Kathleen Rodrigues Profile Photo
Dr. Kathleen Rodrigues
Assistant Research Professor, Luminescence

Professional Interests

Kathleen is a Quaternary geochronologist that specializes in radiation exposure dating techniques including optically stimulated luminescence, thermally stimulated luminescence, and electron spin resonance. Her research interests are focused on the development and application of luminescence dating methods to address questions in Quaternary geomorphology, paleoclimatology, and archaeology. Her recent work has focused primarily on the development of novel methods for dating eruption events in the Great Basin and defining the timescales over which tephra reworking occurs in the landscape.




Year of Completion

University of Nevada, Reno PhD Geology 2020
McMaster University MSc Geology 2015
McMaster University BSc Biology & Environmental Sciences 2013


luminescence dating, OSL, TL, archaeometry, geochronology, geomorphology, Quaternary research


Kovach, T., Petrosyan, A., Wilkinson, K., Raczynski-Henk, Y., Rodrigues, K. D., Frahm, E., Beverly, E., Gill, J., Sherriff, J., Gasparyan, B., Avetisyan, H., Gnuni, A., & Adler, D. (2025). Contextualizing the Upper Paleolithic of the Armenian Highlands: New data from Solak-1, central Armenia. Journal of Human Evolution, 199, 103632. https://doi.org/10.1016/j.jhevol.2024.103632

Loendorf, L. & Rodrigues, K. D. (2025). The Implications of Fremont Pottery in Montana. Arts, 14(1). https://doi.org/10.3390/arts14010017

Langston, A., Marcotte, A., Neudorf, C., Rodrigues, K. D., Keen-Zebert, A. K. (2024). Interpreting depositional environments from modern floodplain sediments using optically stimulated luminescence, Boreas, n/a (n/a). John Wiley & Sons, Ltd, https://doi.org/10.1111/bor.12679

Rodrigues, K. D., Keen-Zebert, A. K., Shepherd, S., Hudson, M., Bitting, C., Johnson, B., Langston, A. (2023). The role of lithology and climate on bedrock river incision and terrace development along the Buffalo National River, Arkansas, Quaternary Research, 1-15. Cambridge University Press

Rodrigues, K. D., Huot, S., Keen-Zebert, A. K. (2022). Exploring the application of blue and red thermoluminescence for dating volcanic glasses, Radiation Measurements, 106731, Elsevier

Rodrigues, K. D., Stapor, F., Rink, W. J., Dunbar, J., Doran, G. (2021). A 5700-year-old beach-ridge set at Cape Canaveral, Florida, and its implication for Holocene sea-level history in the southeastern USA, The Holocene, 1-17

Williams, T., Collins, M., Rodrigues, K. D., Rink, W., Velchoff, N., Keen-Zebert, A. K., Gilmer, A., Frederick, C., Ayala, S., Prewitt, E. (2018). Evidence of an early projectile point technology in North America at the Gault Site, Texas, USA, Science advances, 4 (7), eaar5954. American Association for the Advancement of Science

Mercier, N., Rink, W. J., Rodrigues, K. D., Morley, M. W., Linder, M. V., Whallon, R. (2017). Chapter 9: Radiometric Dating of the Crvena Stijena SequenceChapter : . In , Crvena Stijena in Cultural and Ecological Context, 140-149. Montenegrin Academy of Sciences and Arts

Rodrigues, K. D., Rink, W. J., Collins, M. B., Williams, T. J., Keen-Zebert, A. K., Lopez, G. I. (2016). OSL Ages of the Clovis, Late Paleoindian and Archaic Components at Area 15 of the Gault Site, Central Texas, U.S.A., Journal of Archaeological Sciences, 7, 94-103, 10.1016/j.jasrep.2016.03.014

Conference Proceedings
Pemberton, E. A., Rink, W. J., Rodrigues, K. D., MacKenzie, R., Bremner, P. M., Laycock, D. P., Woo, H. B., Fletcher, S. D., Dankert, D. (2024). Formational history and geomorphic preservation of sea level highstands over the last 150 ky near Cape Canaveral, Florida, USA. American Geophysical Union, December 9, 2024-December 13, 2024

Hudson, M., Paces, J. B., Granger, D. E., Rodrigues, K. D., Keen-Zebert, A. K., Bitting, C., Turner, K., Sapkota, K. N. (2024). A two-million year record of climate driven cave-sediment aggradation and valley incision in the southern Ozark Plateaus: A multiple geochronometer study of Fitton Cave, Northern Arkansas. 2024 GSA Joint North-Central and South-Central Section Meeting: Springfield, Missouri, April 21, 2024-April 23, 2024, 10.1130/abs/2024NC-398780

Ruprecht, P., Rodrigues, K. D. (2023). Cryptic magma storage in the Great Basin derived from Soda Lakes maar olivine crystal records. The IAVCEI Scientific Assembly: New Zealand, January 30, 2023-February 3, 2023

Rodrigues, K. D., Ruprecht, P. (2023). Exploring luminescence-based methods for dating phreatomagmatic eruptions: a case study from Soda Lakes, NV. GSA Cordilleran Section 119th Annual Meeting: Reno, NV, May 17, 2023-May 19, 2023

Rodrigues, K. D., Ruprecht, P. (2023). New luminescence age estimates for the Soda Lake maar eruption (Nevada, USA). 17th International Luminescence and Electron Spin Resonance Dating Conference: Copenhagen, June 26, 2023-June 30, 2023

Rodrigues, K. D., Adams, K. D. (2023). Multi-millenial timescales of distal tephra reworking in the western Great Basin identified using luminescence dating. GSA Annual Meeting: Pittsburgh, October 14, 2023-October 18, 2023

Rodrigues, K. D., Keen-Zebert, A. K., Huot, S. (2021). Exploring the use of luminescence techniques for dating volcanic glasses. Luminescence and Electron Spin Resonance Dating (LED) 16th Annual Conference, September 13, 2021-September 17, 2021

Rodrigues, K. D., Keen-Zebert, A. K., Huot, S., Adams, K. D. (2017). Testing the suitability of the TL signal for dating volcanic glass. Luminescence and Electron Spin Dating Conference (LED 2017): Cape Town, South Africa, September 11, 2017-September 15, 2017

Rodrigues, K. D., Keen-Zebert, A. K., Huot, S., Adams, K. D. (2017). Testing the potential of thermoluminescence dating of volcanic glass with known-age samples. Geological Society of America: Seattle, October 22, 2017