Meteorology Calibration Laboratory
Lab Description
DRI’s Meteorology Calibration Laboratory supports the full spectrum of operational aspects in the development and deployment of weather/climate monitoring stations. DRI faculty have extensive experience deploying monitoring stations in extreme physical environments (deserts, mountains, marine-coastal). DRI’s capabilities include: site selection, permitting, instrument procurement and testing, datalogger programming, station installation, data telemetry systems, station maintenance, data ingestion, data management, and development of web-based tools to analyze station data.

Example of a data-logging and data telemetry system at a DRI climate monitoring station deployed at Chiricahua National Monument, AZ

DRI climate monitoring station in Rodeo, NM.

Geonor all-weather precipitation gage deployed at the Southwestern Research Station, Chiricahua Mountains, AZ.
Greg McCurdy
Lab Co-Director
David Simeral, Ph.D.
Lab Co-Director
Desert Research Institute
2215 Raggio Parkway
Reno, NV 89512
Atmospheric Sciences