Associate Research Professor, Geology
Professional Interests
Dr. Bacon is a geologist with over 25 years of experience specializing in field investigations associated with the application of basic and applied research in Quaternary geology, geomorphology, and engineering geology related to terrain and geotechnical-site characterizations, landscape evolution, paleoclimate and archaeological studies, plus geologic hazard and groundwater resource assessments. Recent basic research has focused on the characterization of alluvial, eolian, fluvial, and lacustrine depositional environments using geomorphic mapping, sequence stratigraphy, soils, and 14C and OSL analyses, plus coupled watershed-lake hydrologic water-balance modeling to infer late Pleistocene and Holocene hydroclimate variability in the western United States. Applied research has included geomorphic- and geologic-based investigations to support flood, dust, and seismic hazard assessments, along with landslide and hillslope erosion evaluations including regional and site-specific slope stability analyses. Other research activities have focused on developing hydrogeologic conceptual frameworks for groundwater flow models, performing regional-scale assessments of CO2 geological storage in data poor regions, and performing human health hazard assessments related to arsenic and carcinogenic mineral fibers. Past field areas that involved studying landscape evolution in alpine to desert environments related to geologic hazards or paleoclimate research include the western U.S., Alaska, Israel, Egypt, New Zealand, and Mongolia.
Research Areas
- Quaternary Geology
- Geomorphology and Surficial Processes
- Landform Analysis and Characterization
- Sequence Stratigraphy
- Soils Geomorphology
- Hillslope Processes and Landsliding
- Paleohydrologic Water-Balance Modeling
- Paleoseismology
- Tectonic Geomorphology
- Geologic Hazard Assessments (dust emission, landsliding, flooding, seismic)
Research Projects
- Integrated Forecasting of Desert Terrain Conditions for Military Operations
- Catalog of Analogs and Desert Terrain Characterization at U.S. Army’s Desert/Hot Weather test site, U.S. Army Yuma Proving Ground (YPG) in southwestern Arizona
- Neotectonic investigations in southern Owens Valley, eastern California
- Late Pleistocene and Holocene stratigraphy and geomorphology of pluvial Owens Lake, Owens Valley, eastern California
- Geomorphic development of alluvial fans at the base of the Inyo Mountains in Owens Lake basin, eastern California
- Neotectonic investigations in China Lake Basin, eastern California
- Late Pleistocene and Holocene stratigraphy and geomorphology of pluvial China Lake, Indian Wells Valley, eastern California
- Paleohydrologic modeling of the Owens watershed-lake system, south-eastern Sierra Nevada
- Paleohydrologic modeling of the Snake River watershed, Idaho
- Geologic hazard assessment of carcinogenic mineral fibers in northern Nevada
- Post-wildfire slope stability modeling at watershed-scales
Degree |
Year |
Institution |
Area |
Ph.D. |
2020 |
University of Nevada, Reno |
Hydrology |
M.S. |
2003 |
Humboldt State University |
Environmental Systems – Geology |
B.S. |
1996 |
Humboldt State University |
Geology |
California Certified Engineering Geologist (CEG), No. 2559
California Professional Geologist (PG), No. 8581
Bacon, S., Burke, B., Pezzopane, S., and Jayko, A. (2005). Geologic and geomorphic record of late Pleistocene and Holocene lake levels of Owens Lake, eastern California. In “Geologic and biotic perspectives on the late Cenozoic drainage history of the southwestern Great Basin and lower Colorado River region: Conference abstracts” (M.C. Reheis, Ed.), pp. 15-16. U.S. Geological Survey Open-File Report 2005-1404.Download PDF
Bacon, S.N., Pezzopane, S.K., and Burke, R.M. (2003). Paleoseismology on the Owens Valley fault and latest Quaternary stratigraphy in Owens Valley near Lone Pine, eastern California: USGS/NEHRP Final Technical Report, 42 p.Download PDF
Quaternary geology, geomorphology, engineering geology, paleoclimate
Bacon, S. N.,
Sion, B. (2024).
Technical Report: Conceptual Framework of Soil-Landform Relations in Fluvial-Geomorphic Settings to Support Military Gap Crossing Operations. Report prepared for U.S. Army Corps of Engineers under contract W912-HZ-23-C-0008
Bacon, S. N.,
Neudorf, C.M. (2024).
Letter Report: Stratigraphic and Luminescence Analyses of the Buhl Burial Site. Report prepared for Idaho Power Company
Saftner, D. M. &
Bacon, S. N. (2024).
Post-wildfire hydrogeomorphic modeling to identify and quantify links between hillslope and water quality response associated with the 2021 Caldor Fire, Tahoe Lake Basin. Report prepared for the Desert Research Institute: Institute Project Assignment Committee.
Bacon, S. N.,
Bullard, T. F.,
Vaughn, K.,
Neudorf, C.M.,
Baker, S. A. (2023).
Landscape response to hydroclimate variability shown by the post-Bonneville Flood (~18 ka) fluvial-geomorphic history of the middle Snake River, Idaho, USA,
Quaternary Research, 113, 29-51,
Saftner, D. M.,
Bacon, S. N.,
Arienzo, M. M.,
Robtoy, E.,
Schlauch, K. A.,
Neveux, I.,
Grzymski, J. J.,
Carbone, M. (2023).
Predictions of Arsenic in Domestic Well Water Sourced from Alluvial Aquifers of the Western Great Basin, USA,
Environmental Science & Technology, 57 (8), 3124-3133. American Chemical Society,
Hartshorn, E. J.,
Bacon, S. N.,
Harsha, G. L.,
Kielhofer, J.,
Patton, N. R.,
Page, D. J.,
Sion, B. (2023).
Technical Report: YTC Kofa Muggins Dust Course Analysis/Life Use/Relocation Study, 61. Report prepared for U.S. Army Yuma Proving Ground under contract W9115121D0004
Toller, J. A.,
Hartshorn, E. J.,
Page, D. J.,
Bacon, S. N.,
Sion, B. (2023).
Technical Report: YTC Ride Quality Course Analysis and Repair/Replacement Study, 27. Report prepared for U.S. Army Yuma Proving Ground under contract W9115121D0004
Arienzo, M. M.,
Saftner, D. M.,
Bacon, S. N.,
Robtoy, E.,
Neveux, I.,
Schlauch, K. A.,
Carbone, M.,
Grzymski, J. J. (2022).
Naturally occurring metals in unregulated domestic wells in Nevada, USA,
Science of The Total Environment, 851, 158277,
Bacon, S. N.,
Berli, M.,
Miller, J. J.,
Chapman, J. B. (2021).
Surface Cover Assessment of the Mexican Hat Disposal Site, Utah, Paginated by section, 41284
Miller, J. J.,
Bacon, S. N.,
Chapman, J. B. (2021).
Update of Erosion Conditions and Assessment of Mitigation Options for the L-Bar Site, DRI Report # 41286
Lancaster, N.,
Bacon, S. N.,
Bullard, T. F.,
Neudorf, C.M.,
Keen-Zebert, A. K.,
Decker, D. L.,
Boggs, M. L. (2021).
Tectonic, hydrogeologic, and climatic controls on Late Holocene dune formation, China Lake basin, Indian Wells Valley, California, USA,
Quaternary Research, 1-17,
Bacon, S. N.,
Bullard, T. F.,
Keen-Zebert, A. K.,
Jayko, A. S.,
Decker, D. L. (2020).
Spatiotemporal patterns of distributed slip in southern Owens Valley indicated by deformation of late Pleistocene shorelines, eastern California,
Geological Society of America Bulletin, 132 (7/8), 1681-1703,
Bacon, S. N.,
Jayko, A. S.,
Owen, L. A.,
Lindvall, S. C.,
Rhodes, E. J.,
Schumer, R.,
Decker, D. L. (2020).
A 50,000-year record of lake-level variations and overflow from Owens Lake, eastern California, USA,
l Quaternary Science Reviews, 238, 106312,
Garner, C. B.,
Bacon, S. N.,
Chapman, J. B.,
Pohlmann, K. F. (2020).
Indian Wells Valley Groundwater Storage Analysis. Desert Research Institute
Miller, J. J.,
Heintz, K. M.,
Bacon, S. N. (2018).
Flood Assessment for the Area 6 Device Assembly Facility, Nevada National Security Site, Nevada, DOE/NV/0003590-15
Miller, J. J.,
Bacon, S. N.,
Chapman, J. B. (2018).
Erosion Assessment of the Edgemont Disposal Site, South Dakota, paginated by section, DRI Publication No. 41274
Norton, R.,
Cablk, M. E.,
Ramsey, B. A.,
Smith, K. L.,
Bacon, S. N.,
Ostrowski, S. R.,
Wright, J.,
Rodning, S. (2018).
Defending against agroterrorism: Modeling Pathogen Dispersion Pathways,
Homeland Defense & Security Information Analysis Journal, 5 (1), 23-27
Minatre, K. L.,
Page, D. J.,
Minor, T. B.,
Bacon, S. N.,
McDonald, E. V. (2018).
R45 update, Updated Landforms and Surface Cover of Vehicle Endurance Test Courses at U.S. Army Yuma Proving Ground, 183 pp., Report prepared for the U.S. Army Yuma Proving Ground.
Bacon, S. N.,
Lancaster, N.,
Stine, S.,
Rhodes, E. J.,
McCarley Holder, G. A. (2018).
A continuous 4000-year lake-level record of Owens Lake, south-central Sierra Nevada, California, USA,
Quaternary Research, 90, 276-302,
Chen, L.,
Miller, J. J.,
Bacon, S. N.,
Shillito, R. M.,
Campbell, S. A. (2016).
Geomorphology, Soils, and Runoff Potential in the Daggs Wash Watershed, Maricopa County, Arizona, DRI Report No. 41265
Sabol, D. E.,
Minor, T. B.,
McDonald, E. V.,
Bacon, S. N. (2016).
Parent Material Mapping of Geologic Surfaces Using ASTER in Support of Integrated Terrain Forecasting for Military OperationsChapter 20: . In
McDonald, E. V.,
Bullard, T. F. (Eds.),
Military Geosciences and Desert Warfare, Past Lessons and Modern Challenges, 311-338. Springer: New York, NY
Bacon, S. N.,
McDonald, E. V. (2016).
Regional Distribution of Salt-Rich Dust Across Southwest Asia Based on Predictive Soil-Geomorphic Mapping TechniquesChapter : . In
McDonald, E. V.,
Bullard, T. F. (Eds.),
Military Geosciences and Desert Warfare, Past Lessons and Modern Challenges, 237-256. Springer: New York, NY
Fleming, S.,
McDonald, E. V.,
Bacon, S. N. (2016).
Military Test Site Characterization and Training Future Officers? An Integrated Terrain Analysis ApproachChapter : . In
McDonald, E. V.,
Bullard, T. F. (Eds.),
Military Geosciences and Desert Warfare, Past Lessons and Modern Challenges, 273-295. Springer: New York, NY
McDonald, E. V.,
Bacon, S. N.,
Bassett, S.,
Amit, R.,
Enzel, Y.,
Minor, T. B.,
McGwire, K. C.,
Crouvi, O.,
Nahmias, Y. (2016).
Integrated Terrain Forecasting for Military Operations in Deserts: Geologic Basis for Rapid Predictive Mapping of Soils and Terrain FeaturesChapter : . In
McDonald, E. V.,
Bullard, T. F. (Eds.),
Military Geosciences and Desert Warfare, Past Lessons and Modern Challenges, 353-375. Springer: New York, NY
McGraw, D. S.,
Carroll, R. W.,
Pohll, G. M.,
Chapman, J. B.,
Bacon, S. N.,
Jasoni, R. L. (2016).
Groundwater Resource Sustainability: Modeling Evaluation for the Naval Air Weapons Station, China Lake, California. Naval Air Warfare Center Weapons Division Technical report, NAWCWD TP 8811
Pohll, G. M.,
Bergsohn, I.,
Bacon, S. N. (2016).
Analysis of Basin Conditions Tahoe Valley South (6-5-01) Groundwater Basin, California, 131 pp., Final report prepared for the South Tahoe Public Utility District
Lancaster, N.,
Baker, S. E.,
Bacon, S. N.,
McCarley-Holder, G. (2015).
Owens Lake dune fields: Composition, sources of sand, and transport pathways,
Catena, 134, 41-49
Bullard, T. F.,
Bacon, S. N. (2015).
Geomorphic research at the Idaho Power Company, Bancroft Springs Cultural Resources Research Locale, Snake River, Idaho – Phase II: Stratigraphy, soils, and numerical age dating
Keen-Zebert, A. K.,
Baker, S. E.,
Adams, K. D.,
Bacon, S. N. (2015).
Luminescence dating of sediment from beach deposits of the Pleistocene highstand of Owens Lake: DRI
Regmi, N. R.,
McDonald, E. V.,
Bacon, S. N. (2014).
Mapping Quaternary Alluvial Fans in the Southwestern United States Based on Multi-Parameter Surface Roughness of LiDAR Topographic Data,
Journal of Geophysical Research-Earth Surface, 119,
Chen, L.,
Miller, J. J.,
Bacon, S. N.,
Shillito, R. M.,
Meyer, W. J. (2014).
Terrain, Soils, and Runoff Potential in the Rawhide Wash Watershed, Maricopa County, Arizona, DRI Report No. 41257
Reheis, M.,
Adams, K. D.,
Oviatt, C.,
Bacon, S. N. (2014).
Pluvial lakes in the Great Basin of the western United States: A view from the outcrop,
Quaternary Science Reviews, 97, 33-57
Bacon, S. N.,
McDonald, E. V.,
Dalldorf, G.,
Lucas, W.,
Nikolich, G. (2014).
Recommendations for the development of a dust-suppressant test operations procedure (TOP) for U.S. Army materiel testingChapter : . In
Harmon, R. S.,
Baker, S. E.,
McDonald, E. V. (Eds.),
Military Geosciences in the Twenty-First Century: Geological Society of America Reviews in Engineering Geology, Vol. XXII, 83-100
Miller, J. J.,
Bacon, S. N.,
French, R. H. (2013).
Borrego Springs Alluvial Fan Active and Inactive Area Mapping, County of San Diego, California
Bullard, T. F.,
Bacon, S. N.,
Canonne, P.,
Smith, J. N.,
Queen, C. R.,
Ruehlen, L.,
Ormond, J. (2011).
Geology, Geomorphology, and the Vertical Dimension of the World War II BattlefieldChapter : . In
Häusler, H.,
Mang, R. (Eds.),
International Handbook, Military Geography Volume 2, Proceedings of the 8th International Conference on Military Geosciences, 99-107. Arbeitsgemeinschaft TRUPPENDIENST,: Ministry of Defence and Sports, Vienna, June 15, 2009-June 19, 2009
Bacon, S. N.,
McDonald, E. V.,
Amit, R.,
Enzel, Y.,
Crouvi, O. (2011).
Total suspended particulate matter emissions at high friction velocities from desert landforms,
Journal of Geophysical Research: Earth Surface, 116, F03019
Bacon, S. N.,
McDonald, E. V.,
Caldwell, T. G.,
Dalldorf, G. (2010).
Timing and distribution of alluvial fan sedimentation in response to strengthening of late Holocene ENSO variability in the Sonoran Desert, Southwestern Arizona,
USA, Quaternary Research, 73, 425-438
Bacon, S. N.,
Dalldorf, G. K.,
McDonald, E. V.,
Baker, S. E.,
Sabol, D. E.,
Minor, T. B.,
Bassett, S.,
MacCabe, S. R.,
Bullard, T. F. (2010).
Predictive soil maps based on geomorphic mapping, remote sensing, and soil databases in the desert southwestChapter : . In ,
2008 3rd Global Workshop on Digital Soil Mapping: Bridging Research, Production, and Environmental Application
Bacon, S. N.,
McDonald, E. V.,
Baker, S. E.,
Caldwell, T. G.,
Stullenbarger, G. (2008).
Desert terrain characterization of landforms and surface materials within vehicle test courses at US Army Yuma Proving Ground, USA,
Journal of Terramechanics, 45 (5), 167-183,
10.1016/j.jterra.2008.09.005 ://WOS:000264838500002
Caldwell, T. G.,
McDonald, E. V.,
Bacon, S. N.,
Stullenbarger, G. (2008).
The performance and sustainability of vehicle dust courses for military testing,
Journal of Terramechanics, 45, 213-221, 10. 1016/J.JTERRA.2008.10.002
Jayko, A. S.,
Bacon, S. N. (2008).
Late Quaternary MIS 6-8 shoreline features of pluvial Owens Lake, Owens Valley, eastern CaliforniaChapter : . In
Reheis, M. C.,
Hershler, R.,
Miller, D. M. (Eds.),
Late Cenozoic Drainage History of the Southwestern Great Basin and Lower Colorado River Region: Geologic and Biotic Perspectives: Geological Society of America Special Paper 439, 185-206
Bacon, S. N.,
Pezzopane, S. K. (2007).
A 25,000-year record of earthquakes on the Owens Valley fault near Lone Pine, California: Implications for recurrence intervals, slip rates, and segmentation models,
Geological Society of America Bulletin, 119 (7), 823-847
Bacon, S. N.,
Burke, R. M.,
Pezzopane, S. K.,
Jayko, A. S. (2006).
Last glacial maximum and Holocene lake levels of Owens Lake, eastern California, USA,
Quaternary Science Reviews, 25 (11-12), 1264-1282
Bacon, S. N.,
Jayko, A. S.,
McGeehin, J. P. (2005).
Holocene and latest Pleistocene oblique dextral faulting on the southern Inyo Mountains fault, Owens Lake basin, California,
Bulletin, Seismological Society of America, 95, 2472-2485
Bacon, S. N.,
Burke, B.,
Pezzopane, S.,
Jayko, A. (2005).
Geologic and geomorphic record of late Pleistocene and Holocene lake levels of Owens Lake, eastern California [abstract]Chapter : . In
Reheis, M. C. (Ed.),
Geologic and biotic perspectives on the late Cenozoic drainage history of the southwestern Great Basin and lower Colorado River region: Conference abstracts, 15-16, U.S. Geological Survey Open-File Report 2005-1404
Van Dissen, R. J.,
Burke, R. M.,
Tonkin, P. J.,
Bacon, S. N.,
Bowers, R.,
Goldstein, H.,
Redwine, J.,
Sutherland, D.,
Tillinghast, S. (2005).
Kekerengu Fault assessment of late Quaternary slip rate using alluvial terrace and soil stratigraphy, 100-108, Geological Society of New Zealand Miscellaneous Publication 119B
Bacon, S. N.,
Pezzopane, S. K.,
Burke, R. M. (2003).
NEHRP Final Technical Report: Paleoseismology on the Owens Valley fault and latest Quaternary stratigraphy in Owens Valley near Lone Pine, eastern California, 42 p.
Bacon, S. N.,
Chinn, T. C.,
Van Dissen, R. J.,
Tillinghast, S. F.,
Goldstein, H. L.,
Burke, R. M. (2001).
Paleo-equilibrium line altitude estimates from late Quaternary glacial features in the Inland Kaikoura Range, South Island, New Zealand,
New Zealand Journal of Geology and Geophysics, 44, 55-67
Conference Proceedings
Bacon, S. N.,
Lancaster, N.,
Grimm, S.,
Holder, G. M. (2023).
Historical and Latest Holocene record of aeolian deposition in response to lowstands of Owens Lake, eastern California,
Geological Society of America. Cordilleran Section Meeting: Reno, Nevada, May 17, 2023-May 19, 2023, T19
Bacon, S. N.,
Ogland-Hand, J.,
Parashar, R.,
Middleton, R. (2023).
Regional assessment of CO2 geological storage in sedimentary basin geothermal reservoirs of Nevada,
Carbon Utilization and Storage Partnership (CUSP) West. Annual Meeting: Lawrence, Kansas, June 20, 2023-June 23, 2023
Saftner, D. M.,
Robtoy, E.,
Arienzo, M. M.,
Bacon, S. N.,
Neveux, I.,
Lipp, B. G.,
Schlauch, K. A.,
Grzymski, J. J.,
Carbone, M. (2022).
Empowering Private Well Users in Rural Nevada to Monitor and Improve Drinking Water Quality through Free At-Home Testing and Community Participation. Frontiers in Hydrology: San Juan, Puerto Rico
Saftner, D. M.,
Bacon, S. N.,
Arienzo, M. M.,
Schlauch, K. A.,
Grzymski, J. J.,
Carbone, M. (2022).
A Landscape-Process Approach to Assess Potential Human Exposure to Erionite-Rich Dust in Northern Nevada, USA. American Geophysical Union: Chicago, IL, December 12, 2022-December 16, 2022, 1186977
Saftner, D. M.,
Arienzo, M. M.,
Bacon, S. N.,
Robtoy, E.,
Neveux, I.,
Lipp, B. G.,
Schlauch, K. A.,
Grzymski, J. J.,
Carbone, M. (2021).
Living in a Geothermal Environment: The Impact of Geothermal and Tectonic Activity on Arsenic Concentrations in Domestic Wells in Northern Nevada and Northeastern California, USA. AGU Fall Meeting 2021: New Orleans, LA
Arienzo, M. M.,
Saftner, D. M.,
Robtoy, E.,
Bacon, S. N.,
Neveux, I.,
Schlauch, K. A.,
Grzymski, J. J.,
Carbone, M. (2021).
Naturally-occurring Heavy Metals in Unregulated Domestic Wells in Northern Nevada, USA: Assessing Geohealth Risks for Homes With or Without Water Treatment Systems. AGU Fall Meeting 2021: New Orleans, LA
Bacon, S. N.,
Miller, J. J.,
Chapman, J. B. (2018).
Evaluating Vulnerability of Closed Uranium Mill Tailing Sites to Event-Triggered Surface Erosion. 2018 Long-Term Stewardship Conference: Grand Junction, Colorado, August 20, 2018-August 24, 2018
Miller, J. J.,
Bacon, S. N.,
French, R. H. (2015).
Borrego Springs Alluvial Fan Active and Inactive Area Mapping, County of San Diego, California. Floodplain Management Association Conference: Rancho Mirage, CA, September 8, 2015-September 11, 2015
Bullard, T. F.,
Bacon, S. N.,
Kimball, V. (2015).
Geomorphic parameters for developing a hydrologic model to infer Holocene climate variability, middle Snake River near Bliss, Idaho. American Geophysical Union, Fall Meeting: San Francisco, CA, December 14, 2015-December 18, 2015
Bacon, S. N.,
Adams, K. D.,
Bullard, T. F.,
Keen-Zebert, A. K.,
Decker, D. L. (2014).
Sill Failure and Catastrophic Outburst Floods from Owens Lake, CA: Implications for Latest Pleistocene and Holocene Paleohydrology of the Owens River Drainage Basin,
Geological Society of America, Abstracts with Programs, 46 (6). Geological Society of America Annual Meeting: Vancouver British Columbia, October 19, 2014-October 22, 2014, Paper No. 310-7
Adams, K. D.,
Bacon, S. N.,
Lancaster, N.,
Rhodes, E.,
Negrini, R. (2014).
How wet can it get? Defining future climate extremes based on late Holocene lake-level records [abstract],
Geological Society of America, Abstracts with Programs, 46 (6). Geological Society of America Annual Meeting: Vancouver, British Columbia, October 19, 2014-October 22, 2014, Paper No. 310-5.
Lancaster, N.,
Bacon, S. N.,
Baker, S. E.,
Holder, G. A. (2014).
Owens Lake dune fields: composition, sources of sand, and transport pathways,
Geological Society of America Annual Meeting, Abstracts with Programs, 46 (6), Paper No. 121-3.
Bacon, S. N.,
Lancaster, N.,
Stine, S.,
Rhodes, E. J.,
Holder, G. A. (2013).
Refined late Holocene lake-level history of Owens Lake, east-central California,
Geological Society of America Annual Meeting, Abstracts with Programs, 45 (7), Paper No. 231-2.
Regmi, N. R.,
McDonald, E. V.,
Bacon, S. N. (2012).
Mapping Quaternary alluvial fans in the southwestern United States based on multi-parameter roughness of LiDAR topographic data. American Geophysical Union Fall Meeting: San Francisco, CA, No. EP41E-0846
Caldwell, T. G.,
McDonald, E. V.,
Bacon, S. N.,
Young, M. H.,
Lin, H. (2012).
Hydropedology and ecosystem response on an arid soil chronosequence. 2nd International Conference on Hydropedology, Abstract with Programs: Leipzig, Germany, July 22, 2012-July 27, 2012
McAlpine, J. D.,
Koracin, D. R.,
Bacon, S. N.,
Baker, S. E.,
McDonald, E. V. (2012).
Development of an operational predictive tool for visibility degradation and brownout caused by rotorcraft dust entrainment. Weather Impacts Decision Aids (WIDA) Workshop, Abstract with Programs: Reno, NV, March 13, 2012-March 15, 2012
McDonald, E. V.,
Spears, L.,
Fleming, S. D.,
Bacon, S. N. (2012).
Developing science-based testing – characterizing the physical environment with enough detail to support test procedures. 28th Annual National Test & Evaluation Conference, Abstract with Programs: Hilton Head, SC, March 12, 2012-March 15, 2012, Abstract 13755.
Bacon, S. N.,
McDonald, E. V.,
Green, H. L. (2011).
Development of geomorphic-based dust source emissions data in support of forecasting dust storm activity in southwest Asia, 18. 9th International Conference on Military Geosciences, Abstracts with Programs: Las Vegas, NV, June 19, 2011-June 24, 2011
Bacon, S. N.,
McDonald, E. V.,
Sweeney, M. R.,
Amit, R.,
Enzel, Y.,
Crouvi, O. (2011).
Emission of PM10 and total suspended particulate matter from desert landforms across the southwestern U.S. and Israel: Implications for near-surface and atmospheric dust loading models. XXIII Inqua-Congress, Abstract with Programs: Bern, Switzerland, July 21, 2011-July 27, 2011, ID 3015
Caldwell, T. G.,
McDonald, E. V.,
Bacon, S. N.,
Schumer, R. (2011).
Cleared circles: Anthropogenic or Biogenic? Use of non-invasive geophysical techniques to determine origin. The Symposium on the Application of Geophysics to Engineering and Environmental Problems (SAGEEP), Abstracts with Program, April 10, 2011-April 14, 2011
McDonald, E. V.,
Bacon, S. N.,
Schumer, R.,
Jenkins, S.,
Caldwell, T. G. (2011).
The question of the origin of cleared circles as cultural resource features: weary humans or energetic rodents?, 80. 9th International Conference on Military Geosciences, Abstracts with Programs: Las Vegas, NV, June 19, 2011-June 24, 2011
McDonald, E. V.,
Bacon, S. N. (2010).
Rapid measurement of dust emission from semi-arid to hyperarid landforms: Implications for assessing impacts of global climate change on wind erosion and dust emission. International Dryland Development Commission (IDDC), Tenth International Conference on Development of Drylands, Abstracts with Programs: Cairo, Egypt, December 12, 2010-December 15, 2010
Dalldorf, G.,
Caldwell, T. G.,
Bacon, S. N.,
Young, M. H.,
Miller, J. J.,
McDonald, E. V. (2009).
Rapid Characterization of Runoff Potential on Arid Alluvial Fans using Terrain Prediction and Geomorphic Mapping. American Association of Geographers Annual Meeting: Las Vegas, NV, March 6, 0009, Session 5603.
Bacon, S. N.,
McDonald, E. V.,
Dalldorf, G.,
Baker, S. E.,
Sabol, D. E.,
Minor, T. B.,
Bassett, S.,
MacCabe, S. R.,
Bullard, T. F. (2009).
Predictive terrain hazard maps for military operations in the desert based on geomorphic mapping, remote sensing, and soil databases [abstract], 14. 8th International Conference on Military Geosciences, Abstracts with Programs: Vienna, Austria, June 15, 2009-June 19, 2009
Bacon, S. N.,
McDonald, E. V.,
Caldwell, T. G.,
Dalldorf, G. (2009).
Alluvial fan response to strengthening of late Holocene ENSO variability in the Sonoran Desert, southwest Arizona,
Geological Society of America, Annual Meeting, Abstracts with Programs, 41 (7), 647. Geological Society of America Annual Meeting
Bullard, T. F.,
Canonne, P.,
Bacon, S. N.,
Queen, C. R.,
Ormond, J. (2009).
Geology, geomorphology, and the vertical dimension of the battlefield: First ever surrender of major ground force unit to an air force – Chateauroux Region, France, August – September 1944, 28. 8th International Conference on Military Geosciences, Abstracts with Programs: Vienna, Austria, June 15, 2009-June 19, 2009
Caldwell, T. G.,
Sweeney, M.,
Bacon, S. N.,
McDonald, E. V. (2009).
Hydraulic gradient and dust emissivity along a playa to distal fan transect,
EOS Transactions, 90 (52). AGU Fall Meeting Supplement, Abstract EP24A-05.
McDonald, E. V.,
Bacon, S. N.,
Dalldorf, G.,
Bullard, T. F.,
Minor, T. B. (2009).
Integrated desert terrain forecasting for military operations: Geologic basis for rapid predictive mapping of soils and terrain features, 92. 8th International Conference on Military Geosciences, Abstracts with Programs: Vienna, Austria, June 15, 2009-June 19, 2009
Young, M. H.,
Caldwell, T. G.,
Miller, J. J.,
Chen, L.,
Dalldorf, G.,
Bacon, S. N.,
McDonald, E. V. (2008).
Using Terrain Forecasting and Field Measurements to Predict Runoff Potential. Am. Soc. of Flood Plain Managers National Meetings: San Diego, CA
Caldwell, T. G.,
McDonald, E. V.,
Young, M. H.,
Bacon, S. N.,
Marion, G. M. (2008).
Numerical Simulations of Salt Accumulation in a Hyper-Arid Soil Chronosequence In the Sonoran Desert. Am. Soc. Agron. National Meetings: Houston, TX, Paper 335-9.
Bacon, S. N.,
McDonald, E. V.,
Dalldorf, G.,
Baker, S. E.,
Sabol, D. E.,
Minor, T. B.,
Bassett, S.,
MacCabe, S. R.,
Bullard, T. F. (2008).
An expert based system to predict soil attributes using geomorphic mapping, remote sensing, and soil databases in the desert southwest USA [abstract]. European Geological Union, EGU2008-A-10709; SSS25-1FR5P-0669, Abstract XY0669
Berli, M.,
Caldwell, T. G.,
Bacon, S. N.,
McDonald, E. V. (2008).
Trafficability of fine-textured arid soils – a model evaluation. Geological Society of America Joint Annual Meeting, Abstracts with Programs, Paper No. 58-6.
Dalldorf, G.,
McDonald, E. V.,
Bacon, S. N.,
Nikolich, G. (2008).
Testing and evaluation of a synthetic polymer for dust suppression in military applications. Geological Society of America Joint Annual Meeting, Abstracts with Programs, Abstract 135-14.
Dalldorf, G.,
Bacon, S. N.,
McDonald, E. V.,
Baker, S. E.,
Sabol, D. E.,
Minor, T. B.,
Bassett, S.,
MacCabe, S. R.,
Bullard, T. F. (2008).
Predictive soil maps based on geomorphic mapping, remote sensing, and soil databases in the desert southwest, 10 p.. 3rd Global Workshop on Digital Soil Mapping, Paper in Session 6.
Bacon, S. N.,
Dalldorf, G. K.,
McDonald, E. V.,
Baker, S. E.,
Sabol, D. E.,
Minor, T. B.,
Bassett, S.,
MacCabe, S. R.,
Bullard, T. F. (2008).
Predictive soil maps based on geomorphic mapping, remote sensing, and soil databases in the desert southwest. 2008 European Geosciences Union Congress: Vienna, Austria
Caldwell, T. G.,
McDonald, E. V.,
Young, M. H.,
Hamerlynck, E. P.,
Bacon, S. N. (2007).
Soil Development and Hydrology of an Arid Soil Chronosequence in the Sonoran Desert: Los Alamos, NM
Bacon, S. N.,
McDonald, E. V.,
Bassett, S. (2007).
Catalogue of analogs: Identifying terrain similarities between the World’s deserts and the US Army Desert/Hot Weather test site, Yuma Proving Ground (YPG), southwestern Arizona [abstract], 8. 7th International Conference on Military Geology and Geography: Quebec, Canada, June 8, 2007-June 1, 2007, Session 4 Spatial Analysis, abstract and talk
Bacon, S. N.,
McDonald, E. V.,
Dalldorf, G.,
Caldwell, T. G. (2007).
Late Holocene soil stratigraphy and geochronology of alluvial sedimentation in the Sonoran Desert, Arizona [abstract],
EOS Transactions, 88 (52). AGU Fall Meeting Supplement, Abstract H53C-1390.
Bacon, S. N.,
McDonald, E. V.,
Baker, S. E.,
Caldwell, T. G.,
Stullenbarger, G. (2007).
Desert terrain characterization of landforms and surface cover within vehicle test courses at U.S. Army Yuma Proving Ground, USA [abstract]. Proceedings of the Joint North American, Asia-Pacific ISTVS Conference and Annual Meeting of Japanese Society for Terramechanics: Fairbanks, AK, June 3, 2007-June 6, 2007, Session 41 Terrain Impacts, talk and short paper.
Caldwell, T. G.,
McDonald, E. V.,
Bacon, S. N. (2007).
Vehicle dust courses and military testing at the U.S. Army’s Yuma Proving Ground. Proceedings of the Joint North American, Asia-Pacific ISTVS Conference and Annual Meeting of Japanese Society for Terramechanics: Fairbanks, AK, June 23, 2007-June 26, 2007, Session 41 Terrain Impacts, poster and short paper.
McDonald, E. V.,
Bassett, S.,
Bacon, S. N.,
Minor, T. B.,
Bullard, T. F. (2007).
Integrated terrain forecasting for military operations: Predicting the location of critical soil conditions using geomorphic image analysis, 22. 7th International Conference on Military Geology and Geography: Quebec, Canada, June 18, 2007-June 21, 2007, Session 9 Soil and Technology, abstract and talk.
Caldwell, T. G.,
McDonald, E. V.,
Young, M. H.,
Hamerlynck, E. P.,
Bacon, S. N. (2006).
Ecohydrology of an Arid Soil Chronosequence in the Sonoran Desert, Yuma Proving Ground, USA: San Francisco, CA
Caldwell, T. G.,
McDonald, E. V.,
Young, M. H.,
Hamerlynck, E. P.,
Bacon, S. N. (2006).
Ecohydrology of an arid soil chronosequence in the Sonoran Desert, Yuma Proving Ground, USA,
EOS Transactions, 87 (52). AGU Fall Meeting Supplement, Abstract H13A-1355.
McDonald, E. V.,
Bassett, S.,
Bacon, S. N.,
Minor, T. B.,
Bullard, T. F. (2006).
Integrated desert terrain forecasting for military operations, 6 p.. 25th Army Science Conference: Orlando, FL, November 27, 2006-November 30, 2006, Session O Environmental and Engineering Geosciences; OP-14, poster & short paper.
Bacon, S. N.,
Jayko, A. S. (2004).
Holocene and latest Pleistocene surface ruptures on the southern Inyo Mountains Fault, southern Owens Valley [abstract]. Basin and Range Seismic Hazard Summit II: Reno, NV, May, 2004.
Bacon, S. N.,
Jayko, A. S. (2004).
Holocene(?) and latest Pleistocene surface ruptures on the southern Inyo Mountains Fault, southern Owens Valley, Eastern California shear zone [abstract],
Geological Society of America, Abstracts with Programs, 36, 16
Bacon, S. N.,
Bayasgalan, A.,
Gillespie, A.,
Burke, R. M. (2003).
Paleoseismic displacement measurements from landforms subjected to periglacial processes: Observations along the Jarai Gol fault near the Tamyn Am Hills, Darhad Depression, northern Mongolia [abstract], 103. XVI Inqua Congress, Abstract with Programs
Bacon, S. N.,
Pezzopane, S. K.,
Burke, R. M. (2002).
Stratigraphic evidence for only one Holocene paleoearthquake since ca. 12 ka on the Owens Valley fault, near Lone Pine, eastern California [abstract],
Geological Society of America, Abstracts with Programs, 33, 4
Bacon, S. N.,
Pezzopane, S. K.,
Burke, R. M. (2002).
Paleoseismology on the Owens Valley fault and Holocene stratigraphy of pluvial Owens Lake near Lone Pine, eastern California [abstract],
Geological Society of America, Abstracts with Programs, 34, 6
Bacon, S. N.,
Burke, R. M. (2000).
Preliminary Paleoseismic Investigations on the Owens Valley Fault Zone and Latest Quaternary Stratigraphy in Owens Valley near Lone Pine, eastern California [abstract], 81, 48. American Geophysical Union, 2000 Fall Meeting, Program and Abstract
Bacon, S. N.,
Van Dissen, R. J.,
Goldstein, H. L.,
Tillinghast, S. F.,
Burke, R. M. (2000).
Late Pleistocene Equilibrium Altitude Estimates from Glacial Features in the Inland Kaikoura Range, New Zealand [abstract],
Geological Society of America, Abstracts with Programs, 32, 7. 9th Australian and New Zealand Geomorphological Group Conference
Bacon, S. N.,
Balzer, V.,
Batton, C.,
Gere, T. M. (1996).
Quaternary Volcanic and Glacial Stratigraphy in the central High Cascades, outside Sisters, Oregon [abstract],
Geological Society of America, Abstracts with Programs, 28, 5
Slemmons, D. B.,
Vittori, E.,
Jayko, A. S.,
Carver, G. A.,
Bacon, S. N. (2008).
Quaternary fault and lineament map of Owens Valley, Inyo County, eastern California, 25 p.. Geological Society of America Map and Chart 96