A DRI-led team examined what happens to mountain snowpacks when sunny, midwinter dry spells occur in forests impacted by severe wildfire.
What can prehistoric ceramics of the California deserts tell us about the past?
DRI archaeologist Greg Haynes recently completed a synthetic report on the prehistoric ceramic artifacts of the Colorado and Mojave deserts.
DRI Leading $5 Million Regional Climate Adaptation Project
With $5 million from NOAA’s Climate Adaptation Partners initiative, CNAP will focus on preparing communities to address local natural hazards.
New Study on Non-Tailpipe Emissions in Southern California
In a new study, researchers take a closer look at some overlooked pollutants, known as non-tailpipe emissions.
Successful Citizen Science Weather Tracking Effort Goes National, Receives Three Additional Years of Funding From NASA
Researchers from Lynker, DRI, and UNR are partnering with community observers to track winter storms activity through Mountain Rain or Snow.
New research examines the potential impacts of climate change on water quality in tropical reservoirs
In a new study, scientists including DRI’s Erick Bandala, Ph.D., address how a warming climate alter water quality in tropical reservoirs.
Footprints Claimed as Evidence of Ice Age Humans in North America Need Better Dating, New Research Shows
Recent research claimed that preserved footprints were from the last ice age. Now, a new study disputes the evidence of such an early age.
The making of a megafire: Study explores why some wildfires grow fast and furious
The largest wildfires developed because they responded to high-wind events and preceding dryness more strongly than the other wildfires.
Heading to the mountains? The Living Snow Project needs your help
Murray, Nieminen, Collins, Christopher, and Lundin at DRI are studying snow algae as part of the Living Snow Project – a collaboration between DRI and Robin Kodner and her team at Western Washington University.
Meet Victoria Wuest, Graduate Researcher
Victoria Wuest is a graduate research assistant with the Division of Hydrologic Science at DRI in Las Vegas, mentored by Duane Moser, Ph.D.