Maureen McCarthy Profile Photo
Dr. Maureen McCarthy
Research Professor, Environmental Science


Tribal resilience, climate impacts, extreme events, GHG fluxes


Albano, C. M., McCarthy, M. I., McAfee, S. A., Wein, A. M., Dettinger, M. D. (2024). Incorporating Climate Data into Emergency Planning and Exercises – A Primer for Emergency Management Practitioners and Data Developers. Desert Research Institute, 41303

McCarthy, M. I., Teegerstrom, T., Fitzgerald, K. M., Emm, S., Bocinsky, K., & Hebb, V. E. (2024). Native Waters on Arid Lands, Southwestern U.S.: 2015-2022Chapter 3: Regional Perspectives. In , World Drought Atlas, 108-109: Publications Office of the European Union

Bandala, E. R., McCarthy, M. I., Brune, N. (2022). Water security in Native American communities of Nevada, Environmental Science and Policy, 136, 520-529, https://doi.org/10.1016/j.envsci.2022.07.009

Albano, C. M., McCarthy, M. I., Dettinger, M. D., McAfee, S. (2021). Techniques for constructing climate scenarios for stress test applications, Climatic Change, 164 (3), 33, 10.1007/s10584-021-02985-6

Sterle, K. M., Singletary, L., Lee, G., Rollins, K., Pohll, G. M., McCarthy, M. I., Rajagopal, S., Albano, C. M., Boyer, W., Huntington, J. L., Dettinger, M. D., Niswonger, R., Morway, E., Kitlasten, W., Gardner, M., Coors, S., Jose, L. (2020). Water Sustainability and Climate in the Truckee-Carson River System, Western United States: 10 Key Takeaways from the Water for the Seasons Collaborative Research Program. University of Nevada, Reno Cooperative Extension, SP-20-02

Albano, C. M., Dettinger, M. D., McCarthy, M. I., Welborn, T. L., Cox, D. A. (2016). Application of an extreme winter storm scenario to identify vulnerabilities, mitigation options, and science needs in the Sierra Nevada mountains, USA: Natural Hazards, 80, 879-900, doi:10.1007/s11069-015-2003-4

McCarthy, M. I. (2016). Science Synthesis Report. Tahoe Science Consortium

Albano, C. M., Dettinger, M. D., McCarthy, M. I., Schaller, K. D., Welborn, T. L., Cox, D. A. (2014). ARkStorm@Tahoe: Stakeholder perspectives on vulnerabilities and preparedness for an extreme storm event in the greater Lake Tahoe, Reno and Carson City region. University of Nevada Cooperative Extension, Special Publication-14-16

Conference Proceedings
Yu, G., Miller, J. J., Mejia, J. F., Rasouli, K., McCarthy, M. I., O’Shea, K., & Joros, A. N. (2025). Updating the Probable Maximum Precipitation for Nevada. 2025 NWRA Annual Conference: Sparks, NV, January 27, 2025-January 30, 2025

Bocinsky, K., McCarthy, M. I., Collins, M. J., Emm, S., Fitzgerald, K. M., Hebb, V., Jensco, K., Kirchoff, I., Teegerstrom, T. (2023). Strengthening the Role of Climate Hubs in Indian Country: Introducing the Native Climate Project. American Meteorological Society: Denver, Colorado

Albano, C. M., McCarthy, M. I., Webb, M. J., Jensen, E., McAfee, S., Swain, D. (2023). ARkStorm 2.0 Impacts: Engaging diverse communities to improve resilience to extreme storms in Nevada and California. American Geophysical Union: San Francisco, CA, December 11, 2023-December 17, 2023

Albano, C. M., Dettinger, M. D., McCarthy, M. I., McAfee, S. A. (2019). Techniques for specifying climate extreme stress test scenarios: a case study in the Truckee and Carson River basins. Nevada Water Resources Association Annual Meeting: Reno, NV

Dettinger, M. D., Cox, D., McCarthy, M. I., Albano, C. M. (2019). ARkStorm Retrospective — Making Sense of the Extreme Events of Winter 2017 in California By Comparisons to a Well-Explored Extreme-Storms Scenario. American Meteorological Society: Phoenix, AZ, January 6, 2019-January 10, 2019

McCarthy, M. I., Bocinsky, R. K., Albano, C. M., Dettinger, M. (2018). Native Waters on Arid Lands: enhancing climate resilience on tribal lands. American Geophysical Union Fall Meeting: Washington DC

Albano, C. M., Dettinger, M., McCarthy, M. I. (2018). Using climate extremes scenarios for climate adaptation planning: rationale and methods for scenario specification and design. Nevada Water Resources Association Fall Water Event: Reno, NV

Ramsey, B. A., Collins, M. J., Lutz, A. D., McCarthy, M. I. (2017). The Use of Traditional Knowledge in Increasing Community Resilience and Food Security. Second Annual Conference on Native American Nutrition: Prior Lake, Minnesota, September 17, 2017-September 20, 2017