Dr. Teresa Wriston
Associate Research Professor, Geoarchaeology
(775) 673-7356
Reno Campus
Full Resume / CV
Earth and Ecosystem Sciences
geoarchaeology, geoarchaeologist, archaeological science, stable isotopes, hunter-gatherer studies, archaeological sensitivity modeling, environmental reconstruction, climate change, archeology, photogrammetry, RTI, UAS, Geoprobe, GPR, virtual tours, digital preservation
LCAI Meadow Valley Wash: Our current understanding of its alluvial and wetland history and its effect on archaeological site distribution, Lincoln County, Nevada, II, 167 pp., Report No. 8111 NV04-19-2230 (Volume II of II). Report on file at BLM Ely, NV District Office.
, , , (2023). Applying Luminescence Dating to Pluvial Lake Gravels in Lincoln County, Nevada, 133 pp., BLM Report No. 8111 CRR NV 040-21-2283. Report on file at BLM Ely, NV District Office.
, (2023). Remote Sensing at Midas Cemetery: Using GPR and sUAS-Mounted Sensors to Find Graves, Midas, Elko County, NV, 87 pp., Sponsored by Friends of Midas.
, (2023). 2022
Pleistocene pluvial lakesChapter : . In , Oregon Encyclopedia. Oregon Historical Society
(2022). Smith, G. M. (Ed.) Chapter 3: The History of Lake Warner. In Smith, G. M. (Ed.), In the Shadow of the Steamboat: A Natural and Cultural History of North Warner Valley, Oregon, 20-34. The University of Utah Press: Salt Lake City, UT.
, (2022). A Late Pleistocene Hair Raises Questions about Human/Mammoth Interactions in Eastern Beringia, Environmental Archaeology, https://doi.org/10.1080/14614103.2022.2031836
, , , , , , , , , , (2022). Smith, G. M. (Ed.) Chapter 13: Survey Results. In Smith, G. M. (Ed.), In the Shadow of the Steamboat: A Natural and Cultural History of North Warner Valley, Oregon, 137-168. The University of Utah Press: Salt Lake City, UT.
, , (2022). LCAI Meadow Valley Wash 2021 Archaeological Research, Volume I Archaeological Report, I, 1,254 pp., BLM Report No. 8111 NV04-19-2230 (Volume I of II). Report on file at BLM Ely, NV District Office.
, (2022). Geoarchaeological Assessment of Four Archaeological Sites within the Goldbar Project Area, Eureka County, NV, 13 pp., Submitted to Kautz Environmental Consultants, Reno, NV.
(2022). Geoarchaeological Assessment of Site 26Wa1441 within the Pleasant Valley Reach 3 Interceptor Project: Description and Interpretation of Sampled Trench and Excavation Profiles. Washoe County, NV., 36 pp., Submitted to Kautz Environmental Consultants, Reno, NV.
(2022). 2021
USACE Willamette Valley Project Area Archaeological Context and Research Design, 164 pp., Submitted to the U.S. Army Corps of Engineers, Portland Field Office.
(2021). 2020
Possible Paleoindian Geophyte Use in Hawksy Walksy Valley, Oregon., Journal of California and Great Basin Anthropology, 40 (2), 129-143
, , (2020). Summary of the Development of a Landform Map for the Western U.S. for Areas Prone to Dust, 16. U.S. Army Engineer Research and Development Center: Cold Regions Research and Engineering Laboratory
, , , , , (2020). Precontact Archaeological Overview of the USACE Willamette Valley Project Area and Initial Pedestrian Survey at Fern Ridge Reservoir
, , , (2020). LCAI Coal Valley Archaeological and Geomorphological Research: Pluvial Lake Coal and Paleoindians, 1,341 pp., BLM Report No. 8111 NV-04-17-2170. Report on file BLM Ely, NV District Office.
, (2020). Geoarchaeological Assessment of a portion of the Steamboat Eastside Project, 20 pp., Submitted to Kautz Environmental Consultants, Reno, NV.
(2020). Geoarchaeological Assessment of the Depth of Archaeological Site Wa1441 within the Pleasant Valley Reach 3 Interceptor Project, 10 pp., Submitted to Kautz Environmental Consultants, Reno, NV.
(2020). 2019
Geoarchaeological assessment of a select sample of units from the Steamboat Apartment’s project area excavations, south Reno, Washoe County, Nevada, Submitted to Kautz Environmental Consultants, Reno, NV.
(2019). 2018
Sediments, soils, and the expansion of farmers into a forager’s world: A geoarchaeological study of the mid-to-late Holocene in Hwange National Park, Zimbabwe, Quaternary International (466), 324-340. Elsevier Ltd and INQUA
, (2018). A Class III Cultural Resource Inventory of a Proposed Hillside Target Area in Range 77, Nevada Test and Training Range, Nye County, Nevada, Submitted to Nellis AFB and US Army Corps of Engineers for Project W9128F-17-2-0037.
, (2018). Diachronic Variability in Prehistoric Land Use in the Northern Warner Valley Study Area: The Results of Three Years of Investigation, GBPRU Technical Report 18-1. Submitted to Bureau of Land Management, Lakeview Field Office, Oregon.
, (2018). Appended Geoarchaeological Summary of Select Archaeological Sites Excavated Within the Steamboat Project Area, Washoe County, Nevada, Submitted to Kautz Environmental Consultants, Reno, NV.
(2018). A Cultural Resource Inventory of Two Battlefields of the AD 1860 Pyramid Lake Indian Wars, Washoe County, Nevada, Submitted to the Tribal Historic Preservation Office, Pyramid Lake Paiute Tribe, Nixon, NV and the American Battlefield Protection Program, Washington D.C.
, (2018). 2017
Late Pleistocene to Holocene history of Lake Warner and its prehistoric occupations, Warner Valley, Oregon (USA), Quaternary Research, 88, 491-513. Cambridge University Press, 10.1017//qua.2017.59
, (2017). Geoarchaeological Summary of Select Archaeological Sites Excavated within the Steamboat Project Area, Washoe County, Nevada, Submitted to Kautz Environmental Consultants, Inc. Reno, NV.
(2017). Geoarchaeological Assessment of South Winnemucca Lake and Mud Lake Slough in Relation to the Mud Lake Massacre of AD 1865, Submitted to the Tribal Historic Preservation Office, Pyramid Lake Paiute Tribe, Nixon, NV.
(2017). 2016
A Geoarchaeological Stratigraphic Sample at Stillwater National Wildlife Refuge, Submitted to Bob Vierra Consulting, Reno, NV.
(2016). Owhyee Land Exchange Cultural Resource Model Version 3, Submitted to the Idaho State Office of the Bureau of Land Management, Boise. BLM Report/Contract Number: L15PD00996
, (2016). 2015
The Surface Paleoindian Record of Northern Warner Valley, Oregon, and Its Bearing on the Temporal and Cultural Separation of Clovis and Western Stemmed Points in the Northern Great Basin, Paleoamerica, 1 (4), 360-373
, , , (2015). Geoarchaeological Assessment of Select Steamboat Project Archaeological Sites, Washoe County, Nevada, Prepared for Kautz Environmental Consulting, Reno, Nevada.
(2015). Conference Proceedings
The Luminescence Dating Potential of Pebbles from Pluvial Lake Beach Deposits: Preliminary Results from the Great Basin, USAChapter : . In , Geological Society of America Abstracts with Programs, 55 (4). GSA Cordilleran Section – 119th Annual Meeting: Reno, NV, 10.1130/abs/2023CD-387332
, , , (2023). Landforms matter: A geoarchaeological approach to Meadow Valley Wash archaeology. The 38th Great Basin Anthropological Conference: Bend, OR, October 18, 2023-October 21, 2023
, , , (2023). The ROC (Rockshelters, Overhangs, and Caves) of Lincoln County, Nevada. The 38th Great Basin Anthropological Conference: Bend, OR, October 18, 2023-October 21, 2023
(2023). The Aerial Perspective: Using sUAS-mounted sensors to analyze known archaeological sites in Lincoln County, Nevada. The 38th Great Basin Anthropological Conference: Bend, OR, October 18, 2023-October 21, 2023
, , , (2023). Geoarchaeology: A Brief Overview for Tribal Monitors, Virtual 40-minute workshop for Tribal Monitor Training sponsored by the Pyramid Lake Paiute Tribe and Nevada State Museum, Carson City, NV.
(2023). Luminescence Age Calculation Models, Termites, and Dune History in the Northern Kalahari Desert, Hwange National Park, Zimbabwe. A Tribute to the Contributions of Lawrence C. Todd to World Prehistory Symposium. Society for American Archaeology Annual Meeting: Portland, OR, March 29, 2023-April 2, 2023
, , (2023). Geoarchaeological Investigations in the Upper Willamette Valley and Western Cascade Mountains, Oregon. Future Directions for Archaeology and Heritage Research in the Willamette Valley, Oregon Symposium. Society for American Archaeology Annual Meeting: Portland, OR, March 29, 2023-April 2, 2023
, , , , (2023). High-Resolution Geophysical Characterization of Geology and Acoustic Water Column Signatures in Willamette Valley Reservoirs, Oregon, USA. Future Directions for Archaeology and Heritage Research in the Willamette Valley, Oregon Symposium. Society for American Archaeology Annual Meeting: Portland, OR, March 29, 2023-April 2, 2023
, , , , (2023). Geoarchaeology: A Brief Overview, Two-hour virtual employee training workshop for Logan Simpson, Salt Lake City, UT.
(2023). 2022
The dating potential of rocks from lake and river depositional environments: Preliminary results from Coal Valley, NV and Buffalo National River, AR, New World Luminescence Dating Workshop: Palisade, CO, October 13, 2022-October 15, 2022
, , , , , (2022). Geoarchaeological and Geophysical Investigations at Fern Ridge, Foster, and Detroit Reservoirs, Upper Willamette Valley and Western Cascade Mountains, Oregon, Northwest Anthropological Conference: Virtual, March 10, 2022-March 10, 2022
, , , , , (2022). Geoarchaeological and Geophysical Investigations, Upper Willamette Valley and Western Cascades, Oregon. Northwest Anthropological Conference Proceedings: [virtual], March 10, 2022
, , , , , , (2022). 2020
Searching for Evidence of Past Peoples within Submerged Landscapes, Willamette Valley, Oregon.. American Geophysical Union (AGU): Virtual, December 7, 2020-December 7, 2020
, (2020). The Holzman Site: Late Pleistocene Archaeology of Shaw Creek, Alaska. Alaska Anthropological Association Annual Meeting: Fairbanks, Alaska, February 1, 2020-February 1, 2020
, , , , , , , (2020). 2019
Fluted, Stemmed, and Crescents from Coal Valley, NV. 8th Biennial Three Corners Conference: Las Vegas, NV, November 2, 2019-November 2, 2019
(2019). 2018
Revisiting the 2000-2002 Excavations at the Weed Lake Ditch Site, Harney County, Oregon.. Great Basin Anthropological Conference: Salt Lake City, UT
(2018). Preliminary Results of Terminal Pleistocene to early Holocene Archaeological and Lake History Research in Coal Valley, Basin and Range National Monument, Lincoln County, NV. Great Basin Anthropological Conference: Salt Lake City, UT
, (2018). 2017
Late Pleistocene to Holocene lake levels of Lake Warner, Oregon (USA) and their effect on archaeological site distribution patterns. American Geophysical Union (AGU): New Orleans, LA
, (2017). The History of Lake Warner, Oregon and the Clovis and Western Stemmed Points left along its shores. Northwest Anthropological Conference: Spokane, WA
, (2017). 2016
The Assemblages of Great Basin Caves and Rockshelters: Representative or Not?. Great Basin Anthropological Conference: Reno, NV
(2016). The Owyhee County Model: Fine Tuning Landscape Level Modeling
, , (2016). The Late Pleistocene to Holocene Archaeology and Lake Levels of Pluvial Lake Warner, Oregon. Geological Society of America (GSA) Annual Meeting: Denver, CO
, (2016). The Holzman Site: A Newly Discovered Late Pleistocene Occupation in the Tanana Valley, Alaska. Alaska Anthropological Association Annual Meeting: Sitka, Alaska
, , , , (2016). 2015
Environmental Conditions of Northwestern Zimbabwe during the Transition from Foraging to Farming. Society for American Archaeology (SAA) Annual Meeting: San Francisco, CA