Kabir Rasouli Profile Photo
Dr. Kabir Rasouli [He/His/Him]
Assistant Research Professor, Mountain Hydrometeorology

Assistant Research Professor in Mountain Hydrometeorology


  • University of Saskatchewan, Ph.D. Geography, Saskatoon, Canada

  • The University of British Columbia, M.Sc. Atmospheric Science, Vancouver, Canada

  • University of Tabriz, B.A.Sc. Water Sciences, Tabriz, Iran

Research Areas (Link to Google Scholar)

  • Mountain Hydrology
  • Mountain Meteorology
  • Snow, Flood, Fire, Drought
  • Process Based Modeling
  • Climate Change
  • Land Cover Change

Funded Projects

  • Professional Co-Lead for Sub-Arctic Climate & Vegetation Changes

Project: Climate resilient flood mapping in Carmacks and Dawson, Yukon Territory

Client: Environment and Climate Change Canada

Client: Yukon Government $900,000 2023-2023

  • PI for the Mitacs Elevate Fellowship

Project: Attributive effects of human activities on flood regimes near communities and built environments $138,000 2020-2021

  • PI for the NSERC Post-Doctoral Fellowship

Project: Soil moisture response to climate change $90,000 2017-2018

  • PI for the NSERC Alexander G. Bell Doctoral Scholarship

Project: Impacts of climate and land-cover changes on cold regions hydrology $105,000 20142016

Selected Publications

Chen X, MA Hassan, S Bird, K Rasouli, X Fu (2023). The role of previously glaciated landscapes in spatiotemporal variability of streamflow in snow-dominated watersheds: British Columbia, Canada, Journal of Hydrology Regional Studies (Impact factor: 5.119, https://doi.org/10.1016/j.ejrh.2023.101478).

Rasouli K, JW Pomeroy, PH Whitfield (2022). The sensitivity of snow hydrology to changes in air temperature and precipitation in three North American headwater basins, Journal of Hydrology, 606, 127460, https://doi.org/10.1016/j.jhydrol.2022.127460 (Impact factor: 5.722).

Rasouli K, Scharold K, TH Mahmood, N Glenn, and D Marks (2020). Linking hydrological variations at local scales to regional climatic teleconnection patterns, Hydrological Processes, 34(26), 56245641, https://doi.org/10.1002/hyp.13982 (Impact factor: 3.55).

Rasouli K, JW Pomeroy, and PH Whitfield (2019). Are the effects of vegetation and soil changes as important as climate change impacts on hydrological processes?, Hydrology and Earth System Sciences, 23, 49334954, https://doi.org/10.5194/hess-23-4933-2019 (Impact factor: 5.774).

Rasouli K, JW Pomeroy, and PH Whitfield (2019). Hydrological sensitivity of headwater basins to perturbed climate in North American Cordillera, Journal of Hydrometeorology, 20(5), 863882 (https://doi.org/10.1175/JHM- D-18-0166.1, Impact factor: 4.871).

Rasouli K, JW Pomeroy, JR Janowicz, TJ Williams, and SK Carey (2019). A long-term hydrometeorological dataset (19932014) of a northern mountain basin: Wolf Creek Research Basin, Yukon Territory, Canada, Earth System Science Data, 11, 89100, https://doi.org/10.5194/essd-11-89-2019 (Impact factor: 11.333).

Rasouli K, JW Pomeroy, and DG Marks (2015). Snowpack sensitivity to perturbed climate in a cool mid-latitude mountain catchment, Hydrological Processes, 29(18), 39253940 (Impact factor: 3.565).

Rasouli K, JW Pomeroy, JR Janowicz, SK Carey, and TJ Williams (2014). Hydrological sensitivity of a northern mountain basin to climate change, Hydrological Processes, 28(14), 41914208 (Impact factor: 3.256).

Rasouli K, WW Hsieh, and AJ Cannon (2012).Daily streamflow forecasting by machine learning methods with weather and climate inputs, Journal of Hydrology. 414415, 284293 (Impact factor: 5.722).


Mountain Hydrology, Mountain Meteorology, Snow, Flood, Fire, Drought, Process Based Modeling


Conference Proceedings
Yu, G., Miller, J. J., Mejia, J. F., Rasouli, K., McCarthy, M. I., O’Shea, K., & Joros, A. N. (2025). Updating the Probable Maximum Precipitation for Nevada. 2025 NWRA Annual Conference: Sparks, NV, January 27, 2025-January 30, 2025

Rasouli, K., McEvoy, D. J., Albano, C. M., Ammatelli, J., Ott, T., Heggli, A. E., Hausner, M. B. (2024). Assessing Snow-Soil Relationships and Their Impact on Soil Strength Across Diverse Snow Climates. American Geophysical Union: Washington DC, December 9, 2024-December 13, 2024