Earth and Ecosystem Sciences
The Division of Earth and Ecosystem Sciences (DEES) is one of three scientific research divisions within DRI. Since its inception in 1999, DEES has grown steadily and built a strong program of research, development, and education in the earth and ecosystem sciences. The DEES research portfolio reflects the interplay between local, state, national, and international environmental issues, the expertise of our faculty, and the availability of research funding.
The mission of DEES is to conduct high-quality basic and applied research in the life and earth sciences, particularly those dealing with the complex interactions of geological processes, organisms, biological communities, and human societies on the earth’s surface. We strive to be responsive to the scientific community through publications and service, to develop the next generation of scientists, and to help inform the general public on issues of vital environmental concern. We address our mission through multidisciplinary research and education, with a highly diverse faculty supported by graduate research assistants and technicians. DEES has approximately 80 ongoing research projects with an annual budget of approximately $14 million, primarily derived from external research sponsors. View the division fact sheet (PDF)

Our Research Areas
Archaeology & Anthropology
Architectural History
Cultural Resources Management
Data Analytics & Spatial Analysis (GIS, Remote Sensing, UAS)
Ecology, Ecohydrology, Conservation Ecology & Land Management
Quaternary Paleoecology
Microbial Sciences, Life in Extreme Environments & Biotechnology
Soil Biogeochemistry & Carbon Dynamics
STEM Education & Citizen Science
Terrain Analysis/Geomorphology/Geochronology
Traditional Ecological Knowledge & Climate Change

Our Faculty and Staff
Meet the people doing Earth & Ecosystems Science research and innovation at DRI.
Our Laboratories
Reno Campus:
Las Vegas Campus:
Our Services & Capabilities
Archeology & Anthropology
Archaeological material analysis; Archaeological photogrammetry; Geoarchaeology; Historic preservation of cultural sites; Study of ancient species; ecosystems & climates.
Architectural History
Federal rehabilitation tax credit applications; Historic context statements; Historic district surveys; Historic structure reports; National register of historic places evaluations and nominations; Secretary of the Interior’ standards compliance reports.
Cultural Resources Management
Cultural places and constructions of importance to tribes; Cultural resources inventory and recording; Early history Euro-American entry and occupation; Section 106 and 110 of the; National Historic Preservation Act Compliance Reports; Section 106 agreement documents (MOAs; PAs); Tribal consultation and engagement.
Data Analytics and Spatial Analysis (GIS; Remote Sensing; UAS)
3D point-cloud modeling; Analytics, informatics, machine learning and data visualization; Medical resources access evaluation and mapping; Species distribution modeling and habitat mapping; Unmanned aircraft systems (UAS) applications and development; Water resources and water rights mapping.
Ecology; Ecohydrology; Conservation Ecology and Land Management
Desert land restoration and management; Plant and ecosystem ecology, Rare plant ecology; Wetland identification and restoration.
Microbial Sciences; Life in Extreme Environments and Biotechnology
Astrobiology; Biogeochemistry of extreme environments; Environmental genomics and bioinformatic analysis; Microbial diversity of aquatic, cryosphere, and arid ecosystems; Microbial natural products; Microscopy and flow cytometric analysis of aquatic microorganisms; Molecular microbial ecology.
Soil Biogeochemistry and Carbon Dynamics
Ecosystem and agricultural sustainability; Ecosystem flux measurements (H2O; CH4; CO2; N2O); Wildfire ecology.
STEM Education & Citizen Science
All-ages education; Educator Professional Development Trainings; Community and citizen science engagement; K-12 STEM education; Workforce Development.
Traditional Ecological Knowledge and Climate Change
Climate resilience on native lands; Native and indigenous agriculture and food sovereignty; Sharing indigenous climate knowledge and stories; Sustaining water and natural resources on native lands.
Terrain Analysis / Geomorphology / Geochronology
Dust and aerosol characterization; Geochemical modeling; Geochronology and luminescence dating; Geoscience support for military operations; Quaternary geomorphology; Soil science and soil testing.
Our Research Partners
Federal Sponsors
Department of Energy
Department of Defense
Department of Education
Department of Interior
National Aeronautics & Space Administration
National Science Foundation
U.S. Department of Agriculture
State Sponsors
Nevada Division of Environmental Protection
Governor’s Office of Economic Development
Nevada System of Higher Education
Nevada Department of Transportation
Nevada Natural Heritage Program
Nevada Space Grant
Local Government
Clark County
Nevada Tahoe Conservation District
Southern Nevada Water Authority
Lincoln County
City of Henderson
Walker River Irrigation District
Tahoe Regional Planning Agency
Nonprofit & Private Partners
The Nature Conservancy
National Geographic Society
NV Energy
E.L. Cord Foundation
Southwest Gas
Nevada Museum of Art
ASM Affiliates
Castle Mountain Venture an Equinox Gold Group Company
Philippe Vidon, Ph.D.
Executive Director, Earth and Ecosystem Sciences
Desert Research Institute
2215 Raggio Parkway, Reno, NV 89512