Mark Hausner Profile Photo
Dr. Mark Hausner
Associate Research Professor, Hydrology

Professional Interests

My research is focused on understanding heat and mass transfer in the environment, especially as these processes are impacted by climate change and in turn affect ecosystems. I integrate field studies with numerical models of environmental processes, with a particular emphasis on the use of heat as a tracer for water movement.


Degree Year Institution Area
Ph.D. 2013 University of Nevada, Reno Hydrogeology
M.S. 2010 University of Nevada, Reno Hydrologic Sciences
B.S. 1997 Cornell University Civil and Environmental Engineering


Ecohydrology, climate change, vadose zone hydrology, groundwater-surface water interactions, hydrogeology


Lyles, B. F., Sion, B., Page, D. J., Crews, J. B., McDonald, E. V., Hausner, M. B. (2024). Closing the Water Balance with a Precision Small-Scale Field Lysimeter, Sensors, 24, 2039, 10.3390/s24072039

Siegfried, M. R., Venturelli, R. A., Patterson, M. O., Arnuk, W., Campbell, T. D., Gustafson, C. D., Michaud, A. B., Galton-Fenzi, B., Hausner, M. B., Holzschuh, S. N., Huber, B., Mankoff, K. D., Schroeder, D. M., Summers, P., Tyler, S., Carter, S. P., Fricker, H. A., Harwood, D. M., Leventer, A., Rosenheim, B. E., Skidmore, M. L., Priscu, J. C. (2023). The life and death of a subglacial lake in West Antarctica, Geology, 51 (5), 434-438, 10.1130/G50995.1

Kruger, B. R., Hausner, M. B., Chellman, N. J., Weaver, M. R., Samburova, V., Khlystov, A. Y. (2023). Dissolved black carbon as a potential driver of surface water heating dynamics in wildfire-impacted regions: A case study from Pyramid Lake, NV, USA, Science of the Total Environment, 888, 164141, 10.1016/j.scitotenv.2023.164141

Blin, N., Hausner, M. B., Leray, S., Lowry, C., Suarez, F. (2022). Potential impacts of climate change on an aquifer in the arid Altiplano, northern Chile: The case of the protected wetlands of the Salar del Huasco basin, Journal of Hydrology: Regional Studies, 39, 100966, 10.1016/j.ejrh.2022.100996

Rybarski, S. C., Hausner, M. B., Bergsohn, I. (2022). Alternative Plan for Tahoe Valley South Subbasin (6-005.01). First Five-Year Update, Volume I – Report, 536 pages

Rybarski, S. C., Hausner, M. B., Bergsohn, I. (2022). Alternative Plan for Tahoe Valley South Subbasin (6-005.01). First Five-Year Update, Volume II – Appendices, 319 pages

Pereira, T. J., Boisramé, G., Gentilcore, D. M., Hausner, M. B., Sion, B. (2022). Integrated Natural Resources Management Plan: U.S. Army Garrison Fort Hunter Liggett, California, Prepared for Department of the Army, US Army Garrison Fort Hunter Liggett: Fort Hunter Liggett CA, under contract W9126G2020040

Pereira, T. J., Boisramé, G., Gentilcore, D. M., Hausner, M. B., Sion, B. (2022). Integrated Natural Resources Management Plan: Parks Reserve Forces Training Area, California, Prepared for Department of the Army, US Army Garrison Fort Hunter Liggett: Fort Hunter Liggett CA under contract W9126G2020040

Pereira, T. J., Boisramé, G., Gentilcore, D. M., Hausner, M. B., Sion, B. (2022). Soil Erosion and Sediment Control Component: U.S. Army Garrison Fort Hunter Liggett, California, Prepared for Department of the Army, US Army Garrison Fort Hunter Liggett: Fort Hunter Liggett CA, under contract W9126G2020040

Pereira, T. J., Boisramé, G., Gentilcore, D. M., Hausner, M. B., Sion, B. (2022). Vegetation Management Plan: Parks Reserve Forces Training Area, California, Prepared for Department of the Army, US Army Garrison Fort Hunter Liggett: Fort Hunter Liggett CA, under contract W9126G2020040

Lillo, M., Suarez, F., Hausner, M. B., Yanez, G., Veloso, E. (2022). Extension of duplexed single-ended distributed temperature sensing calibration algorithms and their application in geo-thermal systems., Sensors, 22, 10.3390/s22093319

Nash, C. S., Grant, G. E., Charnley, S., Dunham, J., Gosnell, H., Hausner, M. B., Pilliod, D. S., Taylor, J. (2021). Great Expectations: Deconstructing the Process Pathways Underlying Beaver-related Restoration, BioScience, 71 (3), 249-267, 10.1093/biosci/biaa165

Pilliod, D. S., Hausner, M. B., Scherer, R. D. (2021). From satellites to frogs: Quantifying ecohydrological change, drought mitigation, and population demography in desert meadows, Science of the Total Environment, 758, 143632, 10.1016/j.scitotenv.2020.143632

Glose, T. J., Lowry, C. S., Hausner, M. B. (2021). Examining the utility of continuously quantified Darcy fluxes through the use of periodic temperature time series, Journal of Hydrology, 595, 125675, 10.1016/j.jhydrol.2020.125675

McDonald, E. V., Sion, B., Hausner, M. B., Page, D. J., Crews, J. B. (2021). Modeling Linkages Among Soil-Terrain-Atmospheric Processes: Project Summary. Report prepared for the U.S. Army Corps of Engineers, Engineer Research and Development Center Cold Regions Research and Engineering Laboratory

Crews, J. B., Hausner, M. B., Page, D. J., Lyles, B. F., Sabol, D. E., McDonald, E. V. (2021). Quantification of Near-surface Physical and Electromagnetic Properties in Soils Related to Operational Testing and Development of Countermine Technologies. Prepared for U.S. Army Corps of Engineers Engineer Research and Development Center Cold Regions Research and Engineering Laboratory

Wilson, K. P., Hausner, M. B., Brown, K. C. (2021). The Devils Hole Pupfish: Science in a Time of CrisisChapter 24: . In , Standing between Life and Extinction: Ethics and Ecology of Conserving Aquatic Species in North American Deserts, 379-389. University of Chicago Press: Chicago IL, USA

Hausner, M. B., Rybarski, S. C., Lyles, B. F., McDonald, E. V. (2021). Numerical modeling of heat and mass transfer around buried munitions, Contract W913E5-19-C-0007. Final Report to US Army Engineer Research and Development Center, Cold Regions Research and Engineering Lab: [not for public release]

Echeverría, S., Hausner, M. B., Suárez, F., Bambach, N., Vicuña, S. (2020). Modeling present and future ice covers in two Antarctic lakes, Journal of Glaciology, 66, 11-24, 10.1017/jog.2019.78

Albano, C. M., McGwire, K. C., Hausner, M. B., McEvoy, D. J., Morton, C. G., Huntington, J. L. (2020). Drought Sensitivity and Trends in Riparian Vegetation Vigor in Nevada, USA (1985-2018), Remote Sensing, 12, 1362, 10.3390/rs12091362

Watts, A. C., Manley, P., Harpold, A., Chandra, S., Eckberg, D., Hausner, M. B., Moritz, M., Sullivan, B. (2020). Upland ecosystem science to action plan: Applied research and monitoring of upland ecosystems in the Lake Tahoe Basin, Final Project Report, Tahoe Science Advisory Council, Work Order 015.

Pearson, C., Hausner, M. B., Morton, C. G., Huntington, J. L. (2020). Development of Remote Sensing Analyses to Support Management of Mountain Meadows in the Lake Tahoe Basin

Albano, C. M., McGwire, K. C., Hausner, M. B., McEvoy, D. J., Morton, C. G., Huntington, J. L. (2020). Drought Sensitivity and Trends in Riparian Vegetation Vigor in Nevada, USA (1985-2018), Remote Sensing, 12, 1362, 10.3390/rs12091362

Kostadinov, T. S., Schumer, R., Hausner, M. B., Bormann, K. J., Gaffney, R., McGwire, K. C., Painter, T. H., Tyler, S., Harpold, A. A. (2019). Watershed-Scale Mapping of Fractional Snow Cover Under Conifer Forest Canopy Using Lidar, Remote Sensing of Environment, 222, 34-49, 10.1016/j.rse.2018.11.037

Glose, T. J., Lowry, C. S., Hausner, M. B. (2019). Vertically-integrated hydraulic conductivity: a new parameter for groundwater-surface water analysis, Groundwater, 57 (5), 727-736, 10.1111/gwat.12864

Hausner, M. B., Neuharth, K. D. (2019). Modeling the Impacts of Sub-Seasonal Environmental Variability on Devils Hole, 28 pp. Report to US National Park Service, Task Agreement P17AC01107

Glose, T., Lowry, C. S., Hausner, M. B. (2019). Limits on groundwater-surface water Fluxes derived from temperature time series: Defining resolution-based thresholds., Water Resources Research, 55, 10,678-10,689, 10.1029/2019WR025643

Crews, J. B., Page, D. J., Rybarski, S. C., Hartshorn, E. J., Weir, W. B., Sabol, D. E., Lyles, B. F., Healey, J. M., Hausner, M. B., McDonald, E. V. (2019). Enhanced Soil Electromagnetic Parameter Acquisition Using the Open Hull Dual Aperture Measurement Network (OHDAMN), 58 pp., Report prepared for the U.S. Army Corps of Engineers, Engineer Research and Development Center Cold Regions Research and Engineering Laboratory.

Hausner, M. B., McDonald, E. V., Crews, J. B., Hartshorn, E. J., Minatre, K. L., Page, D. J., Rybarski, S. C., Sabol, D. E., Sion, B., Weir, W. B. (2019). Intra‐Site Soil Variability on the Yuma Proving Ground Countermine Site, 43 pp., Report prepared for the U.S. Army Yuma Proving Ground.

Rybarski, S. C., Carroll, R. W., Pohll, G. M., Hausner, M. B. (2019). Fate and Transport Modeling of the South Y PCE Groundwater Contamination Plume, Presented to South Tahoe Public Utility District: South Lake Tahoe, CA, June 28, 2019

Pilliod, D. S., Rohde, A. T., Charnley, S., Davee, R. R., Dunham, J., Gosnell, H., Grant, G., Hausner, M. B., Huntington, J. L., Nash, C. (2018). Survey of beaver-related restoration practices in rangeland streams of the Western USA, Environmental Management, 61 (1), 58-68

Hausner, M. B., Heintz, K. M. (2018). Letter Report: Pilot Test of Distributed Thermal Perturbation Sensing to Assess Hydrogeologic Heterogeneities at ER-EC-11. Nevada System of Higher Education, DOE/NV/0003590-14

Hausner, M. B., Huntington, J. L., Nash, C., Morton, C. G., McEvoy, D. J., Pilliod, D. S., Hegewisch, K., Daudert, B., Abatzoglou, J. T., Grant, G. (2018). Assessing the effectiveness of riparian restoration projects using Landsat and precipitation data from the cloud-computing application ClimateEngine.org, Ecological Engineering, 120, 432-440, 10.1016/j.ecoleng.2018.06.024

Shanafield, M., Banks, E. W., Arkwright, J. W., Hausner, M. B. (2018). Fiber-optic sensing for environmental applications: where we have come from and what is possible, Water Resources Research, 54, 10.1029/2018WR022768

Hausner, M. B., Heintz, K. M., Healey, J. M. (2018). DTS Temperature Profiling During Sampling at ER-20-4 (DOE/NV/0003590-26). U.S. Department of Energy Environmental Management Nevada Program: Las Vegas

Hausner, M. B. (2017). Devils Hole Pupfish Strategic Plan Phase 1: A chronological inventory and review of management practices at Devils Hole to support development of a strategic plan, 60 pp, DHS Publication No. 41270

Hausner, M. B., Wilson, K. P., Gaines, D. B., Suárez, F., Scoppettone, G. G., Tyler, S. W. (2016). Projecting the effects of climate change and water management on Devils Hole pupfish (Cyprinodon diabolis) survival, Ecohydrology, 9 (4), 560-573, 10.1002/eco.1656

Hausner, M. B., Kryder, L., Klenke, J., Reinke, R., Tyler, S. W. (2016). Interpreting variations in groundwater flows from repeated distributed thermal perturbation tests, Groundwater, 54 (4), 559-568, 10.1111/gwat.12393

Cristi, F., Fierro, V., Suárez, F., Muñoz, J. F., Hausner, M. B. (2016). A new TDR-waveform approach to estimate soil water content in electrically conductive soils, Computers and Electronics in Agriculture, 121, 160-168, 10.1016/j.compag.2015.12.004

Hausner, M. B., Kobs, S. (2016). Identifying and Correcting Step Losses in Single-Ended Fiber-Optic Distributed Temperature Sensing Data, Journal of Sensors, 2016, 10 pp, 10.1155/2016/7073619

McDonald, E. V., Sabol, D. E., Hausner, M. B. (2015). Soil characterization of Lane 49 CAL at Countermine Facility: Methods, Data, and Results, 12pp. U.S. Army Yuma Proving Ground Technology and Investments Directorate

Hausner, M. B., Wilson, K. P., Gaines, D. B., Suárez, F., Tyler, S. W. (2014). Life in a fishbowl: Prospects for the endangered Devils Hole pupfish (Cyprinodon diabolis) in a changing climate, Water Resources Research, 50 (8), 7020-7034, 10.1002/2014WR015511

Conference Proceedings
Hausner, M. B., Umek, J. W., Goldstein, J., Chaudoin, A., Wilson, K. P. (2024). Drivers of Variability in the Population of Endangered Devils Hole Pupfish (Cyprinodon diabolis) and Management Implications of Those Drivers. Nevada Water Resources Association Annual Meeting, January 30, 2024-February 1, 2024

Hausner, M. B., Toller, J. A., Tyler, S. W. (2024). Calibrating DTS data from less-than-ideal deployments. WaterSciCon: St. Paul, MN, June 24, 2024-June 27, 2024, 1502990

Hausner, M. B., Tyler, S. W. (2024). Advances in Fiber-Optic Distributed Acoustic Sensing for Hydrologic Observations. WaterSciCon: St. Paul, MN, June 24, 2024-June 27, 2024

Hausner, M. B., Umek, J. W., Chaudoin, A., Goldstein, J., Feuerbacher, O., Wilson, K. P. (2024). Drivers of variability in the population of endangered Devils Hole pupfish (Cyprinodon diabolis): a machine learning analysis with management implications. National Park Service Mojave Desert Network Science Symposium: Boulder City, NV, October 16, 2024-October 17, 2024

Wilson, k., Goldstein, J., Wullschleger, J., Chaudoin, A., Feuerbacher, O., Gumm, J., Villanueva, D., Schwemm, M., Umek, J. W., Hausner, M. B. (2024). What’s up with the Devils Hole Pupfish: spring and autumn counts highest in over 20 years. Desert Fishes Council Annual Meeting: Grand Junction, CO, November 21, 2024-November 23, 2024

Hausner, M. B., Kruger, B. R., Chellman, N. J., Arienzo, M. M., Ryder, J. (2024). Dissolved black and brown carbon can lead to increased temperatures in surface waters. American Geophysical Union Fall Meeting: Washington, D.C., December 9, 2024-December 13, 2024

Ammatelli, J., Kim, I., Chellman, N. J., Carroll, R. W., Boisrame, G., Heggli, A. E., Hausner, M. B., & Meyer, J. (2024). Towards Enhanced Understanding of Snow-Soil Energy Exchanges and Their Effect on Snow Processes: An Integrated Numerical Modeling Approach. AGU24 Fall Meeting: Washington, D.C., December 9, 2024-December 13, 2024

Kim, I., Ammatelli, J., Chellman, N. J., Boisramé, G., Carroll, R. W., Hausner, M. B. (2024). Modeling thermal-hydro-mechanical processes in snow-soil interaction during shoulder seasons. American Geophysical Union: Washington DC, December 9, 2024-December 14, 2024

Kim, I., Hausner, M. B., O’Shea, K., Caldwell, T. G. (2024). Integrating Remote Sensing with GRACE and InSAR Technologies for Climate-Driven Geohazard Monitoring and Assessment. Scientists and Engineers Early Career Development Workshop 2024: San Francisco, California, August 20, 2024-August 21, 2024

Rasouli, K., McEvoy, D. J., Albano, C. M., Ammatelli, J., Ott, T., Heggli, A. E., Hausner, M. B. (2024). Assessing Snow-Soil Relationships and Their Impact on Soil Strength Across Diverse Snow Climates. American Geophysical Union: Washington DC, December 9, 2024-December 13, 2024

Kruger, B. R., Hausner, M. B., Chellman, N. J., Samburova, V., Weaver, M. R., & Khlystov, A. Y. (2024). Impact of wildfire-sourced dissolved black carbon on surface water heating dynamics. Ecological Society of America

Umek, J. W., Hausner, M. B., Wilson, K. P. (2023). Assessing Ecosystem and Population Dynamics to Determine the Primary Drivers of Devils Hole Pupfish Population Trends. Devils Hole Workshop: Amargosa Valley, NV, April 26, 2023-April 28, 2023

Wilson, K., Goldstein, J., Chaudoin, A., Wullschleger, J., Bower, M., Feuerbacher, O., Gumm, J., Schwemm, M., Senger, B., Umek, J. W., Hausner, M. B. (2023). Recent developments of the Devils Hole program and encouraging pupfish count numbers. Devils Hole Workshop: Amargosa Valley, NV, April 26, 2023-April 28, 2023

Umek, J. W., Wilson, K. P., Goldstein, J., Chaudoin, A., Hausner, M. B. (2023). Assessing ecosystem and population dynamics to determine the primary drivers of Devils Hole pupfish population trends. Desert Fishes Council Annual Meeting: Bishop, CA, November 15, 2023-November 19, 2023

Hausner, M. B., Umek, J. W., Goldstein, J., Chaudoin, A., Wilson, K. P. (2023). Historical and Projected Drivers of Population Dynamics of the Endangered Devils Hole Pupfish (Cyprinodon diaboils). American Geophysical Union Fall Meeting, December 11, 2023-December 15, 2023

Hausner, M. B., Pearson, C., Morton, C. G., Huntington, J. L. (2021). Analyzing trends in Tahoe Basin meadows using the Landsat archive and gridded meteorological data. Annual Meeting of the Nevada Water Resources Association, January 25, 2021-January 28, 2021

Albano, C. M., McGwire, K. C., Hausner, M. B., McEvoy, D. J., Morton, C. G., Minor, B. A., Huntington, J. L. (2020). Using satellite remote sensing and climate data to assess status and trends of groundwater dependent ecosystem vegetation in Nevada. Nevada Water Resources Association: Las Vegas, NV, February 11, 2020-February 13, 2020

Hausner, M. B., Pearson, C., Morton, C. G., Huntington, J. L. (2020). Using the Landsat archive and gridded climate data to assess restoration of mountain meadows. American Geophysical Union Fall Meeting: Online, December 1, 2020-December 17, 2020, EP039-0013

Nash, C., Grant, G. E., Charnley, S., Dunham, J., Gosnell, H., Hausner, M. B., Pilliod, D., Taylor, J. D. (2020). Great expectations: deconstructing process-based pathways underlying beaver-related restoration to guide evaluation. American Geophysical Union Fall Meeting: Online, December 1, 2020-December 17, 2020, EP044-02

Smith, S., Culpepper, J. A., McKinnon, T., Shrestha, P., Ott, T., Henson, J., Hausner, M. B. (2020). Virtual field experiences with active learning to supplement hands-on activities. American Geophysical Union Fall Meeting: Online, December 1, 2020-December 17, 2020, ED-009-04

Albano, C. M., Daudert, B., Hausner, M. B., McEvoy, D. J., McGwire, K. C., Minor, B. A., Morton, C. G., Pearson, C., Huntington, J. L. (2020). Assessing the Effects of Climate and Management on Meadow and Riparian Vegetation Using the Landsat Archive and Cloud Computing – Tools and Applications. Society for Ecological Restoration – California Chapter, September 1, 2020-September 24, 2020

Hausner, M. B. (2019). Remote sensing as a tool for assessing vegetation at Devils Hole. Devils Hole Workshop: Furnace Creek, CA, May 1, 2019-May 3, 2019

Neuharth, K. D., Wilson, K. P., Hausner, M. B. (2019). Subseasonal temperature variability in Devils Hole. Devils Hole Workshop: Furnace Creek, CA, May 1, 2019-May 3, 2019

Albano, C. M., Hausner, M. B., McEvoy, D. J., McGwire, K. C., Huntington, J. L. (2019). Assessing multi-decadal changes in riparian areas across Nevada using the Landsat archive. Geological Society of America Annual Meeting: Phoenix, AZ, September 22, 2019-September 25, 2019, 179-11

Hausner, M. B., Albano, C. M., Pearson, C., Huntington, J. L. (2019). Assessing changes in mountain meadow condition using the Landsat archive. Geological Society of America Annual Meeting: Phoenix, AZ, September 22, 2019-September 25, 2019, 17-12

Huntington, J. L., McGwire, K. C., Pearson, C., Hausner, M. B., Albano, C. M., Minor, B. A., McEvoy, D. J., Morton, C. G. (2019). Assessing the role of climate and resource management on groundwater dependent ecosystem changes in arid environments with the Landsat archive and cloud computing. American Fisheries Society/The Wildlife Society Joint Meeting: Reno, NV, September 30, 2019-October 3, 2019, 8014-3

Pilliod, D., Nash, C., Taylor, J., Charnley, S., Dunham, J., Hausner, M. B., Gosnell, H., Grant, G. (2019). Managing expectations of beaver-related restoration in rangeland streams. American Fisheries Society/The Wildlife Society Joint Meeting, September 30, 2019-October 3, 2019, 8128-3

Nash, C., Charnley, S., Dunham, J., Grant, G., Hausner, M. B., Pilliod, D., Gosnell, H., Taylor, J. (2019). Managing beavers, water, and expectations in stream restoration projects. Oregon Chapter of the American Fisheries Society Annual Meeting: Bend, OR, March 4, 2019-March 8, 2019

Blin, N., Hausner, M. B., Lowry, C., Leray, S., Suárez, F. (2019). Impacts of climate change on the Huasco salt flat aquifer (North of Chile) ? insights from a hydrological and hydrogeological numerical study, Geophysical Research Abstracts, 21. European Geophysical Union General Assembly: Vienna, Austria, April 7, 2019-April 12, 2019, EGU2019-2640

Heintz, K. M., Pohlmann, K. F., Healey, J. M., Hausner, M. B. (2019). An Application of Distributed Temperature Sensing to Characterize Flow in ER-20-4 During Pumping. 2019 UGTA Technical Information Exchange: Las Vegas, NV, August 29, 2019

Hausner, M. B., Albano, C. M., Huntington, J. L., Pearson, C. (2019). Using the Landsat Archive to Understand and Assess Changes in Mountain Meadow Vegetation. AGU Fall Meeting: San Francisco, CA, December 9, 2019-December 13, 2019, Presentation No. EP51E-2173

Albano, C. M., Hausner, M. B., Huntington, J. L., McEvoy, D. J., McGwire, K. C. (2019). Using the Landsat Archive to Assess Multi-Decadal Changes in Riparian Vegetation in Western U.S. Drylands. AGU Fall Meeting: San Francisco, CA, December 9, 2019-December 13, 2019, Presentation No. H43A-08

Berli, M., Luo, Y., Ghezzehei, T., Koonce, J. E., Shillito, R. M., Hausner, M. B. (2018). Modeling water distribution in arid soil. USDA-W3188 Soil Physics: Las Vegas, NV, January 2, 2018-January 4, 2018

Hausner, M. B., Wilson, K., Goldstein, J., Chaudoin, A., Feuerbacher, O. (2018). Biotic and abiotic features of microhabitats for Devils Hole pupfish. 2018 Devils Hole Workshop: Beatty, NV, May 2, 2018-May 4, 2018

Neuharth, K. D., Hausner, M. B., Wilson, K., Back, J. (2018). Stastical distribution of springtime air temperatures at Devils Hole. 2018 Devils Hole Workshop: Beatty, NV, May 2, 2018-May 4, 2018

Heintz, K. M., Hausner, M. B. (2018). Numerical modeling refinements from a distributed temperature perturbation sensing experiment on the Nevada National Security Site. 2018 Devils Hole Workshop: Beatty, NV, May 2, 2018-May 4, 2018

Glose, T., Lowry, C., Hausner, M. B. (2018). These are not the fluxes you’re looking for: impacts of low fluxes on the temperature amplitude ratio method. Biennial Colloquium of the Consortium of Universities for the Advancement of Hydrologic Sciences: Shepherdstown, West Virginia, July 29, 2018-August 1, 2018

Heintz, K. M., Pohlmann, K. F., Healey, J. M., Hausner, M. B. (2018). An application of distributed temperature sensing to characterize flow in a well complex during pumping, Vol. 60 (No. 6). Geological Society of America – Abstracts with Programs: Indianapolis, November 4, 2018-November 7, 2018, 10.1130/abs/2018AM-317210

Glose, T., Lowry, C. S., Hausner, M. B. (2018). Low flux limitations on the use of heat as a tracer in groundwater-surface water interactions. Geological Society of America Annual Meeting: Indianapolis, IN, November 4, 2018-November 7, 2018, 160-9

Neuharth, K. D., Wilson, K. P., Hausner, M. B. (2018). Modeling the impacts of sub-seasonal environmental variability at Devils Hole. Geological Society of America Annual Meeting: Indianapolis, IN, November 4, 2018-November 7, 2018, 180-2

Hausner, M. B., Scherer, R., Mellison, C., Pilliod, D. S. (2018). Using cloud-based remote sensing analyses to assess the impacts of small scale restoration activity on Columbia spotted frog populations. Geological Society of America Annual Meeting: Indianapolis, IN, November 4, 2018-November 7, 2018, 128-5

Hausner, M. B., Wilson, K., Brown, K. (2018). The Devils Hole Pupfish: Science in a Time of Crisis. Desert Fishes Council Annual Meeting: Furnace Creek, CA, November 14, 2018-November 18, 2018

Glose, T. J., Lowry, C., Cole, J., Galbraith, H., Briggs, M. A., Hausner, M. B. (2018). Combining multiple sampling methods to quantify groundwater-surface water exchange at a previously characterized field site. American Geophysical Union Fall Meeting: Washington DC, December 10, 2018-December 14, 2018, H23E-07

Hausner, M. B., Sada, D. W. (2017). Climate change, reduced discharge, and thermal variability in the spring headwaters of the Muddy river. Devils Hole Workshop: Beatty, NV, May 3, 2017-May 5, 2017

Hausner, M. B., Wilson, K. P., Brown, K. C. (2017). Best Available Science and Managing Threatened Ecosystems. Geological Society of America Annual Meeting: Seattle, WA, October 22, 2017-October 25, 2017, 136-1

Suarez, F. I., Hausner, M. B., Echeverria, S. (2017). How climate change will affect the perennial ice covers of Antarctic lakes?. American Geophysical Union Fall Meeting: New Orleans, Louisiana, December 11, 2017-December 15, 2017, C41C-1239

Blin, N., Hausner, M. B., Suarez, F. I. (2017). Evaluating groundwater recharge variations under climate change in an endorheic basin of the Andean plateau. American Geophysical Union Fall Meeting: New Orleans, Louisiana, December 11, 2017-December 15, 2017, H13G-1478

Glose, T. J., Lowry, C., Hausner, M. B. (2017). What Are We Missing? Insights From Quantifying Effective Hydraulic Conductivity at the Groundwater-Surface Water Interface Using Point and Synoptic Measurement Techniques. American Geophysical Union Fall Meeting: New Orleans, Louisiana, December 11, 2017-December 15, 2017, H23D-1711

Luo, Y., Koonce, J. E., Shillito, R. M., Ghezzehei, T., Hausner, M. B., Yu, Z., Berli, M. (2017). Impacts of solar arrays on rainwater infiltration – some simulations. USDA-W3188 Soil Physics: Las Vegas, NV, January 2, 2017-January 4, 2017

Koonce, J. E., Hausner, M. B., Berli, M., Young, M. H. (2016). Evaporation from Bare Arid Soils: Parameter Estimation Using Monte Carlo Simulations, Abstracts with Programs, 48 (7). Geological Society of America Annual Meeting: Denver, Colorado, September 25, 2016-September 28, 2016, 262-3, 10.1130/abs/2016AM-287717

Hausner, M. B., Sada, D. W. (2016). Impacts of Reduced Discharge on the Thermal Habitat of a Desert Spring Brook, Abstracts with Programs, 48 (7). Geological Society of America Annual Meeting: Denver, Colorado, September 25, 2016-September 28, 2016, 188-4, 10.1130/abs/2016AM-284355

Glose, T. J., Hausner, M. B., Lowry, C. (2016). Numerical Modeling of Artificial Recharge: Determining Spatial/Temporal Sampling Resolution to Quantify Infiltration Rates and Effective Hydraulic Conductivity. American Geophysical Union 2016 Fall Meeting: San Francisco, Calif., December 12, 2016-December 16, 2016, H24A-07

Hausner, M. B., McEvoy, D. J., Morton, C. G., Smith, G. T., Fesenmyer, K., Huntington, J. L. (2016). Evaluating the effect of restoration practices on riparian vegetation using remote sensing data. American Geophysical Union 2016 Fall Meeting: San Francisco, Calif., December 12, 2016-December 16, 2016, B43A-0562

Hausner, M. B., Sada, D. W. (2015). Physical thresholds as ecological proxies in aquatic ecosystems. AGU: San Francisco, CA, December 14, 2015-December 18, 2015, Abstract No. #H11E-1401

Hausner, M. B., Sada, D. W., Stone, M. C., Morrison, R. (2015). Integrating physical and ecological methods to assess changing spring-fed aquatic ecosystems. Science for Parks and Parks for Science: Berkeley, CA, March 25, 2015-March 27, 2015

Hausner, M. B., Kryder, L., Klenke, J., Reinke, R., Tyler, S. (2015). Repeated distributed thermal perturbation tests to examine flows in an alluvial aquifer. Jim Deacon Memorial Devils Hole Workshop: Amargosa Valley, Nevada, May 6, 2015-May 8, 2015

Hausner, M. B., Kryder, L., Klenke, J., Reinke, R., Tyler, S. W. (2015). Characterizing heterogeneities in an alluvial aquifer with repeated distributed thermal perturbation sensing tests. NovCare 2015: Lawrence, Kansas, May 19, 2015-May 21, 2015

Hausner, M. B., Friese, R., Wilson, K. P., Hoines, J., Fuhrmann, K. K. (2015). The restoration of Travertine Springs: an ongoing ecohydrological laboratory in Death Valley National Park. Geological Society of America Annual Meeting: Baltimore, Maryland, November 1, 2015-November 4, 2015, 185-9

Koonce, J. E., Berli, M., Hausner, M. B., Young, M. H. (2015). Evaporation from bare, arid soils: weighing lysimeter measurements and simulations. Geological Society of America Annual Meeting: Baltimore, Maryland, November 1, 2015-November 4, 2015, 231-2

Hausner, M. B., Wilson, K. P., Suárez, F., Scoppettone, G. G., Tyler, S. W. (2015). Using physical thresholds to quantify anthropogenic impacts on the Devils Hole pupfish. Desert Fishes Council Annual Meeting: Furnace Creek, California, November 19, 2015-November 22, 2015

Suárez, F., Cousiño, J. A., Hausner, M. B., Victorero, F., Bonilla, C., Gironás, J., Vera, S., Bustamonte, W., Rojas, V., Leiva, E., Pastén, P. (2015). Advantages of a vertical high-resolution distributed temperature sensing system used to evaluate the thermal behavior of green roofs. American Geophysical Union Fall Meeting: San Francisco, Calif., December 14, 2015-December 18, 2015, H21J-1531

Hausner, M. B., Gaines, D. B., Morrison, R. R., Sada, D. W., Scoppettone, G. G., Stone, M. C., Suárez, F., Tyler, S. W., Wilson, K. P. (2015). Physical thresholds as ecological proxies in aquatic ecosystems. American Geophysical Union Fall Meeting: San Francisco, Calif., December 14, 2015-December 18, 2015, H11E-1401

Hausner, M. B., Berli, M. (2014). Improving photovoltaic energy production with Fiber-Optic Distributed Temperature Sensing. American Geophysical Union: San Francisco, CA, December 14, 2014-December 19, 2014, NS31C-3940

Hausner, M. B., Kryder, L., Klenke, J., Howard, W., Reinke, R., Tyler, S. (2014). Multiple distributed thermal perturbation tests to characterize vertical heterogeneities in a fractured system. Geological Society of America Annual Meeting: Vancouver, BC, CANADA, October 19, 2014-October 22, 2014

Suárez, F., Sotomayor, R., Yañez, G., Hausner, M. B., Muñoz, J. (2014). Complementando el conocimiento hidrogeologico mediante sistemas distribuidos de temperature. XII Congreso Latinoamericano de Hidrogeolog: Santiago, CHILE, August 25, 2014-August 29, 2014

Hausner, M. B., Wilson, K. P., Gaines, D. B., Suárez, F., Scoppettone, G. G., Tyler, S. W. (2014). Assessing desert ecohydrologic habitat under varying management and climate scenarios. Ecological Society of America Annual Meeting: Sacramento, CA, August 10, 2014-August 15, 2014

Cousiño, J. A., Hausner, M. B., Victorero, F., Bonilla, C., Gironás, J., Vera, S., Bustamonte, W., Rojas, V., Pastén, P., Suárez, F. (2014). Assessment of a fiber-optic distributed temperature sensing system to monitor the thermal dynamics of a vegetated roof. American Geophysical Union Fall Meeting: San Francisco, CA, December 15, 2014-December 19, 2014, NS31C-3931

Hausner, M. B., Wilson, K. P., Gaines, D. B., Suárez, F., Scoppettone, G. G., Tyler, S. W. (2014). Physical and ecological responses to climate change in Devils Hole. Devils Hole Workshop: Furnace Creek, CA

Kruger, B. R., Hausner, M. B., Chellman, N. J., Samburova, V., Weaver, M. R., & Khlystov, A. Y. Impact of wildfire-sourced dissolved black carbon on surface water heating dynamics. Ecological Society of America

Lyles, B. F., Sion, B., Page, D. J., Crews, J. B., McDonald, E. V., Hausner, M. B. (2024). Precision lysimeter data: Nevada Agricultural Experiment Station, 10.5061/dryad.15dv41p44