Kristine Lu Profile Photo
Kristine Lu
Staff Research Scientist, Geology

Houseman, S. M., Korotkin, M., Kielhofer, J., Page, D. J., Lu, K., Sion, B. (2024). Technical Report: TRTC Sherman Exposure Site Environmental Analysis., 61. Report prepared for U.S. Army Yuma Proving Ground under contract W9115121D0004

Staley, S. E., Briem, C. M., Harsha, G. L., Hartshorn, E. J., Hibbard, S., Korotkin, M., Houseman, S. M., Lu, K., Sion, B. (2024). Task Deliverable Report: Evaluation of field procedures for rapid measurement of mobility related soil properties at Fort Hunter Liggett. Report prepared for U.S. Army Corps of Engineers Engineer Research and Development Center Coastal Hydraulics Laboratory under contract W912HZ23C0008.

Kielhofer, J., Baish, C. J., Patton, N., Korotkin, M., Sabol, D. E., Borkowski, J. E., Houseman, S. M., Lu, K., Sion, B. (2024). Technical Report: Developing new technical capabilities to predict near-surface soil properties for cold-region soils in thaw-weakening environments, 74 pp.. Report prepared for U.S. Army Corps of Engineers, Engineer Research and Development Center, Cold Regions Research and Engineering Laboratory under contract W913E520C0021.

Hartshorn, E. J., Harsha, G. L., Korotkin, M., Kielhofer, J., Soldano, V. A., Feldman, A. D., Houseman, S. M., Lu, K., Sabol, D. E., Adams, K. D., Sion, B. (2024). Technical Report: Evaluating spatial variability of dust emissions and testing techniques to examine how spatial scale influences emissivity., 89 pp.. Report prepared for U.S. Army Corps of Engineers, Engineer Research and Development Center, Cold Regions Research and Engineering Laboratory under contract W913E520C0021.

Feldman, A. D., Page, D. J., Lu, K., Houseman, S. M., Sion, B. (2023). Technical report: YTC Countermine Training Range Soil Property Analysis, 92. Report prepared for U.S. Army Yuma Proving Ground under contract W9115121D0004