STEM Professional Development Training: Intro to Hydroponics

STEM Professional Development Training: Intro to Hydroponics

STEM Education Program Logo with an image of hydroponics plants on trays.

Learn how to operate and integrate hydroponic systems into your classroom in DRI’s STEM Education Program FREE educator professional development training co-hosted by Green Our Planet! In the training, educators will gain hands-on experience germinating seeds, transplanting seedlings, mixing nutrient solution, programming lights, assembling and operating hydroponic systems, and integrating hydroponics into the classroom through STEM, conservation, health, and financial literacy lessons.

This training is open to K-12th grade Educators. Educators who attend the session will be eligible for up to 4 Continuing Education hours as well as the ability to check out IDOO hydroponic systems from DRI’s STEM Co-Lab Lending Library.

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