This study provides a long-term record of monthly and annual satellite-based actual crop ET and consumptive use of irrigation water, potential crop ET and irrigation water requirements, applied irrigation water, and open water evaporation estimates for all major water bodies within the Oregon hydrographic area.
Potential Hydrologic Impacts of Lithium Extraction
As the United States and other countries shift from fossil fuels to renewable energy, more lithium will need to be produced to meet the increased demand for energy storage. With 85% of the known lithium deposits in the United States, Nevada has the potential to be a key lithium producer. Lithium-containing brines, hard rock, and clay are the target geological settings for producing economical amounts of lithium. The mined lithium will be used primarily for energy storage in rechargeable batteries, which are widely used in electric vehicles and portable electronic devices.
Columbia River Basin Evapotranspiration Project
The Columbia River Basin Evapotranspiration Project is a multi-state collaboration to improve water management with easy access to satellite-based ET data and mapping tools.
Groundwater Discharge from Phreatophyte Vegetation, Humboldt River Basin, Nevada
Groundwater evapotranspiration (ETg) from phreatophyte vegetation is the primary component of natural groundwater discharge within the Humboldt River Basin. This report summarizes previous study estimates of ETg, and details methods and results of updated groundwater discharge areas, ETg rates, and ETg volume estimates developed in this study.
Groundwater Dependent Ecosystem Assessments
Project Description Groundwater supports a variety of ecosystems in Nevada and the Great Basin, including springs, rivers, lakes, meadows, and wetlands, as well as trees and shrubs that tap into groundwater through deep roots (called phreatophytes). Many of these...
Remote Sensing Estimates of Evapotranspiration from Irrigated Agriculture, Northwestern Nevada and Northeastern California
The study summarizes ET from agricultural areas in northwest Nevada and northeast California from 2001-2011 from remote sensing.
Drought Sensitivity and Trends of Riparian Vegetation in Nevada
Project Description Maintaining the ecological integrity of riparian areas and other groundwater-dependent ecosystems (GDEs) is an important objective for natural resource and water managers, given the role of these systems in sustaining biodiversity and the other...