Monica Arienzo Profile Photo
Dr. Monica Arienzo [she/her]
Associate Research Professor, Hydrology

Monica Arienzo is an Associate Research Professor in the Division of Hydrologic Sciences at the Desert Research Institute. She earned a doctoral degree in Marine Geology and Geophysics from the University of Miami.

In her research, Monica uses chemical tools to understand how humans have impacted the environment. After years of studying caves in the Bahamas and ice cores from Antarctica, now she studies microplastics from peak to tap. Her microplastic research focuses on microplastics found in snowy peaks, to downstream lakes and rivers, and to drinking water taps. This research would not be possible without the help of her colleagues, students, collaborators, and more than 25 volunteer citizen scientists.

Monica’s Science Story

My science story began in college. I was a geology major, but I wasnt sure what I wanted to do after college. The summer before my senior year of college I had the opportunity to participate in a research project in the U.S. Virgin Islands. We were researching human impacts to the coral reef. We spent the summer scuba diving the coral reefs measuring the amount of live and dead coral and compared the results to previous survey findings. This was a really neat opportunity for me. I got to travel, be outdoors and do research, all of my favorite things. After the summer was over, I went back to college in the fall and I told my advisor I wanted to pursue graduate school and get a Ph.D. in geology. After graduating college, I moved to Miami Fl where I would do my Ph.D. in geology. During my Ph.D. I studied caves from the Bahamas. After getting my PhD, I took a job at the Desert Research Institute where I changed my research focus to ice cores from Greenland and Antarctica. In 2018, I attended a conference in Switzerland and learned about microplastics. The researchers were finding microplastics in Greenland! I went home to Reno and kept thinking about microplastics if they are in Greenland, where else could they be? In our snow? In the Sierra? These questions eventually led to us getting some funding from the DRI foundation that began us on our microplastics journey.


microplastics, geochemistry, analytical chemistry, human impacts, pollution, climate, citizen science, science communications




Lombard, M., Brown, E., Saftner, D. M., Arienzo, M. M., Fuller-Thomson, E., Brown, C., Ayotte, J. (2024). Estimating Lithium Concentrations in Groundwater Used as Drinking Water for the Conterminous United States, Environmental Science & Technology, 58 (2), 1255-1264. ACS Publications, https://doi.org/10.1021/acs.est.3c03315

Minatre, K. L., Arienzo, M. M., Moosmüller, H., Maezumi, S. Y. (2024). Charcoal Analysis for Temperature Reconstruction with Infrared Spectroscopy, Front. Earth Sci., 12, 1354080 (14 pages), 10.3389/feart.2024.1354080

Kozloski, R., Cowger, W., Arienzo, M. M. (2024). Moving toward automated µFTIR spectra matching for microplastic identification: addressing false identifications and improving accuracy, Microplastics and Nanoplastics, 4 (1), 1-13. Springer, https://doi.org/10.1186/s43591-024-00106-5

Nava, V., Leoni, B., Arienzo, M. M., Hogan, Z., Gandolfi, I., Tatangelo, V., Carlson, E., Chea, S., Soum, S., Kozloski, R. (2024). Plastic pollution affects ecosystem processes including community structure and functional traits in large rivers, Water Research, 121849. Elsevier

Arienzo, M. M., Cowger, W., Chandra, S., Dunbar, M., Segan, D., Thaw, M. (2024). Microplastics Memorandum. Prepared for the Tahoe Science Advisory Council by the Microplastics Stakeholder Group

Yu, G., Jennings, K., Hatchett, B. J., Nolin, A., Hur, N., Collins, M. J., Heggli, A. E., Tonino, S. L., Arienzo, M. M. (2024). Crowdsourced Data Reveal Shortcomings in Precipitation Phase Products for Rain and Snow Partitioning, 51 (24), e2024GL112853. Geophysical Research Letters, 10.1029/2024GL112853

Collins, M. J., Jennings, K. S., Arienzo, M. M., Hatchett, B. J., Nolin, A. (2023). Community Observers’ Distinct Role in Advancing Meteorology and Climate Science, Sixth Oregon Climate Assessment, Corvallis, OR. Oregon Climate Change Research Institute: Oregon State University, https://doi.org/10.5399/osu/1161

Saftner, D. M., Bacon, S. N., Arienzo, M. M., Robtoy, E., Schlauch, K. A., Neveux, I., Grzymski, J. J., Carbone, M. (2023). Predictions of Arsenic in Domestic Well Water Sourced from Alluvial Aquifers of the Western Great Basin, USA, Environmental Science & Technology, 57 (8), 3124-3133. American Chemical Society, 10.1021/acs.est.2c07948

Jennings, K., Arienzo, M. M., Collins, M. J., Hatchett, B. J., Nolin, A., Aggett, G. (2023). Crowdsourced Data Highlight Precipitation Phase Partitioning Variability in Rain‐Snow Transition Zone, Earth and Space Science, 10 (3), e2022EA002714. Wiley Online Library

Davidson, J. M., Arienzo, M. M., Harrold, Z., West, C., Easler, S., Bandala, E. R., Senft, K. (2023). Polymer Characterization of Submerged Plastic Litter from Lake Tahoe, United States, Applied Spectroscopy, 00037028231201174. SAGE Publications Sage UK: London, England

Collins, M. J., Arienzo, M. M., Nieminen, S., Hatchett, B. J., Nolin, A., Jennings, K. (2023). Effective Engagement While Scaling Up: Lessons from a Citizen Science Program Transitioning from Single-to Multi-Region Scale, Citizen Science: Theory and Practice. Ubiquity Press

Collins, M. J., Arienzo, M. M., Nieminen, S., Hatchett, B., Nolin, A., Jennings, K. (2023). Effective engagement while scaling up: Lessons from a citizen science program transition from single- to multi-region scale, Citizen Science: Theory and Practice, 8 (1)

Saftner, D. M., Arienzo, M. M., & Son, Y. (2023). Informing the Management of Hot Springs in the Black Rock Desert-High Rock Canyon National Conservation Area: Microplastics, PFAS, and Aqueous Geochemistry. Report prepared for the Bureau of Land Management Nevada: Winnemucca District Office.

Harrold, Z., Arienzo, M. M., Collins, M. J., Davidson, J. M., Bai, X., Sukumaran, S., Umek, J. W. (2022). A Peristaltic Pump and Filter-Based Method for Aqueous Microplastic Sampling and Analysis, ACS ES&T Water, 2 (2), 268-277, American Chemical Society, 10.1021/acsestwater.1c00270

Gleason, K. E., McConnell, J. R., Arienzo, M. M., Sexstone, G., Rahimi, S. (2022). Black carbon dominated dust in recent radiative forcing on Rocky Mountain snowpacks, Environmental Research Letters. IOP Publishing

Arienzo, M. M., Saftner, D. M., Bacon, S. N., Robtoy, E., Neveux, I., Schlauch, K. A., Carbone, M., Grzymski, J. J. (2022). Naturally occurring metals in unregulated domestic wells in Nevada, USA, Science of The Total Environment, 851, 158277, https://doi.org/10.1016/j.scitotenv.2022.158277

Gleason, K. E., McConnell, J. R., Arienzo, M. M., Sexstone, G. A., Rahimi, S. (2022). Black carbon dominated dust in recent radiative forcing on Rocky Mountain snowpacks, Environmental Res. Letters, 10.1088/1748-9326/ac681b

Arienzo, M. M., Collins, M. J., Jennings, K. (2021). Enhancing Engagement of Citizen Scientists to Monitor Precipitation Phase, Frontiers in Earth Science, 9, 68

Arienzo, M. M., Legrand, M., Preunkert, S., Stohl, A., Chellman, N. J., Eckhardt, S., Gleason, K., McConnell, J. R. (2021). Alpine Ice-Core Evidence of a Large Increase in Vanadium and Molybdenum Pollution in Western Europe During the 20th Century, Journal of Geophysical Research: Atmospheres, 126 (4), e2020JD033211, John Wiley & Sons, Ltd, https://doi.org/10.1029/2020JD033211

Legrand, M., McConnell, J. R., Preunkert, S., Chellman, N. J., Arienzo, M. M. (2021). Causes of Enhanced Bromine Levels in Alpine Ice Cores During the 20th Century: Implications for Bromine in the Free European Troposphere, Journal of Geophysical Research: Atmospheres, 126 (8), e2020JD034246, https://doi.org/10.1029/2020JD034246

Liu, P., Kaplan, J., Mickley, L., Li, Y., Chellman, N. J., Arienzo, M. M., Kodros, J., Pierce, J., Sigl, M., Freitag, J., Mulvaney, R., Curran, M. A., McConnell, J. R. (2021). Improved estimates of preindustrial biomass burning reduce the magnitude of aerosol climate forcing in the Southern Hemisphere, Science Advances, 7 (22), eabc1379. American Association for the Advancement of Science

Criscitiello, A., Geldsetzer, T., Rhodes, R., Arienzo, M. M., McConnell, J. R., Chellman, N. J., Osman, M., Yackel, J., Marshall, S. (2021). Marine Aerosol Records of Arctic Sea?ice and Polynya Variability from new Ellesmere and Devon Island Firn Cores, Nunavut, Canada, Journal of Geophysical Research: Oceans, e2021JC017205. Wiley Online Library

Osman, M., Smith, B., Trusel, L., Das, S., McConnell, J. R., Chellman, N. J., Arienzo, M. M., Sodemann, H. (2021). Abrupt Common Era hydroclimate shifts drive west Greenland ice cap change, Nature Geoscience, 14 (10), 756-761. Nature Publishing Group

Chellman, N. J., Csank, A., Gustin, M., Arienzo, M. M., Estrada, M., McConnell, J. R. (2020). Comparison of co-located ice-core and tree-ring mercury records indicates potential radial translocation of mercury in whitebark pine, Science of The Total Environment, 743, 140695. Elsevier

Legrand, M., McConnell, J. R., Lestel, L., Preunkert, S., Arienzo, M. M., Chellman, N. J., Stohl, A., Eckhardt, S. (2020). Cadmium pollution from zinc‐smelters up to fourfold higher than expected in western Europe in the 1980s as revealed by alpine ice, Geophysical Research Letters, 47 (10), e2020GL087537

Jennings, K., Arienzo, M. M., Collins, M. J. (2020). Tahoe Rain or Snow Citizen Science Precipitation Phase Data, Mendeley Data, 1, 10.17632/gfkkvvm7w8.1

Gleason, K. E., McConnell, J. R., Arienzo, M. M., Chellman, N. J., Calvin, W. (2019). Four-fold increase in solar forcing on snow in western U.S. burned forests since 1999, Nature Communications, 10 (1), 2026, 10.1038/s41467-019-09935-y

Arienzo, M. M., McConnell, J. R., Chellman, N. J., Kipfstuhl, S. (2019). Method for Correcting Continuous Ice-Core Elemental Measurements for Under-Recovery, Environmental Science & Technology, 53 (10), 5887-5894, American Chemical Society, 10.1021/acs.est.9b00199

Oster, J., Warken, S., Sekhon, N., Arienzo, M. M., Lachniet, M. (2019). Speleothem Paleoclimatology for the Caribbean, Central America, and North America, Quaternary, 2 (1), 5. Multidisciplinary Digital Publishing Institute

Preunkert, S., McConnell, J. R., Hoffmann, H., Legrand, M., Wilson, A., Eckhardt, S., Stohl, A., Chellman, N. J., Arienzo, M. M., Friedrich, R. (2019). Lead and Antimony in Basal Ice From Col du Dome (French Alps) Dated With Radiocarbon: A Record of Pollution During Antiquity, Geophysical Research Letters, 46 (9), 4953-4961, John Wiley & Sons, Ltd, 10.1029/2019GL082641

Arienzo, M. M., Maezumi, S., Chellman, N. J., Iriarte, J. (2019). Pre-Columbian Fire Management Linked to Refractory Black Carbon Emissions in the Amazon, Fire, 2 (2), 31. Multidisciplinary Digital Publishing Institute

McConnell, J. R., Chellman, N. J., Wilson, A. I., Stohl, A., Arienzo, M. M., Eckhardt, S., Fritzsche, D., Kipfstuhl, S., Opel, T., Place, P. F., Steffensen, J. P. (2019). Pervasive Arctic lead pollution suggests substantial growth in Medieval silver production modulated by plague, climate and conflict, Proc. Natl. Acad. Sci. U.S.A., 116 (30), 14910-14915, 10.1073/pnas.1904515116

Chellman, N. J., McConnell, J. R., Heyvaert, A. C., Arienzo, M. M., Wennrich, V. (2018). Incandescence-based single-particle method for black carbon quantification in lake sediment cores, Limnology and Oceanography: Methods, 16 (11), 711-721. Wiley Online Library

Legrand, M., McConnell, J. R., Preunkert, S., Arienzo, M. M., Chellman, N. J., Gleason, K. E., Sherwen, T., Evans, M., Carpenter, L. (2018). Alpine ice evidence of a three-fold increase in atmospheric iodine deposition since 1950 in Europe due to increasing oceanic emissions, Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences, 115 (48), 12136-12141. National Acad Sciences

McConnell, J. R., Wilson, A., Stohl, A., Arienzo, M. M., Chellman, N. J., Eckhardt, S., Thompson, E., Pollard, A., Steffensen, J. (2018). Lead pollution recorded in Greenland ice indicates European emissions tracked plagues, wars, and imperial expansion during antiquity, Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences, 201721818. National Acad Sciences

Atsawawaranunt, K., Comas-Bru, L., Amirnezhad Mozhdehi, S., Deininger, M., Harrison, S., Baker, A., Boyd, M., Kaushal, N., Ahmad, S., Ait Brahim, Y., Arienzo, M. M. (2018). The SISAL database: a global resource to document oxygen and carbon isotope records from speleothems, Earth System Science Data. Copernicus Publications

Mekhaldi, F., McConnell, J. R., Adolphi, F., Arienzo, M. M., Chellman, N. J., Maselli, O. J., Sigl, M., Muscheler, R. (2017). No nitrate spikes detectable in several polar ice cores following the largest known solar events, Geophysical Research Abstracts, 19

De Wet, C., Arienzo, M. M., Dinterman, P., Hopkins, D. (2017). DEPOSITIONAL FACIES INFLUENCE ON SHALLOW BURIAL DOLOMITIZATION, AND TRIASSIC DEDOLOMITIZATION, MIDDLE CAMBRIAN LEDGER FORMATION, YORK, PENNSYLVANIA, Characterization and Modeling of Carbonates–Mountjoy Symposium 1. SEPM Special Publication No. 109, DOI: https://dx.doi.org/10.2110/sepmsp.109.08

Arienzo, M. M., McConnell, J. R., Murphy, L., Chellman, N. J., Das, s., Das, s., Kipfstuhl, S., Mulvaney, R. (2017). Holocene black carbon in Antarctica paralleled Southern Hemisphere climate, Journal of Geophysical Research: Atmospheres, 122, 10.1002/2017JD026599

Arienzo, M. M., Swart, P., Broad, K., Clement, A., Pourmand, A., Kakuk, B. (2017). Multi-proxy evidence of millennial climate variability from multiple Bahamian speleothems, Quaternary Science Reviews, 161, 10.1016/j.quascirev.2017.02.004

Chellman, N. J., McConnell, J. R., Arienzo, M. M., Pederson, G., Aarons, S., Csank, A. (2017). Reassessment of the Upper Fremont Glacier ice core chronologies by synchronizing ice core water isotopes to a nearby tree-ring chronology, Environmental Science & Technology, 51 (8), 4230-4238, 10.1021/acs.est.6b06574

Mekhaldi, F., McConnell, J. R., Adophi, R., Arienzo, M. M., Chellman, N. J., Maselli, O. J., Moy, A., Plummer, A. D., Sigl, M., Muscheler, R. (2017). No coincident nitrate enhancement events in polar ice cores following the largest known solar storms, Journal of Geophysical Research: Atmospheres, 122, https://doi.org/10.1002/2017JD027325

McConnell, J. R., Burke, A., Dunbar, N. W., Köhler, P., Thomas, J. L., Arienzo, M. M., Chellman, N. J., Maselli, O. J., Sigl, M., Adkins, J. F., Baggenstos, D., Burkhart, J. F., Brook, E. J., Buizert, C., Cole-Dai, J., Fleet, L. G., Fudge, T. J., Knorr, G., Graf, H. F., Grieman, M. M., Iverson, N., McGwire, K. C., Mulvaney, R., Paris, G., Rhodes, R. H., Saltzman, E. S., Severinghaus, J. P., Steffensen, J. P., Taylor, K. C., Winckler, G. (2017). Synchronous volcanic eruptions and abrupt climate change ~17.7ka plausibly linked by stratospheric ozone depletion, Proc. Natl. Acad. Sci. U.S.A., 114 (38), 10035-10040, 10.1073/pnas.1705595114

Murray, S., Arienzo, M. M., Swart, P. (2016). Determining the Δ 47 acid fractionation in dolomites, Geochimica et Cosmochimica Acta, 174, 42-53. Pergamon

Swart, P., Cantrell, D., Arienzo, M. M., Murray, S. (2016). Evidence for high temperature and 18O enriched fluids in the Arab‐D of the Ghawar Field, Saudi Arabia, Sedimentology

Arienzo, M. M., McConnell, J. R., Chellman, N. J., Criscitiello, A., Curran, M., Fritzsche, D., Kipfstuhl, S., Mulvaney, R., Nolan, M., Opel, T., Sigl, M., Steffensen, J. P. (2016). A method for continuous 239Pu determinations in Arctic and Antarctic ice cores, Environmental Science & Technology, 50 (13), 7066-7073, 10.1021/acs.est.6b01108

Arienzo, M. M., Swart, P., Pourmand, A., Broad, K., Clement, A., Murphy, L., Vonhof, H., Kakuk, B. (2015). Bahamian speleothem reveals temperature decrease associated with Heinrich stadials, Earth and Planetary Science Letters, 430, 377-386. Elsevier

Murphy, L., Clement, A., Albani, S., Mahowald, N., Swart, P., Arienzo, M. M. (2014). Simulated changes in atmospheric dust in response to a Heinrich stadial, Paleoceanography, 29 (1), 30-43

Pourmand, A., Tissot, F., Arienzo, M. M., Sharifi, A. (2014). Introducing a Comprehensive Data Reduction and Uncertainty Propagation Algorithm for U‐Th Geochronometry with Extraction Chromatography and Isotope Dilution MC‐ICP‐MS, Geostandards and Geoanalytical Research, 38 (2), 129-148

Arienzo, M. M., Swart, P., Vonhof, H. (2013). Measurement of δ18O and δ2H values of fluid inclusion water in speleothems using cavity ring‐down spectroscopy compared with isotope ratio mass spectrometry, Rapid Communications in Mass Spectrometry, 27 (23), 2616-2624

Conference Proceedings
Eves, R., Broncho, L., Greene, S. J., Paz Flores, M. G., Saftner, D. M., DePauw, A., & Arienzo, M. M. (2025). Understanding the Litter Under the Surface of Lake Tahoe Beaches. 2025 NWRA Annual Conference: Reno, NV

DePauw, A., Arienzo, M. M., Beres, N. D., & Son, Y. (2025). Investigating Contaminants of Emerging Concern in Incline Creek, Nevada: Microplastics and 6PPD-Q. 2025 NWRA Annual Conference: Reno, NV

Kozloski, R., Hines, O. K., & Arienzo, M. M. (2025). Wastewater Treatment Wetlands: Microplastic Source or Sink?. 2025 NWRA Annual Conference: Reno, NV

Yu, G., Jennings, K., Hatchett, B., Nolin, A., Hur, N., Arienzo, M. M., Collins, M. J., Nieminen, S. (2024). Crowdsourced Data Aid in Understanding Rain-Snow Transitions in Mountain Regions of the United States. Water Science Conference: St. Paul, MN, June 24, 2024-June 27, 2024

Kozloski, R., Arienzo, M. M., Saftner, D. M., Minatre, K. L., Chandra, S., Hogan, Z., Chea, S. (2024). Tracking the Invisible: Glass fibers in the Mekong River. Bridging the Gab Between Science and Policy – End of Life Boats: Brighton, England, UK, July 4, 2024-July 5, 2024

Kozloski, R., Arienzo, M. M. (2024). Wastewater Treatment Wetlands: Microplastic Source or Sink?. SETAC North America: Fort Worth, TX

Kozloski, R., Arienzo, M. M. (2024). Wastewater Treatment Wetlands: Microplastic Source or Sink?. AGU Fall Meeting: Washington D.C.

Arienzo, M. M., Cowger, W., Chandra, S., Dunbar, M., Segan, D., Thaw, M., Mair, J., Larsen, R. (2024). Microplastics in Lake Tahoe: Leveraging Scientific Evidence to Identify Priorities. North American Lakes Management Society Meeting: South Lake Tahoe, CA

Hausner, M. B., Kruger, B. R., Chellman, N. J., Arienzo, M. M., Ryder, J. (2024). Dissolved black and brown carbon can lead to increased temperatures in surface waters. American Geophysical Union Fall Meeting: Washington, D.C., December 9, 2024-December 13, 2024

Heggli, A. E., Reichel, D., Brong, B., Hatchett, B. J., Hur, N., Collins, M., Jennings, K., Arienzo, M. M. (2024). Mountain Rain or Snow: Enhancing Avalanche Forecasting with Real-Time Precipitation Phase Data. International Snow Science Workshop 2024: Tromsø, Norway, September 23, 2024-September 29, 2024

Saftner, D. M., Mora, L., DePauw, A., Lukasik, H., Kozloski, R., Son, Y., Arienzo, M. M. (2023). Using Emerging Contaminants to Inform the Management of Hot Springs in the Black Rock Desert, Northern Nevada. CUAHSI Biennial Colloquium, June 11, 2023-June 14, 2023

Nava, V., Chandra, S., Arienzo, M. M., Carlson, E., Hogan, Z., Chea, S., Orlandi, V., Leoni, B. (2023). How does plastic pollution influence primary productivity of large rivers? A study in the Lower Mekong River. XXXII Congresso della Società Italiana di Ecologia: Catania, Italy

Nava, V., Leoni, B., Arienzo, M. M., Carlson, E., Hogan, Z., Chea, S., Orlandi, V., Soum, S., Chandra, S. (2023). Effects of the plastisphere on metabolic traits of the Lower Mekong River Basin. Symposium for European Freshwater Sciences – SEFS13: Newcastle, United Kingdom

Arienzo, M. M., Collins, M. J., Jennings, K., Nieminen, S., Garrett, J., Golub, E., Hatchett, B. J., Hur, N., Powell, K., Yu, G. (2023). Assessment of citizen scientist engagement, retention, and the role of super-users for precipitation phase monitoring. AGU Fall Meeting: San Francisco, CA

Arienzo, M. M., Collins, M. J., Frey, E., Movius, M. (2023). Quantifying Microfiber Emissions from Clothes Dryers. SETAC North America 44th Annual Meeting: Louisville, KY

Haines, H., Garcia, A., Csank, A., Dunham-Cheatham, S., Arienzo, M. M., Weisberg, P., Gustin, M. (2023). Accounting for Climatic Effects in Atmospheric Mercury Uptake in Sequoiadendron giganteum Tree Rings Through Industrialization, 1850-1992. AGU Fall Meeting: San Francisco, CA

Saftner, D. M., Arienzo, M. M., Chea, S., Minatre, K. L., Kozloski, R., Chandra, S., Hogan, Z. (2023). Source Attribution of Per- and Polyfluoroalkyl Substances (PFAS) in Surface Waters of the Lower Mekong River Basin of Cambodia. American Geophysical Union Annual Meeting 2023: San Francisco, CA, December 11, 2023-December 15, 2023, 1433270

Kozloski, R., Arienzo, M. M., Cowger, W. (2023). µFTIR Spectra Matching for Microplastic Identification: Addressing False Positives and Improving Accuracy.. American Geophysical Union Annual Meeting 2023: San Francisco, CA, December 15, 2023-December 15, 2023, GC53J-0943

Lombard, M., Brown, E., Saftner, D. M., Arienzo, M. M., Fuller-Thomson, E., Brown, C., Ayotte, J. (2023). Estimating Lithium Concentrations in Groundwater Used as Drinking Water for the Conterminous United States. AGU Fall Meeting: San Francisco, CA

Hur, N., Jennings, K., Golub, E., Collins, M. J., Arienzo, M. M., Hatchett, B. J., Johnson, J., Garrett, J., Yu, G., Nolin, A. (2023). Rain or Snow?: Processing Crowdsourced Observations of Precipitation Phase to Uncover the Complexity of the Rain-Snow Line. AGU Fall Meeting: San Francisco, CA

Lukasik, H., Minatre, K. L., DePauw, A., Kruger, B. R., Wright, M., Ortega, L., Arienzo, M. M. (2023). The Occurrence and Distribution of Microplastics in the Truckee River. AGU Fall Meeting: San Francisco, CA

Robtoy, E., Arienzo, M. M., Saftner, D. M. (2022). Drinking Water Quality Analysis in Northern Nevada Residents and Behavior Change Among Domestic Well Users. NWRA Annual Conference: Las Vegas, NV

Arienzo, M. M., Ortega, L., Collins, M. J., Harrold, Z. R., Frey, E., Kozloski, R. (2022). Stormwater drainages as a source of microplastics to Lake Tahoe: A pilot citizen science study. AWWA: Anaheim, CA

Jennings, K., Collins, M. J., Arienzo, M. M., Hatchett, B. J., Nolin, A. W., Aggett, G. (2022). Rain and snow are surprisingly difficult to predict near freezing-citizen scientists fill in the gaps. Frontiers in Hydrology: San Juan, Puerto Rico

Arienzo, M. M., Collins, M. J., Jennings, K., Hatchett, B. J., Nolin, A., Sturtevant, J. (2022). Recruitment, engagement, and retention of citizen scientists for precipitation phase observations in rain-snow transition zone. Frontiers in Hydrology: San Juan, Puerto Rico

Kozloski, R., Chea, S., Arienzo, M. M., Saftner, D. M., Minatre, K. L., Chandra, S., Hogan, Z. (2022). Microplastics in the Mekong River, Cambodia: Preliminary results. Frontiers in Hydrology: San Juan, Puerto Rico

Arienzo, M. M., Harrold, Z. R., Collins, M. J., Davidson, J. M., Bai, X., Sukumaran, S., Umek, J. W. (2022). A peristaltic pump and filter-based method for aqueous microplastic sampling and analysis. SYMPOSIUM ON MICROPLASTICS ANALYTICAL AND REFERENCE STANDARDS — OPPORTUNITIES TO ADVANCE MICROPLASTIC SCIENCE: Online

Saftner, D. M., Robtoy, E., Arienzo, M. M., Bacon, S. N., Neveux, I., Lipp, B. G., Schlauch, K. A., Grzymski, J. J., Carbone, M. (2022). Empowering Private Well Users in Rural Nevada to Monitor and Improve Drinking Water Quality through Free At-Home Testing and Community Participation. Frontiers in Hydrology: San Juan, Puerto Rico

Arienzo, M. M., Kozloski, R., Chea, S., Saftner, D. M., Minatre, K. L., Chandra, S., Hogan, Z. (2022). Plastic pollution in the Mekong River and Tonle Sap, Cambodia. North American congress for Conservation Biology: Reno, NV

Saftner, D. M., Bacon, S. N., Arienzo, M. M., Schlauch, K. A., Grzymski, J. J., Carbone, M. (2022). A Landscape-Process Approach to Assess Potential Human Exposure to Erionite-Rich Dust in Northern Nevada, USA. American Geophysical Union: Chicago, IL, December 12, 2022-December 16, 2022, 1186977

Jennings, K. S., Collins, M. J., Arienzo, M. M., Nolin, A. W., Hatchett, B. J., Garrett, J., Johnson, M., Sturtevant, J., Aggett, G. (2022). Machine Learning Suggests a Limit to Rain-Snow Partitioning Accuracy when Using Near-Surface Meteorology, AGU Fall Meeting: Chicago, IL

Kozloski, R., Chea, S., Arienzo, M. M., Chandra, S., Hogan, Z., Son, Y. (2022). Microplastics in the Mekong River, Cambodia: Preliminary results, AGU Fall Meeting: Chicago, IL

Pooley, G., Johnson, A., Metzger, M., Kozloski, R., Arienzo, M. M., Davison, J. (2022). PARTI (Particle Tracking-Inversion): A Numerical Microplastic Source Location Study, AGU Fall Meeting: Chicago, IL

Collins, M. J., Arienzo, M. M., Nieminen, S., Hatchett, B. J., Jennings, K., Nolin, A. W., Sturtevant, J. (2022). Scaling from regional to national: Evaluating the engagement strategy of Mountain Rain or Snow, AGU Fall Meeting: Chicago, IL

Collins, M. J., Arienzo, M. M., Nieminen, S., Hatchett, B. J., Jennings, K. S., Nolin, A., Sturtevant, J. (2022). Scaling from regional to national: Evaluating the engagement strategy of Mountain Rain or Snow, AGU Fall Meeting: Chicago, Illinois

Arienzo, M. M. (2021). Invited Presentation: From Peak to Pipe: Microplastics in the Sierra Nevada. Science for Sustainability Symposia: ThermoFisher Scientific, April 13, 2021-April 15, 2021

Arienzo, M. M. (2021). Invited Presentation: Plastic Pollution in the Environment. Mid-Atlantic Undergraduate Research Conference, March 25, 2021-March 27, 2021

Arienzo, M. M., Collins, M. J., Jennings, K. (2021). Tahoe Rain or Snow: Monitoring Precipitation Phase through Citizen Science. NV NASA Programs Statewide Virtual Meeting: Virtual, April 30, 2021

Minatre, K. L., Arienzo, M. M., Maezumi, S., Watts, A. C. (2021). Reconstructing Fire Intensity Leveraging Infrared Imaging Microscopy Of Charcoal Materials And NASA Remote Sensing Products. NV NASA Programs Statewide Virtual Meeting: Virtual, April 30, 2021

Ortega, L., Collins, M. J., Harrold, Z. R., Frey, E., Arienzo, M. M. (2021). Citizen science sampling for microplastics in Lake Tahoe, California: Preliminary results.. American Geophysical Union Fall Meeting: New Orleans, Louisiana

Cachon, A., Grant, C., Arienzo, M. M. (2021). Microplastics in the Gastrointestinal Tracts of Native and Stocked Trout in Pennsylvania. AGU Fall Meeting 2021: New Orleans, LA

Jennings, K., Collins, M. J., Arienzo, M. M., Nolin, A., Hatchett, B. J. (2021). Citizen science highlights precipitation phase partitioning uncertainties in rain-snow transition zone. AGU Fall Meeting 2021: New Orleans, LA

Chellman, N. J., McConnell, J. R., Arienzo, M. M., Wennrich, V., Melles, M., Brigham-Grette, J. (2021). 1.5 million years of black carbon deposition from Lake El’gygytgyn, Northeast Arctic Russia. AGU Fall Meeting 2021: New Orleans, LA

Davidson, J. M., West, C., Senft, K., Harrold, Z., Arienzo, M. M. (2021). ATR-FTIR Identification of Polymer Type in Macroplastic Trash from Lake Tahoe, Nevada: Opportunities and Challenges. AGU: New Orleans, LA

Saftner, D. M., Arienzo, M. M., Bacon, S. N., Robtoy, E., Neveux, I., Lipp, B. G., Schlauch, K. A., Grzymski, J. J., Carbone, M. (2021). Living in a Geothermal Environment: The Impact of Geothermal and Tectonic Activity on Arsenic Concentrations in Domestic Wells in Northern Nevada and Northeastern California, USA. AGU Fall Meeting 2021: New Orleans, LA

Minatre, K. L., Arienzo, M. M., Moosmüller, H., Maezumi, S. Y. (2021). Reconstructing Fire Temperature Using Infrared Spectroscopy of Charcoal Materials. AGU Fall Meeting 2021: New Orleans, LA

Arienzo, M. M., Saftner, D. M., Robtoy, E., Bacon, S. N., Neveux, I., Schlauch, K. A., Grzymski, J. J., Carbone, M. (2021). Naturally-occurring Heavy Metals in Unregulated Domestic Wells in Northern Nevada, USA: Assessing Geohealth Risks for Homes With or Without Water Treatment Systems. AGU Fall Meeting 2021: New Orleans, LA

Liu, P., Kaplan, J., Mickley, L., Li, Y., Chellman, N. J., Arienzo, M. M., Kodros, J., Pierce, J., Sigl, M., Freitag, J., Mulvaney, R., Curran, M., McConnell, J. R. (2021). Improved estimates of preindustrial biomass burning reduce the magnitude of aerosol climate forcing in the Southern Hemisphere. AGU Fall Meeting 2021: New Orleans, LA

Arienzo, M. M. (2020). Microplastics in the Sierra Nevada (Invited). Swissnex: Online

Collins, M. J., Arienzo, M. M., Jennings, K. (2020). Strategies employed for successful participant engagement in ‘Tahoe Rain or Snow’ citizen science to improve rain-snow partitioning. AGU Fall Meeting: Online

Arienzo, M. M., Collins, M. J., Davidson, J. M., Frey, E., Movius, M. (2020). Are clothes dryers a source of microplastics to the atmosphere?. AGU Fall Meeting: Online

Davidson, J. M., West, C., Senft, K., Harrold, Z., Robtoy, E., Minatre, K. L., Arienzo, M. M. (2020). Identification of Macroplastics Subject to Degradation in Lake Tahoe, Nevada. AGU Fall Meeting: Online

Jennings, K., Arienzo, M. M., Collins, M. J. (2020). Comparing Satellite Estimates of Precipitation Phase to Citizen Science Observations. AGU Fall Meeting: Online

Brügger, S., Chellman, N. J., Arienzo, M. M., Stohl, A., Eckhardt, S., McConnell, J. R. (2020). Human-environmental interactions in the Arctic inferred from microfossils in Central Greenland ice, Eos Trans. AGU, Fall Meet. Suppl.,, Abstract B080-0018

Brügger, S., Chellman, N. J., Arienzo, M. M., Stohl, A., Eckhardt, S., Blunier, T., McConnell, J. R. (2020). The role of microfossils in central Greenland ice cores to reveal past ecosystem changes. Virtual American Quaternary Association (AMQUA) 2020 – 50th Anniversary Biennial Meeting

Brügger, S., Chellman, N. J., Arienzo, M. M., McConnell, J. R. (2020). The contribution of microfossils to reconstruct past ecosystems from Central Greenland ice cores. Annual Meeting of the Ecological Society of America (ESA)

Gleason, K. E., McConnell, J. R., Arienzo, M. M., Sexstone, G. A. (2020). Black carbon from burned forests dominated radiative forcing of recent western U.S. snowpack (Invited), Eos Trans. AGU, Fall Meet. Suppl., Abstract C035-02

Chellman, N. J., Czank, A. Z., Sexauer Gustin, M., Arienzo, M. M., Vargas Estrada, M., McConnell, J. R. (2020). Comparison of co-located ice-core and tree-ring records of atmospheric mercury variability since 1800 CE from the Wind River Range, Wyoming, Eos Trans. AGU, Fall Meet. Suppl, Abstract B014-07

Jennings, K., Arienzo, M. M., Collins, M. J. (2020). Comparing Satellite Estimates of Precipitation Phase to Citizen Science Observations. American Geophysical Union Fall Meeting: Virtual

Collins, M. J., McDonough, F., Juchtzer, J. W., Arienzo, M. M., Dean, J. (2019). Stories in the Snow: Crowd-Sourced Snow Crystal Images to Identify Tahoe Winter Cloud Structures. Annual Western Snow Conference: Reno, NV, April 16, 2019-April 18, 2019

Arienzo, M. M., Gleason, K. E., McConnell, J. R., Sexstone, G. (2019). Trace elements in snow samples from the Rocky Mountains. Western Snow Conference: Reno, NV, April 16, 2019-April 17, 2019

Davidson, J. M., Arienzo, M. M., Harrold, Z. R. (2019). Microplastic presence in seasonal snow from the Sierra Nevada. AGU Fall Meeting

Collins, M. J., Arienzo, M. M., Harrold, Z. R., Bradford, Z., Frey, E. (2019). Case Study on Developing a Citizen Science Protocol for Microplastics in Lake Tahoe. AGU Fall Meeting

Harrold, Z. R., Arienzo, M. M., Collins, M. J., Bai, X., Davidson, J. M. (2019). Introduction to High Volume Sampling: A novel method for sampling microplastics in diverse aqueous systems. AGU Fall Meeting

Greenwald, A., Nolin, A., Jennings, K., Drake, S., Arienzo, M. M. (2019). Forest cover controls variability in snow albedo and the snowpack energy balance in a mountain watershed. AGU Fall Meeting

Jennings, K., Arienzo, M. M., Nolin, A. (2019). Widespread Declines in Snowfall Fraction over Major US Mountain Ranges. AGU Fall Meeting

Davidson, J. M., Arienzo, M. M. (2019). The effects of dust and pollution on trace element concentrations in Chilean Snowpacks. Nevada Teach presentation: Reno, NV

Arienzo, M. M., Noble, P., Minatre, K. L. (2019). Anthropogenic and wildfire influences on black carbon deposition in a montane California lake sediment record. AGU Fall Meeting

Arienzo, M. M., Maezumi, Y., Chellman, N. J., Iriarte, J. (2019). Evidence of anthropogenic modification of the landscape through biomass burning from an Amazon lake sediment core. INQUA: Dublin, Ireland

Chellman, N. J., McConnell, J. R., Wilson, A. J., Stohl, A., Arienzo, M. M., Eckhardt, S., Kipfstuhl, S., Opel, T., Thompson, E., Pollard, M., Place, P., Steffensen, J. P. (2019). Widespread Arctic lead pollution since 1000 BCE documents ancient and medieval European lead-silver smelting, major historical events, and northern-hemisphere industrialization, Eos, Trans. AGU, Fall Meet. Suppl., Abstract No. A51H-2774

Arienzo, M. M., Preunkert, S., McConnell, J. R., Chellman, N. J., Legrand, M., Stohl, A., Eckhardt, S. (2018). Assessment of pollution from two ice cores from Col du Dome, French Alps. POLAR 2018: Davos, Switzerland

Arienzo, M. M., McConnell, J. R., Chellman, N. J., Gleason, K. E., Stohl, A., Eckhardt, S. (2018). Black carbon deposition to Antarctica: Low latitude hydroclimate teleconnections. POLAR 2018: Davos, Switzerland

Arienzo, M. M., Swart, P. K., Broad, K., Clement, A. C., Pourmand, A., Kakuk, B. (2017). Multi-proxy evidence of millennial scale climate variability from multiple Bahamian speleothems. GSA Annual Meeting: Seattle, WA

Chellman, N. J., McConnell, J. R., Arienzo, M. M., Pederson, G., Aarons, S., Csank, A. Z. (2017). An updated chronology for the Uper Fremont Glacier ice cores: Climate and environmental implications. GSA Annual Meeting: Seattle, WA

Gleason, K. E., Arienzo, M. M., Chellman, N. J., McConnell, J. R. (2017). Forest Fires Darken Snow for Years following Disturbance: Magnitude, Duration, and Composition of Light Absorbing Impurities in Seasonal Snow across a Chronosequence of Burned Forests in the Colorado River Headwaters. AGU Fall Meeting: New Orleans, LA

Das, S. B., Osman, M. B., Trusel, L. D., McConnell, J. R., Smith, B. E., Evans, M. J., Frey, K. E., Arienzo, M. M., Chellman, N. J. (2017). Towards multi-decadal to multi-millennial ice core records from coastal west Greenland ice caps. 2017 EGU General Assembly: Vienna, Austria, April 23, 2017-April 28, 2017, Session No. EGU2017-11372.

McConnell, J. R., Chellman, N. J., Arienzo, M. M., Osman, M. (2017). Black carbon and large-scale biomass burning in the Arctic during the past two millennia. 2017 Fourth Santa Fe Conference on Global & Regional Climate Change: Santa Fe, NM, February 7, 2017, Paper No. T19

McConnell, J. R., Arienzo, M. M., Murphy, L. N., Chellman, N. J., Das, S., Kipfstuhl, S. (2017). Black carbon, wildfire, and climate linkages in the Southern Hemisphere During the Holocene. Fourth Santa Fe Conference on Global & Regional Climate Change: Santa Fe, NM, February 8, 2017

Mekhaldi, F., McConnell, J. R., Adolphi, F., Arienzo, M. M., Chellman, N. J., Maselli, O. J., Sigl, M., Muscheler, R. (2017). No nitrate spikes detectable in several polar ice cores following the largest known solar events. 2017 EGU General Assembly: Vienna, Austria, April 23, 2017-April 28, 2017, Session No. EGU2017-14979.

Moy, A., van Ommen, T., McConnell, J. R., Curran, M., Phipps, S., Masson-Delmotte, V., Orsi, A., Touzeau, A., Roberts, J., Dahl-Jensen, D., Popp, T., Svensson, A., Landais, T., Vance, T., Liu, Y., Arienzo, M. M. (2017). Climate history at Aurora Basin North, East Antarctica: A 2000 year isotopic record. 2017 EGU General Assembly: Vienna, Austria, April 23, 2017-April 28, 2017, Session No. EGU2017-5821.

Shackleton, S. A., Severinghaus, J. P., Baggenstos, D., Bereiter, B., Brook, E., Menking, J. A., Petrenko, V. V., Dyonisius, M., McConnell, J. R., Rhodes, R., Bauska, T. K., Arienzo, M. M., Chellman, N. J. (2017). Timing and magnitude of Last Interglacial ocean warming. 2017 AGU Fall Meeting: New Orleans, LA, December 15, 2017, Paper No. PP53C-05.

Arienzo, M. M., McConnell, J. R., Murphy, L., Chriscitiello, A., Das, S., Chellman, N. J. (2016). Antarctic black carbon parallels insolation and millennial scale climate variation. American Geophysical Union, Annual Meeting: San Francisco, CA

Mehterian, S., Arienzo, M. M., Swart, P. (2016). Millennial Scale Rapid Climate Change Events of the last 60kya as Observed in Multiple Stalagmites from The Bahamas. American Geophysical Union, Annual Meeting: San Francisco, CA

Arienzo, M. M., McConnell, J. R., Kipfstuhl, S. (2016). Black carbon from two Antarctic ice cores parallels Southern Hemisphere climate during the Holocene. 2nd Open Science Conference, International Partnerships in Ice Core Sciences (IPICS): Hobart, Tasmania, March 7, 2016-March 11, 2016

Arienzo, M. M., McConnell, J. R., Murphy-Goes, L., Criscitiello, A. S., Das, A. S., Kipfstuhl, S. (2016). Antarctic black carbon parallels insolation and millennial scale climate variation, from two Antarctic ice cores parallels Southern Hemisphere climate during the Holocene. Eos, Transactions American Geophysical Union, Fall Meeting Supplement: San Francisco, CA, December 12, 2016-December 16, 2016, Abstract C13B-0829

Arienzo, M. M., McConnell, J. R., Chellman, N. J., Criscitiello, A., Curran, M., Kipfstuhl, S., Nolan, M., Sigl, M., Steffensen, J. P. (2016). Arctic and Antarctic ice core records of Nuclear Weapons Testing. 2nd Open Science Conference, International Partnerships in Ice Core Sciences (IPICS): Hobart, Tasmania, March 7, 2016-March 11, 2016

Chellman, N. J., McConnell, J. R., Arienzo, M. M., Heyvaert, A. C., Vannière, B. (2016). Using paired ice core and sediment core records to evaluate Holocene black carbon flux and fire history across the Northern Hemisphere. 2nd Open Science Conference, International Partnerships in Ice Core Sciences (IPICS): Hobart, Tasmania, March 7, 2016-March 11, 2016

Massam, A., Mulvaney, R., McConnell, J. R., Abram, N., Arienzo, M. M., Whitehouse, P. L. (2016). Insights into accumulation variability over the last 2000 years at James Ross Island, Antarctic Peninsula. Eos, Transactions American Geophysical Union, Fall Meeting Supplement: San Francisco, CA, December 12, 2016-December 16, 2016, Abstract PP41C-2276

McConnell, J. R., Sigl, M., Chellman, N. J., Arienzo, M. M., Ludlow, F., Curran, M., Plunkett, G., Büntgen, U., Toohey, M., Burke, A., Smith-Johnson, V., Albert, P. (2016). Recent and future directions in ice-core records of volcanism. Volcanic Impacts on Climate and Society (VICS) Conference: Palisades, NY, June 6, 2016-June 8, 2016

Arienzo, M. M., McConnell, J. R. (2015). Antarctic black carbon tracks Southern Hemisphere climate throughout the Holocene. International Conference on Carbonaceous Particles in the Atmosphere (ICCPA): Berkeley, CA, August 10, 2015-August 13, 2015

Arienzo, M. M., McConnell, J. R. (2015). Antarctic black carbon tracks Southern Hemisphere climate throughout the Holocene. PIRE Conference: Grenoble, France, September 9, 2015-September 11, 2015

Arienzo, M. M., McConnell, J. R. (2015). Antarctic black carbon tracks Southern Hemisphere climate throughout the Holocene. Eos Trans. American Geophysical Union (AGU) Fall Meeting Suppl.: San Francisco, CA, December 14, 2015-December 18, 2015, Abstract C21D-07

Chellman, N. J., McConnell, J. R., Arienzo, M. M., Heyvaert, A. C., Vannière, B. (2015). Evaluating and interpreting a new method for measuring BC in lake sediment cores using paired ice core and sediment core records from the Northern Hemisphere. International Conference on Carbonaceous Particles in the Atmosphere (ICCPA): Berkeley, CA, August 10, 2015-August 13, 2015

McConnell, J. R., Arienzo, M. M., Chellman, N. J., Yau, A. M. (2015). A 1300 year record of total organic carbon, black carbon, and other burning tracers from a northeast Greenland ice core. International Conference on Carbonaceous Particles in the Atmosphere (ICCPA): Berkeley, CA, August 10, 2015-August 13, 2015

McConnell, J. R., Arienzo, M. M., Chellman, N. J., Curran, M., Fritzsche, D., Kipfstuhl, S., Mulvaney, R., Sigl, M., Steffensen, J. P., Wilson, A., Yau, A. M. (2015). Dust at the Poles during the Past Three Millennium: Linkages to Climate and Land Use. Eos Trans. American Geophysical Union (AGU) Fall Meeting Suppl.: San Francisco, CA, December 14, 2015-December 18, 2015, Abstract A21L-03

McConnell, J. R., Arienzo, M. M., Chellman, N. J., Fritzsche, D., Kreutz, K. J., Kipfstuhl, S., Maselli, O. J., Nolan, M., Pasteris, D. R., Sigl, M., Steffensen, J. P. (2014). Dust in the Arctic during the past millennium from a developing array of ice cores: Linkages to climate and land use. AGU Fall Meeting: San Francisco, December 15, 2014-December 19, 2014, Abstract A44C-05

McConnell, J. R., Sigl, M., Curran, M., Kipfstuhl, S., Mulvaney, R., Arienzo, M. M., Chellman, N. J., Maselli, O. J., Pasteris, D. R. (2014). Black Carbon at WAIS Divide. WAIS Divide Science Meeting: La Jolla, September 22, 2014-September 24, 2014

Murray, S., Swart, P., Arienzo, M. M. (2014). Clumped Isotopes in Bahamian Dolomites: A Rosetta Stone?, 02. American Geophysical Union, Annual Meeting: San Francisco, CA