediscovered Middle Woodland earthen enclosure in central Kentucky. Society for American Archaeology 88th Annual Meeting: Portland, Oregon, March 29, 2023-April 2, 2023

Kielhofer, J., Tierney, J. E., Reuther, J. D., Potter, B. A., Holmes, C. E., Lanoe, F. B., Esdale, J. A. (2022). Soil bacterial compounds and temperature reconstruction at early archaeological sites of the Middle Tanana Valley, central Alaska. Alaska Anthropological Association: Virtual, February 28, 2022-March 4, 2022

Kielhofer, J., Sabol, D. E., Baish, C. J., McDonald, E. V. (2022). Frozen soils and permafrost in a warming climate: Implications for military vehicle mobility. The 14th International Conference on Military Geosciences: Charleson, S.C., June 20, 2022-June 24, 2022