Fall Professional Development Trainings: Solar Energy & Intro to Climate Change

Fall Professional Development Trainings: Solar Energy & Intro to Climate Change

STEM Education Program with an image of solar panels in a field.

Join us this fall for a hands-on exploration of DRI’s STEM Education Program’s newest energy-themed high school Green Boxes in our FREE educator professional development training – Solar Energy and Intro to Climate Change! Green Boxes are self-contained, NGSS-aligned, curriculum kits that provide educators with three weeks’ worth of curriculum and all supplies necessary for your classroom to conduct each activity. Gain practical insights into renewable energy solutions and equip yourself with tools to educate students on pressing environmental issues. Join us to inspire the next generation of eco-conscious leaders through innovative curriculum integration and impactful classroom discussions.

Educators who complete the session will receive a certificate of completion for up to 3 Continuing Education Hours.

Register online using our Google Form

Event Details: