Under the Sun: Stories of Heat and Humanity in a Changing World

Under the Sun: Stories of Heat and Humanity in a Changing World

Curiosity Lab logo over an image of people walking through a reddish haze.

Join us for an evening of storytelling that explores the impact of extreme heat on the human body and the communities most vulnerable to its effects. ‘Under the Sun’ will delve into the science of heat, the life-and-death risks it presents, and the stories of resilience from those who bear the greatest burden in a warming world.

Purchase tickets online! 

DRI Storyteller:
Headshot of Patrick Hurbain in a collared shirt and tie in a brightly lit hallway with plants. Patrick Hurbain, Ph.D. is an environmental epidemiologist working in the Environmental Analysis Facility at DRI. He worked as a technician at DRI between 2013 and 2019 before leaving to complete a Ph.D. at the University of Nevada, Reno. He returned to DRI as a postdoctoral researcher in September 2024. While in graduate school, Hurbain worked on a project with DRI’s Yeongkwon Son, Ph.D., examining environmental exposures in young children.

Read more about Dr. Hurbain in an exclusive interview with Behind the Science Blog.

Dr. Hurbain will tell the story of the human body under the stress of extreme heat.


Thank you to our community partner Nevada Humanities and media sponsor Nevada Public Radio.

Nevada Humanities Logo          Nevada Public Radio logo white text on a black background.

This production is not a Vegas Theatre Company event. The views expressed and other information presented are solely those of the producing entity.

Event Details: