Marco Giordano Profile Photo
Dr. Marco Giordano
Assistant Research Professor of Atmospheric Physics

Giordano, M. E. (2025). An Urban Heat Conundrum – Water Conservation and Mitigation: Part 1. A Synthesis as an Introduction, Submitted to the City of Henderson NV Department of Parks and Recreation. https://doi.org/10.5281/zenodo.14583679

Pistone, K., Wilcox, E.M., Zuidema, P., Giordano, M. E., Podolske, J., LeBlanc, S. E., Kacenelenbogen, M., Howell, S. G., Freitag, S. (2024). Vertical structure of a springtime smoky and humid troposphere over the southeast Atlantic from aircraft and reanalysis, Atmospheric Chemistry and Physics, 24 (13), 10.5194/acp-24-7983-2024

Wilcox, E.M., Giordano, M. E., Filicchia, M., Kauneckis, D. L. (2024). A Preliminary Radiometric Study on Non-Functional Turf (NFT) Replacement – City of Henderson NV, USA: Year End Report (End of Year Report 1.0.0), Submitted to the City of Henderson NV Department of Parks and Recreation, 10.5281/zenodo.14580601

Giordano, M. E. (2024). An Urban Heat Conundrum – Water Conservation and Mitigation: Part 2. Statements on Landscape Materials and Surfaces, Submitted to the City of Henderson NV Department of Parks and Recreation

Giordano, M. E. (2023). A Research Presentation on Interactions of Matter and Energy: A Not So Brief Talk About Light, Particles and Measurement. Atmospheric Sciences Graduate Program: Reno, NV, Originally presented 12/18/2017. Published open access 8/24/2023. 10.5281/zenodo.8280613

Giordano, M. E. (2023). A Research Prospectus on Interactions of Matter and Energy: Progress on Opto-Physical Recognition and Classification of Aerosol and Clouds in the Terrestrial Atmosphere – Novel Instrumentation and a Theoretical Aerosol Typology, Originally presented December 2017. Published open access 8/24/2023. 10.5281/zenodo.8278276

Giordano, M. E. (2023). On the Potential Economic Development of HAASI™ Technology Instrumentation for Near Real Time Cloud-Analysis-Based Solar Irradiance Forecasting. A Presentation to the ASPIRE Entrepreneurship Training.. ZENODO, September 8, 2023, 10.5281/zenodo.8323319

Hamill, P., Piedra, P. G., Giordano, M. E. (2020). Simulated polarization as a signature of aerosol type, Atmospheric Environment, 224, Article No. 117348, 10.1016/j.atmosenv.2020.117348

Mejia, J. F., Giordano, M. E., Wilcox, E.M. (2018). Conditional Summertime Day-Ahead Solar Irradiance Forecast, Solar Energy, 163, 610-622, 10.1016/j.solener.2018.01.094

Hamill, P., Giordano, M. E., Ward, C., Giles, D., Holben, B. (2016). An AERONET-based aerosol classification using the Mahalanobis distance, Atmospheric Environment, 140, 213-233, 10.1016/j.atmosenv.2016.06.002

Giordano, M. E., Hamill, P. J., Ward, C. S. (2016). A Compendium of Aerosol Types Based on Mahalanobis Distances and AERONET Data, Atmos. Environ., 140, Supplementary material. http://wind.sjsu.edu/papers/A_Compendium_of_Aerosol_Types.pdf

Conference Proceedings
Giordano, M. E., Wilcox, E.M., & Pistone, K. (2025). Quantfying Column Water Vapor Effects on Modeled Solar Atmospheric Heating Rates of Biomass Burning Aerosol. American Meteorological Society Annual Meeting: New Orleans, LA, January 12, 2025-January 16, 2025, 183

Giordano, M. E. (2024). On Physics and Poetry: Expressions of Universal Experience and Observation – a pursuit of the mutual phase space. Copernicus Sphere European Geophysical Union General Assembly 2024: Copernicus EGU-Sphere Vienna Austria, April 15, 2024-April 19, 2024, 3872, https://doi.org/10.5194/egusphere-egu24-3782, 2024

Wilcox, E.M., Giordano, M. E., Hosseinpour, F. E., Wang, J., Chutia, L., Pistone, K. (2023). Quantifying impacts of light-absorbing aerosols on atmospheric temperature and circulation. NASA MODIS Science Team Meeting: College Park, MD, May 1, 2023-May 4, 2023

Giordano, M. E., Wilcox, E.M., Pistone, K. (2023). Simulations and Experiments using Satellite-retrieved Carbon Monoxide (CO) as a Speciated Proxy of Smoke Aerosol Layered Aerosol Optical Depth (AOD) for Radiative Transfer (RT) Model Studies. AGU 2023: San Francisco, CA, December 11, 2023-December 15, 2023, Abstract. Final Paper No. A13H-2266

Pistone, K., Wilcox, E.M., Ryoo, J., Giordano, M. E. (2023). The Seasonal Evolution of Atmospheric Vertical Structure of Smoke and Humidity over the Southeast Atlantic Biomass Burning Region. AGU 2023: San Francisco, CA, December 11, 2023-December 15, 2023, Abstract. Final Paper No. A41K-2769

Giordano, M. E. (2023). From Global Aerosol Typology and Climatology toward Climatic Radiative Significance. Joint ARM User Facility/ASR Principal Investigators Meeting: Rockville, MD, August 7, 2023-August 10, 2023, Abstract.

Giordano, M. E. (2023). Updates on Global Aerosol Studies: Identifying, Expanding the Classification Scheme, Updating a Global Aerosol Compendium and Re-Mapping – based in NASA’s AERONET Sunphotometer Data. Nevada EPSCoR Annual Meeting: Carson City, NV, April 28, 2023

Giordano, M. E., Wilcox, E.M. (2022). Aerosol Radiative Forcing: Top-of-the-Atmosphere (TOA), Atmospheric Column, and Surface Radiative Forcing for Globally Widespread Aerosol Types. American Meteorological Society Annual Meeting 102, 14th Symposium on Aerosol, Cloud, Climate Interaction, Paper 12J12A.2, delivered Wednesday 26 January 2022.

Downing, M., McAdams, D. R., Christian, J. F., Baumgardner, D., Wilcox, E.M., Giordano, M. E., French, J. R., Shaffer, K., Johnson, E. B. (2022). Intercomparison of Validation Test Flight Data from a Holographic Cloud Particle Imager (HCPI) and Several Commercial Cloud Probes. American Meteorological Society Annual Meeting 102, 22nd Symposium on Meteorological Observation and Instrumentation: Houston, TX, January 24, 2022-January 28, 2022, Paper 12.1, delivered 24 January 2022.

Wilcox, E.M., Giordano, M. E., Wang, J. (2022). Modulation of the Diurnal Variations in Clouds By Light-Absorbing Aerosols. American Meteorological Society Collective Madison Meeting: Madison, WI, August 8, 2022-August 12, 2022, 4.5

Pistone, K., Wilcox, E.M., Giordano, M. E. (2022). Variation and Evolution of Atmospheric Structure over the Southeast Atlantic Biomass Burning Season as seen from Aircraft and Reanalysis. American Meteorological Society Collective Madison Meeting: Madison, WI, August 8, 2022-August 12, 2022, 4.4

Giordano, M. E., Hamill, P. J., Wilcox, E.M. (2021). On an Optical-Physical Aerosol Typology Based in AERONET Data to Define Aerosol Subtypes for Deployment in Modeling Applications. 2021 Winter Meeting 101, American Meteorological Association: [Virtual], January 10, 2021-January 15, 2021, 13th Symposium on Aerosol – Cloud – Climate Interactions – Advances in Observational and Modeling Studies of the Role of Mineral Dust in the Earth system. Part II, Paper Number 12.11A.

Wilcox, E.M., Giordano, M. E., Wang, J. (2021). An investigation of potential global indicators of light-absorbing aerosol effects and their impacts on the boundary layer and lower troposphere. American Meteorological Society Annual Meeting, 13th Symposium on Aerosol – Cloud – Climate Interactions, January 10, 2021-January 15, 2021, 1.5

McAdams, D., Baumgardner, D., Wilcox, E.M., Giordano, M. E., French, J., Plummer, D., Oolman, L. D., Christian, J., Harrington, A., Burkhart, M., Mahon, N. (2021). Holographic Cloud Particle Imager (HCPI) Phase IIB Update. PI/Science Team Meeting DOE ARM/ASR Annual PI/Science TEAM Meeting 2021: [Virtual], June 21, 2021-June 24, 2021

Giordano, M. E., Wilcox, E.M., Hamill, P. J. (2021). Progress on the Development of a Multi-decadal Historic Global Ground-Based Monthly Seasonal Aerosol Climatology. Fall Meeting, American Geophysical Union: New Orleans, LA USA, December 13, 2021-December 17, 2021, A35K-1797/916384

Giordano, M. E. (2021). On Physics and Poetry: Expression of Universal Experience and Observation – Further Pursuit Within the Mutual Phase Space. Fall Meeting, American Geophysical Meeting: Houston, TX USA, December 13, 2021-December 17, 2021, ED42A-06

Giordano, M. E. (2020). On Physics and Poetry: Expressions of Universal Experience and Observation. Fall Meeting, American Geophysical Union: [Virtual], December 1, 2020-December 17, 2020, First Symposium on Science and the Performing Arts, Session ED055 – 08.

Giordano, M. E., Hamill, P. J., Wilcox, E.M. (2020). On Refining an AERONET Opto-physical Aerosol Typology: Expressing Aerosol Optical Properties as Distribution Functions by Specific Aerosol Type. Fall Meeting, American Geophysical Union: [Virtual], December 1, 2020-December 17, 2020, Advances in Atmospheric Remote Sensing Inversion III, Paper Number A211 – 0002.

McAdams, D., Harrington, A. M., Axisa, D., Baumgardner, D., Wilcox, E.M., Giordano, M. E., French, J., Plummer, D. M., Mahon, R. N., Burkhart, M. D., Oolman, L., Christian, J. F. (2020). Validation Test Flight of a Holographic Cloud Particle Imager (HCPI) for Unmanned Aircraft Systems (UASs). Fall Meeting, American Geophysical Union: [Virtual], December 1, 2020-December 17, 2020, Unmanned Systems in Atmospheric Research – A111, Paper Number A111-05.

Wilcox, E.M., Wang, J., Giordano, M. E., Xu, X. (2020). A Study of Atmospheric Heating by Black Carbon Aerosols and its Impacts. NASA MODIS/VIIRS Science Team Meeting, November 19, 2020-November 19, 2020

McAdams, D. R., Harrington, A. M., Stoddard, G. J., Miller, K., Snow, M., Boiko, B., Wilcox, E.M., Gao, L., Giordano, M. E., Christian, J. F. (2019). Holographic Cloud Particle Imager (HCPI) for Unmanned Aircraft Systems (UASs). NOAA Global Monitoring Annual Conference: Boulder, CO, May 21, 2019-May 22, 2019

Giordano, M. E., Hamill, P. J., Wilcox, E.M. (2019). An AERONET Aerosol Opto-Physical Typology: Model Output of Aerosol Compositions, Local, Regional and Global Aerosol Climatology Results with Attention to Dust. American Geophyscal Union Fall Meeting: San Francisco, December 9, 2019-December 13, 2019, A11H-2723

Nelson, K. N., Watts, A. C., Samburova, V., Khlystov, A. Y., Bhattarai, C., Moosmüller, H., Wilcox, E.M., Giordano, M. E. (2018). An emissions sampling payload for use with small Unmanned Aircraft Systems (sUAS). International Society for Atmospheric Research Using Remotely Piloted Aircraft Annual Conference: Boulder, CO, July 9, 2018-July 12, 2018

Giordano, M. E., Wilcox, E.M., Hamill, P. J. (2018). Progress on an AERONET Aerosol Opto-Physical Typology: Defining the Variable Space and Determination of a Reference Basis to produce a Global Aerosol Climatology. 15th American Meteorological Society Conference on Atmospheric Radiation and 15th conference on Cloud Physics: Vancouver, B.C., July 9, 2018-September 13, 2018

Giordano, M. E., Wilcox, E.M., Hamill, P. J. (2018). Progress on an AERONET Aerosol Opto-Physical Typology: Refining Classification using Analytic Functions Based upon Density Distribution Functions of Retrieval Values. American Geophysical Union Fall Meeting: Washington D.C., December 10, 2018-December 14, 2018, A13A-06

McAdams, D., Harrington, A., Stoddard, G. J., Miller, K., Boiko, B., Snow, M., Wilcox, E.M., Gao, L., Giordano, M. E., Christian, J. F. (2018). Characterization of a Holographic Cloud Particle Imager (HCPI) for Unmanned Aircraft Systems (UASs). American Geophysical Union Fall Meeting: Washington D.C., December 10, 2018-December 14, 2018, A41N-0166

Giordano, M. E., Wilcox, E.M., Hamill, P. (2018). Progress on an AERONET Aerosol Opto-Physical Typology: Defining the Variable Space and Determination of a Reference Basis to Produce a Global Aerosol Climatology. 17th Electromagnetic and Light Scattering Conference (ELS-XVII): College Station, TX, March 4, 2018-March 9, 2018

Giordano, M. E., Wilcox, E.M. (2017). Development of a multi-purpose multi-spectral irradiance monitor for rapid deployment aerosol measurement in complex terrains. Nevada NASA Statewide Annual Meeting: Las Vegas, NV, October 20, 2017

Giordano, M. E., Mejia, J. F., Wilcox, E.M. (2017). On Conditional Summertime Day-Ahead Solar Irradiance Forecasting: Development Beyond Numerical Weather Prediction Models. Solar energy-water-environment nexus in Nevada annual meeting: Las Vegas, NV, March 27, 2017-March 29, 2017

Wilcox, E.M., Mejia, J. F., Shan, Y., Giordano, M. E. (2016). Solar Irradiance Forecasting. Solar Energy-Water-Environment Nexus in Nevada Annual Meeting: Reno, March 14, 2016-March 15, 2016

Giordano, M. E. (2023). Centroid values of aerosol optical properties for 8 sub-types based in AERONET inversion data (1993-2018), DRYAD, Version 5, 10.5061/dryad.sxksn036z

Giordano, M. E. (2023). An Image Archive from a Hemispheric Analyzing All Sky Imager (HAASI™) with a Collocated Coincident Pyranometer Data Record at a Northern Nevada Site: A Database, September 17, 2023, Version 1, 10.5061/dryad.cz8w9gj50

Giordano, M. E. (2023). A Historic Global Ground-based Monthly Seasonal Aerosol Climatology Based in AERONET Data: A Database 1993-2013, August 17, 2023, Version 7, 10.5061/dryad.0vt4b8h0d

Giordano, M. E., Wilcox, E.M., Pistone, K. (2023). Digital Media: Simulations and Experiments Using Satellite-retrieved Carbon Monoxide (CO) as a Speciated Proxy of Smoke Aerosol Layered Optical Depth (AOD) for Radiative Transfer (RT) Model Studies. AGU Fall Meeting: San Francisco, CA, Conference posted published Open Access Through Earth and Space Sciences Open Access Online. https://doi.org/10.22541/essoar.170516098.86928875/v1

Giordano, M. E. (2022). A historic global ground-based monthly seasonal aerosol climatology based in AERONET data: A database 1993-2013, DRYAD, 10.5061/dray.0vt4b8h0d

Giordano, M. E. (2021). An Historic Global Ground-based Monthly Seasonal Aerosol Climatology Based in AERONET Data: A Database 1993-2013, 10.5061/dray.0vt4b8h0d

Giordano, M. E. (2019). On Interactions of Matter and Energy: Light and Particles in a Terrestrial Atmosphere Progress on Opto-Physical Recognition and Classification of Aerosols. Ph.D. Dissertation, 294 p.. University of Nevada: Reno, NV