Welcome Families!

We are excited you are visiting the Nevada Robotics Family Resources Page. Below you will find sources that may be helpful to your family as you support your child’s STEM education learning journey.

Girls Who Code
Girls Who Code at home site has online and offline activities that all include a woman in tech who pioneered innovative technology.

STEMIE – Innovation for Inclusion in Early Education provides detailed and evidence-based resources – including demonstration videos – on how to integrate STEM learning into everyday home activities.

Pathways to STEM
Pathways to STEM Nevada helps families and students explore if STEM is the right career path. It offers information about activities and resources.
Other Resources
- The Alliance for Access to Computing Careers at the University of Washington is a great place to visit for resources about how to learn to code.
- CODE.ORG helps families begin to explore computer science by offering engaging ways to take the first steps.
- Computer Science Unplugged changes things up by sharing ideas about how children can explore the basics of computer science without using a computer.
- NASA connects community members to the work of NASA scientists by providing its site – Space to Learn.
- The NASA Jet Propulsion Lab at the California Institute of Technology helps families TAKE OFF with STEM activities that include topics from art and the sciences to math and rockets learning for kindergarten students.
- National PTA supports STEM at home activities by partnering with Bayer to provide activities that families can do with their children at home. STEM is not just for school!
- The National Science Foundation suggests seven NSF-supported STEM activities that are just right to do at home.
- PBS Reno provides hands-on resources and activities for families to enjoy with their children.
- Science Buddies is a site with STEM activities for home and school. Activity topics range from computer science to engineering, and families can search projects by grade level and topic.

Families – If you have used an amazing resource that you would like to share with Nevada Robotics, please share it with us by emailing jill.strawder-bubala@dri.edu, and we will check it out to determine if it is a source we would like to include in our resource list.