Laura O'Neill Profile Photo
Laura O'Neill
Associate Research Scientist Anthropology/Archaeology

Professional Bio

Ms. ONeill is an architectural historian with over a decade of experience in professional consulting and research in the field of historic preservation. She is an expert in interpreting and applying the Secretary of the Interiors Standards for the Treatment of Historic Properties, writing Historic Context Statements, conducting in-depth surveys of built environment resources, and assisting governmental agencies with Section 106 of the National Historic Preservation Act compliance. Ms. ONeills experience includes preparing dozens of Section 106 technical reports, complex agreement documents, California Environmental Quality Act reports, historic structure reports, historic context statements, large-scale surveys, Federal Rehabilitation Tax Credit applications, and national, state, and local landmark applications. She has worked on a wide variety of built resource types ranging from historic infrastructure, such as roads, bridges, and canals, to historic buildings, such as single-family residences, office buildings, industrial buildings, institutional buildings, hotels, and large historic districts.

Ms. ONeill enjoys combining her degrees in architecture and political science to develop innovative solutions to complex design and regulatory issues related to historic properties. Stemming from her Pennsylvania rustbelt roots, she has a particular love of American industrial architecture and the ways in which it reflects our history as a nation of thinkers, inventors, risk-takers, problem-solvers, and hard workers.

She also enjoys being an active member of her local preservation community and served as chairperson of two local historic preservation governmental bodies in her prior cities of residency: the Santa Monica Landmarks Commission and the Ventura Historic Preservation Committee.

Ms. ONeill meets the Secretary of the Interiors Professional Qualifications Standards in both Architectural History and Historic Architecture. A sampling of her past professional projects includes:

Historic Resource Surveys and Context Statements

  • Fremont Postwar Architecture and Development Historic Context Statement
  • San Diego LGBTQ Historic Context Statement
  • Latinos in 20th Century California Historic Context Statement
  • Pasadena Late 19th and Early 20th Century Residential Architecture Multiple Property Documentation Form
  • SurveyLA (Citywide Los Angeles Survey Project) Multiple Themes of the Context Statement and Multiple Community Plan Area Surveys

National, California, and Local Landmark Applications

  • California Aerospace Museum California Register Nomination, Los Angeles, CA
  • Ahrya Fine Art Theatre, Local Landmark Application, Beverly Hills, CA
  • Margaret Esherick House, National Register Nomination, Philadelphia, PA
  • Bonos Restaurant and Deli National Register Nomination, Fontana, CA

Evaluations in Technical Reports (Section 106 and CEQA)

  • Los Angeles Times-Mirror Square Historical Resource Technical Report
  • Los Angeles County Museum of Art Historical Resource Technical Report
  • Evanston Inn, Pasadena, Historical Resource Technical Report
  • Holly Street Bridge, Section 106 Compliance Reports, Pasadena
  • Arroyo Seco Parkway, Section 106 Cumulative Impacts Analysis, Los Angeles, South Pasadena, and Pasadena

Historic Structure Reports, Treatment Plans, and Secretary of the Interiors Standards Compliance

  • Hughes Industrial Historic District and Spruce Goose Hangars, Playa Vista, CA
  • Bradbury Building Tenant Improvement Guidelines, Los Angeles, CA
  • Anthony-Kerry House Historic Structure Report and Certificates of Appropriateness Applications, Beverly Hills, CA
  • Japanese Pavilion at the Los Angeles County Museum of Art, Secretary of the Interiors Standards Compliance, Los Angeles, CA

Federal Rehabilitation Tax Credit Projects

  • Temple Art Lofts, Vallejo, CA
  • Rosslyn Hotel Annex, Los Angeles, CA


architectural history, historic architecture, architectural historian, built environment, section 106, cultural resources, historic context statements, historic resource surveys, adaptive reuse, secretary of the interior's standards


Conference Proceedings
Parker, B. A., O’Neill, L., & Sawyer, P. (2024). Overview of DRI’s Technical Research, Engineering, and Development Services (TREDS) Work for DOE for the Low-level Waste Stakeholders Forum, May 15, 2024