Research Professor, Climatology and Director of Western Regional Climate Center
Professional Interests
Dr. Tim Brown is a Research Professor and conducts applied research and applications development at the Desert Research Institute (DRI) in Reno, Nevada. His primary academic interests include wildland fire-climate and fire-weather connections; the wildfire environment; applications development for wildland fire management planning, decision-making and policy; the interface between science and decision-making; and user engagement through the deliberate co-production of knowledge. Dr. Brown is Director of the Western Regional Climate Center, and established and directs the Program for Climate, Ecosystem and Fire Applications (CEFA) at DRI. He is graduate faculty in the Atmospheric Sciences Program at the University of Nevada, Reno, and quandom Adjunct at the Monash University School of Earth, Atmosphere and Environment, Science Faculty in Clayton, Victoria, Australia.
Research Websites
Degree |
Year |
Institution |
Area |
Ph.D. |
1995 |
University of Colorado, Boulder, CO |
Climatology |
M.A. |
1988 |
University of Colorado, Boulder, CO |
Climatology |
B.A. |
1982 |
University of Illinois (Sangamon State campus), Springfield, IL |
Astronomy |
Professional Experience
Dates |
Experience |
2010-present |
Research Professor, Division of Atmospheric Sciences, Desert Research Institute, Reno, NV |
2008-present |
Director, Western Regional Climate Center (WRCC); Desert Research Institute, Reno, NV |
2014-2016 |
Adjunct Senior Research Fellow, School of Geography and Environmental Science, Monash University, Clayton, Victoria, Australia |
1998-present |
Director, Program for Climate, Ecosystem and Fire Applications; Desert Research Institute, Reno, NV |
2003-2010 |
Associate Research Professor, Division of Atmospheric Sciences, |
2000-2003 |
Assistant Research Professor, Division of Atmospheric Sciences, Desert Research Institute, Reno, NV |
1996-1999 |
Research Associate, Division of Atmospheric Sciences, Desert Research Institute, Reno, NV |
1995-1996 |
UCAR Visiting Scientist, ASC/WRCC, Desert Research Institute, Reno, NV |
1992-1995 |
Graduate Research Assistant, Cooperative Institute for Research in Environmental Sciences and Department of Geography; University of Colorado, Boulder, CO, and the NOAA Climate Diagnostics Center, Boulder, CO |
1983-1992 |
Professional Research Assistant, Cooperative Institute for Research in Environmental Sciences, University of Colorado, Boulder, CO. |
1990-1993 |
Consultant, Space Environment Laboratory, Boulder, CO |
1988-1989 |
Contractor, National Center for Atmospheric Research, Boulder, CO |
1985-1987 |
Consultant, Institute for Behavioral Science, University of Colorado, Boulder, CO |
1982-1989 |
Consultant, Flueck Associates, Boulder, CO |
1980-1982 |
Student Lab Assistant, Sangamon State University, Springfield, IL |
1973-1980 |
Research Assistant, Illinois State Water Survey, Champaign-Urbana, IL |
Professional Memberships
- American Meteorological Society
- American Geophysical Union
- International Association of Wildland Fire
- Association of Fire Ecology
Academic Teaching and Advisement
Academic courses taught
– Data Analysis in Atmospheric Sciences, Physical Climatology, Synoptic Meteorology, Introduction to Physical Geography, Astronomy
Academic advising and committees
– Served on28 Ph.D./Masters committees
Current and past lecturer
– National Advanced Fire Danger Rating System Course at the U.S. Forest Service
– National Advanced Fire and Resource Institute
– Advanced Fire Behavior Course at the U.S. Forest Service National Advanced Fire and Resource Institute
– University of Sassari, Sardinia, Italy, Department of Science of Nature and Environmental Resources (University Master course: Wildfire Planning, Prevention and Fighting in Mediterranean Areas Fire Behavior)
Associate Member
– National Wildfire Coordinating Group Fire Environment Committee
Associate Editor
– International Journal of Wildland Fire
National Natural Sciences and Engineering Research Council of Canada
– Chair, Canadian Forest Service Wildland Fire Research Network Review Panel
California Department of Forestry and Fire Protection
– Technical Advisor, Fire Hazard Severity Zones mapping
Southern California Edison
– Member, Public Safety Power Shutoff Advisory Board
Wildland fire, fire weather, fire climate, climate, climate change, applied statistics, data analysis, data visualization, co-production of knowledge
Keeley, J., Flannigan, M., Brown, T. J., Rolinski, T., Cayan, D., Syphard, A., Guzman-Morales, J., Gershunov, A. (2024). Climate and weather drivers in southern California Santa Ana Wind and non-Santa Wind fires, International Journal of Wildland Fire, 33 (8)
Umphlett, N. A.,
Brown, T. J.,
Konrad, C. E.,
Wall, T. U.,
Hall, B. L.,
DeGaetano, A.,
Niesen-Gammon, J. W.,
Mahmood, R.,
Houston, T. G. (2024).
The Regional Climate Center Program – Past, Present, and Future: Reflections from 40 Years of Regional Climate Services,
Bulletin of the American Meteorological Society, 105 (10), E1849–E1860,
Hatchett, B. J.,
Nauslar, N. J., &
Brown, T. J. (2024).
Comparing ground-based lightning detection networks near wildfire points-of-origin.
Natural Hazards, 120(14), 13617-13626.
Jakober, S.,
Brown, T. J.,
Wall, T. U. (2023).
Development of a Decision Matrix for National Weather Service Red Flag Warnings,
Fire, 6, Article No. 168,
MacDonald, G.,
Wall, T. U.,
Enquist, C. A.,
LeRoy, S. R.,
Bradford, J. B.,
Breshears, D. D.,
Brown, T. J.,
Cayan, D.,
Dong, C.,
Falk, D. A.,
Fleishman, E.,
Gershunov, A.,
Hunter, M.,
Loehman, R. A.,
van Mantgem, P. J.,
Middleton, B. R.,
Safford, H. D.,
Schwartz, M. W.,
Trouet, V. (2023).
Drivers of California’s changing wildfires: a state-of-the-knowledge synthesis,
International Journal of Wildland Fire,
Brown, T. J., Reinbold, H. J., McCurdy, G. D. (2023). RAWS QC and gap fill description for Version 1, Project report. December 2023.
Brown, T. J., Mims, D., Striplin, R. (2023). CANSAC Annual Report 2022, 15 pp., September 2023.
Brown, T. J., Podnar, D., McCurdy, G. D., Hosseinpour, F. E., Callahan, J. S. (2023). National FCAMMS 2, 7 pp., USFS Annual Performance Report, March 2023.
Brown, T. J., Reinbold, H. J., Fearon, M. G. (2023). Weather Data Analysis, 8 pp., USFS Annual Performance Report, March 2023.
Brown, T. J. (2023). Fire Extremes III, 2 pp., Annual Performance Report, March 2023.
Andrade, A. J., McEvoy, D. J., Brown, T. J. (2023). Utility of Atmospheric Evaporative Demand in Assessing Wildland Fire Potential, White paper for NIDIS, February 2023.
Boisramé, G.,
Brown, T. J.,
Bachelet, D. (2022).
Trends in Western US Fire Fuels Using Historical Data and Modeling,
Fire Ecology, 18 (8), June 10, 2022,
Mills, G.,
Salkin, O.,
Fearon, M. G.,
Harris, S.,
Brown, T. J., &
Reinbold, H. J. (2022).
Journal of Southern Hemisphere Earth Systems Science, 72(2), 139-163.
Jaffe, D. A., Peterson, D. L., McCaffrey, S. M., Hall, J., Brown, T. J. (2022). Assessing the State of Smoke Science, In Wildland Fire Smoke in the United States: A Scientific Assessment, Springer Nature Switzerland AG: Cham, Switzerland
Liu, Y., Heilman, W. E., Potter, B. E., Clements, C. B., Jackson, W. A., French, N. H., Goodrick, S. L., Kochanski, A. K., Larkin, N. K., Lahm, P., Brown, T. J., Schwarz, J. P., Strachan, S. M., Zhao, F., Peterson, D. L., McCaffrey, S. M. (2022). Smoke Plume Dynamics, In Wildland Fire Smoke in the United States: A Scientific Assessment, Springer Nature Switzerland AG: Cham, Switzerland
Peterson, J., Pitrolo, M. C., Schweizer, D. W., Striplin, R. L., Geiser, L. H., Holm, S. M., Hunter, J. D., Croft, J. M., Chappell, L. M., Lahm, P. W., Amezquita, G. E., Brown, T. J., Cisneros, R. G., Connolly, S. J., Halofsky, J. E., Loudermilk, E. L., Navarro, K. M., Nick, A. L., Procter, T. T., Provencio, H. C., Pusina, T., Stone, S. L., Tarnay, L. W., West, C. D., Peterson, D. L., McCaffrey, S. M. (2022). Smoke Plume Dynamics, In Wildland Fire Smoke in the United States: A Scientific Assessment, Springer Nature Switzerland AG: Cham, Switzerland
Hosseinpour, F. E.,
Brown, T. J. (2022).
Development of hourly and 6-hourly multi-level smoke concentration and visibility rating with 18- and 48-hour forecast lead time for Western US region in png, kmz, and geotiff formats calculated based on NOAA-HRRR data (available in fire seasons),
Hosseinpour, F. E.,
Brown, T. J. (2022).
Development of the hourly dispersion variables, including mixing height, transport wind, turner stability, dispersion index, and low visibility index with 384- and 72-hour forecast lead time for contiguous U.S. region in png format calculated based on GFS and NAM data (available during fire seasons),
Hosseinpour, F. E., Brown, T. J. (2022). Development of the hourly meteorological variables including min/max temperature, min/max relative humidity, accumulated precipitation with 384-hour forecast lead time for contiguous US region in geotiff format calculated based on GFS data. Data delivered to USFS.
Keeley, J. E., Guzman-Morales, J., Gershunov, A., Syphard, A. D., Cayan, D., Pierce, D. W., Flannigan, M., Brown, T. J. (2021). Ignitions explain more than temperature or precipitation in driving Santa Ana wind fires, Science Advances, 7, Article No. eabh2262
Clark, S., Mills, G., Brown, T. J., Harris, S., Abatzoglou, J. T. (2021). Downscaled GCM climate projections of fire weather over Victoria, Australia. Part 1: Evaluation of the MACA technique, International Journal of Wildland Fire, 10.1071/WF20174
Clark, S., Mills, G., Brown, T. J., Harris, S., Abatzoglou, J. T. (2021). Downscaled GCM climate projections of fire weather over Victoria, Australia. Part 2: A multi-model ensemble of 21st century trends, International Journal of Wildland Fire, 10.1071/WF20175
Mills, G., Harris, S., Brown, T. J., Chen, L.-W.A. (2020). Climatology of wind changes and elevated fire danger over Victoria, Australia, Journal Southern Hemisphere Earth Systems Science, 10.1071/ES19043
Brown, T. J., McCurdy, G. D. (2020). RAWS Data Archive. Final Performance Report, 6 pp., August 2020
Brown, T. J. (2020). NFDRS 2016. Final Performance Report, 2 pp., April 2020.
Brown, T. J., Kochanski, A. (2020). Inversion WRF. Final Performance Report, 6 pp., August 2020.
Brown, T. J., Fearon, M. G. (2020). Inversion Forecast Procedure. Final Performance Report, 6 pp., August 2020.
Brown, T. J., Wall, T. U. (2020). Fire Extremes II. Final Performance Report, 10 pp., August 2020.
Brown, T. J., Podnar, D., McCurdy, G. D. (2020). National FCAMMS. Final Performance Report, 6 pp., August 2020.
Brown, T. J., Reinbold, H. J. (2020). Continuous RAWS. Final Performance Report, 4 pp., August 2020.
Brown, T. J., Podnar, D. (2020). CANSAC Annual Report 2019. Report for the California and Nevada Smoke and Air Committee, 16 pp., May 2020.
Brown, T. J., Fearon, M. G. (2020). Superfog. Annual Performance Report, 4 pp., April 2020.
Brown, T. J., Reinbold, H. J. (2020). Continuous RAWS. Annual Performance Report, 2 pp., April 2020.
Brown, T. J., Podnar, D., McCurdy, G. D. (2020). National FCAMMS. Annual Performance Report, 3 pp., April 2020.
Brown, T. J., Wall, T. U. (2020). Fire Extremes II. Annual Performance Report, 4 pp., April 2020.
Brown, T. J., Fearon, M. G. (2020). Inversion Forecast Procedure. Annual Performance Report, 2 pp., April 2020.
Brown, T. J., Kochanski, A. (2020). Inversion WRF. Annual Performance Report, 4 pp., April 2020.
Brown, T. J. (2020). NFDRS 2016. Annual Performance Report, 2 pp., April 2020.
Brown, T. J., McCurdy, G. D. (2020). RAWS Data Archive. Annual Performance Report, 3 pp., April 2020.
Brown, T. J., Leach, S., Wachter, B., Gardunio, B. (2020). The Northern California 2018 Wildfire Season, Bulletin of the American Meteorological Society, 101 (1), S1-S4, Special supplement.10.1175/BAMS-D-19-0275.1
Prichard, S. J.,
Larkin, N. S.,
Ottmar, R. D.,
French, N. H.,
Brown, T. J.,
Baker, K.,
Clements, C.,
Dickinson, M.,
Hudak, A.,
Kochanski, A.,
Linn, R.,
Liu, Y.,
Potter, B.,
Mell, W. E.,
Tanzer, D.,
Urbanski, S.,
Watts, A. C. (2019).
The Fire and Smoke Model Evaluation Experiment: A plan for integrated, large fire-atmosphere field campaigns,
Atmosphere, 10 (2), 66,
McEvoy, D. J.,
Hobbins, M.,
Brown, T. J.,
VanderMolen, K.A.,
Wall, T. U.,
Huntington, J. L.,
Svoboda, M. (2019).
Establishing Relationships between Drought Indices and Wildfire Danger Outputs: A Test Case for the California-Nevada Drought Early Warning System,
Climate, 7 (4), 52,
Nauslar, N., Brown, T. J., McEvoy, D. J., Lareau, N. (2019). Record Setting 2018 California Wildfires [in “State of the Climate in 2018”], Bulletin of the American Meteorological Society, 100 (9), S195-S196, doi:10.1175/2019BAMSStateoftheClimate.1
Liu, Y.,
Kochanski, A.,
Baker, K. R.,
Mell, W.,
Linn, R.,
Paugam, R.,
Mandel, J.,
Fournier, A.,
Jenkins, M. A.,
Goodrick, S.,
Achtemeier, G.,
Zhao, F.,
Ottmar, R.,
French, N. H.,
Larkin, N.,
Brown, T. J.,
Hudak, A.,
Dickinson, M.,
Potter, B.,
Clements, C.,
Urbanski, S.,
Prichard, S.,
Watts, A. C.,
McNamara, D. (2019).
Fire behaviour and smoke modelling: Model improvement and measurement needs for next-generation smoke research and forecasting systems,
International Journal of Wildland Fire, 28, 570-588,
Kochanski, A. K.,
Mallia, D. V.,
Fearon, M. G.,
Mandel, J.,
Souri, A. H.,
Brown, T. J. (2019).
Modeling wildfire smoke feedback mechanisms using a coupled fire‐atmosphere model with a radiatively active aerosol scheme,
Journal of Geophysical Research: Atmospheres, 124 (16), 9099-9116,
Nauslar, N. J.,
Hatchett, B. J.,
Brown, T. J.,
Kaplan, M. L.,
Mejia, J. F. (2018).
Impact of the North American Monsoon on wildfire activity in the southwest United States,
International Journal of Climatology,
Mills, G., Brown, T. J., Podnar, D., Reinbold, H. J., Harris, S. (2018). Victorian Gridded Fire Weather Climatology Data Set Rainfall Verification and Configuration Test Project, 37 pp., Final Report to the Victorian Department of Environment, Land, Water and Planning, August 2018.
Brown, T. J., Wall, T. U. (2018). The National Integrated Drought Information System Drought and Wildland Fire Nexus (NDAWN) Strategic Plan: 2018–2022, 12 pp., Prepared for NIDIS, September 2018.
Brown, T. J., Podnar, D., McCurdy, G. D. (2018). National FCAMMS. Annual Performance Report, 5 pp., April 2018.
Brown, T. J. (2018). NFDRS 2016. Annual Performance Report, 2 pp., April 2018.
Brown, T. J., McCurdy, G. D. (2018). RAWS Data Archive. Annual Performance Report, 3 pp., April 2018.
Brown, T. J., Nauslar, N. J. (2018). Haines Index. Annual Performance Report, 4 pp., April 2018.
Brown, T. J., Kochanski, A. (2018). Inversion WRF. Annual Performance Report, 4 pp., April 2018.
Brown, T. J., Fearon, M. G. (2018). Inversion Forecast Procedure. Annual Performance Report, 2 pp., April 2018.
Brown, T. J., Reinbold, H. J. (2018). Grand Canyon Smoke. Annual Performance Report, 5 pp., April 2018.
Brown, T. J., Wall, T. U., Nauslar, N. J. (2018). Fire Extremes II. Annual Performance Report, 4 pp., April 2018.
Brown, T. J., Fearon, M. G. (2018). Superfog. Annual Performance Report, 2 pp., April 2018.
Brown, T. J., Reinbold, H. J. (2018). RMACC Forecast Products. Final Performance Report, 3 pp., March 2018.
McEvoy, D. J., Brown, T. J., Wall, T. U., Hobbins, M., Huntington, J. L., Svoboda, M. (2018). Developing a Wildfire Component for the NIDIS California Drought Early Warning System. Annual Progress Report, NOAA SARP, 9 pp., April 2018.
Wall, T. U., Garfin, G., Brugger, J., Hartmann, H., Brown, T. J. (2018). Final Report: Scenario Planning in the Great Basin Region: Considering Climate Change Impacts and Management Strategies for the Future
White, C. J.,
Carlsen, H.,
Robertson, A. W.,
Klein, R. J.,
Lazo, J. K.,
Kumar, A.,
Vitart, F.,
de Perez, E. C.,
Ray, A. J.,
Murray, V.,
Bharwani, S.,
MacLeod, D.,
James, R.,
Fleming, L.,
Morse, A. P.,
Eggen, B.,
Graham, R.,
Kjellström, E.,
Becker, E.,
Pegion, K. V.,
Holbrook, N. J.,
McEvoy, D.,
Depledge, M.,
Perkins-Kirkpatrick, S.,
Brown, T. J.,
Street, R.,
Jones, L.,
Remenyi, T. A.,
Hodgson-Johnston, I.,
Buontempo, C.,
Lamb, R.,
Meinke, H.,
Arheimer, B.,
Zebiak, S. E. (2017).
Potential applications of subseasonal-to-seasonal (S2S) predictions,
Meteorological Applications, 24, 315-325,
Harris, S.,
Mills, G.,
Brown, T. J. (2017).
Variability and drivers of extreme fire weather in fire-prone areas of south-eastern Australia,
Int. J. Wildland Fire, 26 (3), 177-190,
Muth, M., Anderson, K., Brown, D., Brown, T. J., Delgado, E., Garfin, G., Hadwen, T., Murphy, V., Ramirez, R. P., Pugh, B., Gutierrez, J., Heim, R., Rippey, B., Svoboda, M. (2017). Advancing preparedness and response to drought and wildfires through North American transboundary collaboration, Bull. Amer. Meteor. Soc., ES57-60 (March 2017), 10.1175/BAMS-D-16-0296.1
Wall, T. U., Brown, T. J., Nauslar, N. J. (2017). Spot Weather Forecasts: Improving Utilization, Communication, and Perceptions of Accuracy in Sophisticated User Groups, Weather, Climate and Society, 9, 215-226, 10.1175/WCAS-D-15-0055.1
Brown, T. J. (2017). National FCAMMS. Annual Performance Report, Submitted, 5 pp., April 2017.
Brown, T. J., McCurdy, G. D. (2017). RAWS Data Archive. Annual Performance Report, Submitted, 3 pp., April 2017.
Brown, T. J., Nauslar, N. J. (2017). Haines Index. Annual Performance Report, Submitted, 4 pp., April 2017.
Brown, T. J., Kochanski, A. (2017). Inversion WRF. Annual Performance Report, Submitted, 4 pp., April 2017.
Brown, T. J., Fearon, M. G. (2017). Inversion Forecast Procedure. Annual Performance Report, Submitted, 2 pp., April 2017.
Brown, T. J., Reinbold, H. J. (2017). Grand Canyon Smoke. Annual Performance Report, Submitted, 3 pp., April 2017.
Brown, T. J., Wall, T. U., Nauslar, N. J. (2017). Fire Extremes II. Annual Performance Report, Submitted, 3 pp., April 2017.
Brown, T. J., Reinbold, H. J. (2017). RMACC Forecast Products. Annual Performance Report, Submitted, 3 pp., April 2017.
Brown, T. J., McEvoy, D. J., Wall, T. U., Hobbins, M., Huntington, J. L., Svoboda, M. (2017). Developing a Wildfire Component for the NIDIS California Drought Early Warning System. Annual Progress Report, NOAA SARP, Submitted, 10 pp., April 2017.
Wall, T. U., Brown, T. J., Nauslar, N. J. (2017). Fire Stories – Understanding Wildland Firefighters’ Perceptions of Unpredictable and Extreme Fire Behavior. Final Report for U.S. Forest Service Research, Development and Applications Program, Submitted, 28 pp., December 2017.
Nauslar, N. J., Brown, T. J., Kaplan, M. L., Mejia, J. F., Hatchett, B. J. (2017). Examining the North American Monsoon’s impact on wildfire activity in the southwest United States, International Journal of Climatology
Parris, A. S.,
Garfin, G. M.,
Dow, K.,
Meyer, R.,
Close, S. L. (Eds.)
Garfin, G.,
Brown, T. J.,
Wordell, T.,
Delgado, E. (2016).
The Making of National Seasonal Wildfire OutlooksThe Making of National Seasonal Wildfire Outlooks, In
Climate in Context: Science and Society Partnering for Adaptation, 143-171, John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.: Chichester, UK,
Nauslar, N. J.,
Brown, T. J.,
Horel, J. D. (2016).
Verification of National Weather Service Spot Forecasts Using Atmospheric Sounding Observations,
J. Operational Meteor., 4 (4), 46-57,
White, C. J., Brown, T. J. (2016). Applications of subseasonal-to-seasonal (S2S) predictions, Bulletin of the American Meteorological Society
Muth, M., Anderson, K., Brown, D., Brown, T. J., Delgado, E., Garfin, G., Hadwen, T., Murphy, V., Ramirez, R. P., Pugh, B., Gutierrez, J., Heim, R., Rippey, B., Svoboda, M. (2016). Advancing preparedness and response to drought and wildfires through North American transboundary collaboration, Bulletin of the American Meteorological Society, 10.1175/BAMS-D-16-0296.1
Brown, T. J., Mills, G., Harris, S., Podnar, D., Reinbold, H. J., Fearon, M. G. (2016). A bias corrected WRF mesoscale fire weather dataset for Victoria, Australia 1972-2012, Journal of Southern Hemisphere Earth Systems Science, 66 (3), 281-313
Westerling, A. L., Brown, T. J., Schoennagel, T., Swetnam, T. W., Turner, M. G., Veblen, T. T. (2016). Climate and Wildfire in U.S. Western ForestsChapter : . In Sample, V. A., Bixler, R. P., Miller, C. (Eds.), Forest Conservation in the Anthropocene, 43-56. University Press of Colorado: Boulder, CO
Brown, T. J., Mills, G., Harris, S., Podnar, D., Reinbold, H. J., Fearon, M. G. (2016). Fire Weather Climatology Dataset for Victoria – Supplemental Report for Dataset Version 2, 25 pp., Supplemental Report to the Victoria Department of Environment, Water, Land and Planning, June 2016.
Sapsis, D., Brown, T. J., Low, C., Moritz, M., Saah, D., Shaby, B. (2016). Mapping Environmental Influences on Utility Fire Threat, 55 pp., Final report to the California Public Utilities Commission Pursuant to R.08 – 11-005 and R.15-05-006.
Brown, T. J., McCurdy, G. D. (2016). RAWS Data Archive. Annual Performance Report, 3 pp, February 2016
Brown, T. J., McCurdy, G. D. (2016). RAWS Data Archive. Final Performance Report, 3 pp., April 2016
Brown, T. J. (2016). National FCAMMS. Annual Performance Report, 5 pp., April 2016
Brown, T. J. (2016). National FCAMMS. Final Performance Report, 5 pp., April 2016
Brown, T. J., Wall, T. U. (2016). Fire Extremes. Final Performance Report, 32 pp., April 2016
Brown, T. J., Wall, T. U. (2016). Fire Extremes. Annual Performance Report, 2 pp., April 2016
Brown, T. J., Simeral, D. B., McEvoy, D. J., Morton, C. G., Redmond, K. T., McCurdy, G. D. (2016). An Assessment of Climate Monitoring for Land Management Applications in the Great Basin, 1-58, Great Basin Landscape Conservation Cooperative: Reno, NV, CESU Project L13AC00262
Fearon, M. G., Brown, T. J., Curcio, G. M. (2015). Establishing a national standard for operational mixing height determination, J. Operational Meteor., 3 (15), 172-189
Jolly, M. W.,
Cochrane, M. A.,
Freeborn, P. H.,
Holden, Z. A.,
Brown, T. J.,
Williamson, G. J.,
Bowman, D. (2015).
Climate-induced variations in global wildfire danger from 1979 to 2013,
Nature Comm., 6 (7537),
Barbero, R.,
Abatzoglou, J. T.,
Brown, T. J. (2015).
Seasonal reversal of the influence of El Nino-Southern Oscillation on very large wildfire occurrence in the interior northwestern United States,
Geophysical Research Letters, 42 (9), 3538-3545,
10.1002/2015gl063428 ://WOS:000355878300059
Wall, T. U., Brown, T. J., Nauslar, N. J. (2015). Improving Utilization, Communication, and Perceptions of Accuracy in Sophisticated User Groups, Weather, Climate, and Society
Wall, T. U., Garfin, G., Brugger, J., Hartmann, H., Brown, T. J. (2015). Scenario Planning in the Great Basin Region: Considering Climate Change Impacts and Management Strategies for the Future, Final Report, 23 p.. Desert Research Institute
Brown, T. J. (2015). National FCAMMS. Annual Performance Report, April 2015, 6 pp.
Brown, T. J., McCurdy, G. D. (2015). RAWS Data Archive. Annual Performance Report, April 2015, 3 pp.
Brown, T. J., Wall, T. U. (2015). Fire Extremes. Annual Performance Report, April 2015, 3 pp.
Brown, T. J., Mills, G., Harris, S., Podnar, D., Reinbold, H. J., Fearon, M. G. (2015). Fire Weather Climatolology Dataset for Victoria. Final Project Report to the Victoria Department of Environment, Land and Water Planning: August 2015, 134 pp.
Prahm, N., Longo, B., Baxter, K., Brown, T. J. (2013). Lightning Does Strike Twice: A Fulminology Primer for Nurse Practitioners., J. Nurse Practitioners, 9, 479-486
Brown, H. E., Comrie, A. C., Drechsler, D. M., Barker, C. M., Basu, R., Brown, T. J., Gershunov, A., Kilpatrick, A. M., Reisen, W. K., Ruddell, D. M. (2013). Chapter 15, Human HealthChapter : . In Garfin, G., Jardine, A., Merideth, R., Black, M., LeRoy, S. (Eds.), Assessment of Climate Change in the Southwest United States: A Report Prepared for the National Climate Assessment, A report by the Southwest Climate Alliance, 312-339. edited by G. Garfin, J. Jardine, R. Merideth, M. Black, and S. LeRoy: Washington, DC: Island Press
Nauslar, N. J., Kaplan, M. L., Wallmann, J., Brown, T. J. (2013). A forecast procedure for dry thunderstorms, J. Operational Meteor., 1 (17), 200-214
Abatzoglou, J. T.,
Brown, T. J. (2012).
A comparison of statistical downscaling methods suited for wildfire applications,
Int. J. Climatol., 32 (5), 772-780,
Owen, G., McLeod, J. C., Kolden, C. A., Ferguson, D. B., Brown, T. J. (2012). Wildfire management and forecasting fire potential: The roles of climate information and social networks in the southwest United States, Wea. Climate Soc., 42 (2), 90-102
Miller, C., Abatzoglou, J. T., Brown, T. J., Shyphard, A. (2010). Chapter 10, Wilderness FireChapter 10: Wilderness Fire. In , Management in a Changing Environment. The Landscape Ecology of Fire. Springer
Hoang, R. V., Sgambati, M., Brown, T. J., Coming, D. S., Harris, F. C. (2010). VFire: Immersive Wildfire Simulation and Visualization, Computers and Graphics, 34 (6), 655-664
DeGaetano, A. T., Brown, T. J., Hilberg, S. D., Redmond, K. T., Robbins, K., Robinson, P., Shulski, M., McGuirk, M. (2010). Toward Regional Climate Services: The Role of NOAA’s Regional Climate Centers, Bull Amer Meteor Soc, 91 (12), 1633-1644, doi:10.1175/2010BAMS2936.1
Abatzoglou, J. T., Brown, T. J. (2009). Influence of the Madden-Julian Oscillation on Summertime Cloud-to-Ground Lightning Activity over the Continental United States, Mon Wea Rev, 137, 3596-3601
Reinbold, H. J., Roads, J. O., Brown, T. J. (2005). Evaluation of ECPC’s fire danger forecasts with RAWS observations, Int’l J Wildland Fire, 14, 19-36
Engelbrecht, J. P., Gertler, A. W., Brown, T. J. (2005). Fort Ord Review of and Comments on Air Quality Documentation, Report prepared for Denise Duffy and Associates, 21 pp. Monterey, CA, May 2005.
Engelbrecht, J. P., Brown, T. J., Gertler, A. W. (2005). Fort Ord Review of and Comments on Air Quality Documentation, Report prepared for Denise Duffy and Associates, 20 pp., June, 2005.
Mitchell, D. L., Ivanova, D., Rabin, R., Brown, T. J., Redmond, K. T. (2002). Gulf of California Sea Surface Temperatures and the North American Monsoon: Mechanistic Implications from Observations, J. Climate, 15 (17), 2261-2281
Brown, T. J., Berliner, L. M., Wilks, D. S., Richman, M. B., Wikle, C. K. (1999). Statistics education in the atmospheric sciences, Bulletin Amer. Meteorol. Soc., 10, 2087-2097
Brown, T. J. & Hall, B. L. (1999). The use of t values in climatological composite analyses. J. Climate, 12, 2941-2944
Conference Proceedings
Kramer, S., Hosseinpour, F. E., Zare Harofteh, A., Kumar, N., & Brown, T. J. (2025). SmokePath Explorer, a New Smoke Management Tool for California. the 105th AMS Annual Meeting: New Orleans, Louisiana, January 12, 2025-January 16, 2025
Huang, S., Kramer, S., Hosseinpour, F. E., Zare Harofteh, A., Besong-Cowan, K., Scarborough, C., Brown, T. J., Kumar, N. (2024). Smoke Transport and Fire Weather Climatology Dashboard for California. The 104th AMS Annual Meeting: Baltimore, Maryland, January 28, 2024-February 1, 2024
Zare Harofteh, A., Huang, S., Kramer, S., Hosseinpour, F. E., Besong, K., Scarborough, C., Kumar, N., Brown, T. J. (2024). SmokePath Explorer: A Decision-Support Tool for Prescribed Fire Planning and Wildfire Response. 23rd Annual CMAS Conference 2023: Chapel Hill, NC, October 21, 2024-October 24, 2024
Brown, T. J. (2024). DRI fire story. AWE+ Conference: Las Vegas, August 21, 2024
Brown, T. J. (2024). 2024 Nevada Wildfire Season: Predictions and Resiliency Strategies in a Changing Climate, June 18, 2024
Brown, T. J. (2024). How to be seen in a fire-climate service. American Association of State Climatologists: Fort Collins, Colorado, June 14, 2024
Brown, T. J. (2024). A career in wildland fire science. Nevada Pathways, May 20, 2024
Brown, T. J. (2024). Some things about drought and fire. North American Drought Monitor Workshop: Victoria, British Columbia, May 14, 2024-May 16, 2024
Brown, T. J. (2024). Wildfire: The confluence of climate, fuels, and people. Reinsurance Association of America: Virtual Webinar, April 3, 2024
Brown, T. J., Flannagan, M., Christianson, A., McLoughlin, N., Schroeder, D., Johnston, D., & Lepine, F. (2024). The 420,002,024th year of biomass burning on Earth: An Updated Review of Climate Change and Global Fire -(Canada Edition). Wildland Fire Canada Conference: Fredericton, October 28, 2024-November 1, 2024
Brown, T. J., Flannagan, M., Chavez, T., Christianson, A., Castellnou, M., Harris, S., Ntasiou, Z., & Slijepcevic, A. (2024). The 420,002,024th year of biomass burning on Earth: An Updated Review of Climate Change and Global Fire. 7th International Fire Behavior and Fuels Conference: Tralee, Ireland, April 15, 2024-April 19, 2024
Chambers, J. M., Landis, A., Walker, T. J., Ott, T., Morton, C. G., McEvoy, D. J., Brown, T. J., Huntington, J. L. (2023). A Distributed Approach toward Developing Interactive and Scalable Maps for Climate Data-Driven Web Applications at the Western Regional Climate Center. AMS Annual Meeting: Denver, CO, January 8, 2023-January 12, 2023
Hosseinpour, F. E., Brown, T. J., Larki, S., Lahm, P. (2023). Assessment of seasonal Fire Emissions and predictions in California and Nevada. 103rd American Meteorological Society Annual Meeting: Denver, CO, January 11, 2023, (Talk)
Brown, T. J., Eggleston, K. (2023). Perspectives on 40 years of the Regional Climate Center Program: A fireside chat with Keith Eggleston. American Association of State Climatologists Annual Meeting: Nashville, TN, June 21, 2023-June 23, 2023
Brown, T. J., Reinbold, H. J., McCurdy, G. D. (2023). QC’ing and making a complete Remote Automatic Weather Station dataset. American Association of State Climatologists Annual Meeting: Nashville, TN, June 21, 2023-June 23, 2023
Brown, T. J. (2023). Wildfire: The confluence of climate, fuels, and people. Reinsurance Association of America: [virtual], May 23, 2023, Invited virtual webinar.
Brown, T. J., Wall, T. U., Jakober, S. (2023). Making science usable for fire weather warnings. 8th International Wildland Fire Conference: Porto, Portugal, May 16, 2023-May 19, 2023
Brown, T. J., Reinbold, H. J., McCurdy, G. D. (2023). Using ERA5-land in the RAWS QC and estimation process. American Meteorological Society 14th Symposium on Forest and Fire Meteorology: Minneapolis, MN, May 2, 2023-May 4, 2023
Hosseinpour, F. E., Brown, T. J. (2023). Developing sub-seasonal to seasonal vegetation greenness outlooks. American Meteorological Society 14th Symposium on Forest and Fire Meteorology: Minneapolis, MN, May 2, 2023-May 4, 2023
Brown, T. J., Fearon, M. G., Reinbold, H. J., Podnar, D. (2023). Creating a 43-Year High Spatial and Temporal Resolution WRF Reanalysis for California and Nevada. American Meteorological Society 14th Symposium on Forest and Fire Meteorology: Minneapolis, MN, May 2, 2023-May 4, 2023
Hosseinpour, F. E., Brown, T. J. (2023). Developing sub-seasonal to seasonal vegetation greenness outlooks. American Meteorological Society 14th Symposium on Forest and Fire Meteorology: Minneapolis, MN, May 2, 2023-May 4, 2023
Andrade, A. J., McEvoy, D. J., Brown, T. J. (2023). . Potential utility of atmospheric evaporative demand in assessing wildland fire potential. 14th Fire and Forest Meteorology Symposium: Minneapolis, Minnesota, May 1, 2023, Oral presentation
Hosseinpour, F. E., Zare Harofteh, A., Kumar, N., Brown, T. J., Huang, S., Huang, S., Kramer, S., Besong, K., Besong, K. (2023). Advancing Smoke Management and Wildfire Mitigation through Probability-Based Smoke Transport Analysis. 22nd Annual CMAS Conference 2023: Chapel Hill, NC, October 16, 2023-October 18, 2023
Brown, T. J., Anderson, M., Casola, J., Kluck, D., Wall, T. U., Pulwarty, R. (2023). Seeing and being seen in a network of climate service “providers”. American Geophysical Union: San Francisco, CA, December 11, 2023-December 15, 2023
Brown, T. J. (2023). Panel presentation on wildfire. IndyFest Panel: Las Vegas, NV [virtual], October 6, 2023
Brown, T. J. (2023). The 2022 Wildfire Season: 420,002,022nd year of biomass burning on Earth. MITRE Corporation: [virtual], October 4, 2023
Brown, T. J. (2023). Future climate, future fire. Wildfire Technology Management Conference: Sacramento, CA, April 26, 2023, Invited keynote speaker.
Brown, T. J. (2023). The 420,002,023rd year of biomass burning on Earth. American Meteorological Society 104th Annual Meeting: Baltimore, MD, January 28, 2023-February 1, 2023
Brown, T. J. (2022). The 2021 Wildfire Season: 420,002,021st Year of Biomass Burning on Earth. American Meteorological Society Annual Meeting: [Virtual], January 25, 2022, Invited presentation.
Brown, T. J. (2022). The 2022 Wildfire Season? 420,000,022nd year of biomass burning on Earth (Mensa Edition), Mensa Annual Gathering: Sparks, Nevada, July 7, 2022
Brown, T. J. (2022). 420,022,022nd year of biomass burning on Earth (NWA Edition), Virtual meeting, National Weather Association: Pittsburg, PA, August 22, 2022, Invited speaker
Brown, T. J., Andrade, A., McEvoy, D. J., Parker, B. A. (2022). Exploring atmospheric evaporative demand in relation to wildland fire, Advances in Forest Fire Research. IX International Conference on Forest Fire Research: Coimbra, Portugal, November 14, 2022-November 18, 2022
Brown, T. J., Andrade, A., McEvoy, D. J. (2022). Atmospheric evaporative demand in relation to wildland fire. Wildland Fire Canada Conference: Edmonton, Alberta, Canada, November 3, 2022
Brown, T. J., Christianson, A. (2022). Amy and Tim’s Everything We Know About Fire – Episode 1: Oh, Canada, Wildland Fire Canada Conference: Edmonton, Alberta, Canada, November 3, 2022
Brown, T. J., Wall, T. U. (2022). Determining criteria for messaging NWS Red Flag Warnings, National Weather Service Fire on the 5s: [virtual], October 25, 2022
Brown, T. J. (2022). Fire weather/drought/climate change, University of Nebraska – Lincoln: Lincoln, NE, October 14, 2022, Course lecture.
Brown, T. J. (2022). Perspectives on wildland fire, Wildfire Panel with Nevada Wildlife Federation: Reno, NV, June 22, 2022
Brown, T. J. (2022). Wildfire: The confluence of climate, fuels, and people, Reinsurance Association of America: [virtual], June 8, 2022
Brown, T. J., Abatzoglou, J. T., McEvoy, D. J., Skelly, D., St. Denise, L. A., Parkinson, T. (2022). Nighttime fire behavior and climate change – A new paradigm for wildland fire management, International Association of Wildland Fire, Fire & Climate 2022 Conference: Pasadena, CA, May 23, 2022-May 27, 2022
Brown, T. J., Abatzoglou, J. T., McEvoy, D. J., Skelly, D., St. Denise, L. A., Parkinson, T. (2022). Climate Change and Nighttime Fire Behavior, 3rd International Conference on Fire Behaviour and Risk: Alghero, Sardinia, Italy, May 3, 2022-May 6, 2022
Brown, T. J. (2022). Wildland Fire – Natural Hazards, University of Oklahoma: [virtual], February 24, 2022, Course lecture.
Billmire, M., French, N., Brown, T. J., Hosseinpour, F. E., Tavasoli, O., Kletter, W. (2022). Long-term climate change impacts on fire occurrence in California. Fire & Climate 2022: International Association of Wildland Fire, Pasadena: Pasadena, CA, May 26, 2022, (Talk)
Boisramé, G., Brown, T. J., Bachelet, D. (2021). Trends in Western US Fire Fuels Using Historical Data and Modeling. 9th International Fire Ecology and Management Congress, November 30, 2021-December 3, 2021
Pierce, D. W., Cayan, D. R., Brown, T. J. (2021). A Recent Increase in Extreme Low Relative Humidity Hours in the Southwestern U.S.. American Geophysical Union Fall Meeting: New Orleans, LA, December 13, 2021-December 17, 2021
Brown, T. J. (2021). Achieving science for society – A personal voyage. 1st Youth Earth and Environmental Science Conference: [Virtual], October 30, 2021, Invited presentation.
Wall, T. U., Brown, T. J. (2021). Building the capacity of people to use the new Fourth National Cohesive Wildland Fire Management Strategy Workshop: [Virtual], October 4, 2021-October 7, 2021
Brown, T. J. (2021). The Fire and Smoke Model Evaluation Experiment. DRI Science Distilled: [Virtual], September 15, 2021, Invited presentation.
Brown, T. J. (2021). A mine of wildfire. National Association of Abandoned Mine Land Programs: [Virtual], September 13, 2021, Invited keynote presentation.
Brown, T. J. (2021). A perspective on wildfire. Environmental Defense Fund: [Virtual], September 4, 2021, Invited presentation.
Brown, T. J. (2021). The timeline of climate, weather, and fire. Living with Fire Webinar: [Virtual], June 10, 2021, Invited presentation.
Brown, T. J., McEvoy, D. J. (2021). Climate change attribution of nighttime fire behavior. 13th Symposium on Fire and Forest Meteorology, American Meteorological Society: [Virtual], May 11, 2021-May 13, 2021
Lindley, T. T., Daily, D. C., Brown, T. J. (2021). A ‘domino fall’ guidance process linking climate to strategic seasonal actions for fire operations in Oklahoma. 13th Symposium on Fire and Forest Meteorology, American Meteorological Society: [Virtual], May 11, 2021-May 13, 2021
Brown, T. J. (2021). Addressing our wildland fire weather needs. American Meteorological Society Washington Forum: [Virtual], April 26, 2021-April 29, 2021, Invited presentation.
Brown, T. J. (2021). Wildland fire-climate-weather connections and management planning, policy, and interfacing between science and decision-making. Operation Sierra Storm Broadcast Meteorology Workshop: South Lake Tahoe, NV, January 26, 2021, Invited presentation.
Brown, T. J. (2021). The 2020 Wildfire Season: 420,002,020th Year of Biomass Burning on Earth. American Meteorological Society Annual Meeting: [Virtual], January 15, 2021, Invited presentation.
Brown, T. J., Clark, S., Mills, G., Harris, S., Abatzoglou, J. T. (2021). In 5 minutes – Downscaled GCM climate projections of fire weather over Victoria, Australia. Part 1: Evaluation of the MACA technique and Part 2: A multi-model ensemble of 21st century trends. DRI Lightning Lunch: Wildland Fire, Smoke, and Human Dimensions of Fire, January 12, 2021
Brown, T. J. (2021). Fire weather/drought/climate change. University of Nebraska: Lincoln, NE, November 9, 2021, Course lecture. Invited presentation.
Brown, T. J. (2021). Earth’s changing climate – drought, fire, and extremes. Sienna Progressive Club, Las Vegas, NV: [Virtual], November 8, 2021, Invited presentation.
Brown, T. J. (2021). Wildland fire – Natural Hazards. University of Oklahoma: [Virtual], March 25, 2021, Course lecture. Invited presentation.
Brown, T. J., Podnar, D. (2021). The California and Nevada Smoke and Air Committee – Operations and data for fire weather, smoke, and air quality. San Jose State University Fire Weather Workshop: [Virtual], April 8, 2021, Invited presentation.
Brown, T. J., Larkin, N. K., Fearon, M. G., Podnar, D., McCurdy, G. D., Dubowy, J., Solomon, R. C., Lahm, P. (2020). Current operational products for smoke management (Parts 1 & 2). IAWF 3rd International Smoke Symposium: [virtual], April 23, 2020
Brown, T. J. (2020). The 2019 Wildfire Season: 420,002,019th year of biomass burning on Earth. American Meteorological Society Annual Meeting: Boston, MA, January 12, 2020-January 16, 2020, Invited presentation.
Hosseinpour, F. E., Brown, T. J., Larki, N. K., Lahm, P. W. (2020). Air Quality During the COVID-19 Pandemic: Novel Development of Wildfire Smoke Emission Forecasts from an Early Warning System. American Geophysical Union (AGU) Annual Meeting: [Virtual], December 2, 2020
Brown, T. J. (2020). Climate Information and the Wildland Fire Community: A Services Perspective. American Geophysical Union Fall Meeting: [Virtual], December 10, 2020, Invited presentation.
Wall, T. U., Brown, T. J. (2019). Red Flag Warnings: When, Why, and How are They Used?. American Meteorological Society Annual Meeting: Phoenix, AZ, January 6, 2019-February 10, 2021
Wall, T. U., Brown, T. J. (2019). Red Flag Warning and Fire Weather Watches: Navigating Effective Communication Between Fire Managers and Forecasters. AMS 47th Conference of Broadcast Meteorology / 5th Conference of Weather Warnings and Communications: San Diego, CA, June 11, 2019-June 13, 2019
Wall, T. U., Brown, T. J. (2019). Red Flag Warnings and Watches-Wow, did they really think that would happen?. 3rd Annual National Cohesive Wildland Fire Management Strategy Workshop: Plymouth, MA, October 22, 2019-October 25, 2019
Wall, T. U., Brown, T. J. (2019). Overview on National Integrated Drought Information System. 3rd Annual National Cohesive Wildland Fire Management Strategy Workshop: Plymouth, MA, October 22, 2019-October 25, 2019
Brown, T. J. (2018). The 2017 (and 2018) California extreme fires – A local perspective seen globally. VIII International Conference on Forest Fire Research: Coimbra, Portugal, November 9, 2018-November 16, 2018, Plenary presentation.
Brown, T. J., Wall, T. U. (2018). Red Flag Warnings – Do They Adequately Warn the Public and Support Resource Management?. IAWF 15th International Wildland Fire Safety Summit and 5th Human Dimensions of Wildland Fire Conference: Asheville, NC, December 10, 2018-December 14, 2018
Brown, T. J. (2018). Some DRI briefing things for the Predictive Services annual meeting. Predictive Services annual meeting: Boise, ID, December 5, 2018-December 6, 2018
Kochanski, A., Mallia, D. V., Fearon, M. G., Brown, T. J., Mandel, J., Vaughan, J. K. (2018). Do we need weather prediction models to account for local weather modifications by wildland fires? Viegas, D. X. (Ed.) , Advances in Forest Fire Research, 9 pp.. VIII International Conference on Forest Fire Research, University of Coimbra Press: Coimbra, Portugal, November 9, 2018-November 16, 2018
Brown, T. J. (2018). Some DRI briefing things for FIRESCOPE. FIRESCOPE: San Diego, CA, November 7, 2018
Brown, T. J. (2018). Changing Climate, Changing Times. California-Nevada-Hawaii Forest Fire Council: Truckee, CA, October 10, 2018
Brown, T. J. (2018). Wildfire and Health. Citizens Climate public meeting: Carson City, NV, October 10, 2018
Wall, T. U., Brown, T. J., Kimutis, N. (2018). Red Flag Warning criteria. National Weather Service Fire Weather Workshop: Boise, ID, September 18, 2018-September 20, 2018
Brown, T. J. (2018). History of the Red Flag Warning. National Weather Service Fire Weather Workshop: Boise, ID, September 18, 2018-September 20, 2018
Brown, T. J. (2018). Season fire update. NOAA Climate Science and Services Monthly Climate Update (Webinar), August 16, 2018
Brown, T. J. (2018). Wildland Fire Trends in the U.S.. American Association for the Advancement of Science (Webinar), August 13, 2018
Kochanski, A., Mallia, D. V., Mandel, J., Schranz, S., Fearon, M. G., Brown, T. J. (2018). Simulating Plume Rise, Dispersion and Radiative Smoke Impacts in a Coupled Fire-Atmosphere Framework. IAWF Fire Continuum Conference: Missoula, MT, May 21, 2018-May 25, 2018
Brown, T. J., Wall, T. U. (2018). The NIDIS Drought and Wildfire Nexus. IAWF Fire Continuum Conference: Missoula, MT, May 21, 2018-May 25, 2018
Mallia, D. V., Kochanski, A. K., Fearon, M. G., Brown, T. J., Mandel, J. (2018). Does wildfire smoke impact local inversions?. American Meteorological Society 12th Fire and Forest Meteorology Symposium: Boise, ID, May 15, 2018-May 17, 2018
Brown, T. J., McEvoy, D. J., Wall, T. U., Hobbins, M. (2018). Connecting Drought and Wildfire. American Meteorological Society 12th Fire and Forest Meteorology Symposium: Boise, ID, May 15, 2018-May 17, 2018
McEvoy, D. J., Brown, T. J., Huntington, J. L., Wall, T. U., VanderMolen, K.A., Hobbins, M., Svoboda, M. (2018). Update: Establishing Relationships between Drought and Wildfire Danger Indices for Improved Wildfire Risk Management. California FIRESCOPE, May 9, 2018
Brown, T. J. (2018). What would a North American drought-fire nexus look like?. 2018 North American Drought Monitor Forum: Calgary, Alberta, Canada, May 1, 2018
Brown, T. J. (2018). Climate, Weather and Smoke Tools for Prescribed Fire. Nevada Prescribed Fire Alliance: Reno, NV, April 18, 2018
Brown, T. J. (2018). Forest Fires and Climate Change in the U.S.. 3rd Annual Air Pollution and Climate Change Symposium: Fresno, CA, April 7, 2018
Brown, T. J., Harris, S., Mills, G. (2018). Victoria Fire Weather Climatology Dataset. Country Fire Authority: Victoria, Australia, March 13, 2018
Brown, T. J., Oakley, N. S. (2018). Recap of December 2017 Southern California Wildfires. California-Nevada Drought Early Warning System 2018 Southern California Winter Status Update: San Diego, CA, February 7, 2018
Brown, T. J. (2018). Climate Tools for Fire Behavior. Webinar lecture for S590 – Advanced Fire Behavior, National Advanced Fire and Resource Institute: Tucson, AZ, January 24, 2018
McEvoy, D. J., Wall, T. U., Brown, T. J., Huntington, J. L., Hobbins, M., Svoboda, M. (2018). Establishing Relationships between Drought and Wildfire Danger Indices for Improved Wildfire Risk Management. American Meteorological Society Annual Meeting: Austin, TX, January 7, 2018-January 11, 2018
Brown, T. J. (2018). Environmental and Social Factors That Led to the October 2017 Northern California Firestorm (and Then Again in Southern California in December). American Meteorological Society Annual Meeting: Austin, TX, January 7, 2018-January 11, 2018, Invited talk.
Brown, T. J. (2018). The 2017 Wildfire Season: 420,002,017th Year of Biomass Burning on Earth. American Meteorological Society Annual Meeting: Austin, TX, January 7, 2018-January 11, 2018, Invited talk.
Zou, Y., O’Neill, S. M., Larkin, N. K., Alvarado, E., Solomon, R. C., Brown, T. J. (2018). PM2.5 Source Apportionment Analysis for the 2018 Large Wildfires in California. American Geophysical Union Fall Meeting: Washington, DC, December 10, 2018-December 14, 2018
McEvoy, D. J., Hobbins, M., Brown, T. J., VanderMolen, K.A., Wall, T. U. (2018). The Evaporative Demand Drought Index: Research and Applications for Wildland Fire Management. Predictive Services Winter Meeting: Meridian, Idaho, December 4, 2018-December 6, 2018
McEvoy, D. J., Hobbins, M., Brown, T. J., VanderMolen, K.A., Wall, T. U. (2018). The Evaporative Demand Drought Index: Research and Applications for Wildland Fire Management. Advanced Fire Environment Learning Unit Fall Webinar, November 7, 2018
McEvoy, D. J., Hobbins, M., Brown, T. J., VanderMolen, K.A., Wall, T. U., Huntington, J. L., Svoboda, M. (2018). Establishing Relationships Between Drought and Wildfire Danger Indices for Improved Wildfire Risk Management. Nevada Water Resources Association Fall Symposium: Reno, Nevada, September 25, 2018-September 26, 2018
Wall, T. U., Brown, T. J., Parksinson, T., Zimmerman, T. (2018). Weather, Climate, and Wildfire: developing and implementing research for wildfire management and policy. American Geophysical Union Annual Meeting: Washington D.C., December 10, 2018-December 13, 2019
Brown, T. J. (2017). How to organize a very large coupled fire-atmosphere field experiment, Invited talk.. Monash University: Clayton, Victoria, Australia, April 7, 2017
French, N., Ottmar, R., Brown, T. J., Larkin, N., Prichard, S., Watts, A. C. (2017). Fire and Smoke Model Evaluation Experiment (FASMEE): Coordination of a Study to Improve Smoke Modeling for Fire Operations within the United States. American Geophysical Union Fall Meeting: New Orleans, LA, December 11, 2017-December 14, 2017
Brown, T. J., Wall, T. U. (2017). [Untitled presentation]. NIDIS Drought and Wildfire Nexus (NDAWN) Sub-Regional Workshop: Reno, NV, December 7, 2017
Brown, T. J., Wall, T. U. (2017). Understanding the role of past, current and future drought information in wildland fire management. 7th Association of Fire Ecology International Fire Congress, Fire Circle Workshop: Orlando, FL, November 29, 2017
Brown, T. J., Wall, T. U. (2017). [Untitled presentation]. Regional Climate Centers Strategic Goals: Kansas City, MO, November 7, 2017-November 8, 2017
Brown, T. J. (2017). DRI activity update briefing for California FIRESCOPE, November 16, 2017
Brown, T. J. (2017). NOAA West Watch Wildfire Update: 420,002,017th year of biomass burning on Earth (California Edition). NOAA West Collaboration Team Webinar, October 24, 2017
Brown, T. J., Oakley, N. S. (2017). NWS Pacific Region Climate Services: Planning for the Future. National Weather Service, Pacific Region Headquarters: Honolulu, HI, August 30, 2017-August 31, 2017
Brown, T. J. (2017). NOAA West Watch Wildfire Update: 420,002,017th year of biomass burning on Earth. NOAA West Collaboration Team Webinar, August 22, 2017
Brown, T. J. (2017). Kelly Redmond Tribute: Observations of an Extreme Climatologist. American Meteorological Society 23rd Conference on Applied Climatology: Asheville, NC, June 26, 2017-June 28, 2017
Brown, T. J., Wall, T. U. (2017). Wildfire +Drought. California-Nevada Drought Early Warning System First Annual Coordination Workshop: Reno, NV, June 21, 2017-June 22, 2017
Brown, T. J., Wall, T. U. (2017). [Untitled presentation]. NDAWN Sub-Regional Workshop: Vancouver, WA, June 1, 2017
Brown, T. J., Wall, T. U. (2017). [Untitled presentation]. NDAWN Sub-Regional Workshop: Missoula, MT, May 31, 2017
Brown, T. J., Wall, T. U. (2017). Understanding the role of past, current and future drought information in the implementation of the Cohesive Strategy. International Association of Wildland Fire National Cohesive Wildland Fire Management Strategy Workshop: Reno, NV, April 27, 2017
Brown, T. J. (2017). Climatology and Fire Danger, Lesson 7. Lecture for Advanced National Fire Danger Rating System. National Advanced Fire and Resource Institute: Tucson, AZ, March 8, 2017
Brown, T. J., Wall, T. U. (2017). Changes in Fire Extremes and Beyond Firefighter Experience. 14th International Wildland Fire Safety Summit: Barcelona, Spain, January 31, 2017
Brown, T. J. (2017). The 2016 Wildfire Season: 420,002,016th year of biomass burning on Earth. American Meteorological Society Annual Meeting: Seattle, WA, January 22, 2017-January 26, 2017
Wall, T. U., Brown, T. J., Nausler, N. (2017). Spot Weather Forecast: Improving Utilization, Communication, and Perceptions of Accuracy in Sophisticated User Groups. American Meteorological Society Annual Meeting: Seattle, WA, January 21, 2017-January 25, 2018
Brown, T. J., Fearon, M. G., McCurdy, G. D. (2016). Assessing the Quality of Wind Observations Using a Regional Scale Model. American Meteorological Society Annual Meeting. American Meteorological Society Annual Meeting: New Orleans, LA, January 12, 2016
Brown, T. J. (2016). Drought, fire and climate change. Glen Gerberg Weather and Climate Summit: Breckenridge, CO, January 19, 2016
Watts, A. C., Dickinson, M., Brown, T. J., Ottmar, R. D., Larkin, N. K., French, N., Pritchard, S. J. (2016). FASMEE (Fire and Smoke Model Evaluation Experiment) and UAS. Invited talk at the NASA/U.S. Forest Service Tactical Fire Remote Sensing Advisory Committee Spring Meeting: Mountain View, CA, May 25, 2016
Brown, T. J. (2016). A fire place for climate: The convergence of fire, smoke, and people. IAWF 2nd International Smoke Symposium: Long Beach, CA, November 14, 2016-November 17, 2016, Invited plenary talk.
Brown, T. J., Wall, T. U., Lahm, P. (2016). The nexus of drought, smoke, and societal impacts. IAWF 2nd International Smoke Symposium: Long Beach, CA, November 14, 2016-November 17, 2016
Brown, T. J., Ottmar, R., Larkin, S., French, N. (2016). FASMEE: Fire and Smoke Model Model Evaluation Experiment, Invited seminar. Invited Seminar, Washington State University: Pullman, WA, November 9, 2016
Brown, T. J., Mills, G., Harris, S., Podnar, D., Reinbold, H. J., Fearon, M. G. (2016). Utilizing hi-resolution gridded fire climate and danger data for risk assessment. Wildland Fire Canada 2016: Building Resilience: Kelowna, BC, Canada, October 24, 2016-October 28, 2016
Brown, T. J., Mills, G., Harris, S., Podnar, D., Reinbold, H. J., Fearon, M. G. (2016). Hi-resolution fire weather and climatology from dynamical downscaling. Invited seminar.. Invited Seminar, San Jose State University: San Jose, CA, September 27, 2016
Brown, T. J., Wall, T. U. (2016). Utilizing drought science and information in wildfire managment decision context. IAWF 5th International Fuels and Fire Behavior Conference: Portland, OR, April 12, 2016-April 14, 2016
Brown, T. J., Huntington, J. L., McEvoy, D. J. (2016). The spatialness of drought and fire shaped by a cloud: Monash University, Melbourne, Victoria, Australia, March 17, 2016
Brown, T. J. (2016). The 2015 Wildfire Season: 420,002,015th year of biomass burning on Earth. American Meteorological Society Annual Meeting: New Orleans, LA, January 10, 2016-January 14, 2016
Fearon, M. G., Brown, T. J. (2015). Establishing a national standard for operational mixing height determination. AMS 11th Symposium on Fire and Forest Meteorology: Minneapolis, MN, May 5, 2015
Brown, T. J., Short, K., Riley, K., Jolly, M., Freeborn, P., Nauslar, N. J. (2015). What is fire season and how long is it?. 6th International Fire Ecology and Management Congress: San Antonio, TX, November 19, 2015
Brown, T. J., Ottmar, R., Larkin, S. (2015). Fire and Smoke Model Evaluation Experiment (FASMEE). Invited webinar presentation: The Canadian Interagency Forest Fire Centre, October 28, 2015
Brown, T. J., Wall, T. U., Nauslar, N. J. (2015). Fire Extremes and the Triangle of Climate, Fuels, and People. 6th International Wildland Fire Conference: Pyeonghchang, Korea, October 13, 2015
Harris, S., Mills, G., Brown, T. J., Podnar, D., Fearon, M. G., Reinbold, H. J. (2015). Victoria fire weather climatology dataset. Proceedings of the Research Forum at the Bushfire and Natural Hazards CRC & AFAC conference: Adelaide, Australia, September 1, 2015
Brown, T. J. (2015). A Perspective on Climate, Drought, Wildfire and Resiliency. Invited presentation. Oklahoma Emergency Management/Association Annual Conference: Norman, OK, August 19, 2015
Pulwarty, R., Brown, T. J. (2015). Climate, drought and wildland fire policy. Colorado State University Wildland Fire and Smoke Workshop: Longmont, CO, August 13, 2015
Brown, T. J. (2015). Fire and Smoke Model Evaluation Experiment (FASMEE). Invited presentation. Colorado State University Wildland Fire and Smoke Workshop: Longmont, CO, August 13, 2015
Brown, T. J. (2015). Drought and Wildland Fire Policy. Invited presentation. Western States Drought Coordinators and Emergency Managers Meeting: Seattle, WA, July 21, 2015
Brown, T. J. (2015). Wildland Fire Potential Outlook 2015. Invited presentation. Western States Drought Coordinators and Emergency Managers Meeting: Seattle, WA, July 21, 2015
Watts, A. C., Fenstermaker, L.F., McGwire, K. C., Wilcox, E.M., Brown, T. J. (2015). Fire and UAS projects at the Desert Research Institute. Presentation at University of British Columbia: Okanagon, June 18, 2015
Brown, T. J., Mills, G., Harris, S., Podnar, D., Fearon, M. G., Reinbold, H. J. (2015). Hi-resolution fire weather and climatology from dynamical downscaling. ICBFR: Alhero, Italy, May 28, 2015
Brown, T. J., Mills, G., Harris, S., Podnar, D., Fearon, M. G., Reinbold, H. J. (2015). Hi-resolution fire weather and climatology from dynamical downscaling. American Meteorological Society 11th Fire and Forest Meteorology Symposium: Minneapolis, MN, May 6, 2015
Wall, T. U., Brown, T. J., Nauslar, N. J. (2015). Fire Extremes and the Triangle of Fire, Fuels, and People – Part 1. International Association of Wildland Fire Human Dimensions Conference: Boise, ID, April 20, 2015
Wall, T. U., Brown, T. J., Nauslar, N. J. (2015). Fire Extremes and the Triangle of Fire, Fuels, and People – Part 2. International Association of Wildland Fire Human Dimensions Conference: Boise, ID, April 20, 2015
Brown, T. J., Mills, G., Harris, S., Podnar, D., Fearon, M. G., Reinbold, H. J. (2015). Hi-resolution fire weather and climatology from dynamical downscaling. Seminar presentation School of Earth Atmosphere and Environment, Faculty of Science, Monash University: Clayton, Victoria, March 27, 2015
Brown, T. J., Mills, G., Harris, S., Podnar, D., Fearon, M. G., Reinbold, H. J. (2015). Finally, A 40-year mesoscale gridded fire climatology for Victoria. Project briefing for the Victoria Department of Environment and Primary Industries, April 7, 2015
Brown, T. J. (2015). Climatology and Fire Danger, Lesson 8. Lecture for Advanced National Fire Danger Rating System. National Advanced Fire and Resource Institute: Tucson, AZ, March 11, 2015
Hall, B. L., Brown, T. J. (2015). An hourly operational fire danger monitoring tool. 2015 Midwest Fire Conference: Dubuque, IA, February 17, 2015
Brown, T. J. (2015). Review of Climate Change Impacts in the West and some thoughts about managing them. Invited presentation. Western States Urban Forestry, February 4, 2015
Brown, T. J. (2015). The 2014 Wildfire Season: 420,002,014th year of biomass burning on Earth. American Meteorological Society Annual Meeting: Phoenix, AZ, January 12, 2016
Albano, C. M., Dettinger, M. D., McCarthy, M. M., Cox, D. A., Brown, T. J. (2014). ARkStorm@Tahoe: Addressing social and ecological resiliency to extreme winter storm events in the Sierra Nevadas. Ecological Society of America Annual Meeting: Sacramento, CA, August 10, 2014
Brown, T. J. (2014). U.S. and Global Wildfire Impacts in 2013. American Meteorological Society Annual Meeting: Atlanta, GA, February 4, 2014
Brown, T. J., Larkin, N., Lahm, P. (2014). How Applied Climate Fits in with the Management of Wildfire Smoke Health Impacts. American Meteorological Society 21st Conference on Applied Climatology: Westminster, CO, June 9, 2014
Brown, T. J., Wall, T. U., Nauslar, N. J. (2014). Extremes in Fire – The Intersection of Climate, Fuels and People. Wildland Fire Canada 2014: Halifax, Nova Scotia, October 7, 2014
Brown, T. J., Larkin, N., Lahm, P. (2014). The Current State and Future of Wildfire Smoke and Air Quality Modeling. American Association for Aerosol Research 33rd Annual Conference: Orlando, FL, October 20, 2014
Brown, T. J., Mills, G., Harris, H., Podnar, D., Reinbold, H. J., Fearon, M. G. (2014). A hi-resolution 40-year gridded fire weather/danger climatology for Victoria, Australia. VII International Conference on Forest Fire Research: Coimbra, Portugal, November 17, 2014
Brown, T. J., Wall, T. U., Nauslar, N. J. (2014). Extremes in Fire – The Intersection of Climate, Fuels and People. VII International Conference on Forest Fire Research: Coimbra, Portugal, November 17, 2014
Garfin, G., Wall, T. U., Haartmann, H., Brugger, J., Brown, T. J. (2014). Climate Change Adaptation Planning in the Great Basin. University of Arizona College of Agriculture & Life Sciences Poster Forum: Tucson, AZ, November 10, 2014
Mills, G., Brown, T. J., Harris, S., Podnar, D., Reinbold, H. J. (2014). Modelling the mesoscale fire weather climatology of Victoria. Australian Meteorological and Oceanographic Society National Conference: Hobart, Tasmania, Australia, February 12, 2014
Wall, T. U., Brown, T. J., Sexton, T. (2014). Extremes in Fire – The Intersection of Climate, Fuels and People. Large Wildland Fires – Social, Political and Ecological Effects Conference: Missoula, MT, May 19, 2014
Brown, T. J. (2014). Fire as a Physical Process. Invited talk. Interagency Wildfire Course RX310 lecture: Atlanta, GA, January 15, 2014
Brown, T. J. (2014). Fire Effects – A Climate Perspective. Invited talk. Interagency Wildfire Course RX310 lecture: Atlanta, GA, January 15, 2014
Brown, T. J. (2014). Seasonal forecasts and downscaling for fire climate. Invited talk. Lecture at the University of Sassari: Sassari, Sardinia, Italy, January 24, 2014
Brown, T. J., Mills, G., Harris, S., Podnar, D., Fearon, M. G., Reinbold, H. J. (2014). Fire weather climatology of Victoria. Invited talk. Project briefing for the Victoria Department of Environment and Primary Industries: Melbourne, VIC, March 24, 2014
Brown, T. J. (2014). Co-Production of Fire Knowledge – Perspectives from a western regional climate center and RISA. Invited talk. NOAA Headquarters: Silver Springs, MD, December 10, 2014
Brown, T. J. (2014). Seasonal Wildfire Outlook 2014. Invited talk. California Drought Forum: Sacramento, CA, May 15, 2014
Brown, T. J., Mills, G., Harris, S., Podnar, D., Fearon, M. G., Reinbold, H. J. (2014). Fire weather climatology of Victoria. Invited talk. Project briefing for the Victoria Country Fire Authority: Melbourne, VIC, March 25, 2014
Brown, T. J. (2014). Meteorological Data for Fire Danger Products. Invited talk. GOFC-GOLD IT: Greenbelt, MD, July 30, 2014
Brown, T. J. (2014). Wildfire and Air Quality. Invited talk. Tahoe Climate Science Symposium: Incline Village, NV, November 13, 2014
McCarthy, M. A., Kenneston, A., Wall, T. U., Brown, T. J., Redmond, K. T. (2014). Climate Resiliency Planning: Making Extreme Event Science Useful for Managers and Planners in Northern Nevada, Vol. 1, p. 4059. In 2014 AGU Fall Meeting Abstracts: San Francisco, CA, December 14, 2014
Brown, T. J. (2013). U.S. and Global Wildfire Impacts in 2012. American Meteorological Society Annual Meeting: Austin, TX, January 8, 2013
Brown, T. J., Delgado, E. (2013). Monthly to Seasonal in Support of Wildland Fire Decision-Making. American Meteorological Society Annual Meeting: Austin, TX, January 10, 2013
Brown, T. J. (2013). Adaptation to Wildfires in the West: Linking Science to Action. National Adaptation Forum: Denver, CO, March 3, 2013
Brown, T. J. (2013). Seasonal Forecasting for the Global EWS. GOFC-GOLD IT: Waginingen, The Netherlands, April 16, 2013
Brown, T. J., Delgado, E. (2013). Perspectives in Seasonal Fire Forecasting. 4th International Fire Behavior and Fuels Conference: St. Petersburg, Russia, July 1, 2013
Brown, T. J. (2013). Fire Weather and Smoke Management Forecasting in California and Nevada – The Co-Production of Science and Operations. U.C. Davis Conference on Traversing New Terrain in Meteorological Modeling, Air Quality and Dispersion: Davis, CA, September 12, 2013
Brown, T. J., Jackman, T., Achtemieier, G., Goodrick, S. (2013). Bringing PB-Piedmont to Users: Web Implementation of a Surface Drift Smoke Model. IAWF International Smoke Symposium: College Park, MD, October 23, 2013
Brown, T. J., Clements, C., Larkin, S. (2013). Results from the JFSP Smoke Model Validation Workshop. IAWF International Smoke Symposium: College Park, MD, October 24, 2013
Fearon, M. G., Brown, T. J., Curcio, G. (2013). Establishing a National Standard Methodology for Operational Mixing Height Determination. IAWF International Smoke Symposium: College Park, MD, October 22, 2013
Mills, G., Brown, T. J., Harris, S., Podnar, D., Reinbold, H. J. (2013). A 40-year mesoscale gridded fire weather climatology for Victoria. Proceedings 20th International Congress on Modelling and Simulation: Adelaide, Australia, December 1, 2013
Redmond, K. T., Brown, T. J. (2013). Overview of Climate Change and Effects on Western Great Basin. Washoe County Regional Resiliency Preparedness Study Meeting: Reno, NV, December 20, 2013
Oakley, N. S., Redmond, K. T., Wall, T. U., Brown, T. J. (2013). Current and Future Partnerships for Climate-Related Decision Making in the Great Basin. Great Basin Consortium: Boise, ID, January 13, 2013
Oakley, N. S., Redmond, K. T., Wall, T. U., Brown, T. J. (2013). Improving the Flow of Climate Information in the West. EPSCoR Annual Meeting: Las Vegas, NV, March 27, 2013
Tarnay, L., Schweizer, D., Cisneros, R., Raffuse, S., Brown, T. J., Larkin, S. (2013). Do We Always Need Dispersion Models? Empirical Airshed Capacity Values for Prescribed and Wildland Fire in the Sierra Nevada, California. IAWF International Smoke Symposium: College Park, MD, October 22, 2013
Brown, T. J., Kolden, C. (2012). Climatology Tools for Long-Term Assessment. 2012 PNW Fire Behavior Workshop: Portland, OR, January 20, 2012
Brown, T. J. (2012). Wildfires of 2011. Weather Impacts 2011. American Meteorological Society Annual Meeting,: New Orleans, LA, January 23, 2012
Brown, T. J. (2012). Climate Variability and Impacts on the West. Council of State Governments: Edmonton, Alberta, Canada, July 22, 2012
Brown, T. J. (2012). RCC Climate Services. National Weather Service Southern Region Headquarters: Ft. Worth, TX, August 13, 2012
Brown, T. J. (2012). The Climate Data Record and Climate Applications. Panel presentation, Climate Data Record Program: Asheville, NC, July 31, 2012-August 2, 2012
Brown, T. J., Delgado, E. (2012). Monthly to Seasonal Fire Forecasting in the U.S.. Wildland Fire Canada 2012: Kananaskis, Alberta, Canada, October 1, 2012
Brown, T. J., Abatzoglou, J. T., Hall, B. L., Jolly, M. (2012). Three New Fire Weather/Climate Datasets for Decision-Support and Research. 5th International Fire Ecology and Management Congress: Portland, OR, December 3, 2012
Brown, T. J. (2012). CEFA Update. FIRESCOPE Fall Meeting: Sacramento, CA, November 28, 2012
Sherman, W. R., Penick, M. A., Su, S., Brown, T. J., Harris, F. C. (2007). VRFire: an Immersive Visualization Experience for Wildfire Spread Analysis, 243-246. IEEE Virtual Reality 2007: Charlotte, NC
Brown, T. J., Banta, J. R., Hall, B. L. (2007). Predictability of sea surface temperatures for fire danger. Seventh Symposium on Fire and Forest Meteorology: Bar Harbor
Brown, T. J., Banta, J. R., Hall, B. L. (2007). Global sea surface temperatures and North American fire danger variability. American Meteorological Society Annual Meeting: San Antonio
Brown, T. J., McConnell, J. R. (2005). Climate, fire and human extremes: The merging of shaping factors for 21st century land management (27 October 2005). American Meteorological Society, Sixth Symposium on Fire & Forest Meteorology: Canmore, Canada
Hosseinpour, F. E.,
Brown, T. J. (2023).
Gridded Wind Climatology Project – Gridded hourly wind climatology products from 1985 to 2022 over CONUS,
High Plains Regional Climate Center (HPRCC)/ University of Nebraska-Lincoln,
Hosseinpour, F. E., Brown, T. J. (2023). Extending Humidity and Vegetation Condition Datasets Back in Time to Support Climate-scale Wildfire Prediction, Bipartisan Infrastructure Law (BIL), NOAA
Brown, T. J., Wall, T. U. (2021). All Things Remote Automatic Weather Station (RAWS) Summit. Western Regional Climate Center: [Virtual], January 19, 2021-January 21, 2021
Soja, A., Schimel, D., Giglio, L., Loboda, T., French, N., Dibb, J., Moore, T., McCarty, J., da Silva Jr., A., Conrad, S., Douglas, J., Kahn, R., Sohlberg, R., Pankratz, A., Swap, R., Ichoku, C., Hamilton, D., Ambrosia, V., Rodriguez-Franco, C., Stocks, B., Holden, Z., Carroll, M., Weber, K., Harbour, T., Schnase, J., Hinkley, E., Miller, M., Rollins, M., Goodrick, S., Watts, A. C., Goetz, S., Peterson, B., Ziebart, R., Barnard, B., Coen, J., Cissel, J., Brown, T. J., Wiedinmyer, C., Justice, C., Vogelman, J., Brass, J., Randerson, J., Quayle, B., Schichtel, B., Hook, S., Phillips, S., Roy, D. (2015). Prudent observations necessary to address wildland fire science and applications grand challenges: critical feedbacks with the climate system, National Academies of Science, Engineering, and Medicine’s Earth Science and Application Decadal Survey, White paper October 2015, pp. 4
Goodrick, S., Brown, T. J., Jolly, M. (2015). Weather, fuels, fire behavior, plumes and smoke – The nexus of fire meteorology, Fire Management Today