Research Professor Emeritus
Professional Interests
Dr. Adams’ research interests lie in the fields of Quaternary geology, geomorphology, and landscape dynamics. More specifically, he is interested in how different geomorphic systems, including fluvial, lacustrine, and alluvial, respond to changes in climate and active tectonic deformation. Research has focused on the geologic, geomorphic, and hydrologic histories of pluvial lake basins in the western United States and South America. The sediments and landforms in these basins archive detailed records of active faulting, isostatic rebound, the response of rivers to base-level changes, and rapidly changing hydrologic and environmental conditions. The tools used in this work include geologic mapping, geomorphic and stratigraphic analysis, geochronology, remote sensing and spatial analysis, and paleohydrologic modeling. This research has important implications concerning the rates and magnitudes of hydrologic and landscape responses to climatic perturbations that have occurred in the past and that may occur in the future. The results of this work also provide important contextual details about the changing environmental conditions and distribution of resources that confronted the first Americans and their descendents.
Research Areas
- Quaternary geology
- Quaternary geochronology
- Geomorphology
- Paleoenvironmental reconstruction
- Geoarchaeology
- Active tectonics
- River and stream assessment
- Remote sensing
- Spatial analysis
Research Projects
Degree |
Year |
Institution |
Area |
Ph.D. |
1997 |
University of Nevada, Reno |
Geological Sciences |
M.S. |
1990 |
Montana State University |
Earth Sciences |
B.S. |
1987 |
Humboldt State University |
Quaternary geology, geomorphology, pluvial lakes, paleohydrology, paleoenvironments, geoarchaeology, Great Basin
Hartshorn, E. J., Harsha, G. L., Korotkin, M., Kielhofer, J., Soldano, V. A., Feldman, A. D., Houseman, S. M., Lu, K., Sabol, D. E., Adams, K. D., Sion, B. (2024). Technical Report: Evaluating spatial variability of dust emissions and testing techniques to examine how spatial scale influences emissivity., 89 pp.. Report prepared for U.S. Army Corps of Engineers, Engineer Research and Development Center, Cold Regions Research and Engineering Laboratory under contract W913E520C0021.
Adams, K. D. (2023). Wind, waves, sediment transport, and potential for shoreline development on Earth and on Mars, Icarus, 405, 1-9
Wriston, T. A., Adams, K. D., Rhode, D. E., Estes, M. (2023). LCAI Meadow Valley Wash: Our current understanding of its alluvial and wetland history and its effect on archaeological site distribution, Lincoln County, Nevada, II, 167 pp., Report No. 8111 NV04-19-2230 (Volume II of II). Report on file at BLM Ely, NV District Office.
Baish, C. J., Sion, B., Adams, K. D., Sabol, D. E., McDonald, E. V. (2021). A landform-based predictive mapping approach to estimating soil properties in Estonia and Lithuania, 29. U.S. Army Corps of Engineers: , Cold Regions Research and Engineering Laboratory
Redwine, J. R., Adams, K. D. (2021). A 740 ky-long Mohawk Lake record, Mohawk Valley, northeastern California, USA: in Starratt, S.W., and Rosen, M.R., eds., From Saline to Freshwater: The Diversity of Western Lakes in Space and Time, Geological Society of America Special Paper 536, 447-506
Smith, G. M., Sturtz, S., Camp, A. J., Adams, K. D., Kallenbach, E. (2021). Leonard Rockshelter revisited: Evaluating a 70-year old claim of a Late Pleistocene human occupation in the western Great Basin, American Antiquity, 87 (4), 776-793
Miller, J. J., Etyemezian, V. R., Adams, K. D., Berli, M., Kruger, B. R., Stillman, S., Cablk, M. E., Heintz, K. M., Nikolich, G., Moser, D. P. (2020). Lakebed Health and Feasibility of Use Study, including Inundation Frequency Analysis of Rogers and Rosamond Dry Lakes, Edwards Air Force Base, California, Paginated by section, DRI Publication #41279
Adams, K. D., Sabol, D. E., Sion, B., McDonald, E. V. (2020). Mapping methods used to predict soil textural properties in Estonia, 16. U.S. Army Engineer Research and Development Center: Cold Regions Research and Engineering Laboratory
Adams, K. D., Page, D. J., Hartshorn, E. J., Sabol, D. E., Wriston, T. A., McDonald, E. V. (2020). Summary of the Development of a Landform Map for the Western U.S. for Areas Prone to Dust, 16. U.S. Army Engineer Research and Development Center: Cold Regions Research and Engineering Laboratory
Adams, K. D., Sabol, D. E., Sion, B. (2020). Milestone Update: Tasks 3A-02 (Lithuania AOI map) and 3B-01 (Estonia-analog AOI map) progress, 2. U.S. Army Engineer Research and Development Center: Cold Regions Research and Engineering Laboratory
Wriston, T. A., Adams, K. D. (2020). LCAI Coal Valley Archaeological and Geomorphological Research: Pluvial Lake Coal and Paleoindians, 1,341 pp., BLM Report No. 8111 NV-04-17-2170. Report on file BLM Ely, NV District Office.
Sion, B., Adams, K. D., McDonald, E. V. (2019). Soil-Landform Relationships at Fort Leonard Wood, Missouri and Camp Ripley, Minnesota, 23 pp., Report prepared for the U.S. Army Corps of Engineers, Engineer Research and Development Center Cold Regions Research and Engineering Laboratory
Adams, K. D., Rhodes, E. J. (2019). Late Pleistocene to present lake-level fluctuations at Pyramid and Winnemucca lakes, Nevada, USA, Quaternary Research, 92, 146-164
Adams, K. D., Rhodes, E. J. (2019). Late Holocene paleohydrology of Walker Lake and the Carson Sink in the western Great Basin, Nevada, USA, Quaternary Research, 92, 165-182
Reaux, D. J., Smith, G. M., Adams, K. D., Jamaldin, S., George, N. D., Mohr, K., Rosencrance, R. L. (2018). A First Look at the Terminal Pleistocene/Early Holocene Record of Guano Valley, Oregon, USA, PaleoAmerica, 4 (2), 162-176
Barth, C.,
Boyle, D. P.,
Hatchett, B. J.,
Bassett, S.,
Garner, C. B.,
Adams, K. D. (2016).
Late Pleistocene Climate Inferences from a Water Balance Model of Jakes Valley, Nevada (USA),
Journal of Paleolimnology, 568 (2), 109-122,
Rhode, D. E., Adams, K. D. (2016). Landscapes in transition: A paleoenvironmental Context for Lincoln County, Nevada, 152, Report no, 8111 CRR NV 040-16-2140
Adams, K. D., Bills, B. G. (2016). Isostatic Rebound and Palinspastic Restoration of the Bonneville and Provo Shorelines in the Bonneville Basin, UTChapter : . In Oviatt, C. G., Shroder, J. F. (Eds.), Lake Bonneville: A Scientific Update, Developments in Earth Surface Processes, Vol. 20, 145-164. Elsevier: Amsterdam, The Netherlands
Noble, P. J., Ball, G. I., Zimmerman, S. H., Maloney, J., Smoth, S. B., Kent, G., Adams, K. D., Karlin, R., Driscoll, N. (2016). Holocene Paleoclimate History of Fallen Leaf Lake, CA, from Geochemistry and Sedimentology of Unusually Well-Dated Sediment Cores, Quaternary Science Reviews, 131 (Part A), 193-210
Adams, K. D.,
Negrini, R. (2015).
Using Tree-Ring Records to Simulate Annual Lake-Level Fluctuations at Tulare Lake, California, Over the Last 2,000 YearsChapter : . In
Rosen, M. R.,
Cohen, A.,
Kirby, M.,
Gierlowski-Kordesch, E.,
Starratt, S.,
Valero Garcés, B. L.,
Varekamp, J. (Eds.),
Sixth International Limnogeology Congress-Abstract Volume, U.S. Geological Survey Open-File Report, 2015-1092, 16-17. U.S. Geological Survey: Reston, VA, June 15, 2015-June 19, 2015,
Noble, P. J.,
Zimmerman, S. H.,
Ball, G. I.,
Adams, K. D.,
Maloney, J.,
Smith, S. B. (2015).
Late Holocene (3.65 ka) Transition from Neopluvial Period to Increased Aridity in the Lake Tahoe-Pyramid Lake Watershed, CaliforniaChapter : . In
Rosen, M. R.,
Cohen, A.,
Kirby, M.,
Gierlowski-Kordesch, E.,
Starratt, S.,
Valero Garcés, B. L.,
Varekamp, J. (Eds.),
Sixth International Limnogeology Congress-Abstract Volume, U.S. Geological Survey Open-File Report, 2015-1092, 160-161. U.S. Geological Survey: Reston, VA, June 15, 2015-June 19, 2015,
Keen-Zebert, A. K., Baker, S. E., Adams, K. D., Bacon, S. N. (2015). Luminescence dating of sediment from beach deposits of the Pleistocene highstand of Owens Lake: DRI
Adams, K. D.,
Negrini, R. M.,
Cook, E. R.,
Rajagopal, S. (2015).
Annually Resolved Late Holocene Paleohydrology of the Southern Sierra Nevada and Tulare Lake, California,
Water Resources Research, 51, 1-17,
Adams, K. D., Sada, D. W. (2014). Surface water hydrology and geomorphic characterization of a playa lake system: Implications for monitoring the effects of climate change, Journal of Hydrology, 510, 92-101
Reheis, M., Adams, K. D., Oviatt, C., Bacon, S. N. (2014). Pluvial lakes in the Great Basin of the western United States: A view from the outcrop, Quaternary Science Reviews, 97, 33-57
Sada, D. W., Rosamond, C. L., Adams, K. D. (2013). Effects of recreational use on branchiopod egg and ephippia density, Black Rock Desert-High Rock Canyon Emigrant Trails National Conservation Area, Nevada, USA, Journal of Crustacean Biology, 33, 286-292
Adams, K. D. (2012). Response of the Truckee River to lowering base level at Pyramid Lake, Nevada, based on historical air photos and LiDAR data, Geosphere, 8, 607-627. Geosphere
Cartwright, A., Quade, J., Stine, S., Adams, K. D., Broecker, W., Cheng, H. (2011). Chronstratigraphy and lake-level changes of Laguna Cari-Laufquen, Rio Negro, Argentina, Quaternary Research, 76, 430-440
Goebel, T., Hockett, B., Adams, K. D., Rhode, D. E., Graf, K. (2011). Climate, environment, and humans in North America’s Great Basin during the Younger Dryas, 12,900-11,600 calendar years ago, Quaternary International, 242, 479-501
Adams, K. D. (2010). Lake levels and sedimentary environments during deposition of the Trego Hot Springs and Wono tephras in the Lake Lahontan basin, Nevada, USA, Quaternary Research, 73, 118-129
House, P. K., Adams, K. D. (2010). Preliminary geologic map of the northern part of the lower Walker River area, Mineral County, NV, Nevada Bureau of Mines and Geology Open-File Report 10-12, 1:24,000-scale.
Broecker, W., McGee, D., Adams, K. D., Cheng, H., Edwards, L., Oviatt, C., Quade, J. (2009). A Great Basin-wide dry episode during the first half of the Mystery Interval?, Quaternary Science Reviews, 28 (25-26), 2557-2563
House, P. K., Adams, K. D. (2009). Preliminary geologic map of the southern part of the lower Walker River area, Mineral County, NV, Nevada Bureau of Mines and Geology Open File Report 09-13, 1:24,000-scale.
Adams, K. D., Goebel, T., Graf, K., Smith, G., Camp, A. J., Briggs, R., Rhode, D. E. (2008). Late Pleistocene and early Holocene lake-level fluctuations in the Lahontan basin, Nevada: Implications for the distribution of archaeological sites, Geoarchaeology, 23 (5), 608-643
Adams, K. D. (2007). Late Holocene sedimentary environments and lake-level fluctuations at Walker Lake, Nevada, USA, Geological Society of America Bulletin, 119 (1/2), 126-139
Bills, B.,
Adams, K. D.,
Wesnousky, S. (2007).
Viscosity structure of the crust and upper mantle in western Nevada from isostatic rebound patterns of Lake Lahontan shorelines,
Journal of Geophysical Research, 112 (B6, B06405), 10.1029/2005JB003941,
Young, M. H., Adams, K. D., Mizell, S. A., Chen, L., Bullard, T. F., Grant, S. (2005). Technical Report: Assessment and Improvement of Hydraulic Characterization of Alluvial Fans to Support Estimates of Recharge and Initial Abstraction, DRI Report No. 41218
Briggs, R. W., Wesnousky, S. G., Adams, K. D. (2005). , Late Pleistocene and late Holocene lake highstands in the Pyramid Lake subbasin of Lake Lahontan, Nevada, USA, 64, 257-263
Adams, K. D. (2004). Estimating palaeowind strength from beach deposits-Reply, Sedimentology, 51, 671-673
Adams, K. D. (2003). Age and paleoclimatic significance of late Holocene lakes in the Carson Sink, NV, USA, Quaternary Research, 60, 294-306
Adams, K. D. (2003). Estimating paleowind strength from beach deposits, Sedimentology, 50 (3), 565-577
Reheis, M. C., Redwine, J., Adams, K. D., Stine, S., Parker, K., Negrini, R., Burke, R., Kurth, G., McGeehin, J., Paces, J., Phillips, F., Sarna-Wojcicki, A., Smoot, J. (2003). Pliocene to Holocene Lakes in the Western Great Basin: New Perspectives on Paleoclimate, Landscape Dynamics, Tectonics, and Paleodistribution of Aquatic Species, in Easterbrook, D.J., ed., Quaternary Geology of the United States, INQUA 2003 Field Guide Volume, Desert Research Institute, Reno, NV, 155-194
Adams, K. D., Minor, T. B. (2002). Historic shoreline change at Lake Tahoe from 1938 to 1998 and its impact on sediment and nutrient loading, Journal of Coastal Research, 18 (4), 637-651
Forney, W., Richards, L. R., Adams, K. D., Smith, J. R., Rowe, T. G., Minor, T. B. (2001). Assessment of Land Use Change on Water Quality and Ecosystem Health in the Lake Tahoe Basin, Nevada and California, U.S. Geological Survey Open File Report 01-418, 57 p.
Rhode, D. E., Adams, K. D., Elston, R. G. (2000). Geoarchaeology and Holocene Landscape History of the Carson Desert, Western NevadaChapter : . In Lageson, D. R., Peters, S. G., Lahren, M. M. (Eds.), Great Basin and Sierra Nevada, 45-74. Geological Society of America: Boulder, CO, Geological Society of America Field Guide 2
Adams, K. D., Wesnousky, S. (1999). The Lake Lahontan highstand: Age, surficial characteristics, soil development, and regional shoreline correlation, Geomorphology, 30 (4), 357-392
Adams, K. D., Wesnousky, S., Bills, B. (1999). Isostatic rebound, active faulting, and potential geomorphic effects in the Lake Lahontan basin, Nevada and California, Geological Society of America Bulletin, 111 (12), 1739-1756
Adams, K. D., Wesnousky, S. (1998). Shoreline processes and the age of the Lake Lahontan highstand in the Jessup embayment, Nevada, Geological Society of America Bulletin, 110 (10), 1318-1332
Adams, K. D., Locke, W. W., Rossi, R. (1992). Obsidian hydration dating of fluvially reworked sediments in the West Yellowstone region, Montana, Quaternary Research, 38, 180-195
Pierce, K. L., Adams, K. D., Sturchio, N. C. (1991). Geologic setting of the Corwin Springs Known Geothermal Resources Area in and adjacent to Yellowstone National Park, in Sorey, M.S., ed., Effects of potential geothermal development in the Corwin Springs Known Geothermal Resources Area, Montana, on the thermal features of Yellowstone National Park, U.S. Geological Survey Water Resources Investigations Report 91-4052, p. C1-C37.
Conference Proceedings
Rodrigues, K. D., Adams, K. D. (2023). Multi-millenial timescales of distal tephra reworking in the western Great Basin identified using luminescence dating. GSA Annual Meeting: Pittsburgh, October 14, 2023-October 18, 2023
Wriston, T. A., Adams, K. D., Rhode, D. E., Estes, M. (2023). Landforms matter: A geoarchaeological approach to Meadow Valley Wash archaeology. The 38th Great Basin Anthropological Conference: Bend, OR, October 18, 2023-October 21, 2023
Wriston, T. A., Adams, K. D., Rhode, D. E., Estes, M. (2023). The Aerial Perspective: Using sUAS-mounted sensors to analyze known archaeological sites in Lincoln County, Nevada. The 38th Great Basin Anthropological Conference: Bend, OR, October 18, 2023-October 21, 2023
Wriston, T. A., Adams, K. D. (2018). Preliminary Results of Terminal Pleistocene to early Holocene Archaeological and Lake History Research in Coal Valley, Basin and Range National Monument, Lincoln County, NV. Great Basin Anthropological Conference: Salt Lake City, UT
Rodrigues, K. D., Keen-Zebert, A. K., Huot, S., Adams, K. D. (2017). Testing the suitability of the TL signal for dating volcanic glass. Luminescence and Electron Spin Dating Conference (LED 2017): Cape Town, South Africa, September 11, 2017-September 15, 2017
Rodrigues, K. D., Keen-Zebert, A. K., Huot, S., Adams, K. D. (2017). Testing the potential of thermoluminescence dating of volcanic glass with known-age samples. Geological Society of America: Seattle, October 22, 2017
Adams, K. D. (2016).
Lake-level, lake-surface area, and lake volume changes at Pyramid Lake, NV over the last 16 cal ka,
Geological Society of America Abstracts with Programs, 48 (7),
Zimmerman, S.,
Adams, K. D.,
Rosen, M. (2015).
Trip 3-Modern, Holocene, and Pleistocene lake locales in the western Great Basin, Nevada and California,
U.S. Geological Survey Open-File Report, 2015-1108, 89-100. Sixth International Limnogeology Congress-Field Trip Guidebook: Reno, NV, June 15, 2015-June 19, 2015
Noble, P. J., Zimmerman, S. H., Ball, G. I., Adams, K. D., Maloney, J., Smith, S. B. (2015). Late Holocene (3.65 ka) Multi-Proxy Shift in Fallen Leaf Lake, CA Marks the Transition from a Millennial-Scale Neopluvial Interval to Increased Aridity, 38. Pacific Climate Workshop: Pacific Grove, CA, March 8, 2015-March 11, 2015
Adams, K. D., Negrini, R. M., Rajagopal, S., Cook, E. R. (2015). Timing, Duration, and Effects of Droughts in the Southern Sierra Nevada and San Joaquin Valley, CA Over the Last 2000 Years. AGU 2015 Fall Meeting: San Francisco, CA, December 14, 2015-December 18, 2015, Abstract GC41E-1131
Bacon, S. N., Adams, K. D., Bullard, T. F., Keen-Zebert, A. K., Decker, D. L. (2014). Sill Failure and Catastrophic Outburst Floods from Owens Lake, CA: Implications for Latest Pleistocene and Holocene Paleohydrology of the Owens River Drainage Basin, Geological Society of America, Abstracts with Programs, 46 (6). Geological Society of America Annual Meeting: Vancouver British Columbia, October 19, 2014-October 22, 2014, Paper No. 310-7
Adams, K. D., Bacon, S. N., Lancaster, N., Rhodes, E., Negrini, R. (2014). How wet can it get? Defining future climate extremes based on late Holocene lake-level records [abstract], Geological Society of America, Abstracts with Programs, 46 (6). Geological Society of America Annual Meeting: Vancouver, British Columbia, October 19, 2014-October 22, 2014, Paper No. 310-5.
Adams, K. D. (2013). Hydrologic fluctuations at Pyramid Lake, Walker Lake, and the Carson Sink, Nevada during the Medieval Climate Anomaly, Quaternary International, 310, 227
Adams, K. D. (2013). Israel C. Russell and the dawn of Quaternary geology and geomorphology, Geological Society of America Abstracts with Programs, 45 (7), 711
Adams, K. D. (2012). Late Holocene paleohydrology of the western Great Basin, American Quaternary Association Conference, 22, 8-9
Adams, K. D. (2011). Hydrologic fluctuations at Pyramid Lake, Walker Lake, and the Carson Sink, Nevada during the Medieval Climate Anomaly, Pacific Climate Workshop, 1: Pacific Grove, CA
Adams, K. D. (2011). The history of Lake Lahontan viewed through the prism of its research history, Geological Society of America Abstracts with Programs, 43 (5), 179
Adams, K. D. (2010). Stream terrace profiles are steeper than their formative channel profiles: results from a historic suite of terraces along the lower Truckee River, NV, Geological Society of America Abstracts with Programs, 42 (5), 154-155
Adams, K. D. (2009). Fluvial responses to base-level lowering: Examples from the Truckee and Walker rivers, western Nevada, USA, Geological Society of America Abstracts with Programs, 41 (7), 135
Adams, K. D. (2009). Response of the lower Walker River to base-level lowering and minimizing erosion under increased flows, International Symposium an Terminus Lakes: Reno, NV
Adams, K. D. (2008). Lake-level fluctuations in the western Great Basin during the Medieval Climate Anomaly: Episodes of both drier and wetter periods than modern, : Geological Society of America abstracts with Programs, 40 (6), 227-228
Adams, K. D. (2005). Sedimentary record of late Holocene lake-level fluctuations at Walker Lake, Nevada, USA, Geological Society of America Abstracts with Programs, 37 (7), 225
Adams, K. D. (2004). Late Holocene Changes in Lakes and Rivers of the Western Great Basin, Great Basin Anthropological Conference
Adams, K. D. (2004). Late Holocene diversion history of the Walker River: The tale of a river with a split personality, Geological Society of America Abstracts with Programs, 36 (5), 499
Adams, K. D. (2003). Lake-level responses to late Holocene changes in effective wetness in the western Great Basin, 3rd International Limnogeology Congress Abstracts, 3: Tucson, AZ
Adams, K. D. (2003). Lake levels and sedimentary environments during deposition of the Wono and Trego Hot Springs tephras in the Lake Lahontan basin, Nevada and California, USA, XVI INQUA Congress Programs with Abstracts, 182
Adams, K. D. (2001). Estimating paleowind conditions from late Pleistocene beach deposits in the western Great Basin, Geological Society of America Abstracts with Programs, 33 (6), 21
Adams, K. D. (2000). Historic rates of shoreline change at Lake Tahoe from 1939 to 1998; implications for water clarity, Geological Society of America Abstracts with Programs, 32 (7), 332