Naresh Kumar Profile Photo
Dr. Naresh Kumar
Executive Director, Division of Atmospheric Sciences

Dr. Naresh Kumar is the Executive Director of the Division of Atmospheric Sciences (DAS) at Desert Research Institute (DRI) where he leads over 100 scientists, engineers, and research support staff who conduct basic and applied research in diverse areas such as air quality and associated health risks, cloud and aerosol physics, atmospheric chemistry, climate, renewable energy, fire science, and atmospheric dynamics.

Dr. Kumar has over 30 years of experience in conducting and leading research in air quality and health, environmental aspects of renewables and natural gas, climate change, wind and solar forecasting, and multimedia environmental issues. Prior to joining DRI, he served at the Electric Power Research Institute (EPRI) in various roles, most recently being a Senior Program Manager in the Environment Division and was responsible for the strategic business and research direction in those research areas. Prior to joining EPRI, Dr. Kumar was at Sonoma Technologies, Inc. where he played a leading role in development and application of advanced air quality models in collaboration with academia to simulate emissions, meteorology and air quality in California.

Dr. Kumar is co-author of more than fifty peer-reviewed papers published in scientific journals. He has served on the Publications Committee of the Journal of the Air and Waste Management Association and its Editorial Review Board having served as a Chair for both in the past. He has held many other leadership roles with different organizations throughout his career, including co-chair of the Executive Steering Committee for the North American Research Strategy for Tropospheric Ozone (NARSTO); the Community Modeling and Analysis System External Advisory Committee; the Clean Air Scientific Advisory Committee Panel for Secondary SOx/NOx National Ambient Air Quality Standards; and the NYSERDA Advisory Committee on Climate Change and Adaptation. He has also organized multiple conferences and workshops on different scientific topics inviting leading scientists to develop research agendas on those topics.

Dr. Kumar received his B. Tech. degree in Mechanical Engineering from I.I.T. Kharagpur, an M.S. degree in Mechanical Engineering from University of California, Santa Barbara, and a Ph.D. in Mechanical Engineering from Carnegie Mellon University. He also holds an MBA degree from University of California Haas School of Business, Berkeley.


Air quality, air quality modeling, regional haze, visibility, renewables, climate change, exposure modeling, source apportionment




Kumar, N., Janssen, M., Kleeman, M., Lee, S., Mathur, R., Pleim, J., Russell, A. G., Warneke, C., Yarwood, G. (2023). Research Needed to Improve Air Quality Mondeling: Recommendations from a 2022 Workshop, em Plus (Q2 2023 ), 6 pp.

Hidy, G. M., Watson, J. G., Chow, J. C., Altshuler, S. L., Kumar, N. (2023). Peter K. Mueller (1926 -2023), EM, 17 (May)

Hosseinpour, F. E., Kumar, N., Tran, T., Knipping, E. (2023). Using Machine Learning to improve the Estimate of U.S. Background Ozone, Atmospheric Environment, https://doi.org/10.1016/j.atmosenv.2023.120145

Tran, T., Kumar, N., Knipping, E. (2023). Investigating sensitivity of ozone to emission reductions in the New York City (NYC) metropolitan and downwind areas, Atmospheric Environment, 301, 119675, May 15, 2023, https://doi.org/10.1016/j.atmosenv.2023.119675

Hosseinpour, F. E., Kumar, N., Tran, T., Knipping, E. (2023). Using Data Fusion to Estimate Background Ozone in Urban Areas in the United States, The Magazine for Environmental Managers, 2023 (12), 11-15, https://www.awma.org/empastissues

Hu, Y., Odman, M., Russell, A., Kumar, N., Knipping, E. (2022). Source apportionment of Ozone and fine particulate matter in the United States for 2016 and 2028, Atmospheric Environment, 119226, https://doi.org/10.1016/j.atmosenv.2022.119226

Kumar, N., Johnson, J., Yarwood, G., Woo, J., Kim, Y., Park, R., Jeong, J., Kang, S., Chun, S., Knipping, E. (2022). Contributions of domestic sources to PM2.5 in South Korea, Atmospheric Environment, 287, 119273, https://doi.org/10.1016/j.atmosenv.2022.119273

Kumar, N., Janssen, M., Kleeman, M., Lee, S., Mathur, R., Pleim, J., Russell, T., Warneke, C., Yarwood, G. (2022). A Summary Report on 2022 Air Quality Research Needs Workshop, 23, 2022 Air Quality Research Needs Workshop: Davis, California, November 8, 2022-November 9, 2022

Hosseinpour, F. E., Kumar, N. (2022). Estimating Background Ozone Using Data Fusion, Final report delivered to Electric Power Research Institute

Hosseinpour, F. E., Tran, T., Kumar, N. (2022). Modeling and Source Attribution of ozone in southeastern New Mexico, Final report to New Mexico Environment Department, 21

Hosseinpour, F. E., Tran, T., Kumar, N. (2022). Modeling and Source Attribution of ozone in southeastern New Mexico, Report to New Mexico Environment Department, 39

Moosmüller, H., Campbell, D. E., Wang, X., Kumar, N. (2021). COVID-19 Surface Disinfection Using Aerosol-Scattered UVC Light, Nevada. Report Prepared for Karsten Heise: Nevada Governor’s Office of Economic Development, January 18, 2021

Kumar, N., Park, R. J., Jeong, J. I., Woo, J., Kim, Y., Johnson, J., Yarwood, G., Kang, S., Chun, S., Knipping, E. (2021). Contributions of international sources to PM2.5 in South Korea, Atmospheric Environment, 261, Article No. 118542. 10.1016/j.atmosenv.2021.118542

Hu, Y., Odman, M. T., Russell, A. G., Kumar, N., Knipping, E. (2021). Biases in air quality models capturing ozone trends at the urban, regional and national scales: Impacts on Relative Response Factors (RRFs), Atmospheric Environment, 266, Article No. 118722. 10.1016/j.atmosenv.2021.118722

Karamchandani, P., Vennam, P., Shah, T., Henn, D., Alvarez-Gomez, A., Yarwood, G., Morris, R., Brashers, B., Knipping, E., Kumar, N. (2020). Single source impacts on secondary pollutants using a Lagrangian reactive puff model: Comparison with photochemical grid models, Atmospheric Environment, 237, Article No. 117664.

Mukherjee, R., Diwekar, U. M., Kumar, N. (2020). Real‑time optimal spatiotemporal sensor placement for monitoring air pollutants, Clean Technologies and Environmental Policy, 22, 2091-2105, 10.1007/s10098-020-01959-z

Hernandez, R. R., Jordaan, S. M., Kaldunski, B., Kumar, N. (2020). Aligning Climate Change and Sustainable Development Goals With an Innovation Systems Roadmap for Renewable Power, Frontiers in Sustainability, 10.3389/frsus.2020.583090

X. Wang, Firouzkouhi, H., Claassen, M., Bingham, B., Gronstal, S. B., Kohl, S. D., Rhode, D. E., Son, Y., Chow, J. C., Watson, J. G., Kumar, N. (2020). Virus Transport and Mitigation in Offices and Classrooms. Desert Research Institute: Reno, NV, Prepared for Nevada Governor’s Office of Economic Development.

Mejia, J. F., Furtak-Cole, E., Kumar, N. (2020). Airborne Transmission Pathways of the SARS-CoV-2/COVID-19 in a Classroom Space. Report Prepared for Karsten Heise: Nevada Governor’s Office of Economic Development, December 31, 2020

X. Wang, Firouzkouhi, H., Claassen, M., Bingham, B., Gronstal, S. B., Kohl, S. D., Rhode, D. E., Son, Y., Moosmüller, H., Chow, J. C., Watson, J. G., Kumar, N. (2020). Virus Transport and Mitigation in Public Transit Buses. Desert Research Institute: Reno, NV, Prepared for Nevada Governor’s Office of Economic Development.

Nopmongcol, U., Beardsley, R., Kumar, N., Knipping, E., Yarwood, G. (2019). Changes in United States deposition of nitrogen and sulfur compounds over five decades from 1970 to 2020, Atmospheric Environment, 209, 144-151, 10.1016/j.atmosenv.2019.04.018

Kaldunski, B., Kumar, N. (2019). Environmental Aspects of Renewables Workshop: 2019 Workshop Summary and Research Needs. EPRI: Palo Alto, CA, Report No. TR-3002016553

Yu, H., Russell, A., Mulholland, J., Odman, T., Hu, Y., Chang, H. H., Kumar, N. (2018). Cross-comparison and evaluation of air pollution field estimation methods, Atmospheric Environment, 179, 49-60, 10.1016/j.atmosenv.2018.01.045

Kaldunski, B., Kumar, N., Shaw, S., Rohr, A. (2018). Environmental Aspects of Renewables: Current State of Science, Knowledge Gaps, and Opportunities for Future Research, Final Report. EPRI: Palo Alto, CA, Report No. TR-3002012945

Erickson, W., Kaldunski, B., Kumar, N., Newman, C. (2018). vian-Wind Nexus: An Overview of Mortality Studies, Habitat Impacts, Mitigation Strategies, Siting & Conservation Policies, Final Report. EPRI: Palo Alto, CA, Report No. TR-3002014691

Kaldunski, B., Fox, J., Kumar, N., Herr, J., Sheeder, S. (2018). Solar-Stormwater Nexus: An Overview of Regulatory and Permitting Issues Related to Developing Utility-Scale Solar Projects, Final Report. EPRI: Palo Alto, CA, Report No. TR-3002014508

Mensink, C., Kallos, G. (Eds.) Astitha, M., Luo, H., Trivikrama Rao, S., Hogrefe, C., Mathur, R., Kumar, N. (2018). Chapter 3: Dynamic Evaluation of Two Decades of CMAQ Simulations over the Continental United States, Air Pollution Modeling and its Application XXV, 19-24, Springer Proceedings in Complexity, 10.1007/978-3-319-57645-9_3

Trivikrama Rao, S., Luo, H., Astitha, M., Hogrefe, C., Mathur, R., Kumar, N. (2018). Chapter 4: On Regional Modeling to Support Air Quality PoliciesChapter Chapter 4: . In Mensink, C., Kallos, G. (Eds.), Air Pollution Modeling and its Application XXV, 25-29. Springer Proceedings in Complesity, 10.1007/978-3-319-57645-9_4

Nopmongcol, U., Alvarez, Y., Jung, J., Grant, J., Kumar, N., Yarwood, G. (2017). Source contributions to United States ozone and particulate matter over five decades from 1970 to 2020, Atmospheric Environment, 167, 116-128, 10.1016/j.atmosenv.2017.08.009

Astitha, M., Luo, H., Rao, S., Hogrefe, C., Mathur, R., Kumar, N. (2017). Dynamic evaluation of two decades of WRF-CMAQ ozone simulations over the contiguous United States, Atmospheric Environment, 164, 102-116, 10.1016/j.atmosenv.2017.05.020

Taylor, N. F., Collins, D. R., Lowenthal, D. H., Zielinska, B. K., Samburova, V., Kumar, N., Hallar, A. G., Mazzoleni, L. R., McCubbin, I. B. (2017). Hygroscopic growth of water soluble organic carbon isolated from atmospheric aerosol collected at U.S. national parks and Storm Peak Laboratory, Atmospheric Chemistry and Physics, 17 (4), 2555-2571, 10.5194/acp-17-2555-2017

Emery, C., Liu, Z., Russell, A. G., Odman, M. T., Yarwood, G., Kumar, N. (2017). Recommendations on Statistics and Benchmarks to Assess Photochemical Model Performance, J. Air Waste Manage. Assoc., 67 (5), 582-598, 10.1080/10962247.2016.1265027

Nopmongcol, U., Jung, J., Kumar, N., Yarwood, G. (2016). Changes in US background ozone due to global anthropogenic emissions from 1970 to 2020, Atmospheric Environment, 140, 446-455, 10.1016/j.atmosenv.2016.06.026

Lowenthal, D. H., Kumar, N. (2016). Evaluation of the IMPROVE Equation for estimating aerosol light extinction, J. Air Waste Manage. Assoc., 66 (7), 726-737, 10.1080/10962247.2016.1178187

Paine, R., Szembek, C., Heinold, D., Knipping, E. M., Kumar, N. (2015). Evaluation of low wind modeling approaches for two tall-stack databases, J. Air Waste Manage. Assoc., 65 (11), 1341-1353, 10.1080/10962247.2015.1085924

Koo, B., Kumar, N., Knipping, E. M., Nopmongcol, U., Odman, M. T., Russell, A. G., Yarwood, G. (2015). Chemical Transport Model Consistency in Simulating Regulatory Outcomes and the Relationship to Model Performance, Atmospheric Environment, 116, 159-171

Nopmongcol, U., Alvarez, Y., Zagunis, J., Yarwood, G., Knipping, E., Kumar, N. (2015). Long-Term Emissions and Air Quality Trends in the United States, Final Report. EPRI: Palo Alto, CA, Report No. TR-3002005240

Paine, R., Szembek, C., Heinold, D., Knipping, E., Kumar, N. (2014). Emissions Variability Processor (EMVAP): Design, evaluation, and application, J. Air Waste Manage. Assoc., 64 (12), 1390-1402, 10.1080/10962247.2014.956159

Lowenthal, D. H., Zielinska, B. K., Samburova, V., Collins, D., Taylor, N., Kumar, N. (2014). Evaluation of Assumptions for Estimating Chemical Light Extinction at U.S. National Parks, J. Air Waste Manage. Assoc., 65 (3), 249-260, 10.1080/10962247.2014.986307

Zhang, L., Jacob, D. J., Knipping, E. M., Kumar, N., Munger, J. W., Carouge, C. C., van Donkelaar, A., Wang, Y., Chen, D. (2012). Nitrogen deposition to the United States: distribution, sources, and processes, Atmospheric Chemistry and Physics, 12, 4539-4554, 10.5194/acp-12-4539-2012

Leibensperger, E. M., Mickley, L. J., Jacob, D. J., Chen, W., Seinfeld, J. H., Nenes, A., Adams, P. J., Streets, D. G., Kumar, N., Rind, D. (2012). Climatic effects of 1950-2050 changes in US anthropogenic aerosols – Part 1: Aerosol trends and radiative forcing, Atmospheric Chemistry and Physics, 12, 3333-3348, 10.5194/acp-12-3333-2012

Leibensperger, E. M., Mickley, L. J., Jacob, D. J., Chen, W., Seinfeld, J. H., Nenes, A., Adams, P. J., Streets, D. G., Kumar, N., Rind, D. (2012). Climatic effects of 1950-2050 changes in US anthropogenic aerosols – Part 2: Climate response, Atmospheric Chemistry and Physics, 12, 3349-3362, 10.5194/acp-12-3349-2012

Shaw, S., Kumar, N., Rohr, A. (2012). Program on Technology Innovation: Literature Review of Issues Related to the Atmospheric Impacts of Natural Gas Power Plants, Interim Report. EPRI: Palo Alto, CA, Report No. TR-1025018

Koracin, D. R., Vellore, R., Lowenthal, D. H., Watson, J. G., Koracin, J., McCord, T. E., DuBois, D. W., Chen, L.-W.A., Kumar, N., Knipping, E. M., Wheeler, N. J., Craig, K., Reid, S. (2011). Regional Source Identification Using Lagrangian Stochastic Particle Dispersion and HYSPLIT Backward-Trajectory Models, J. Air Waste Manage. Assoc., 61 (6), 660-672, 10.3155/1047-3289.61.6.660

Taylor, N. F., Collins, D. R., Spencer, C. W., Lowenthal, D. H., Zielinska, B. K., Samburova, V., Kumar, N. (2011). Measurement of ambient aerosol hydration state at Great Smoky Mountains National Park in the southeastern United States, Atmospheric Chemistry and Physics, 11, 12085-12107, 10.5194/acp-11-12085-2011

Lowenthal, D. H., Watson, J. G., Koracin, D. R., Chen, L.-W.A., DuBois, D. W., Vellore, R., Kumar, N., Knipping, E., Wheeler, N., Craig, K., Reid, S. (2010). Evaluation of regional scale receptor modeling, J.Air Waste Manage.Assoc., 60 (1), 26-42

Rohr, A., Wyzga, R., Knipping, E., Shaw, S., Kumar, N. (2010). Program on Technology Innovation: An Alternate Framework for the Risk Assessment of Ambient Particulate Matter. EPRI: Palo Alto, CA, Report No. TR-1020442

Chen, L.-W.A., Lowenthal, D. H., Watson, J. G., Koracin, D. R., Kumar, N., Knipping, E. M., Wheeler, N., Craig, K., Reid, S. (2010). Toward Effective Source Apportionment Using Positive Matrix Factorization: Experiments with Simulated PM2.5 Data, J. Air Waste Manage. Assoc., 60 (1), 43-54, 10.3155/1047-3289.60.1.43

Lowenthal, D. H., Zielinska, B. K., Mason, B., Samy, S., Samburova, V., Collins, D., Spencer, C., Taylor, N., Allen, J. O., Kumar, N. (2009). Aerosol characterization studies at Great Smoky Mountains National Park, summer, 2006, J Geophys Res, 114, 10.1029/2008JD011274

Neumann, J., Boehlert, B., Itter, M., Wasserman, E., Galbraith, H., Kumar, N. (2009). Potential Impact of Climate Change on Natural Resources in the Tennessee Valley Authority Region, Final Report. EPRI: Palo Alto, CA, Report No. TR-020420

Pabi, S., Kumar, N. (2009). Sea Level Rise in the Twenty-First Century: A Review, Final Report. EPRI: Palo Alto, CA, Report No. TR-1019381

Carreras-Sospedra, M., Dabdub, D., Brouwer, J., Knipping, E., Kumar, N., Darrow, K., Hampson, A., Hedman, B. (2008). Air quality impacts of distributed energy resources implemented in the northeastern United States, J. Air Waste Manage. Assoc., 58 (7), 902-912, 10.3155/1047-3289.58.7.902

Pun, B. K., Seigneur, C., Bailey, E. M., Gautney, L. L., Douglas, S., Haney, J., Kumar, N. (2008). Response of Atmospheric Particulate Matter to Changes in Precursor Emissions: A Comparison of Three Air Quality Models, Environ. Sci. Technol., 42 (3), 831-837, 10.1021/es702333d

Tombach, I., Kumar, N. (2007). EPRI Regional Haze Research: A Summary of Visibility Research During the Past 5 Years, Final Report. EPRI: Palo Alto, CA, Report No. TR-1012575

Bailey, E. M., Gautney, L. L., Kelsoe, J. J., Jacobs, M. E., Mao, Q., Condrey, J. W., Pun, B., Wu, S., Seigneur, C., Douglas, S., Haney, J., Kumar, N. (2007). A Comparison of the Performance of Four Air Quality Models in the Southern Oxidants Study Episode in July 1999, J. Geophys. Res. Atmospheres, 112 (D5), 21 pp., Article No. D05306, 10.1029/2005JD007021

Duvall, M., Knipping, E., Kumar, N., Nopmongcol, U., Grant, J., Pollack, A., Yarwood, G., Bloomberg, S., Smith, A., Katz, D. (2007). Environmental Assessment of Plug-In Hybrid Electric Vehicles Volume 2: United States Air Quality Analysis Based on AEO-2006 Assumptions for 2030, Final Report. EPRI: Palo Alto, CA, Report No. TR-1015326

Pitchford, M. L., Malm, W., Schichtel, B., Kumar, N., Lowenthal, D. H., Hand, J. (2007). Revised Algorithm for Estimating Light Extinction from IMPROVE Particle Speciation Data, J. Air Waste Manage. Assoc., 57 (11), 1326-1336

Lowenthal, D. H., Kumar, N. (2006). Light Scattering from Sea Salt Aerosols in IMPROVE, J. Air & Waste Manage. Assoc., 56, 636-642

Park, R. J., Jacob, D. J., Kumar, N., Yantosca, R. M. (2006). Regional visibility statistics in the United States: Natural and transboundary pollution influences, and implications for the Regional Haze Rule, Atmospheric Environment, 40 (28), 5405-5423, 10.1016/j.atmosenv.2006.04.059

Knipping, E., Kumar, N., Pun, B., Seigneur, C., Wu, S., Schichtel, B. (2006). Modeling regional haze during the BRAVO study using CMAQ?MADRID: 2. Source region attribution of particulate sulfate compounds, Journal of Geophysical Research: Atmospheres, 111 (D06303), 1-13, 10.1029/2004JD005609

Pun, B., Seigneur, C., Vijayaraghavan, K., Wu, S., Chen, S., Knipping, E., Kumar, N. (2006). Modeling regional haze in the BRAVO study using CMAQ‐MADRID: 1. Model evaluation, Journal of Geophysical Research: Atmospheres, 111 (C06302), 1-25, 10.1029/2004JD005608

El-Zanan, H. S., Lowenthal, D. H., Zielinska, B. K., Chow, J. C., Kumar, N. (2005). Determination of the organic aerosol mass to organic carbon ratio in IMPROVE samples, Chemosphere, 60 (4), 485-496

Ryan, P. A., Lowenthal, D. H., Kumar, N. (2005). Improved light extinction reconstruction in interagency monitoring of protected visual environments, J Air & Waste Manage Assoc, 55, 1751-1759

Graham, R., Duvall, M., Knipping, E., Kumar, N., Tonachel, L. (2005). Environmental and Societal Benefits of Electrifying Transportation, Final Report. EPRI: Palo Alto, CA, Report No. TR-1010204

Hansen, D., Knipping, E., Kumar, N. (2005). Comment on “The 2003 North American electrical blackout: An accidental experiment in atmospheric chemistry” by L. T. Marufu et al., Geophysical Research Letters, 32 (L10812), 1-3, 10.1029/2004GL021962

Pun, B., Seigneur, C., Wu, S., Knipping, E. M., Kumar, N. (2004). Modeling Analysis of the Big Bend Regional Aerosol Visibility Observational (Bravo) Study, Final Report. EPRI: Palo Alto, CA, Report No. TR-1009283

Lowenthal, D. H., Kumar, N. (2003). PM2.5 Mass and Light Extinction Reconstruction in IMPROVE, J. Air & Waste Manage. Assoc., 53, 1109-1120

Lowenthal, D. H., Kumar, N., Hand, J. L., Kreidenweis, S., Collett, J. L., Lee, T., Day, D. (2003). Hygroscopic organic aerosols during BRAVO?, J. Air & Waste Manage. Assoc., 53, 1273-1279

Chow, J. C., Bachmann, J. D., Wierman, S. S., Mathai, C. V., Malm, W. C., White, W. H., Mueller, P. K., Kumar, N., Watson, J. G. (2002). Critical Review Discussion – Visibility: Science and Regulation, J. Air & Waste Manage. Assoc., 52 (9), 973-999

Kumar, N., Bonne, G., Karamchandani, P. K., Seigneur, C., White, W. (1999). Potential contribution of power plant sulfur dioxide emissions to sulfate levels in the Big Bend National Park, Final Report. EPRI: Palo Alto, CA, Report No. TR-114047

Magliano, K. L., Hughes, V. M., Chinkin, L. R., Coe, D. L., Haste, T. L., Kumar, N., Lurmann, F. W. (1999). Spatial and temporal variations in PM10 and PM2.5 source contributions and comparison to emissions during the 1995 integrated monitoring study, Atmospheric Environment, 33 (29), 4757-4773

Kumar, N., Lurmann, F. W., Pandis, S. (1998). Analysis of atmospheric chemistry during 1995 integrated monitoring study. Sonoma Technology, Inc.: Santa Rosa, CA, Report prepared for the California Air Resources Board, Sacramento, California, Report No. STI-997214-1791-DFR

Haste, T., Chinkin, L., Kumar, N., Lurmann, F., Hurwitt, S. (1998). Use of Ambient Data Collected during IMS95 to Evaluate a Regional Emis-sion Inventory for the San Joaquin Valley, Draft Final Report. California Air Resources Board: Sacramento CA by Sonoma Technology, Inc., Santa Rosa, CA, STI-997211-1800DFR

Haste, T., Chinkin, L., Main, H., Kumar, N., Roberts, P. (1998). Use of PAMS data to evaluate a regional emission inventory in the northeastern United States, Final Report. Coordinating Research Council, Atlanta GA: under subcontract to ENVIRON International Corporation, Novato, CA by Sonoma Technology, Inc. Santa Rosa, CA, STI-95424-1737-FR

Smith, A., Richards, L., Roberts, P., Chinkin, L., Kumar, N., Stoeckenius, T., Gray, H., Emery, C. (1998). Assessment of the impacts of clean air act and other provisions on visibility in class I areas, Richards, L.W., ed., Report. Prepared for American Petroleum Institute: Washington, DC by Sonoma Technology, Inc., Santa Rosa CA, STI-997530-1792-FR

Kumar, N., Segall, E., Steenkiste, P., Russell, A. G. (1997). Parallel and distributed application of urban and regional multiscale model, Comp. & Chem. Eng., 21 (4), 399-408, 10.1016/S0098-1354(96)00006-3

Lurmann, F. W., Wexler, A. S., Pandis, S. N., Musarra, S., Kumar, N., Seinfeld, J. H. (1997). Modelling urban and regional aerosols: II. Application to California’s South Coast Air Basin, Atmospheric Environment, 31 (17), 2695-2715, 10.1016/S1352-2310(97)00100-3

Kumar, N., Haste, T., Prouty, J., Lurmann, F. (1997). A user interface to the symptom-valuation model (SYMVAL)., Report. prepared for South Coast Air Quality Management District: Diamon Bar, CA by Sonoma Technology, Inc., Santa Rosa, CA, STI-95391-1767-UG

Kumar, N., Lurmann, F. (1997). Application of the UAM-AERO model to two 1995 PM.10 episodes in the South Coast Air Basin, Final report. prepared for South Coast Air Quality Management District: Diamond Bar, CA by Sonoma Technology, Inc., Santa Rosa, CA , STI-95390-1725-FR

Richards, L., Kumar, N. (1997). Plume visibility modeling package user’s guide., Report. prepared for ENVIRON, Novato, CA: by Sonoma Techology, Inc., Santa Rosa, CA , STI-997230-1752-UG

Blumenthal, D., Kumar, N., Chinkin, L., Dye, T., Roberts, P., Lurmann, F. (1997). Nitrogen oxides transport from La Cygne Station, KS. A study for assessing its influence on urban ozone., Draft report of findings. (Version 1). prepared for LaCygne Study Steering Committee: Sonoma Technology, Inc., Santa Rosa, CA, STI-997380-1762

Kumar, N., Lurmann, F. (1997). Comparison of CAMx and UAM-V model performance for two ozone episodes in the eastern United States, Final report. prepared for Ohio Environmental Protection Agency, Division of Air Pollution Control: Columbus, OH by Sonoma Technology, Inc., Santa Rosa, CA , STI-996203-1732-FR

Kumar, N., Lurmann, F. (1997). Peer review of ENVIRON’s ozone source apportionment technology and the CAMx air quality model, Report. prepared for the Ohio Environmental Protection Agency, Division of Air Pollution Control: Columbus, OH by Sonoma Technology, Inc., Santa Rosa, CA, STI-996203-1732-RFR

Dabdub, D., Lurmann, F., Kumar, N., Seinfeld, J. (1997). Development of a computationally effcient acid depostion model for Californa (SAQM-AERO), Draft report. prepared for California Air Resources Board, Sacramento, CA: by California Institute of Technology, Pasadena, CA and Sonoma Technology, Inc., Santa Rosa, CA

Lurmann, F., Kumar, N. (1997). Evaluation of the UAM-V model performance in OTAG simulations. Phase I: summary of performance against surface observations., Final report. prepared for Science Applications International Corporation, McClean, VA: by Sonoma Technology, Inc., Santa Rosa, CA , STI-997250-1605-FR

Blumenthal, D., Lurmann, F., Kumar, N., Dye, T., Ray, S., Korc, M., Londergan, R., Moore, G. (1997). Assessment of transport and mixing and OTAG model performance for Northeast U.S. ozone episodes. Summary of results, Report. prepared for Ozone Transport Assessment Group, Air Quality Analysis Workgroup: by Sonoma Technology, Inc. Santa Rosa, CA and Earth Tech, Concord, MA, STI-996133-1710/1716-S

Blumenthal, D., Lurmann, F., Kumar, N., Ray, S., Korc, M., Moore, G. (1997). Transport and mixing phenomena related to ozone exceedances in the Northeast U.S., Working Draft No. 1.1. prepared for Ozone Transport Assessment Group Air Quality Analysis Workgroup: by Sonoma Technology, Inc., Santa Rosa, CA and Earth Tech, Concord, MA , STI-996133-1710-WE1.1

Lurmann, F., Kumar, N. (1997). Development of chemical transformation algorithms for annual PM10 dispersion models, Final Report. prepared for South Coast Air Quality Management District: Diamond Bar, CA by Sonoma Technology, Inc., Santa Rosa, STI-95410-1602-FR

Kumar, N., Lurmann, F., Morris, R. (1997). Assessment of NOx RACT emission controls in Cincinnati with BEIS2 biogenic emissions, Draft final report. prepared for Ohio Environmental Protection Agency, Columbus, OH: by Sonoma Technology, Inc., Santa Rosa, CA and ENVIRON International Corp., Novato, CA, STI-996202-1626-DFR

Lurmann, F., Pandis, S., Wexler, A., Musarra, S., Kumar, N., Hering, S., Seinfeld, J. (1997). Development of an acid deposition model for the South Coast Air Basin, Final report. prepared for California Air Resources Board, Sacramento, CA: CA by California Institute of Technology, Pasadena, CA

Kumar, N., Russell, A. G. (1996). Comparing prognostic and diagnostic meteorological fields and their impacts on photochemical air quality modeling, Atmospheric Environment, 30 (12), 1989-2010, 10.1016/1352-2310(95)00179-4

Kumar, N., Russell, A. G. (1996). Development of a computationally efficient, reactive subgrid‐scale plume model and the impact in the northeastern United States using increasing levels of chemical detail, J. Geophys. Res. Atmospheres, 101 (D11), 16737-16744, 10.1029/96JD01372

Kumar, N., Russell, A. G. (1996). Multiscale air quality modeling of the Northeastern United States, Atmospheric Environment, 30 (7), 1099-1116, 10.1016/1352-2310(95)00317-7

Kumar, N., Lurmann, F. (1996). User’s guide to the speciated rollback model for particulate matter, Report. prepared for San Joaquin Valleywide Air Pollution Study Agency, Sacramento, CA: by Sonoma Technology, Inc., Santa Rosa, CA, STI-94250-1576-UG

Kumar, N., Lurmann, F. (1996). User’s guide to the UAM-AERO model, Report. prepared for California Air Resources Board, Sacramento, CA: San Joaquin Valley Air Pollution Study Agency, Sacramento, CA, and South Coast Air Quality Management District, Diamond Bar, CA, STI-93110-1600-UG

Lurmann, F., Kumar, N. (1996). Symptom-valuation model SYMVAL version 1.1. User’s Guide. prepared for South Coast Air Quality Management District, Diamond Bar, CA: by Sonoma Technology, Inc., Santa Rosa, CA, STI-95391-1601-UG

Lurmann, F., Kumar, N., Loomis, C., Cass, G., Seinfeld, J., Lowenthal, D. H., Reynolds, S. (1996). PM-10 air quality models for application in the San Joaquin Valley PM-10 SIP, Final report. prepared for San Joaquin Valleywide Air Pollution Study Agency, Sacramento, CA: by Sonoma Technology, Inc., Santa Rosa, CA, STI-94250-1595-FR, ARB Contract No. 94-1PM

Richards, L., Musarra, S., Lurmann, F., Kumar, N. (1996). STI atmospheric light-extinction model, Final report. prepared for South Coast Air Quality Management District, Diamond Bar, CA: by Sonoma Technology, Inc., Santa Rosa, CA, STI-91070-1564-FR

Lurmann, F., Kumar, N. (1995). Evaluation of photochemical models’ performance in SIP applications, Final report. prepared for U.S. Environmental Protection Agency, Research Triangle Park, NC: by Sonoma Technology, Inc., Santa Rosa, CA, Work Assignment 6-95, EPA Contract No. 68D30020, STI-94560-1555-FR

Kumar, N., Lurmann, F. (1995). Modification of the OZIPR air quality modeling software for use with the SAPRC chemical mechanisms, Draft report. prepared for Statewide Air Pollution with the SAPRC chemical mechanisms. Draft report prepared for Statewide Air Pollution Research Center, University of California, Riverside, CA: by Sonoma Technology, Inc., Santa Rosa, CA, STI-99290-1545-DR

Kumar, N., Lurmann, F., Carter, W. (1995). Development of the flexible chemical mechanism version of the urban airshed model, Final report. prepared for the California Air Resources Board, Sacramento, CA: by Sonoma Technology, Inc., Santa Rosa, CA, STI 94470 1508-FR

Richards, L., Kumar, N., Musarra, S., Chinkin, L., Scire, J., Insley, E., Chang, C., Strimaitis, D. (1995). User’s guide to the CD-ROM for the CALMET/CALPUFF modeling system, Report. prepared for the U.S. Environmental Protection Agency, Research Triangle Park, NC: by Sonoma Technology, Inc., Santa Rosa, CA and EARTH TECH, Concord, MA

Kumar, N., Odman, M. T., Russell, A. G. (1994). Multiscale air quality modeling: application to Southern California, J. Geophys. Res. Atmospheres, 99 (D3), 5385-5397, 10.1029/93JD03197

Kumar, N., Russell, A. G., Tesche, T. W., McNally, D. E. (1994). Evaluation of CALGRID using two different ozone episodes and comparison to UAM results, Atmospheric Environment, 28 (17), 2823-2845, 10.1016/1352-2310(94)00126-X

Odman, M. T., Kumar, N., Russell, A. G. (1992). A comparison of fast chemical kinetic solvers for air quality modeling, Atmospheric Environment Part A. General Topics, 26 (9), 1783-1789, 10.1016/0960-1686(92)90075-V

Kumar, N., Russell, A., McRae, G. (1992). A project to add the Carbon-Bond 4 chemistry to the California Air Resources Board Airshed Model (CALGRID), Final Report. prepared for the California Air Resources Board, Sacramento, CA

Odman, M., Tatang, M., Kumar, N., McNair, L., McRae, G., Russell, A. (1992). An investigation of error propagation in the California Air Resources Board air quality model, Final report. prepared for the California Air Resources Board, Sacramento, CA

Odman, M., Kumar, N., Russell, A. (1991). Long range transport, chemistry and fate of nitrogen containing compounds, Final report. prepared for the U.S. Environmental Protection Agency, Washington, DC

Russell, A., McNair, L., Odman, M., Kumar, N. (1991). Organic gas reactivity and the use of alternative fuels, Final report. prepared for the California Air Resources Board, Sacramento, CA

Nag, P. K., Kumar, N. (1989). Second law analysis of convective heat transfer for laminar flow in a duct with constant heat flux, Int. J. of Energy Res., 13, 537-543

Conference Proceedings
Kramer, S., Hosseinpour, F. E., Zare Harofteh, A., Kumar, N., & Brown, T. J. (2025). SmokePath Explorer, a New Smoke Management Tool for California. the 105th AMS Annual Meeting: New Orleans, Louisiana, January 12, 2025-January 16, 2025

Huang, S., Kramer, S., Hosseinpour, F. E., Zare Harofteh, A., Besong-Cowan, K., Scarborough, C., Brown, T. J., Kumar, N. (2024). Smoke Transport and Fire Weather Climatology Dashboard for California. The 104th AMS Annual Meeting: Baltimore, Maryland, January 28, 2024-February 1, 2024

Erfani, E., Mitchell, D. L., Mejia, J. F., Kumar, N. (2024). Employing Satellite Retrievals of Cirrus Clouds for a Realistic Modeling of Cirrus Cloud Thinning. Gordon Research Conference on Climate Engineering: Lucca, Italy, February 18, 2024-February 23, 2024, http://dx.doi.org/10.13140/RG.2.2.26280.79363

Zare Harofteh, A., Huang, S., Kramer, S., Hosseinpour, F. E., Besong, K., Scarborough, C., Kumar, N., Brown, T. J. (2024). SmokePath Explorer: A Decision-Support Tool for Prescribed Fire Planning and Wildfire Response. 23rd Annual CMAS Conference 2023: Chapel Hill, NC, October 21, 2024-October 24, 2024

Watson, J. G., Chow, J. C., Wang, X.L., Kumar, N. (2024). Introduction to DRI and mining research. Mine Safety and Health Conference: Reno, NV, October 22, 2024

Hosseinpour, F. E., Tran, T., Knipping, E., Kumar, N. (2023). Using Machine Learning to Improve the Estimate of U.S. Background Ozone. 39th International Technical Meeting on Air Pollution Modeling and its Application (ITM): Chapel Hill, NC, May 26, 2023

Hosseinpour, F. E., Zare Harofteh, A., Kumar, N., Brown, T. J., Huang, S., Huang, S., Kramer, S., Besong, K., Besong, K. (2023). Advancing Smoke Management and Wildfire Mitigation through Probability-Based Smoke Transport Analysis. 22nd Annual CMAS Conference 2023: Chapel Hill, NC, October 16, 2023-October 18, 2023

Coughlin, J., Pavlovic, N., Chang, S., Chang, S., Craig, K., Craig, K., Scarborough, C., Clark, C., Herrick, J., Zare Harofteh, A., Kumar, N., Driscoll, C. (2023). Developing baseline nitrogen critical loads and ozone critical levels for U.S. tree species using background concentrations as a reference point. 2023 NADP Fall Meeting and Scientific Symposium, October 23, 2023-October 26, 2023

Erfani, E., Mitchell, D. L., Mejia, J. F., Kumar, N. (2023). Cirrus Cloud Thinning (CCT). Earth’s Radiation Budget (ERB) Science Meeting: Boulder, CO, USA, November 6, 2023, http://doi.org/10.13140/RG.2.2.31583.02725

Etyemezian, V. R., Kumar, N., Moosmüller, H., Miller, J., Minor, T. B., McEvoy, D. J. (2022). Cross-Divisional Collaboration. DRI Lunch and Learn, Desert Research Institute: Reno & Las Vegas, Nevada , April 25, 2022, Invited

Watson, J. G., Chow, J. C., Kumar, N., Green, M. C., Mears, S. (2022). Potential for non-invasive biomarker patterns to relate human responses to adverse air quality, Presented at . , Desert Research Institute. Fallon Tribal Health Clinic: Fallon, NV, September 20, 2022

Watson, J. G., Chow, J. C., Kumar, N., Green, M. C., Mears, S. (2022). Potential for non-invasive biomarker patterns to relate human responses to adverse air quality,. Northern Nevada Tribal Alliance: Reno, NV, October 13, 2022